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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersBaggy, tired and dark circles under your eyes can not just degrade your personality but pull down your motivation as well. Did you ever have a day when sleep looked like a far fetched dream and you do not just wake up groggy but with huge bluish black bags under your eyes. Sounds like a very common occurrence, doesn’t it? Happens with me and I am pretty sure it has happened with the majority of you reading this article, trying to figure how to remove these under eye dark circles.
Well, sit back and scroll through because, in this article, we don’t have one, two or ten but thirty four different home remedies that can help treat the problems with the under eye bags.
- What are Dark Circles Under the Eyes?
- What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes?
- How to Get Rid of Dark Circles?
- Home Remedies for Dark Circles Under Eyes
- Symptoms of Dark Circles
- How to Cover Dark Circles?
What are Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes are the appearance of bags and darkness under the eyes which can be caused by a number of reasons. It is primarily characterised by the localised darkness of the skin around the eyeballs which is sometimes quite darker than one’s normal skin tones. It can be caused by a varying number of physiological reasons which is why it is best to stay wary of the possible reasons and try and avoid them for optimum results on your skin.
What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes?

Dark circles can be caused due to a number of reasons, it may be external causative agents or sometimes even internal. The overall outcome results in something that is not at all favoured by the people because who would want to wake up in the morning, stare at the mirror and have those heavy bags stare right back them? At least, I won’t. So, if you have been questioning why dark circles occur under the eyes, here’s a list of causes for you to go through.
Some of the Common Causes of Dark Circles Include:
1. Allergies or Skin Disease
Allergies and other forms of skin diseases like eczema or such often contribute to causing dark circles. Any kind of occurrence that force the person to itch and scratch around the perimeter of the eye is most likely going to experience signs and symptoms related to dark circles under the eyes. People who often suffer badly from hay fever know the various dark under eyes reasons because they have experienced it first hand.
2. Medication
Any form of medicine that contributes to the dilation of the blood vessels can effectively result in the formation of dark circles. Although, there are various dark circle remedies that show effective results, it is always best to be wary of the fact that any kind of blood vessel dilator can cause the formation of dark bags under the eyes as a form of side effect.
3. Fatigue and Tiredness
Tiredness and restlessness due to lack of sleep can often be the reason behind the dark circles under the eyes (1). Often times, lack of sleep results in the paleness of one’s skin tone which highlights the blood circulation under the eyes, thereby making it seem darker than its usual colour tone.
4. Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the blood in an individual’s body lacks the sufficient amount of healthy red blood cells (R). Many experts have often claimed that it is the lack of iron in one’s body that is responsible for the formation of dark circles.
5. Hyperpigmentation

Have you ever noticed a part of your body’s skin tone being darker than the rest of the body? It has happened, hasn’t it? This is what is known as hyperpigmentation which is caused by the excess presence of the compound melanin in the body. Excess melanin around the perimeter of the eyes often causes dark circles (R).
How to Get Rid of Dark Circles?

Would you even like waking up after a few hours of sleep with casting shadows haunting the underside of your eyes? No, right? This is the primary reason why you need to opt for natural remedies for dark circles to help treat them for a brighter and “non-baggy” eye.
There are a number of ways that one can avail to effectively remove dark circles naturally, all you have got to do is choose a remedy and follow the steps religiously for a substantial amount of time to witness drastic results.
Some of the common methods of treatment of dark circles include:
- Medication or ointments
- Home remedies using natural ingredients
- Laser treatments to reduce pigmentation
Home Remedies for Dark Circles Under Eyes
Home remedies for the treatment of dark circles under the eyes is one of the best ways, if not the best. These remedies can range from ones that can show effective results overnight to the ones which show results within a few weeks with continued usage. Whatever the outcomes be, it is very important to understand for a fact that these remedies inflict little to no side effects on a person’s health which is more than self-explanatory why opting for these methods of treatment is beneficial.

Check Out These Easy Hacks For Getting Rid Of Dark Circles
- Aloe Vera
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Avocado
- Baking Soda
- Banana Peel
- Cucumber
- Vitamin E
- Green Tea
- Potato
- Turmeric
- Tomato Juice
- Honey
- Ice Cubes
- Rose Water
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera gel can work wonders on reviving the suppleness of the skin underneath the eyes. Application of aloe vera gel on a daily basis twice a day can help rejuvenate and hydrate the skin around the eyes which is what contributes to the treatment of dark circles under eyes. Not just that, even the nutritious benefits of the aloe vera helps in reducing the enhanced pigmentation (R) under the eyes which often causes dark circles.
What To Do?
- Squeeze out some of the aloe vera pulp from a freshly cut leaf
- Pour it into a bowl and add a tablespoon of lemon
- Soak a cotton pad into the mixture and massage it gently into the skin
- Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and make sure you are in your house and not out in the
- un because the lemon can cause tanning thereby worsening the condition
- Wipe away the excess remnants with a fresh cotton pad soaked in water
2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural ingredient rich in not just vitamins and minerals but a number of other active enzymes as well. These properties of the vinegar help in lightning of the darkened skin, especially the one around the eyes. It definitely doesn’t work overnight like a few other home remedies but the continues usage of this can help reflect amazing results right after a few days of the application itself.
What To Do?
- Take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and dilute it with the same quantity of water
- Dip a cotton pad in it and apply it under the eyes
- You can either dab around the eyes or leave it there for 15-20 minutes
- Clean off with a fresh cotton pad after that
3. Avocado
Avocado is a natural ingredient which has beneficial fatty acids in it. This helps in the deep nourishment of the skin and proper hydration too which helps in keeping the dark circles at bay. It is also rich in a number of anti-oxidants (R) which also fight off the causes of baggy and tired eyes. It keeps the lines and wrinkles in check as well.
What To Do?
- Cut an avocado in half and scoop out the pulp into a bowl
- Mash the avocado into a smooth paste
- Add a few drops of sweet almond oil to it and mix well
- Apply this mixture under the eyes and let it sit for 15 minutes
- Wash the face off with a soaked flannel and apply so moisturiser if need be
4. Baking Soda
Baking Soda is one of those important natural ingredients that play an amazing role in dark circles under eyes treatment. It is rich in natural skin exfoliating properties which help in getting rid of the dead skin layer under the eyes which often causes issues the darkening of the skin which reflects as dark circles in the exterior. With that being said, it is necessary to be very aware of the application process because baking soda can often be a little abrasive on the skin.
What To Do?
- Mix one tablespoon of water into a half cup of warm water
- Mix it well till the baking soda dissolves completely
- Dip cotton pads into it and apply them under the eyes and leave it on for 15 minutes
- Wash it off with normal water and pat dry the skin
- Apply some moisturiser after that to keep the skin soft and supple
5. Banana Peel
Did you just eat a banana and threw out the peel in the trash?
Well, run back and pick it up because the peel that you just threw away has a number of benefits on the skin.
If you are looking for an effective remedy for dark circles under eyes, the banana peel is an amazing answer for it. It is rich in phosphorus which helps in lightening the skin under the eyes and get rid of the dark circles under the eyes. It also helps get rid of the bagginess and puffiness of the eyes.
What To Do?
- Peel a banana and wash the peel once
- Cut the peel into decently sized segments
- Put one under each of the eyes and let it stay there for 15 minutes
- Wash with water and apply a moisturiser
6. Cucumber
If you are looking for instant results for reducing the puffiness around the eyes, it is best to opt for cucumber. The natural hydrating and cooling property of the cucumber helps in soothing out the puffiness under the eyes. It even helps in getting rid of the dark circles under the eyes. The cooling property restricts any unnecessary accumulation of the fluids which often causes the puffiness around the eyes.
What To Do?
- You can either cut a cucumber into thin slices and chill them and apply them directly and leave it on for 15 minutes
- Or, you can make a paste of the chilled cucumber and add a few mints to the mixture.
- Make a smooth paste of both the ingredients and then apply it under the eyes. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with normal water.
7. Vitamin E
Vitamin E and its effects on the skin doesn’t need any kind of introduction or explanations. It has a profound effect on curing the signs of ageing and an even better effect on the dark circles under the eyes. It helps fight the free radicals that cause a majority of the wrinkles and fine lines under the eyes which make the eyes look even more puffy.
What To Do?
- Mix a few drops of Vitamin E oil to two tablespoons of aloe vera gel
- Mix it well and apply it under the eyes and leave it overnight
- Wash it off with warm water first thing in the morning
8. Green Tea
Green tea is one of the most sought after remedies for the treatment of dark circles under eyes because of the constituents of it. The tannins present in Green tea help in treating the puffy eyes and the dark circles. It also promotes in tightening of the skin around the eyes which reduces the visible bagginess. The caffeine in the green tea is also helpful in shrinking the blood vessels that help reduce the puffiness.
What To Do?
- Soak a green tea bag in warm water
- Let the tea bag cool down for a bit and then apply it under the eyes
- Leave it there for 15-20 minutes
- Clean it off with a fresh cotton pad or wipe
9. Potato
Potato is one of the most sought after natural remedies for dark circles under the eyes. The multiple number of benefits of potatoes on the skin is what has augmented the demand of it. Potatoes have natural bleaching and lightning property which helps in lightening the pigmentation around the eyes. The presence of Vitamins A and C along with the starch help in hydrating and rejuvenating the skins which further acts as a dark circles remedy.
What To Do?
- Either directly apply potato slices on the eyes and leave it one and wash it after
- Or, extract the juice of one potato and soak a cotton ball and dab the juice all around the eyes. Leave it on for 15 minutes to let the juice soak into the skin and wash off the remnants with normal water
10. Turmeric
Turmeric is popular for its anti-inflammatory properties which help a lot in minimising the presence of dark circles under the eyes. It helps in constricting the blood vessels under the eyes which help in lightning the appearance of the darkness in the area.
What To Do?
- Mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder with one tablespoon to make a thick paste
- Apply the paste underneath the eyes and leave it on for 10 minutes
- Wash it off with warm or cool water and pat dry
11. Tomato Juice
Tomato is an amazing fruit when it comes to treating the signs and symptoms attached with the formation of dark circles under eyes. It consists of an ingredient called lycopene which has several properties of skin lightening, anti-tanning, and even skin tightening. All of this, along with the presence of a number of Vitamins helps in erasing the signs of dark circles.
What To Do?
- Extract the juice of one ripened tomato
- Soak a cotton pad or ball in it
- Apply the juice all under eyes and leave the pad under the eyes for 10 minutes
- Wash away with a fresh cotton pad
12. Honey
Honey is rich in anti-inflammatory along with natural skin lightning properties helps in erasing the signs and symptoms that come along with dark circles. It also hydrates and moisturises the area under the eyes, thereby ensuring treatment for the dark circles under eyes.
What To Do?
- Put raw honey under the eyes and leave it on for 10-15 minutes
- Wash it off with a cotton pad soaked in warm water
- Also, increase the intake of honey in your diet for even more effective results
13. Ice Cubes
Ice cubes are a great remedy for providing the under eyes with a soothing and relaxing feeling. The application of ice cubes helps in toning your skin and thereby combating the signs and symptoms that come along with dark circles. It also helps in ensuring that the area near the eyes are cooled down and soothed which further provides with a feeling of calmness to the entire body.
What To Do?
- Wrap an ice cube with a tissue and dab it under the eye without any added pressure
- Do it for a few seconds and remove and let the skin rest for a few seconds
- Repeat this process again for a few more times
14. Rose Water
Rose water has a number of rejuvenating properties which act as a great remedy for dark circles under eyes. It helps provide with a soothing feeling and cools down the area which is great to erase the signs of dark circles under eyes.
What To Do?
- Soak a cotton pad or ball with rose water
- Place the cotton ball under the eyes and leave it on for a few minutes
Symptoms of Dark Circles

Dark circles are not really hard to spot given the fact that they are blazingly obvious because of the discolouration and hyperpigmentation that occurs around the area of the eyes.
Some of the common symptoms of dark circles under eyes include:
- Puffiness
- Darkening of the under eye region
- Visibility of blood vessels in extremely fair people
- Fine lines around the eyes
How to Cover Dark Circles?
Covering the dark patches under the eyes can often be a tough job if you are not a makeup pro. The only possible way to cover the dark circles under the eyes is with makeup. If you are looking for an overnight remedy, look up the cucumber natural remedy we suggested. Other than that, it is not really possible to get rid of the dark circles permanently within an instant except for the use of makeup.
Colour correct your skin first and then put on the foundation to cover the extreme levels of dark circles under your eyes. This is the fastest and the most effective ways of covering up your dark circles within a record time and that too without imposing any kind of negative impact.
Dark Circles can occur for a number of reasons as mentioned above. It is often a myth that dark circles happen to people who wear glasses, because, lets be real, it doesn’t necessarily happen because of that. It is a combined effect of stress, fatigue, health issues and even the lack of blinking of eyes. Whatever the circumstances are, it is beneficial to lead a healthy life without extensive stress because that is exactly what helps in combating the signs and symptoms attached with dark circles under eyes.
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