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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersAre you tired of spending money on expensive beauty parlor packages? Frustrated with trying countless beauty hacks at home with little to no success? Chances are you haven’t yet discovered the wonders of baking soda for your skin.
Yes, the humble kitchen ingredient—baking soda—widely used for cooking and cleaning is also a fantastic ally for your health and beauty needs.
Baking soda can be considered a magical, multi-tasking ingredient that benefits your skin in numerous ways. Curious to know how? Read on to discover the unexpected beauty benefits of baking soda and explore various ways to use it for your face and skin.
What Is Baking Soda?

Do not confuse baking soda with baking powder. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), is a common cooking agent typically added to baked goods to help them rise. This versatile ingredient is not only useful in the kitchen but also for a variety of beauty hacks.
Beauty Benefits of Baking Soda
Here, we list the top beauty benefits of baking soda.
1. Face Pack
Baking soda can be used as an exfoliant to remove dry skin from your face. It can also serve as a scrub to remove odor and dirt from your hands. When mixed with warm water, it acts as a natural scrubbing agent, leaving the hands clean and soft.
How to Use:
- Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with half a cup of water in a container.
- Apply and gently rub the mixture onto your face in a circular motion.
- Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse off.
2. Acne

How to Use for Acne Treatment:
- Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with half a cup of water in a container to form a fine, gritty paste.
- Apply the paste to the acne-affected areas of your skin.
- Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse off.
Alternatively, for a Detox Bath Soak for Acne on the Chest and Back:
- Prepare warm bathwater and sprinkle half a cup of baking soda into it.
- Stir to combine.
- Soak in the bath for 20 minutes to help detoxify and soothe acne-prone areas.
- Following the tub bath soak, rinse off under the shower.
Also, Read: Is Your Diet Causing Acne? 10 Foods to Cut Back On

Does It Work:
Acne is often caused by skin pH imbalances. Baking soda is amphoteric, meaning it can help neutralize these imbalances, making it an effective treatment for acne. The baking soda paste also acts as an exfoliant, removing dirt, oil, and dead skin cells.
3. Acne Scars
Acne affects the chest, face, and back, often resulting in uncomfortable scarring. Baking soda can help reduce the appearance of these scars.
How to Use:
- Mix 1 cup of water with half a cup of baking soda to form a thick paste.
- Adjust the consistency by adding more water or baking soda as needed. The paste should be thick enough to pinch between your fingers.
- Apply the paste to the acne scars.
- Leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse off with clean water.
4. Blackheads
Baking soda can help minimize blackheads and prevent breakouts on the face, hands, back, chest, and other acne-prone body areas.
How to Use:
- Create a paste by mixing water and baking soda.
- Splash your face with warm water or use a clean cloth dipped in warm water to open the pores.
- Apply the baking soda paste to your face, focusing on areas with blackheads.
- Gently massage the T-zone area to help loosen the skin and exfoliate.
- Leave the paste on for a few minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water.
- Finally, splash your face with lukewarm water and tone it using a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water (equal parts).
Also, Read Blackheads – Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention
5. Blemishes or Dark Spots
Baking soda works wonders in removing dark spots, acne marks, and blemishes. It sloughs off dead skin cells, which helps lighten the skin. When combined with lemon juice, it helps fade scars due to their natural bleaching properties.
How to Use:
- Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with water or lemon juice to form a fine paste.
- Wash your skin and leave it slightly damp.
- Gently massage the mixture onto the affected areas and leave it on for a couple of minutes.
- Rinse off with lukewarm water and moisturize your skin.
- Repeat this procedure twice a week for best results.
6. Pimples and Pimple Marks
Baking soda helps remove excess oil from oily skin, which can help dry out the skin and reduce the chances of blackheads and breakouts. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties also help reduce the size of pimples.
How to Use:
- Mix 2 tablespoons of water with 2 tablespoons of baking soda to create a smooth paste.
- Cleanse and dry your face thoroughly.
- Apply the freshly made baking soda paste to the pimples.
- You may feel a slight sting if the pores are open.
- Leave the paste on the pimples for 15 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water.
- Apply moisturizer to your face after removing the paste.
Note: Do not leave the paste on too long, as it may cause the skin to dry out.
Also, Read: 5 Home Remedies for Acne and Pimple

7. Skin Pores
Baking soda has mild antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which help prevent future breakouts and constrict pores. It works as a natural astringent for the skin.
How to Use:
- Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water.
- Massage the paste onto your skin for about 30 seconds.
- Rinse off with clean water and pat dry.
- Repeat twice a week for optimal results.
8. Dark Neck
As mentioned earlier, baking soda acts as a natural exfoliant that cleanses the skin and helps gradually remove discolored patches. It is effective in treating hyperpigmentation.
How to Use:
- Mix 1 part water with 3 parts baking soda to form a thick paste.
- Apply the paste to the skin on your neck and allow it to dry for a few minutes.
- Rinse off with water.
- Repeat twice a week to help remove dark spots from the neck.
You can also use baking soda to lighten dark spots on your knees and elbows.
9. Itchy Skin
Itchy skin can be irritating, but baking soda can help relieve itching to some extent.
How to Use:
- For a tub bath soak, add 1 cup of baking soda to a warm tub and soak for 30 minutes.
- Afterward, get under the shower and gently pat your skin dry.
For Localized Itching:
- Make a paste using baking soda and water.
- Apply the paste to the affected area for relief.
Also, Read: Runner’s Itch: Causes and Easy Remedies to Relieve It
10. Oily Skin
Oily skin can be troublesome, especially during warmer weather. Baking soda may help improve the condition of oily skin.
How to Use:
- Make a paste by mixing equal amounts of baking soda and water.
- Apply the paste to your oily face, leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse off.
- The baking soda works by neutralizing the pH of the skin, helping to reduce excess oil.
11. Skin Rashes
The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of baking soda help alleviate skin rashes. It works by drying out the skin with its alkaline properties, which can also reduce swelling and soothe rashes.
How to Use:
- Mix equal parts of baking soda and coconut oil to form a paste. Coconut oil, known for its soothing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, helps cool the skin.
- Apply the paste to the affected area and leave it on for about 5 minutes.
- Repeat twice a week to experience the relaxing and soothing effects.
12. Moles
Moles on the skin can be troublesome, but baking soda may help treat them. When mixed with liquids like water, baking soda acts as a caustic solution. It works by reacting with the skin tissue of the mole, dehydrating it, and acting as a bleaching agent.
How to Use:
- Mix baking soda with water to form a paste.
- Apply the paste directly to the moles and leave it on for a few minutes before washing off.
- Initially, the moles may appear darker, but over time, they should begin to fade in appearance.
- Positive results may start to show after a few weeks.
Alternatively, you can mix baking soda with Vitamin E oil or apple cider vinegar. These combinations work well for treating flat moles.
Also, Read: How to Identify Cancerous Moles: Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore
13. Chapped Lips
Chapped lips are a common problem during dry, cold weather. A baking soda scrub can help slough off dead skin cells, improving the condition of chapped lips. It also acts as a natural bleaching agent, lightening your lip color.
How to Use:
- Make a paste by mixing equal amounts of baking soda and water.
- Apply the paste to your chapped lips using clean fingers.
- Gently massage the paste into your lips and leave it on for a few minutes.
- Wipe off the paste with a damp cloth.
- Moisturize your lips afterward to regain lost moisture.
14. Face Tan
Baking soda’s amazing properties also help reduce face tan.
How to Use:
- Mix equal amounts of water and baking soda, and add a little lemon juice.
- Clean your face and apply the paste as a mask.
- Leave the mask on for 10 minutes, then wash it off with clean water.
- Follow up by applying a moisturizer to your skin.
15. Facial Hair
Unwanted facial hair can be troublesome. Cams or shaving may irritate the skin, but baking soda, when used with other natural ingredients like melted sugar, lemon juice, and honey, can act as an age-old remedy.
How to Use:
- Wash your face with a gentle cleanser to remove oil and dirt.
- Make a paste by mixing 4 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of water.
- Apply the paste to areas with facial hair using a clean, damp cloth, massaging in circular motions.
- Leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water.
- In a small bowl, mix 1 cup of sugar, half a lemon juice, and ¼ cup of honey.
- Heat the mixture for 1 minute in the microwave or on low flame on the stove, stirring intermittently to prevent burning.
- While the mixture cools to room temperature, pat your face dry with a clean towel.
- Apply the cooled sugar wax to the facial hair using a clean popsicle stick or spatula.
- Press a dry, clean cloth firmly over the sugar wax. Hold your skin taut with one hand and pull the cloth strip away with the other hand, in the opposite direction of hair growth.
- After removing the unwanted facial hair, wipe the skin with a damp cloth.
Note: Do not use this method on sensitive skin.
Also, Read 30 Easy And Effective Facial Hair Removal Hacks for a Smoother Skin

16. Face Whitening and Skin Fairness
For ages, baking soda has been used as a face whitener and to improve skin fairness. It can work as a wonderful face mask and may gradually whiten the skin (though it may take weeks for visible results).
How to Use:
- Cleanse and dry your face with clean water.
- Apply the baking soda mask (equal mixture of baking soda and water) to your face.
- Leave the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- Your skin may appear red immediately, but this redness will fade over time.
17. Face Ingrown Hair
Ingrown hairs occur when the hair ends get trapped underneath the skin, often leading to pus formation and infection. It is essential to remove ingrown hairs gently, and baking soda can help by exfoliating and removing the dead skin around the hair.
How to Use:
- Combine 1 teaspoon of water with 1 tablespoon baking soda to create a paste.
- Apply the paste to the affected area where ingrown hairs are present.
- Gently massage the paste in circular motions around the affected area with clean fingers.
- After a couple of minutes, rinse off the skin with water.
18. Burns
Baking soda is a popular home remedy for burns, including sunburns. It works by removing heat from the affected area and providing a cooling effect. However, it’s advisable to consult a doctor for severe burns before trying home remedies.
Similarly, baking soda can help soothe sun-damaged skin, including areas with boils on the face that may even be itchy.
How to Use:
- Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water.
- Apply the paste to the affected area.
- Gently rinse off after a few minutes.
19. Baking for Makeup Removal and as Face Wash
Baking soda also helps remove makeup effectively.
How to use:
- Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of distilled water in a small bowl.
- Wash your face and remove makeup.
- Apply the mixture to the complex or problematic areas, leave for 3 minutes, and then rinse off.
Note: Ensure not to allow the mixture to get into your eyes.
20. Hair Cleanser
Baking soda mixed with shampoo is a great way to remove oil and dirt from the hair. It also helps clear the residue left by hair products.
How to Use:
- Add a teaspoon of baking soda to your shampoo.
- Rub the mixture onto your scalp and wash your hair with it.
- Rinse off with lukewarm water.
Baking soda can be a natural ingredient that benefits both skin and beauty care. However, certain precautions should be taken when using baking soda or any other ingredient on the skin. Check below for the precautions to follow while using baking soda on the skin.
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Precautions While Using Baking Soda for Skin
It is essential to be cautious and observe any skin reactions when applying ingredients on the skin, including baking soda, to avoid further complications. Baking soda may cause dryness, irritation, and redness, especially on sensitive skin.
How to Test:
- Test the baking soda on a small skin patch before applying it to your face or any other area.
- If irritation occurs, discontinue use immediately and consult a doctor if the irritation persists.
Additional Precautions:
- Avoid using baking soda regularly on the skin, as it can cause long-term damage by disrupting the skin’s pH balance and promoting bacterial growth.
- It’s best not to use baking soda for skin care more than twice a week.
- If precautions aren’t followed, it may lead to side effects. Keep reading to learn more about the side effects of baking soda on the face and skin.
Side Effects of Using Baking Soda On The Skin
It is essential to be cautious when using baking soda as a beauty agent. Below are some common side effects of using baking soda on the face and skin.
One of the most common side effects of baking soda on the face is irritation, particularly for individuals with sensitive skin. In some cases, it can cause rashes, a burning sensation, and redness, especially for those who use baking soda regularly as a natural deodorant.
Although baking soda is a natural exfoliant that helps tone the skin, over-exfoliation can lead to skin problems. Excessive exfoliation can result in breakouts, redness, burning sensations, and dry skin.
The American Academy of Dermatology recommends allowing your skin time to rest between exfoliation treatments, especially for sensitive skin, to prevent irritation. Regular use of baking soda for exfoliation is not recommended.
Baking soda offers numerous beauty benefits and can be used in various ways to maintain skin and face health. Have you ever tried baking soda for your skin? Did any of these magical baking soda remedies work for you? Have you experienced any side effects when using it on your skin? Share your experiences with other readers.
Is baking soda good for dry skin?
A. Baking soda can be tricky when used on dry skin because healthy skin is slightly acidic by nature. The acid mantle of the skin acts as a protective barrier, helping to maintain overall skin health.
However, washing the skin with baking soda can disrupt this protective barrier by altering its pH. This imbalance may kill the natural skin bacteria, making the skin more prone to infections. The effect is even more pronounced on dry skin, which may become drier due to the alkaline properties of baking soda.
It’s important to be cautious when using baking soda on dry skin to avoid causing further dryness or damage.
How long does it take for baking soda to whiten skin?
A. Baking soda works as an excellent face mask due to its exfoliating properties. However, the results may show gradually with regular use. It may take about 3 to 4 weeks of consistent application for the skin to begin showing signs of lightening when using baking soda.
Jan 2018Written by Sumana Maheswari
Feb 2025Edited by Lakshmi Gayatri
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