16 Soothing Remedies To Heal A Burn Fast At Home


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Heal A Burn Fast
ImageSource: www.hellosehat.com

Splattered some hot oil on your hands while cooking?

Quite a very common scenario, isn’t it?

It definitely is quite common to accidentally burn yourself on several occasions. But, whatever the situation be – mild or severe, the inflicted pain is just as bad. In order to heal a burn fast, you need to be aware of the remedies that come in handy.

Burn treatment at home is best when the condition is mild but if the same is severe, it is necessary to consult a doctor for further assistance.

In this article, we are going to be discussing the common remedies to heal burns. Majority of these remedies are lying here and there in your house, so buckle up and happy reading!

How to Get Rid of Burns at Home:

  1. Aloe Vera
  2. Coconut Oil
  3. Toothpaste
  4. Apple Cider Vinegar
  5. Butter
  6. Colloidal Silver
  7. Egg White
  8. Epsom Salt
  9. Cold Water
  10. Raw Potato
  11. Onions
  12. Turmeric
  13. Mustard
  14. Milk
  15. Tea Bags
  16. Vitamins

Home Remedies for Burns

Home remedies for burns
ImageSource: www.homenaturalcures.com

Yet again, these enlisted remedies are for mild burns that can be easily cured in the comfort of one’s home but if the burn is severe and something out of the prospect of home treatments, it is beneficial that one consults a doctor for the same because often times, the same can take a completely different turn and impact your health in a way you could never expect it to.

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Check Out How to Soothe Your Burns With These Remedies

1. Aloe Vera to Heal a Burn Fast

Aloe Vera to HealAloe Vera gel and the pulp inside are considered as the best thing for burns. The effective soothing and cooling properties of aloe vera is what helps in treating the burn. Not just that, it also possesses beneficial skin healing properties and has anti-inflammatory (R) properties which have positive impacts in the burn treatment.

Even studies (R) have proved aloe vera as a potent remedy to treat burns at home.

What To Do?

There are two ways one can treat their burns with aloe vera.

Process 1
  1. Cut an aloe vera leaf and scoop the pulp out
  2. Mix it in a small bowl and add some soothing essential oil to it
  3. Make sure everything is mixed properly
  4. Apply this on the burn in a light and think layer
  5. Leave it on

How Often?

  • 2-3 times daily till the burn heals completely
Process 2
  1. Cut an aloe vera leaf and scoop out the pulp
  2. In an ice tray, fill the same with the aloe vera pulp juice
  3. Freeze them till they become solid
  4. Take one cube of the aloe vera ice and place it over the burn

How Often?

  • 2-3 times or more throughout the day

2. Coconut Oil to Heal Burn Fast

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil has a multifaceted approach in the treatment for burns at home. Not only does its moisturizing properties inflict beneficial impacts on the overall skin healing (R) but there are other factors which contribute to the healing process.

It has beneficial analgesic and anti-inflammatory (R) properties which is very beneficial in soothing the pain and bringing down the inflammation. The tocopherols (Vitamin E) in the coconut oil are what impose these benefits in the treatment.

Not just that, even the polyphenols and the antioxidant (R) properties of the oil helps in steady and amazing healing of the skin. The penetrating property of the coconut oil is yet another factor that speeds up the recovery process.

What To Do?

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil in a bowl
  2. To it, add a few drops of lavender or tea tree oil
  3. Mix everything properly
  4. With a clean cotton swab, apply the oil mixture on the burn and gently massage it into the skin
  5. Leave it on till everything has soaked into the skin
  6. Wash it off 15-20 minutes later
  7. Alternatively, make sure that you wash the burn under running cold water before applying the oil

How Often?

  • Multiple times throughout the day

3. Toothpaste to Heal a Burn fast

ToothpasteNow, before proceeding any further, it is necessary to know for a fact that the usage of toothpaste for the treatment for burns at home is a folk tale that doesn’t necessarily have any possible scientific evidence to back the claims.

That being said, people still tend to stick to using this remedy because of the “possible results” but researchers and experts (R) have strictly suggested steering clear off of toothpaste for the treatment of burns because the same can actually end up aggravating the situation and cause further deterioration of the burn and the skin instead of healing it.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar to Heal a Burn Fast

Apple Cider Vinegar
ImageSource: www.blog.bulletproof.com

The concept of usage of apple cider vinegar as a home remedy for skin burn might actually seem very controversial, but it does work. The acetic acid component in it is what possesses mild aspirin like properties which help in getting rid of the inflicted pain, itching, inflammation (R) as well as the irritation.

That being said, it is very beneficial to ensure that one should dilute down the acid to make sure that it doesn’t end up projecting negative impacts on the burn.

What To Do?

There are three different methods to using apple cider vinegar for the treatment of burns.

Process 1
  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water
  2. Add this solution to a spray bottle
  3. Spray this over the burnt area on the skin
  4. Leave it on till it completely seeped into the skin
  5. Wash the remnants under running cold water

How Often?

  • 2-3 times daily till the burn heals
Process 2
  1. In a bowl, add 2 cups of water (preferably cold) and mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to it
  2. Soak a clean muslin cloth in it
  3. Wring out the excess water from the cloth
  4. Pat the area of the burn with the soaked cloth
  5. Repeat this quite a few times

How Often?

  • Multiple times throughout the day

Process 3

  1. Fill your bathtub with water
  2. Add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar to the tub
  3. Soak yourself in it, dipping your burnt area of the skin in the water
  4. Soak in it for 10-15 minutes
  5. Make sure to shower later to get off the stench and remnants of the vinegar from the skin

How Often?

  • 2-3 times weekly

5. Butter to Heal a Burn Fast

ButterMuch like the remedy with toothpaste, even the usage of butter as one of the remedies to heal burns is an old folk tale which doesn’t have significant and concrete evidence to solidify the claims. Butter does worse for the burn than good.

The concept of using something greasy might actually seem a plausible option for the process of skin healing, but the effects of butter tend to be quite different. Application of butter might end up clogging the area of the burnt skin, thereby prohibiting the easy escape of the heat from the skin which is beneficial for the healing process.

That being said, you can use unsalted butter once the burn has healed completely to heal the skin and nourish the area. But using butter for the treatment of the actual burn is a big no.

6. Colloidal Silver to Heal a Burn Fast

Colloidal Silver
ImageSource: www.applestory.biz

Colloidal Silver possesses antibacterial properties which are very beneficial to prevent any kind of possible infection (R) that could happen because of the burn. It has antiseptic properties and helps in treating the burn and healing it from within.

What To Do?

  1. Dab some colloidal silver in a cotton pad
  2. Apply this on the area of the burn and leave it on for 5 minutes
  3. Wash it off under running water following that

How Often?

  • 2-3 times daily

7. Egg White to Heal a Burn Fast

Egg White
ImageSource: www.stylecraze.com

If you thought that egg whites as a possible remedy for the treatment of burns, you are mistaken. This has been a budding rumour that several people have tried and have faced the consequences for the same.

Burns are actually quite a serious condition and trying on an folklore can actually end up doing worse than good. So, be very serious and assured of the remedies that you are trying. Egg whites don’t work well for burn treatment because it tends to dry fast and can cause problems in getting it off. Not just that, allergic reactions are yet another common side effect.

So, make sure to avoid egg whites as a possible answer on how to treat burns.

8. Epsom Salt to Heal a Burn Fast

Epsom Salt
ImageSource: www.anilakalleshi.com

Epsom salt is actually a very effective home remedy for skin burn, primarily because of the magnesium sulphate content.

It possesses anti-inflammatory (R) as well as antibacterial (R) properties which prevent the possibilities of infection in the area. Burns and infections don’t mesh well which is why the remedy with Epsom salt is actually an effective one.

It helps in healing the burnt skin and simultaneously prevents the possibilities of infection which further speeds up the recovery process.

What To Do?

  1. Fill your bathtub with water
  2. Add 2-3 heaped tablespoons of Epsom salt
  3. Let it dissolve completely
  4. Soak your burnt area especially in that and just take a bath in the meanwhile
  5. Sit in there for 10-15 minutes
  6. Make sure to stand under the shower spray to wash away any remnants of the salt on the body

How Often?

  • Once every other day

9. Cold Water to Heal a Burn Fast

Cold WaterYet another potent and effective remedy for healing a burn is using cold water. Experts suggest that instead of straight up using ice cubes, it is better if one uses cold water for the same because it is a better remedy for the same.

The cold water is not just soothing for the searing and burning pain but also helps prevent the associated irritation and redness too. With that being said, running the burnt area under cold water is a temporary remedy and it is better if you follow this up with an actual long term remedy to heal it completely.

What To Do?

  1. Run the burnt area under the steady flowing cold water
  2. Make sure that the flow of the water is not very high and doesn’t aggravate the condition
  3. Gentle stream of water is always suggested to be the best

How Often?

  • Do this right after you burn yourself

10. Raw Potato to Heal a Burn Fast

Raw PotatoPotato peels or even just the slice potato has beneficial impacts in treatment for burns (R) in a home. As mentioned before, the application of cold water may seem like a momentary relief because the water tends to evaporate fast but potato slice actually retains moisture for an extended period of time.

It helps to get relief from the pain (R) as well as the redness and irritation that are predominantly caused because of the burn. Potato hydrates and moisturizes and gets rid of the accessory symptoms of the burns.

What To Do?

  1. Peel and slice some potato in thin slices
  2. Place it over the burnt area of the skin and secure it on the skin with a bandage
  3. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes
  4. Wash it off under some running water

How Often?

  • 2-3 times a day

11. Onions to Heal a Burn Fast

OnionOnion as a remedy for burns dates back in history and all because of the kind of results it provides. Using an onion for treating burns is effective because of its analgesic and anti-inflammatory (R) properties.

Application of onion on the area of the burn helps get rid of any form of pain as well as inflammation. Not just that, the onion juice also helps in preventing the formation of scars in the area and thus helps in the overall healing process.

What To Do?

  1. Cut off the head of the onion
  2. Apply this on the area on the skin that’s burnt
  3. Leave it on for 5 minutes
  4. Wash it off under running water
  5. Alternatively, it is also important to ensure that you wash your wound thoroughly under running water before applying the onion bulb

How Often?

  • 2-3 times daily

12. Turmeric to Heal a Burn Fast

TurmericTurmeric is possibly the most common and best thing for burns. The combination of antiseptic (R), anti-inflammatory (R) as well as antimicrobial (R) properties have a multifaceted approach to the burn treatment.

While the antiseptic and antimicrobial properties help ensure prevention of any kind of infection in the burnt area of the skin, the anti-inflammatory properties of the Curcumin (R) (R) ensure to fight off the pain and inflammation that can be a major problem.

What To Do?

There are two ways one can use turmeric for burns.

Process 1
  1. Apply some turmeric powder on the burn directly
  2. Leave it on for a few hours and then wash it off under some cold water

How Often?

  • Every 2-3 hours daily
Process 2
  1. Alternatively, mix 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder and some milk to make a smooth paste
  2. Apply a thin layer of the paste over the burnt area
  3. Leave it on till it dries down
  4. Wash it off under some cold water

How Often?

  • 1-2 times daily

13. Mustard to Heal a Burn Fast

MustardYellow mustard actually might sound intimidating as a possible way to treat burns (R) at home but it does work. It has effective analgesic properties which help get rid of the inflicted pain right away and completely in a few hours.

Even though there are limited studies to back the claims and suggest the mode of action, the results are actually effective and true and not a hoax.

What To Do?

  1. Wash the burn under the running water for a few minutes
  2. Pat dry with a clean towel
  3. Apply a thick layer of mustard sauce and honey mixture on it (get the real plain one)
  4. Let it stay for a few hours
  5. Wash it off once you start feeling the pain subside

How Often?

  • Once daily

14. Milk to Heal a Burn Fast

MilkCold Milk is yet another effective remedy that helps get rid of the pain and irritation caused by a burn. While you might feel like the application of the dairy on the burn with help heal it because of its concentration of fats – it doesn’t.

If you want to use milk for burn treatment, it is best suggested to stick to non-dairy milk which lacks any kind of bacteria in them. Almond milk is an amazing alternative because of its high concentration of Vitamin E (R) which helps heal the burn and the skin as well.

What To Do?

  • Keep some almond milk in the fridge to cool it down
  • Take it out and soak a cotton ball in it
  • Get rid of the excess liquid and dab it over the burn wound
  • Wash the excess remnants off under cold water

How Often?

  • 2-3 times daily

15. Tea Bags to Heal a Burn Fast

Tea bagsTeabags of black tea are actually quite beneficial in treating the condition of burn, mainly because of the presence of tannic acid (R) in it.

The tannic acid helps withdraw the excess heat from the burn and thus gradually subdues the excruciating pain that one feels. The mild analgesic properties (R) of the tannic acid helps soothe the pain and the teabag also helps restore moisture in the area, thus healing it faster.

What To Do?

  1. Steep some black teabags in hot water for 5-10 minutes
  2. Remove it from the water and put them in a fridge
  3. Once it has cooled down predominantly, apply them over the burnt area and secure them with a gauge
  4. Leave it on for a few hours

How Often?

  • 1-2 times daily

16. Vitamins to Heal a Burn Fast

ImageSource: www.medicalnewstoday.com

Vitamins play a very crucial role in healing the burns from within. Vitamins like Vitamin A, C and E predominantly have the most impacts in the treatment of the burn.

The antioxidant, as well as anti-inflammatory properties of them, are what help in getting rid of the delay in the process of healing of the skin. Not just that, Vitamin E has skin healing and rejuvenating properties which further help in ensuring in the post-burn healing.

What To Do?

  1. Increase the intake of foods, vegetables and fruits rich in Vitamins, especially Vitamin A, C and E for quicker and much more effective recovery.

How To Hide Burns?

How To Hide Burns
ImageSource: www.youtube.com

Hiding burn marks with makeup is a go to, isn’t it?

But, before we proceed with how one can actually do so, it is beneficial to understand and know that the application of makeup should only be done when the burn has healed completely and not before that. If there is any form of scarring or tenderness, application of makeup is just not the correct thing to do because the chemicals in the makeup can end up aggravating the skin and worsen the condition.

That being said, some of the easy ways in which one can hide their burns using makeup include:

1. Foundation

This is possibly the most common and effective way to hide away the scars and discolouration caused by the burns very effectively. Make sure that you are getting the correct shade of foundation and that too one that is a full coverage foundation and not something else.

2. Concealer

Often times, many people tend to think foundation as too heavy on their skin and feels a bit cakey too. If these are some of the challenges you face, switch the foundation up with some concealer and that should do the trick equally well in hiding away the burns and the scarring left behind by them.

When To Seek Medical Attention For Burns?

When To Seek Medical Attention For BurnsBurns on the skin are not very trivial and something that can go off without complete medical negligence. Yes, if the burn is not severe and something along the lines of “Oh! I splattered some oil on my hand” or “Oh! I touched a hot pot and burnt my hand”, then it is okay to not reach out to a doctor.

But, if the burn is severe and is causing a lot of issues, it is best to reach out to a professional and get the problem checked out for good. If the burn is induced by a chemical, it is mandatory to consult a doctor, irrespective of how mild or severe the condition.

Another instance of burns which require immediate attention is when you find the wound infected. If your wound is infected and there is a striking rise in the pain, consult a doctor immediately without further delay.

In order to heal a burn fast, it is important to be quick on your actions. While running it under the cold water might seem like the predominant and the easiest and quickest thing to do, it is mandatory to look for remedies that have positive impacts in the healing process in the long run. If you are still wondering what to put on a burn, I’d suggest going through the list of remedies above.