18 Effective Home Remedies For Irregular Periods That You Need To Be Aware of


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Irregular period

Menstruation is the starting point of a girl’s reproductive age and is one of the most significant parts of her life. Although discussing periods is still taboo in many countries and communities, not discussing the topic only creates a barrier to the awareness that needs to be spread among the masses.

The physiological causes behind irregular periods must be understood and dealt with using the appropriate home-based or medical remedies, according to individual preference.

What are Irregular Periods?

What are irregular period

A woman’s menstrual cycle isn’t always regular. While some women may have their period in time, others do not. Irregular periods are characterized by a prolonged or delayed menstrual cycle.

Many health issues accompany irregular periods; hence, one has to take these conditions seriously. It requires immediate attention to identify and treat the root causes to avoid subsequent complications, which even increase the risk of infertility.

Symptoms of Irregular Periods

Symptoms of Irregular PeriodsIn a woman with balanced hormone levels, the menstrual cycle should take anywhere from 24 to 35 days to complete; however, ideally, it lasts for 28 days. A difference of a week or so usually does not amount to anything significant, but an abnormally prolonged or irregular period can indicate something is amiss.

Irregular periods primarily manifest through the following two symptoms:

  • Extension of the menstrual cycle beyond the normal range of 28-35 days
  • Formation of blood clots larger than 2.5 cm in diameter

What are the Causes of Irregular Periods?

causes of irregular period

Regular periods are one of the key signs that can ascertain whether a female is truly in hormonal balance and sound health related to her reproductive system. Any delay or irregularity in this cycle leads to amenorrhea. 

Primary amenorrheas occur due to the failure of an individual to undergo the first menstrual cycle during puberty.

Secondary amenorrhea, however, is a condition whereby a woman fails to experience her periods for three months or more after previously experiencing a regular cycle.

Both conditions usually indicate imbalances in the secretion of hormones that can lead to serious complications if left untreated.

Knowing this, let us start by discussing the main causes of irregular periods.

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Check Out the Most Popular Self Care Tips On Irregular Periods

1. Higher Levels of Stress

Higher levels of stress

Stress is one of the most common causes of irregular periods. When the body is under stress, its main priority becomes survival, which usually interferes with ovulation and, subsequently, the menstrual cycle.

The overproduction of the adrenal cortex interferes with the secretion of other hormones, such as thyroid hormone, estrogen, and luteinizing hormone, hence causing cessation of the menstrual cycle and irregular menstruation (R). 

The “fight or flight” response is the body’s natural reaction to stress. In its efforts to maintain immediate survival over other physiological activities such as menstruation, this may disrupt the menstrual cycle.

2. Unhealthy Diet

Unhealthy diet

Poor diet is the leading cause of irregular periods (R). A diet lacking nutrients and rich in unsaturated fats can badly affect the body. Poor eating habits may affect the functioning of the thyroid gland and hamper the proper secretion of sex hormones responsible for the menstrual cycle.

If your diet primarily comprises processed foods high in unsaturated fats and sugar, the adrenal cortex starts secreting increased cortisol. High levels of cortisol disrupt the hormonal balance needed to maintain a regular menstrual cycle, which often manifests as irregular periods.

3. Overdoing Strenuous Activity

Overdoing any strenuous activity

Excessive physical activity can lead to irregular periods (R). Overexertion often increases the body’s stress levels, exacerbating the problem.

Elevated stress levels combined with heightened cortisol in the bloodstream disrupt the balance of other hormones, ultimately leading to irregular menstrual cycles (R). 

In a society where “being thin” becomes so important, women engage in vigorously rigorous exercises without paying attention to the negative health consequences, such as their menstrual cycle.

4. Alteration in Thyroid Functions

Alteration in thyroid functions

Would you believe it if I said that a tiny butterfly-shaped gland called the master gland might be a key culprit in your irregular periods? Improper thyroid gland function affects hormonal imbalances, particularly in women’s reproductive health (R).

Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can disrupt the regulation of the menstrual cycle (R). Additionally, elevated cortisol levels can disrupt the activity of the thyroid gland at times and make it resistant, making recovery difficult.

Home Remedies for Irregular Periods

 remedies for irregular period

Regulating periods with home remedies is easy and effective. Most remedies involve common ingredients readily available at home. All you need to do is select one and consistently follow the recommended consumption or application method. 

Alternative medicine approaches often play a significant role in these home treatments for irregular menstruation. 

Always consult a health professional before using a new remedy to ensure its safety and adequacy for your needs.

  1. Aspirin
  2. Castor Oil
  3. Cinnamon
  4. Turmeric
  5. Pineapple
  6. Ginger
  7. Garlic
  8. Green Tea
  9. Amla Juice
  10. Unripe Papaya
  11. Sesame Seeds
  12. Coriander Seeds
  13. Cumin Seeds
  14. Fennel Seeds
  15. Parsley
  16. Celery
  17. Carrot Juice
  18. Saffron

1. Castor Oil

Castor oil

The major reason behind irregular periods is hormonal imbalance (R). The remedy with castor oil and a hot compress is believed to correct this condition quite effectively. It improves blood circulation in the abdominal region (R), enriching the area with oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood. The warmth from the compress might also help break down uterine congestion, which may help increase periods.

How to Use:

  1. Soak a cloth with castor oil and lay it on your belly to cover your stomach area.
  2. Fill a hot water bag with warm water at a comfortable and bearable level, not exceeding the pain threshold, and place it on top of the cloth soaked with castor oil.

Hot water bottles also effectively reduce menstrual pain and cramps

Also Read: How Castor Oil Benefits the Skin

2. Cinnamon


Cinnamon has a warming effect on the body, making it a beneficial remedy for irregular periods (R). It is particularly effective in addressing the “cold uterus” and reducing painful menstrual cramps. Additionally, cinnamon can help increase progesterone secretion, which regulates the menstrual cycle.

Hydroxychalcone, a compound found in cinnamon, helps to maintain the insulin level. If there is a relationship between irregular periods and blood sugar fluctuation for you, then cinnamon can be an excellent remedy.

How to Use:

  1. Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon and one teaspoon of honey (read more benefits) in warm water. Drink this mixture first thing in the morning.

3. Turmeric


Turmeric is another natural remedy with warming properties that can treat the causes of irregular periods. Its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties help stimulate menstrual flow, making the process smoother with minimal cramping and pain (R).

For a simple and effective remedy:

  1. Mix half a tablespoon of turmeric into a glass of warm milk and stir well.
  2. Drink this mixture before bedtime.

This not only helps stimulate hormones but also promotes better sleep, reduces stress levels, and addresses irregular periods.

Also Read: Turmeric Golden Milk Benefits

4. Pineapple


Pineapple is a delicious fruit with remarkable health benefits, particularly in addressing the causes of irregular periods. Irregular periods are often due to the body’s difficulty in shedding the uterine lining, which is typically expelled during menstruation (R).

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which aids this process by promoting the breakdown of tissues and supporting uterine health. Additionally, it helps stimulate the production of red and white blood cells, further encouraging the onset of menstruation (R).

How to Use:

  1. Snack on a bowl of fresh pineapple between meals, or
  2. Enjoy a glass of pineapple juice with your breakfast.

5. Ginger


Ginger is another excellent natural remedy for irregular periods (R). It is known for its impactful effects on the menstrual cycle and helps regulate it effectively. The active compound in ginger, gingerol, is particularly beneficial due to its anti-inflammatory properties, which help address issues related to an irregular menstrual cycle.

How to Use:

  1. You may opt for ginger supplements.
  2. You may also try sipping on warm ginger tea

The warming action helps regulate periods with good blood flow and hormonal balance.

6. Garlic


Garlic is yet another natural substance that can be used to overcome irregular menstrual cycles. According to some studies, it can enhance blood circulation and thereby influence hormonal balance. Garlic minimizes menstrual symptom severity and regulates your cycle (R).

How to Use:

  1. A garlic clove should be crushed into a paste and mixed with one teaspoon of honey.
  2. Take it daily to have a healthy body and naturally manage irregular periods.

7. Green Tea

Green tea

Green tea is one of the least processed teas, which increases its antioxidant levels more than black or any other variant. The high amount of antioxidants detoxifies the body and leads to balanced hormones. It regulates estrogen and other hormones.

How to Use:

  1. For optimal benefit, consume green tea two or three times a day when the liquid is still warm, not cold.

The warmth also helps maintain internal body temperature, which could help fix irregular menstrual cycles.

8. Amla Juice (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla Juice

Amla juice serves as an excellent natural medication for irregular periods. With its juice, there’s a huge stimulation of erythropoiesis-red blood cell production.

If fresh amla is not readily available, opt for store-bought amla juice or even readily available amla powder.

How to Use:

  1. For the juice, mix three tablespoons of amla juice with two tablespoons of honey and consume that daily. 
  2. Make sure that you do not eat anything for one hour.

9. Unripe Papaya

Unripe papaya

Unripe papaya is an effective home remedy for irregular menstruation. It helps stimulate the contraction of the uterine walls, promoting a smoother menstrual flow (R), especially for those experiencing irregular periods. However, it’s essential to avoid eating raw papaya during menstruation.

How to Use:

  1. To regulate your menstrual cycle, drink papaya juice daily for a month if you’ve been consistently experiencing period issues. 

This remedy can help establish a regular cycle within a short time with minimal side effects.

10. Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are a great solution for most causes of irregular periods, as they maintain the balance of hormones in the body. Sesame seeds contain lignans, which are the best hormonal regulators. It also has essential fatty acids, contributing to hormonal balance and making for a healthier menstrual cycle.

How to Use:

  1. Mix one teaspoon of sesame seeds with one tablespoon of jaggery.
  2. Consume the mixture and wash it down with water. 
  3. Repeat daily for the best results.

11. Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds

Coriander seeds are a natural remedy for regular periods. Their excellent emmenagogue properties promote a smooth and regular menstrual cycle. Emmenagogues are herbs that stimulate healthy blood flow to the pelvic region, aiding menstrual regularity.

How to Use:

  1. Boil a tablespoon of coriander seeds with two cups of water, then simmer it to half its volume. 
  2. Once the solution is cool, strain the seed and drink it three times daily for several days before your menstrual period date.

12. Cumin Seeds

Cumin seeds

Cumin has many benefits, including those that help maintain female reproductive health. In addition to digestion and weight loss, it also helps balance menstrual cycles.

How to Use:

  1. Put two tablespoons of cumin seeds in a glass of water overnight and drink the water in the morning. 
  2. Repeat until your cycle becomes regular.

13. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds

The quality of fennel seeds helps balance the menstrual cycle as an emmenagogue. Fennel herb functions like coriander seeds in promoting blood flow to the pelvic and lower body parts to keep menstrual flow normal.

How to Use:

  1. Soak one or two tablespoons of fennel seeds in a glass of water overnight. 
  2. In the morning, drink that water on an empty stomach.
  3. Continue this routine until your menstrual cycle becomes regular.

14. Parsley


Parsley’s significance in inducing menstruation in women is remarkable. This method has been practiced for a long time due to the compounds found in the herb. The compounds apiol and myristicin are commonly present in parsley and help induce uterine contractions, promoting a regular menstrual cycle.

How to Use:

  1. You can drink parsley tea twice a day or mix parsley leaf powder into a glass of water.

Caution: Make sure that your powder intake doesn’t exceed the 6g mark per day.

15. Celery


As with coriander and fennel seeds, celery has emmenagogue properties that encourage blood flow to the pelvis and surrounding body parts. It is considered a harmless remedy with no known side effects.

How to Use:

  1. Extract the juice of a single stalk of celery and drink it daily in the morning. 
  2. Continue with this practice until your menstrual cycle comes to regular patterns.

16. Carrot Juice

Carrot Juice

Carrots are rich in iron, which makes them one of the best remedies for regulating periods. If you’ve been dealing with irregular menstrual cycles throughout the year, make it a habit to either eat a carrot or drink carrot juice daily until the symptoms of irregular periods subside.

How to Use:

  1. You can either chew on one raw carrot daily or drink one raw carrot extract. 
  2. Do that for the whole year till your period regularizes once again.

17. Saffron


It is a very healing herb that accelerates menstruation. If the menstrual cycle remains irregular, its effects will be incredible. Saffron not only stabilizes the menstrual cycle; it also reduces spasms and soreness during this period.

How to Use:

  1. For effective results, you can either add a few strands of saffron to warm milk and drink it every night before bed or take saffron supplements.

Side Effects of Irregular Periods

Side effects of irregular period

Irregular periods impact a woman’s health and life as a whole. Menstruation is the process through which the body naturally cleanses itself of waste and other harmful toxins that might be accumulating. 

Any alteration to this cycle would result in unfavorable bodily impacts. Many women with irregular menstruation exhibit numerous side effects.

Some of these include:

  • Weight gain
  • Irritability
  • Infertility

When to See a Doctor for Irregular Periods?

see a doctor

If the irregularity lasts just one month and is just a few days off, then it is more than likely situational stress. The cause of worry would be if it goes on for more than this time.

If your menstrual cycle is persistently over 35 days and you are menstruating only after two or three months, then it is time to see a gynecologist. Get your vitals checked so that you can rule out conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).


Irregular periods are common but are pretty often misconstrued about their underlying causes, ranging from stress and diet to hormonal imbalances. So, they need to be addressed right away because they have grave long-term effects on the body and fertility.

Fortunately, many home remedies, like cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric, can help restore the menstrual cycle and the balance of hormones. However, it is essential to note that home remedies may reduce discomfort but must be used with clinical advice, especially when necessary. 

Continuous monitoring of menstrual health and professional help at appropriate times if the irregularity gets worse or lingers are necessary. 

Thus, by gaining proper knowledge and being proactive about menstrual health, women can successfully manage menstrual irregularities and render optimal reproductive health.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much delay in the period is normal?

A: A one-week delay or even an early arrival is generally acceptable. If the delay or early onset extends beyond that, it may indicate a problem and require attention to remedies for irregular periods.

2. Is it normal to have irregular periods?

A: This depends. If the irregularity is short-term, lasting one or two months, it is often related to situational stress or birth control medication. However, if the menstrual irregularity lasts for more time, consult a healthcare professional to assess it further.

3. When is it necessary to take a pregnancy test?

A: This can be a bit tricky, but generally speaking, it is suggested that you take a pregnancy test either four weeks after having intercourse or 36 days after the last menstrual cycle. 

This time frame is best for identifying the presence of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone, which increases if you are pregnant and stays at normal levels if you are not.

4. Will irregular periods affect pregnancy?

A: Yes, in irregular menstrual periods, issues such as potential disorders during ovulation usually surface, marking an essential event in the menstrual cycle. A pregnancy does not occur unless ovulation releases the egg from the ovary. 

  • Jun 2018
    Written by Somapika D
  • Jan 2025
    Edited by Lakshmi Gayatri