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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersLow carb diets like Ketogenic diets are everywhere around on our social media handles and suggestions. Did you ever wonder how can just the high protein diet for weight loss be effective? Not quite, right?
Even with the kind of effects and impacts it has shown, it is not surprising that more and mBore people are inclining towards a healthy high protein diet menu to help get rid of the excess fats and calories in the body.
In this article, we will touches based with every last detail one needs to know about the high protein diet plan for weight loss and how and why it is actually effective for the body.
What is a High Protein Diet for Weight Loss?

If you have paid attention to the basic biology, you would know that protein is one of the quintessential macronutrient much like that of carbohydrates and fats.
The consumption of protein, without a speck of doubt, is important and beneficial for the overall body structure and function. It does go without saying that the consumption of protein is associated with some of the most important prospects of the body and its smooth functioning.
So, when it comes to discussing what even a high protein diet for weight loss is, you more or less have a basic idea of what and why it is important. Protein is an eccentric part of every kind of body functions and has an important role in the metabolism of the body.
Irrespective of whatever, if your metabolism isn’t in check, chances are it becomes hard to lose weight. It is thus necessary to include beneficial and healthy high protein diet menu for an overall healthy well being and metabolism altogether.
Is High Protein Diet Good For Weight Loss?

When it comes down to discuss if or not a high protein diet is healthy for the body, the answer is a yes and even studies (R) (R) have proven the same.
Still in doubt as to why protein is such an emphasized macronutrient? Well, it does perform quite a bit of important functions in the body. Some of which include:
Muscle Building and Muscle Repair

Don’t get deterred by the image above, it’s not like protein is solely responsible for building your biceps and triceps; its functions extend more than that.
Proteins play a major role in the maintenance as well as the repair of the muscles, bones and even your hair. Shocker, right? Well, what do you think your hair is made of? Keratin is a type of protein which constitutes a part of your hair.
It is important to include protein in the diet because the old proteins in the body when used up need to be replaced with the new ones for seamless functioning.
Make up the Hormones

Hormones are nothing but the chemical protein messengers which helps in transporting signals from one synapse to the other for generating better responses. This is also a crucial reason why proteins play such an important role in our life.
Part of Enzymes

One of the most common reasons why doctor suggest consuming more and more protein on a daily basis is because of the fact that majority of the enzymes in our body are completely made up of protein molecules. Without proper supplementation with the protein, it is possible that the enzymes might malfunction which is the last thing you want. Not having proper enzymatic functions in the body directly impacts the metabolism of the body which is the primary reason behind the weight gain or obstruction in the weight loss process.
Transportation Process

If you have a basic knowledge about the cell structure as such, you would know that our cell membranes are embedded with transport proteins which play a very crucial role in our daily body functions. If you wish to have a basic knowledge or even an example as such, hemoglobin is one of the best examples. This molecule which makes up for the healthy amount of red blood cells in our body is also quite important to transport molecules of oxygen to all the parts of the body.
Consuming a high protein diet is associated with a better metabolism and even in attaining your satiety early which is what pans out better for the body, especially if you are trying to lose weight.
High Protein Diet for Weight Loss

While majority of us are well aware with how protein does impact our body and aids in the process of weight loss, we tend to still not be sure as to how much or what kind of protein sources are good for our body.
If the dietary reference intake of protein is to be considered, it states that an average sedentary man needs to consume 0.8 gms of protein per kilograms of body weight or 0.36 gms of protein per pound of body weight. On a general term, the same rounds off to 56 gms per day for an average human being.
Now, if you are still in doubt as to which type of protein resources are good for the high protein diet for weight loss, we have some amazing foods to share with you.
Check Out These Protein Rich Foods For High Protein Diet For Weight Loss
Vegetarian and Vegan Options for High Protein Diet

One of the most common myths and wrong knowledge that majority of the people have regarding the high protein diet plan for weight loss is the fact that vegetarian and vegan people can’t necessarily have their way with it.
It’s wrong and if you wish to know more concerning the same let’s look at the list of amazing protein rich vegetarian and vegan options.
1. Black Beans

As a part of your burrito, or even in the stew you just prepared, black beans are quite versatile and can actually make up for an amazing component for your high protein diet for weight loss.
100 gms of black beans consist of 21 gms of protein which is almost 40% of our regular protein requirement. If you are adhering to a high protein diet menu to lose weight, consuming this not just helps in boosting the protein requirement but also helps in keeping you full for longer periods of time.
Even in a conducted study (R) by the researchers of St. Michael’s Hospital, it was found that the supplementation with 130 gms of any form of beans and pulses were found effective in shedding of 0.34 kgs of weight which was amazing.
2. Corn

Yet another one of the best high protein diet for weight loss should contain corn in it. Wondering why? Corn is not just delectable but is loaded with essential amounts of protein which is beneficial for the body to lose weight.
Apart from being loaded with proteins, corns are also loaded with accessory minerals and other nutritious components which make it one of the best options to just snack on. Calcium is possibly the most important compounds that you can enjoy from consuming corn.
1 whole cup of corn which estimates to around 160 gms of corn contains 15.64 gms of protein (R) which is around 30% of our daily dietary requirements.
3. Whey Protein

Whey Protein is nothing but the liquid left after the curdling of the milk and after it has been strained. This has actually gained quite an amazing popularity because of its low calorie and high protein composition and is amazing for people trying to lose weight.
100 gms of Whey Protein consist of 9 gms of protein which is pretty amazing. For the best impacts to your body, it is best advised to consume it as a post workout drink to compensate for the strain the muscles have undergone during the workout.
Owing to the fact that they are composed of branched chain amino acids, they break down in the body faster than other forms of proteins to compensate for the requirement. It is quite important in boosting muscle mass in the body.
Study (R) has even shown the importance of whey protein in effective fat loss from the body.
4. Tofu

Tofu is possibly one of the most common modes of gaining protein if you are on a vegetarian or vegan diet. This curdled form of soy milk is actually quite beneficial for the body and bonus points, it is quite delectable as well. It can be consumed in several ways which further makes it an amazing option for your high protein diet for weight loss.
While the texture of tofu is often not that favourable, many people tend to prefer consuming tempeh in place of that. Surprisingly, tempeh does have higher protein content in comparison to tofu.
Around 1 serving (150 gm) of tempeh contains 17 gms of protein. Apart from that, it is also loaded with beneficial minerals like magnesium as well as iron too.
5. Oats

A very common favourite breakfast option, oats are actually quite an amazing food variant for you to try and eat around if you are on a weight loss mission.
For every 100 gms of oats, you get 17 gms of protein (R) in your diet. Owing to the fact that oats can be twisted around and made into a number of things, its versatility is yet another thing that makes it such an amazing option for weight loss.
If you are looking for the best high protein diet for weight loss (R), especially for your breakfast options, oats are actually an amazing option. They are high in fiber which makes you attain your satiety quicker and even keeps you full for a longer period of time.
6. Legumes

Legumes are yet another amazing component one can add to their high protein diet plan for weight loss. Not only are they loaded with beneficial protein but is also high in fiber, the combination of two ideal for effective weight loss.
100 gms of majority of the legumes tend to contain around 15-17 gms of protein which is almost 30% of the daily dietary requirement.
The fiber and the high protein presence (R) in the legumes is actually quite beneficial in helping you reach your satiety quicker and even keeps you full (R) for an extended period of time.
7. Mushrooms

Yet another amazing thing to add to your high protein diet menu is mushrooms. The percentage of protein in the mushroom might not necessarily be a lot in comparison to the other options, but it is actually quite beneficial for the body, especially if you are a vegetarian or vegan.
100 gms of mushroom contain around 3-4 gms of protein which is pretty decent. If you are looking for a good replacement for meat or chicken, this works like magic and tastes just as good.
The only thing to ensure while cooking or even eating mushrooms is to ensure that you don’t necessarily pick up anything you have no idea of. Consuming poisonous mushroom can be fatal for you.
In a study (R), 17 women and 15 men were supplemented with two servings of mushroom on a daily basis to which they attained their satiety faster and were able to lose weight successfully as well.
8. Hemp Seeds

Often used as a crunchy topping for the salads, hemp seeds are actually quite an amazing source of protein, especially if you are on a weight loss journey.
100 gms of hemp seeds contain around 31.56 gms of protein (R) which is pretty amazing. But, majority of the time, the same is measured around in tablespoon quantities because that’s what people consume.
9. Nut Butter

Peanut butter, or even any form of nut butter is an amazing accompaniment that one can add to their high protein diet for weight loss.
They contain healthy fats and are loaded with protein which makes it an ideal combination when it comes to losing weight in a healthy way.
100 grams of peanut butter consists of 25 gms of protein which is a good option. Measure out your percentage based on how many tablespoons you are consuming. More or less, around 2 tbsp of peanut butter consists of 8 gms of protein.
10. Spinach

Spinach is yet another amazing source of protein on a vegetarian diet. The combination of healthy amount of proteins along with good amount of fibers in them is what contributes to easier weight loss.
Around 100 gms of spinach contain 2.9 gms of protein which might not be much but is still good enough.
Keeping that aside, spinach is also loaded with essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, phosphorus and magnesium which boost the overall body functions too.
11. Quinoa

Quinoa is a grain crop which is primarily grown for its edible seeds. Although you might mistake it for a cereal, Quinoa is a flowering plant and hence is more closely related in the plant kingdom to beetroot and spinach.
The plant itself is tolerant to dry soil and can thrive in semi arid to arid conditions. Along with your daily protein supplements, it also provides you with a required dose of calcium, phosphorus and iron. As for the protein contents, every serving of hundred grams of Quinoa contains a massive 8gms of proteins, which is a lot if you were to trust an expert.
12. Mycoprotein (Quorn)

This scientifically developed commodity was originally synthesized to combat global food shortages and is sold under the name, quorn. It is composed by growing a certain types of fungus inside vats which are then marketed as meat substitute. Belonging to the mushroom family, Mycoprotein is packed with proteins and provides a whooping 13 gms per half cup serving of it.
Non-Vegetarian Options For High Protein Diet

Aside from the few vegetarian and vegan options, there are a number of options for the non-vegetarians as well who are following a high protein diet plan for weight loss.
Some of them include:
1. Salmon

It goes without saying that salmon is possibly one of the best yet healthy protein sources one can opt for when on a high protein diet menu.
Not only is salmon loaded with beneficial proteins, it is also loaded with an ample amount of healthy omega-3 fatty acids which is quite beneficial for the body, especially for someone who is trying to lose weight.
100 gms of salmon consist of 20 gms of protein which easily makes up for one serving.
Having salmon on a weight loss diet (R) (R) is actually beneficial because it helps keep you satiated for a longer period of time which is essential to avoid unhealthy snacking.
2. Eggs

It goes without saying that eggs are actually one of the best sources of protein. Both the egg whites and the yolk are loaded with beneficial proteins and other healthy fats which make it an ideal option for consumption.
Several studies (R) have shown how the consumption of protein is actually quite beneficial in combating excess weight gain but cutting down unnecessary snacking.
Not just that, eggs also help in keeping you full for an extended period of time which is beneficial for the overall weight loss process.
100 gms of egg contains 13 gms of protein which is pretty decent and wholesome.
3. Chicken

Chicken, especially the breast portion of the chicken is quite beneficial for the body’s weight loss. It is possibly the best form of lean protein which is eaten across the world.
If you are trying to lose weight and need to be on a low carb and high protein diet, chicken breasts are the very best option to look into. The only thing to ensure that that the piece of chicken should be skinless.
Around 100 gms of chicken breast (R) (R) consist of 31 gms of protein in. We derive the majority of the calories from the proteins from the chicken which is amazing for someone who is trying to lose weight.
4. Beef

Yet another amazing source of protein for your high protein diet for weight loss can be derived from beef. It is very quintessential to know what kind of beef (R) is beneficial for your weight loss program. If you are on a strict low carb diet, chances are that you can stick to high fat beef variants rather than the leaner options.
But, if you are just aiming for a high protein diet without affecting the carb consumption, it is best to stick to the leaner options.
The 85% lean meat beef variant contains 26 gm of protein per 100 gms serving.
5. Pork

If beef and chicken is not your thing, even pork is an amazing source of protein for you to munch down on. The only factor to keep key note of is to ensure that the pork you are consuming is lean (R) and doesn’t contain unnecessary amount of fats in them.
There is not a single doubt that pork is actually not just a good source of protein but is actually beneficial for your overall motive of weight loss too.
100 grams of lean pork consists of 27 gms of protein which is almost 50% of your daily dietary requirements.
6. Turkey

Yet another one of the amazing non-vegetarian options for people on a high protein diet for weight loss is Turkey.
The thanksgiving dinner that you had might not be the best example of turkey when it comes to weight loss owing to the extensive amount of calories in it.
But, if eaten in broiled or even just grilled turkey with lack of skin on can actually boost your body with the necessary amount of protein and lesser amount of calories, much like how chicken works.
Around 100 gms of turkey consists of 29 gms of protein which is beneficial for your daily dietary needs when you are trying to shed off those excess pounds, especially if you are on a low carb diet.
Benefits of High Protein Diet for Weight Loss

When it comes down to explaining the benefits of the high protein diet plan for weight loss, the reasons could be very extensive.
Given the fact that protein impacts so many aspects of our body functions, it is not surprising that its impacts on the weight loss do have its fair share of reasoning too and how it helps.
1. Impacts on the Satiety and Appetite

Discussing protein diets for weight loss, the very first thing that does stand out of the lot is the fact that it helps you achieve satiety a lot faster in comparison to the other macronutrients.
Consuming a high protein diet menu is actually quite beneficial in improving the overall rate at which you attain satiety and decreases your hunger pangs by significant rates.
It has been witnessed that the consumption of healthy proteins is associated with the increased production of some of the essential hormones related to appetite and satiety like peptide-YY (R) (R) and GLP-1 (R) as well.
Not just that, the consumption of high protein diet is also associated with lowering of the hunger inducing hormone, ghrelin (R) which further aids in keeping those unnecessary hunger pangs to a bare minimum.
2. Improves body composition

Yet another one of the benefits of high protein diet for weight loss is the fact that it helps impact and improves the overall body composition. Given the fact that the consumption of protein is associated with better muscle mass (R) (R), it directly impacts the body composition too.
This is quite important for someone who is trying to lose weight. One of the major cons of weight loss is not having a proportionate body and supplementing the same with proper levels of protein has been found to be quite beneficial in regaining the previous body shape effectively.
If you are here wondering anything around the realms of how it works around, it is mainly because it prevents from any kind of wasting away of the muscle mass.
3. Boosts Metabolism

One of the primary benefits of sticking to a high protein diet plan for weight loss is because it helps in improving the overall metabolic rate of the body.
If you are here wondering how, the main reason behind the same is because of the kind of calories one burns when they consume a high protein diet.
Study has shown that the consumption of a high protein diet (R) contributes to a rapid increase of the metabolic rate by 20-25% which is a lot more in comparison to the amount you burn when its carbohydrates or fats.
How Much Protein In Diet Should You Consume For Weight Loss?

While we did walk you through some of the most important prospects of the necessity of protein in the diet, the one thing that majority of the people tend to look up to is the fact that how much protein makes up for an optimum amount when someone is trying to lose weight with it.
Majority of the people trying to lose weight on a high protein diet menu tend to follow the low carb diet as well. Replacing the carbohydrate requirement of the body with that of protein is what induces the body with ketosis which ends up in the burning of the fats in the body to produce energy.
As mentioned before, on general grounds, a sedentary man should consume around 56 gms of protein every single day.
When it switches on to the high protein diet for weight loss, the quantity does change a little bit. For losing weight successfully, one needs to consume 0.6-0.75 gms of protein per pound of body weight which rounds off to around 1.2 to 1.6 gm per kilograms of body weight.
Consuming a high protein diet for weight loss is actually key to a healthy weight loss results for the body. Proteins are not just filling but helps in filling you out in the correct places which is what helps contribute to a steady and healthy weight loss altogether.
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