Breathing Exercises for Relaxation


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Breathing Exercises for Relaxation

Most of us at some point of time in our lives would have suffered from the adverse effects of over working, inadequate sleep, and omnipresent stress. Investing on some deep relaxing massage may not be the only way around to calm those nerves and get a grip over your life.

A pair of healthy lungs would go a long way in bringing about relaxation, from the day to day hassles that we come across. All that you may require is some precious moments from your day and mastery of some proportions in certain breathing techniques. Relaxation of the body and the mind, is sure to be brought about.

The techniques that have been listed below have been borrowed across from yoga, meditation, and similar exercising and therapeutic techniques. The mode of therapy available to you is something as intrinsic to your survival, as breathing. In such cases, you may not wait to practice it, until you are in dire need of it. Controlled breathing exercising have an overall well being on your entire system. The coordinated functioning of your mind and body is brought about by the normalization of the blood circulation, which keeps the blood pressure at the required levels. The effects have been well documented in controlled clinical settings.

Many are of the belief that the application of control in breathing techniques, increases the levels of physical and mental awareness of an individual. A state which is also called mindfulness. It is a zen like trance which is acquired in a deep state of meditation, or at a point on the path to self discovery. Breath control may not be as easy a phenomenon as it sounds. Moreover, further studies are still required to get to the bottom of the matter, as to what are the definitive benefits of controlled breathing. Read on about these breathing exercises for relaxation.

Controlled Breathing for Stress Relief

1Equal Breathing Technique

This breathing techniqueย is known as Sama Vriti in Sanskrit. This particular exercise of breath is known to bring about an equilibrium in the body. Inhale slowly, while in the back of your mind you make four counts. Exhale in the same fashion, making sure you let out your entire breath at the same count of four. You may also want to make sure that your mouth is shut tight. Breathing in through the nose consciously, brings about a natural resistance to the process. This may be said to be one of more basic steps of pranayama, which is a form of yoga, that tends more towards meditation.

Individuals who would have achieved mastery in more advances breathing practices, would be easily able to increase their count. The particular practice of the breath brings about a calming effect on the nervous system, increases oneโ€™s capacities of concentration. It also helps in alleviating unwanted stress. The exercise could be practices at any place, during any time of the day. Been of special effect just prior to bedtime, in a quiet enviorment. The exercise would promote the natural oncoming of sleep by relieving the mind of its racing thoughts.

2Abdominal Breathing Technique

Gently place one hand on your chest, while the other is pressed against your belly. Breath in deep through the nose. You may want to make sure that there is an extension of the diaphragm, rather than a mere rising of the chest. The inflation of the diaphragm brings about a stretching action in the lungs.

Try and accomplish 10-15 deep, slow, whole breaths. Regular practicing of the exercise for a mere 10 minutes every day is known to bring about a bodily state, where your heart rates would reduce, bringing about a fall in blood pressure, immediately after performing the exercise. Sticking on to the habit for a long time only leads to a healthier lifestyle in the periods you are not working out.

You may try to perform this exercise before any stressful event or occasion, like examinations. In fact those working in an enviorment of stress all the time, upon practicing would realize how difficult it may be to control the voluntary process of breathing. There are bio feedback tools available in the form of apps which helps the user in tracking the pace of their breathing whenever and wherever they desire.

3Progressive Relaxation

Progressive relaxation may be used to get rid of tension and anxieties from head to toe, and everything in between. All that you do is close your eyes and focus on relaxing each muscle group starting from the jaws to the toes, stretching and contracting them alternatively, for a total of 8-10 times each. To enhance the advantages of the exercising, you may also want to practice control breathing in order to provide each muscle group with a blast of fresh oxygen. If you are experiencing problems keeping your mind focused, then you may try to hold your breath for a count of 5 in order to get your concentration going. If you tend to feel dizzy at any point while exercising, then you may want to discontinue for some time.

4Alternate Nostril Breathing

The alternate nostril breathing is known by the name of Nadi Shodhana, in the language of the sages. Sanskrit that would be. It is a popular form of breathing exercise which is prescribed by revered yogic teachers across the world. This exercise is said to bring about relaxation, equilibrium, and develop a connection between the two hemispheres of the brain.

You may assume a comfortable meditative posture. Hold the thumb of your right hand over the right nostril. Inhale deeply through the left nostril to the utmost limits of your capacities. Consequently breath out through the right nostril, by placing the fore finger of your right hand over the left nostril. Perform this form of alternate breathing of inhaling and exhaling for 50 counts a day. This form of control breathing is best performed at your desk, when you need a boost in your concentration powers. When the music goes too loud. You got to dance like no one cares.

5Kapalbhati Pranayam

The skull shining exercise if you may refer it to as. The Kapalbhati pranayam is a great way to brighten you your day from the inside out. Another popular recommendation among yoga gurus. The exercise commences with a steady, slow and long inhale. The exhaling motion is supposed to be quick and short, initiated from the lower belly. Once you are comfortable with the contractions of your insides, then you may increase the frequency of your breaths. Make sure that that all your breaths are received and rejected through the nose only.

By Abhro