35 Benefits of Aloe Vera Every Person Should Be Aware Of


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Aloe Vera benefits
ImageSource: www.ndtvimg.com

Alternative medicine, in this 21st century, has gained a lot of popularity over the conventional form of medicinal treatment. Now that it is out of the way, let us carry forward this article with a question, should we? When I mention Ayurveda or simply just home remedies, what is the first thing that pops up in your head? Definitely, Aloe Vera, isn’t it? The Aloe Vera benefits have successfully secured its position at the top of the throne of this kingdom of home remedy ingredients.

  1. What is Aloe Vera
  2. What are the Benefits of Aloe Vera
  3. Aloe Vera Skin Benefits
  4. Aloe Vera Hair Benefits
  5. Aloe Vera Health Benefits
  6. Aloe Vera Side Effects
  7. How to Select Aloe Vera
  8. How to Store Aloe Vera

What is Aloe Vera?

What is Aloe VeraAloe Vera is an evergreen perennial and a succulent plant species from the genus Aloe, thus the name. This plant got its origin from the Arabian Peninsula but is now found in and around a majority of the countries around the world with a tropical climate. The extraordinary uses of aloe vera is what promotes the large scale growth of the plant for the purposes of agriculture and medicinal purposes.

What Are The Benefits of Aloe Vera?

What are the benefits of Aloe Vera

ImageSource: www.bodyandbeans.com

Aloe Vera isn’t something that needs an introduction. The sea of benefits and uses of Aloe Vera are what has made a permanent residence in most people’s household. While a majority of the world population associates Aloe Vera with just the gel form, the leaves produce yet another by-product that is a lot beneficial. The latex produced from the leaves are used in a number of tasks and industry. This immortal plant, not just works wonders for your face but your hair and complete hygiene as well.

Aloe Vera Benefits For Skin

Aloe Vera benefits for skin

ImageSource: www.bodybuilding.com

The Aloe Vera gel found in the market has an amazing composition blended with several skin-friendly nutrients including glycerine, sodium derivatives, sorbitol etc. which impacts the quality and texture of the skin. The regular application provides with visible outcomes like nourishment and glowing of the skin within a record time.

1. Anti-Ageing Benefit

Anti-ageing benefit
ImageSource: www.creative-commons-images.com

Wrinkles and fine lines are an inevitable part of life. While you can’t completely arrest the onset of these signs of ageing, they can be successfully delayed with the benefits of aloe vera gel and its regular application.

What To Do?

  1. Take one tablespoon of aloe vera gel, half a tablespoon of olive oil and a full tablespoon of oats.
  2. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl together.
  3. Apply the thick paste on the face as a mask and leave it on for 20-30 minutes till its dry.
  4. Wash your face with cold water and pat dry.

How Does It Work?

The signs of aging are primarily because of the lack of hydration and moisture from the skin (R). You are more likely going to experience dry skin and lack of elasticity of the skin as you age. Aloe Vera helps in moisturizing the skin and in the removal of the dead skin cells. Not just that, research and studies have implied that the application of Aloe Vera helps in the restoration of elasticity in the skin (R).

2. Aloe Vera Reduces Acne and Scarring

Aloe Vera Reduces Acne and Scarring

Every girl, lady, and woman is well versed with the acne and the experiences it brings. One of the most sought after aloe vera benefits lies in the removal of acne and the scarring and blemishes it leaves behind.

What To Do?

  1. Mix equal quantities of aloe vera gel and lemon juice.
  2. Apply the mixture all over your face and neck and leave it on.
  3. It is best done overnight and then washed off in the morning.
  4. It is also best to ensure that you don’t leave the house during the day with the mask on.
  5. Lemon can cause tanning of the skin.

How Does It Work?

Aloe Vera is rich in gibberellins and auxins which showcase anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help in the removal of acne (R). Not just that, aloe vera is also constituted of polysaccharides which effectively stimulate the growth of new cells around the area.

3. Aloe Vera for Pimples and Dark Spots

Pimples and dark spotsAcne and pimples are like two sides of a coin. They are an inevitable part of every girl’s life once puberty hits. While you necessarily can’t put a halt to the process, you can take some precautionary steps with aloe vera that can trivialise the impact.

What To Do?

  1. For the first variant, you can freeze the aloe vera gel and massage it onto the pimples and darkened spots
  2. For the second type, mix one teaspoon of aloevera gel with a dash of lemon and apply it on the affected area or dark spots

How Does It Help?

The cooling effect from the aloe vera gel cubes helps in minimalising the breakout and ensures that it doesn’t leave any kind of severe marks. The lemon juice with the aloe vera gel effectively helps in the lightening of the dark spots on the face.

4. Aloe Vera for Boils

Aloe Vera for Boils

Aloe vera benefits in the field of dermatology is profound. It is one of the most effective home remedies for boils. It actually relieves the burn and magically quickens the process of healing at the same time.

What To Do?

  1. Apply raw aloe vera gel onto the boils and leave it on
  2. For better results, add a pinch of turmeric to the gel and then apply it

How Does It Help?

Both aloe vera and turmeric have antiseptic properties (R) which help in quick healing of the affected area of the boils. It also has a soothing and cooling effect which adds to the overall healing process.

5. Aloe Vera Good For Sunburns and Tans


One of the most common uses of aloe vera is in relieving the pain and irritation that comes with sunburns and tanning of the skin. The soothing and cooling property of aloe vera is what provides with such results.

What To Do?

  1. For the best results, it is advised to apply the aloe vera gel directly on the sunburnt area.

How Does It Help?

Aloe vera is brimmed with anti-inflammatory properties (R) which helps in healing the redness that is caused by the excess exposure to the sun and the UV rays. The application of the aloe vera gel on the skin provides with a protective layer that traps the moisture within rather than letting it escape which caters to the healing process of burn.

6. Aloe Vera Can Heal Blackheads


Aloe vera gel helps in the healing process of the blackheads and not primarily in the process of removal.

What To Do?

  1. Start off with exfoliating your blackheads prone area with a scrub
  2. Wash your face after deep exfoliation
  3. Apply a light layer of aloe vera gel on the area and massage it in

How Does It Help?

Aloe vera has a very effective medicinal property in them which helps in minimising the size of the pores and restricts the process of blackhead formation. It doesn’t happen overnight but the inclusion of this process in your daily beauty routine can show impactful results.

7.  Aloe Vera Can Soothe Chicken Pox Signs and Symptoms

Aloe Vera Can Soothe Chicken Pox Signs and Symptoms

Owing to the amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties that is lauded in aloe vera, it is a great remedy for the treatment of chicken pox scars.

What to do?

  1. Apply a generous amount of aloe vera gel on the scars and leave it on

How Does It Help?

Aloe vera has a cooling effect on the skin which is beneficial for the chicken pox scars. It also helps moisturise the skin which, in turn, relieves the itchiness that the chicken pox scars leave.

8. Cracked Heels


One of the major aloe vera benefits lies in the property of moisturization. Cracked heels are the major outcome because of lack of moisture in the foot area. Application of aloe vera helps in the healing of cracked heels effectively.

What to do?

  1. Apply a thick layer of aloe vera gel and massage it into the foot, especially the hard and rough parts

How does it help?

The Aloe vera seeps into the cracks of the cracked foot and heals the skin from within and restores the lost moisture in the area. It is necessary to follow this routine regularly to ensure visible results.

9. Aloe Vera For Dry skin


Aloe vera has such beneficial effects on the skin that many people often times replace their go to moisturiser with it. It restores the lost moisture and helps heal dry skin proactively.

What To Do?

  1. Scoop out the gel from an aloe vera leaf
  2. Apply the gel on the skin (face, hands, and legs) as much as required and massage it into the skin

How Does It Help?

Aloe Vera induces moisture into the skin and replenishes the water content in the body. This rejuvenates the skin from within and leaves the skin moist and hydrated without making it feel or appear greasy.

10. Aloe Vera Fades Away Dark Circles Under Eyes


Aloe Vera has a profound impact on not just the restoration of moisture in the skin but also in the process of lightening the skin discoloration or pigmentation, much like what happens in the dark circles. The skin soothing properties of this natural ingredient is what makes it ideal for application in the sensitive areas as well.

What To Do?

  1. Clean the area under the eyes with a cotton pad
  2. Apply a suitable amount of aloe vera pulp onto the area and massage it gently
  3. Leave it on for 15 minutes or so
  4. Wipe off the pulp with a moistened cotton ball or pad
  5. It can also be paired with potato juice or cucumber pulp for better results
  6. Repeat this process every other day without fail

How Does It Help?

Owing to the benefits of aloe vera on face, the bluish hue and discoloration gradually tames away after continuous application of the pulp. It is primarily because of the restoration of moisture in the area which ensures better blood circulation underneath.

11. Aloe Vera is a Remedy for Eczema

Aloe Vera is a Remedy for Eczema

As mentioned earlier under the benefits of aloe vera, it heals and moisturises the skin and helps it feel smooth and supple. It is an effective component used in the healing of signs of eczema. It helps restore the dry skin and soothes the irritation that it brings with it.

What To Do?

  1. Cut a lead of an aloe vera plant and scoop the gel out
  2. Apply a thick layer of the gel on the affected area on the skin
  3. Leave it on and wash away later if you feel like it hasn’t completely soaked in

How Does It Help?

Application of aloe vera on the affected areas of eczema helps in restoring the moisture from the area. It also soothes and imparts a cooling effect on the affected area of eczema.

12. Aloe Vera For Skin Whitening

For skin whitening
ImageSource: www. india.com

The ample presence of good vitamins and minerals help in the aloe vera help in not just the nourishment of the skin but the property of skin whitening is yet another benefit of aloe vera gel that makes it so favoured by the masses.

What To Do?

  1. Cut an aloe vera leaf and extract the pulp
  2. Apply the pulp onto the face and massage it gently
  3. Leave it on or wash it off with cold water and pat dry the face

How Does It Help?

The abundance of essential vitamins and minerals in the aloe vera helps in not just hydrating the skin but also works over the discolored areas on the skin. Not just that, it even aids in fading the pigmentation on the skin and decreasing the melanin secretion which, in turn, helps in the process of skin whitening.

13. Aloe Vera For Healing Burns

Aloe Vera For Healing Burns

Aloe vera has its very own soothing and cooling effect. Application of it over any kind of burn helps in not just healing the burn but also provides a very cooling effect to the painful blisters that appear after a burn.

What To Do?

  1. Clean the wound with a clean cotton
  2. Apply the raw pulp of the aloe vera or a medicated aloe vera gel directly on the burn
  3. Repeat the process a few times during the entirety of the day

How Does It Help?

The gel like consistency and the soothing effect of the Aloe Vera helps in providing a very cooling sensation to the burnt area. It also keeps the affected area hydrated so that the blood circulation in the area is not hampered.

14. Aloe Vera Heals Wounds

Aloe Vera Heals Wounds

The anti-inflammatory property of the aloe vera is what plays a crucial role in healing the external wounds.

What to do?

  1. First thing’s first, clean the would under running water and get rid of any excess dried blood
  2. Apply a generous amount of the aloe vera gel over it

How does it help?

The aloe vera helps in recovering the wound with its anti-inflammatory property. One of the other aloe vera benefits is that it soothes down the irritation and tingling that accompanies the cut or wound.

15. Aloe Vera for Stretch Marks

Aloe vera for stretch marks
ImageSource: www.medicalnewstoday.com

The healing property of aloe vera helps restore the lost elasticity of the skin which often times results in stretch marks. It is also rich in anti-inflammatory properties which contribute to the list of the benefits of aloe vera.

What to do?

  1. Either use an aloe vera enriches soap for regular bathing
  2. Otherwise, massage the aloe vera gel directly over the stretch marks

How does it help?

The lost elasticity which is caused due to ageing is often restored with the daily application of aloe vera. The benefit of aloe vera in this is very uncanny owing to the fact that it restores the moisture in the skin and combats the scarring that is left behind because of the stretch marks.

16. Aloe Vera for Healing Chapped Lips

Aloe Vera for Healing Chapped Lips

Aloe vera is known for its moisture retention property. This is what comes in handy in this specific benefit of aloe vera. It helps in hydrating the lips and making them plump and soft from chapped and rough.

What To Do?

  1. If you want a convenient way, stick to aloe vera chapsticks and apply it on regular intervals
  2. You can also directly apply the aloe vera pulp and leave it on

How Does It Help?

In regards to healing the dry lips, the aloe vera gel retains the moisture in and around the mouth which, in turn, ensures that the lips stay moist and hydrated.

Aloe Vera Benefits For Hair

Aloe Vera benefits for hair
ImageSource: www.naturalhealth-naturalbeauty.com

Much like how aloe vera has profound effects on the skin, the benefits of it are even more pronounced in hair as well. The enriching vitamins and minerals help in the growth of thick, luscious and good quality hair.

17. Aloe Vera Promotes Hair Growth

Promotes hair growthThe inclusion of aloe vera in your hair routine helps in ensuring rapid hair growth. The enriching components of the aloe vera and the vitamins and minerals help in improving the blood circulation around the scalp and nourishes it as well which helps in the growth of healthy and luscious hair.

What To Do?

  1. Apply a hair mask rich in aloe vera and leave it on and follow it up with a mild shampoo
  2. Scoop out the pulp of the aloe vera and apply it directly onto the scalp. Leave it on for 10-20 minutes and wash it off with a mild shampoo

How Does It Help?

The benefits of aloe vera in this situation promotes the healthy growth of hair. Regular usage of the aloe vera mask or even just the pulp in the raw form helps to promote hair growth.

18. Aloe Vera Removes Dandruff and Treats Dry Scalp

Removes dandruff and treats dry scalp
ImageSource: www.quoracdn.net

Dandruff is a common situational problem which is caused because of dry scalp and is often times faced by a number of people. This is one such issue that not just affects your health and hygeine but has the ability to embarrass you in front of the masses. The benefits of aloe vera maps out for the cure of this heinous hair issue as well.

What to do?

  1. You will need 2-3 tablespoons of aloe vera juice, a cup of yogurt and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  2. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and make a smooth paste
  3. Apply the mixture all over your hair and scalp and leave it on for 10-15 minutes
  4. Wash away with water and a mild shampoo

How Does It Help?

The mixture of lemon and curd helps in combating any kind of bacterial growth on the scalp owing to their acidic properties. This helps in keeping the microbial action away that is often times the primary cause of dandruff. The aloe vera in the hair mask helps in moisturising the dry scalp and keeps it hydrated which helps keep the hair grow healthy and strong.

19. Aloe Vera Maintains pH balance of Hair and Scalp

Maintains pH balance of hair and scalp
ImageSource: www.media.defense.gov

Disturbance in the pH levels in the body has profound effects, for the most part, negative. Our bodies are made to sustain in a balance of permissible pH levels which when disrupted can cause adverse effects. Such is the case with hair as well. But, don’t worry, much like every other benefits of aloe vera, there are some for the hair as well.

What to do?

  1. Cut an aloe vera leaf and scoop the pulp out
  2. Blend the pulp to make a smooth paste
  3. Apply the paste onto the scalp and massage it well
  4. Wash it off with a mild shampoo

How does it help?

Our scalp has an optimum pH of 5.5 which makes the surrounding acidic in nature. Many of the shampoos that we buy from the market tend to alter the scalp’s pH owing to the presence of surfactant in them. Aloe Vera helps in counterfeiting the alterations and keeps the pH normal for the scalp area to avoid damage to the hair.

20. Aloe Vera Helps Avoid Hair Fall

Helps avoid hair fall
ImageSource: www.shreeayurved.com

Hairfall is the primary outcome of lack of moisture and hydration in the hair. You are more likely going to lose your hair if its dry, rough and is full of split ends. Aloe vera effectively manages hair fall and makes it smoother and shinier.

What To Do?

  1. You will need 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, 1 tea spoon of castor oil and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  2. Mix all these ingredients to make a smooth paste
  3. Apply the mixture on your scalp and hair and massage it in gently
  4. Wash it off with a mild shampoo

How Does It Help?

The aloe vera gel helps in providing a soothing effect to the scalp which simultaneously keeps it hydrated and moist. The coconut oil and castor oil keeps the roots strong and promotes hair growth. This hair mask also promotes regeneration of the dead cells on the scalp and helps keep the scalp lively clean.

Aloe Vera Health Benefits

Aloe vera health benefits

Much like the long list of benefits of aloe vera for hair and skin, it doesn’t just act on the exterior functionalities of a human but helps cure internal problems and health risks as well.

21. Acidity and Acid Reflux

Acidity and acid refluxBefore we jump further into the benefits of aloe vera in curing acidity and acid reflux, let us venture into the fact that acid reflux and acidity are two completely different terminologies even if they sound similar. Acidity is the general alterations in the pH levels of the stomach due to improper indigestion. Acid reflux, on the other hand, is a phenomenon which involves a backward flow of stomach acids through the oesophageal tract.

What To Do?

  1. You can either get the raw pulp of aloe vera and extract the juice
  2. Buy the preservative free aloe vera juices available in the market
  3. Drink a glass of the fresh juice every morning before breakfast

How Does It Help?

The aloe vera has soothing properties which help in regulating the metabolism of the body (R). The heightened rate of metabolism helps in ensuring proper digestion which in turn keeps problems like acidity and acid reflux at bay.

22. Aloe Vera Treats Arthritis

For treating arthritis

Arthritis is primarily caused by the inflammation in the joints which creates friction in between them during any kind of activities. This is primarily visible in old people because of the degrading quantities of calcium from their bodies.

What to do?

  1. If you want to treat it from within, start drinking aloe vera juice regularly before breakfast every morning
  2. The application of aloe vera gel works wonders too in reducing the rigid friction between the joints

How Does It Help?

Aloe vera is rich in anti-inflammatory properties which ensures the proper treatment of the friction caused by the consistent clash between the joints. The aloe vera gel tends to be rich in plant sterols which deliver similar kind of functions that the steroid drugs would, except, they don’t impose any negative impacts on the body.

23. Aloe Vera Can Cure Back Pain

For curing back pain

Overexertion and the overwhelming rate of work often times result in leaving hunches in few parts of our body, back pain being the most repository issue. Inflammation in the joints or even a sudden crunch due to sleeping in a weird position can make you succumb to the pain. If you are not a big fan of pain medicines and the long lasting side effects they bring along with them, it is time to switch to the mother of natural healing, Aloe Vera.

What To Do?

  1. Drink a cup of aloe vera juice every morning in an empty stomach
  2. For in the moment relief, apply a generous amount of aloe vera gel in the affected area on the back

How Does It Help?

This specific benefit of aloe vera highlights its specific anti-inflammatory property. Many people often times tend to confuse the difference between anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It is necessary to know for a fact that aloe vera is not going to provide with an instantaneous relief for back pain, rather, it induces the effects on a long term basis. It provides with a soothing feeling on the application but is is not analgesic in nature like the normal pain relieving balms, so, it won’t provide with instant pain relief.

24. For Breast Cancer Treatment

For breast cancer treatment

According to recent researches, expert deduce that 2 out of 5 women are on the lookout of developing breast cancer. The cytotoxic potential of development of a toxic mass in the periphery of the mammary glands is ricocheting in an alarming rate. Aloe vera, which is known around for its extensive health benefits, is one of the possible cures for breast cancer. Although there has been no concrete say to back the claim, there are still research going on which is indicating towards a positive possibility.

What To Do?

  1. Start the intake of aloe vera pulp in its raw form every morning on a regular basis
  2. Consult a specialist if symptoms are more likely pointing towards a red alert
  3. Get the breast cancer vaccine without fail

How Does It Help?

According to the report of cancer.net, it is most likely that over 40,000 women die because of breast cancer in the United States of America only. Can you even stop to imagine the rate of death that tolls around the entire world? Probably in millions, right? Aloe vera for breast cancer is still in its questionable stance because researches are still being done.

25. Aloe Vera Reduce Body Heat

For reducing body heat

Did you know that taking an ice cold bath to combat the body heat often results in the induction of heat strokes? Our body works in a planned manner and it is necessary to understand for a fact that overdoing anything might end up inflicting a completely opposite outcome. This is why many doctors suggest the application of aloe vera gel for reducing the body heat.

What to do?

  1. Apply a good amount of aloe vera gel all over the body and leave it on for 10-15 minutes
  2. Wash off the remnants with a cold shower following that

How Does It Help?

The application of aloe vera gel before taking a shower helps in lowering the temperature of the body and adjusting it further for a cold shower. It creates a sort of barrier so that the drastically altered temperature between the water and the body doesn’t propagate the body to go into a shock. Make sure to apply the gel and leave it on for a substantial amount of time before taking a shower to cool yourself off.

26. For Relieving Constipation

For relieving constipation
ImageSource: www.consumerhealthdigest.com

Constipation can be a really troubling issue for one’s health. Not having regular bowel movements enhances the possibilities of retention of the toxic materials which is definitely harmful to health in the long haul. Aloe vera juice has laxative properties which helps in regulating the bowel movements.

What to do?

  1. Mix two tablespoons of aloe vera pulp to your favorite shake or smoothie
  2. If its a store bought aloe vera juice, consume 1-2 tablespoons of it every day

How Does It Help?

Aloe vera has its own laxative properties which help with conditions like that of constipation. This is what aids in regulating the metabolism which induces regular bowel movements. This ensures that you excrete the unwanted toxins on a regular scale without any unnecessary retention and uneasiness due to the same.

27. For Regulation of Blood Pressure

For regulation of blood pressure

Blood pressure is one of the primary components that helps maintain the homeostasis in a human body. Any kind of alteration in the levels from normal affects the overall well being of a person. Aloe vera has a very positive effect on aiding with lowering of the blood pressure in case the levels spike up for no particular reason. Aloe vera benefits the health in bringing the pressure back to normal.

What To Do?

  1. Doctors suggest mixing one teaspoon of aloe vera pulp and mixing it with any fruit juice for consumption
  2. Drink this twice or thrice a day

How does it help?

Aloe vera is rich in Vitamin C which helps in dilating the capillaries and other necessary blood vessels around the body in scenarios of heightened blood pressure (R). The dilated capillaries promote better flow of the body to every part of the body, which, in turn gradually lowers the blood pressure back to normal.

28. For Treating Cold and Cough

For treating cold and cough
ImageSource: www.healtholino.com

Cold and coughs are a common disease experienced throughout the year. Would it help you if you could avoid the possibility of catching one with the consumption just one single ingredient? It would, wouldn’t it? Aloe vera for treating cold and coughs have been a very common yet effective natural remedy.

What to do?

  1. Daily intake of 1-2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice empty stomach in the morning
  2. Blend in two heaped tablespoons of aloe vera pulp with your favourite fruit shake

How Does It Help?

Aloe vera benefits range from its anti-inflammatory to its laxative properties. In this specific regard, it helps in getting rid of the cold and cough with its anti-inflammatory properties. It doesn’t impose any kind of negative impacts on one’s health which is why it is even safe for consumption for the kids and old people.

29. For Possible Treatment of Diabetes

For possible treatment of diabetes

Alternative form of medicine is on the rise with the passing days and the same has been showing an emphasising impact on the treatment of diabetes as well. Scientists have been working on the possible inclusion of aloe vera for the treatment of diabetes which definitely adds to the long list of benefits of aloe vera.

What To Do?

  1. Daily intake of half cup aloe vera juice in empty stomach every morning

How does it help?

Studies conducted on several diabetic and pre-diabetic patients have indicated that aloe vera contributes to the lowering of glucose levels in the body. The researchers are still deducing the path of action but it looks like aloe vera contains certain good components that contribute to the maintenance of glucose levels for the diabetic patients.

30. Aloe Vera Enhance the Process of Digestion

For enhancing the process of digestion

Regulated digestion is the building block of a healthy lifestyle. Any kind of disruption in the same results in vigorously affecting the overall well being of an individual. Aloe Vera has a number of properties that help contribute to the overall well being of the GI tract.

What to do?

  1. Consumption of 1-2 tablespoons of a raw aloe vera juice empty stomach in the morning regularly

How Does It Help?

Aloe vera is rich in its anti-inflammatory and laxative properties which is what helps in the process of digestion in the body. It enhances the rate of metabolism which, in turn, helps in proper digestion of the ingested food and the timely excretion of the toxins from the body.

31. Aloe Vera Is Effective For Weight Loss

For effective weight loss

Aloe vera has a vivid connection with regards to weight loss. People have time and time correlated this natural ingredient in order to lose those extra layers of fat and the depressing extra inches. It effectively aids in cutting down the extra fat in the body which is what promotes the loss of weight without imposing any kind of negative side-effects on the body.

What To Do?

  1. The combination of aloe vera with lemon juice and consuming it after breakfast helps in cleansing the body. It should be kept in mind that you shouldn’t eat or drink anything for an hour after the consumption of the juice.
  2. Blend your favorite fruits and add two tablespoons of aloe vera pulp into it
  3. Combination of aloe vera juice, pineapple and cucumber promotes weight loss
  4. Consume aloe and ginger tea twice or thrice throughout the day

How Does It Help?

Aloe vera is a natural detoxifying agent which helps in getting rid of the unwanted toxins from the body. This promotes the regular cycle of metabolism which is exactly what you want for weight loss. The list of benefits of aloe vera also includes cutting down the excess of the fat from the body. This restricts the accumulation of any excess fat in the body which is exactly what helps in one losing their undesired weight.

32. For Longer Eyelashes

For longer eyelashesAccentuated eyelash is definitely something that every girl wishes for. Who wouldn’t want to have flirty eyelashes and that too in a natural way, isn’t it? The benefits of aloe vera extends in this regard as well. Aloe vera provenly helps in the extension of the lashes and that too overnight.

What to do?

  1. Coat your eyelashes with a good quality aloe vera gel before going to sleep at night
  2. You can even use a clean mascara wand for better and easier application
  3. Repeat this process every single night for better results
  4. Precaution though, make sure to patch test it on your skin before proceeding with the application on the eyelashes

How Does It Help?

Aloe Vera gel helps in moisturising and conditioning the brittle eyelashes. This is what helps maintain the strength and longevity of the eyelashes that further promotes their rapid growth into thicker and dense eyelashes.

33. Reduces Inflammation

Reduces inflammation
ImageSource: www.upload.wikimedia.org

Skin inflammation can occur due to several reasons, infection, allergies or even simply because of getting hurt due to exterior reasons. Aloe vera has an impending effect on healing inflammation because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

What To Do?

  • Apply a good amount of aloe vera gel over the affected area
  • Repeat the process multiple times throughout the day

How Does It Help?

Aloe vera is rich in anti-inflammatory properties which helps in relieving any signs of inflammation. It also ensures to replenish the hydration around the affected area which promotes enhanced circulation of the blood that aids in helps in settling the inflammation down.

34. Aloe Vera Boosts Immune System

Boosts immune system

An immune system is one of the most vulnerable yet strongest systems in a human body. There are a number of instances and issues that can adversely affect the well being of one’s immunity. One of the most sough after aloe vera benefits lies in the strengthening of the immune system.

What To Do?

  • Consume aloe vera pulp blended with any kind of juice every morning
  • Drinking half a cup of raw aloe vera juice for impactful results

How Does It Help?

Aloe vera has a number of useful enzymes which help in breaking down the protein particles in the ingested food to amino acids. This further promotes the activation of the enzymes which acts as a fuel for every cell in and around the body. Moreover, aloe vera also consists of bradykinase (R) that helps in stimulating the immune system and destructing the infections caused by any kind of microbial infestations.

35. As a Cure For Hemorrhoids

As a cure for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a very painful situation for people. The extended growth of the muscle near the anal region acts as an obstruction for the bowel movements, not to mention, that the situations are way worse than painful when the same finally happens. Aloe vera is a great cure for treating a disease such as hemorrhoids.

What to do?

  1. For treating external hemorrhoids, directly apply aloe vera gel to soothe and lessen the pain
  2. For treating internal hemorrhoids, cut a leaf of aloe and freeze the same. You can later apply them onto the affected area to provide with some relief

How Does It Help?

Aloe vera has an anti-inflammatory as well as soothing property which works in favour when it comes to treating hemorrhoids. The therapeutic properties of aloe provide a soothing and cooling effect to the tear that happens in the anal region for the patients suffering from hemorrhoids.

Side Effects of Aloe Vera

Side effects of aloe vera
ImageSource: www.livinghours.com

Doing something “too much” has its own side-effects. While the application and consumption of aloe vera can effectively promise better health and well being, the same can completely turn tables if the amounts are extended or meddled with.

1. Fatal for Pregnancies

  • It is alarmingly important to understand that aloe vera hampers the hormonal balance during pregnancies. This is the reason why it is best suggested to avoid intake of aloe vera, in every shape and form, if you are pregnant. Aloe vera often contributes to miscarriages and while the exterior application doesn’t have any negative impacts, direct consumption can.
  • It is also best to avoid aloe vera if you are lactating and breastfeeding your child.

2. Diabetes

As much as aloe vera contributes to curing diabetes, the same can have reversed effects if your glucose levels aren’t abnormal and in the correct range. Aloe vera has a property of decreasing the glucose levels in the body and while this is a boon for the diabetic patients, it is not one for the people with normal glucose levels.

3. Kidney Issues

While the benefits of aloe vera disperses around other organs of the body in a positive manner, the same can’t be said for the kidneys. Research and studies have claimed that the intake of aloe vera can result in fatal outcomes for people suffering with kidney issues. The aloe latex often contributes to kidney failure and even more issues related to one of the primary excretory organ of the body.

4. Skin Allergies

Application of any kind of foreign particle for the first time should always be patch tested first. There might be situations of skin allergies arising due to persistent application of aloe vera gel for a continuous period of time.

5. Electrolyte Imbalance

Yet another side effect of aloe vera lies in the electrolyte imbalance. It has been suggested by many experts that it is often because of the laxative property of aloe vera. Doctors always suggest for people suffering from dehydration to stay away from aloe vera and avoid consuming it because it tends to lower the potassium levels in the body.

How To Select Aloe Vera?

How to select aloe vera

Selecting the best aloe vera in the lot needs attention to a few details. You can’t just up and cut any leaf and consume the pulp or use it for other medicinal properties. There are a few criteria that need to be kept in mind while harvesting an aloe vera leaf.

  • Long and wider leaf
  • Round and fat
  • Lack of blemishes or tears
  • Clean and healthy all throughout

How To Store Aloe Vera?

How to store aloe vera

Storing the excess aloe vera leaf or just the pulp is not something one needs to fret about. The leaves can either be frozen and kept inside the fridge and used on regular intervals whenever required. If you have scooped all the pulp out and there are an excessive amount of pulp left, just store them in a jar and keep them in the fridge. The only thing one needs to make sure is that they are kept in a cold environment and not in exposure to direct sunlight because that may have adverse effects on the leaf or pulp, thereby degrading it.

For many people who often times end up asking, “Does the aloe vera gel expire?”. The answer to this question is yes, it does expire. Once the gel is extracted from the leaf, it should either be used up immediately on a store in the fridge where it stays okay for around 10 days.