11 Profound Benefits Of Sesame Oil For Skin That You Didn’t Know About


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Benefits of Sesame Oil for Skin
ImageSource: tsuyaplus.jp

Sesame Oil, in a few spectrums of Asian cooking is known by the majority of us, isn’t it?

But, did you know that the oil from these small white and black seeds have beneficial impacts in repairing one’s skin? Probably not, right? The benefits of sesame oil for skin range from being a common moisturizer to an ingredient that even helps fight the signs of aging.

The sesame oil is loaded with beneficial nutrients which is what makes this one of the best alternative to the over-the-counter skin care that you indulge yourself in to get a healthy and flawless skin.

In this article, we are going to skim through the amazing sesame oil benefits for skin that not just gives you a flawless skin but a healthier variant of it.

Why Sesame Oil for Skin?

Why Sesame Oil for Skin
ImageSource: www.madivasmag.com

Sesame Oil, also known as Gingelly Oil is an amazing variant not just in the culinary world but for one’s beauty as well. Loaded with essential vitamins like Vitamin E and Vitamin B Complex, this specific oil is beneficial in revitalizing the skin and getting rid of the rough and dead skin cells that make your face look dull and pigmented.

One of the primary components in the sesame oil is the linolenic acid which provides it with its distinctive antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties. These help the face get rid of the unwanted microbes on the face that you possibly didn’t even know existed.

Sesame oil for face is effective also because of the fact that it is also loaded with minerals like copper, manganese, calcium as well as magnesium which help in skin regeneration and boosts skin health as well. The rich presence of antioxidants in the sesame oil is yet another factor that is what makes sesame oil very beneficial for usage on the face.

It seeps into the skin and helps nourish the skin from within. Not just that, it also helps promote the softness of the skin and gets rid of the dead and scaly appearance of the skin.

What are the Benefits of Sesame Oil on Skin?

benefits of sesame oil on skin
ImageSource: www.leonardooliveoil.com

Much like how I have mentioned about the common reasons why sesame oil is considered one of the best oils for application on face and the entirety of the skin, in this section, we are going to walk ourselves through the common sesame oil skin benefits and how and why the same is good in curing the mentioned problems.

  1. Slows Down Aging Process
  2. Sesame Oil for Acne Prone Skin
  3. Good for Skin Whitening
  4. Removes Dry Skin
  5. Sesame Oil for Oily Skin
  6. Good for Wrinkles
  7. Repairs Damaged Skin
  8. Acts as Natural Sunscreen
  9. Get relief from sunburn
  10. Good for Scar Removal
  11. Lightens the Dark Spots
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Check Out the Most Popular Skin Benefits of Sesame Oil

1. Sesame Oil for Slowing Down Aging Process

Slowing Down Aging Process
ImageSource: www.wholesomehealthtips.com

One of the most common, yet effective impacts of sesame oil is in delaying the signs and symptoms associated with skin aging. Apart from the increasing age, there are a number of other reasons, included, which contribute to the signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.

With all that being said, it is believed that the presence of excess free radicals in the body is one of the most common reasons behind aging because it tends to affect the healthy cells, thereby inducing senescence in them.

Sesame Oil benefits for skin and in delaying aging is because of the vivid presence of its antioxidants (R) in it. The antioxidants help in neutralizing the presence of the excess free radicals in the body, thereby helping temporary arrest of the aging process.

What To Do?

  1. Mix sesame oil and lavender oil and store it in a sealed bottle
  2. Take a few drops of it on your palm and apply it on the face as a night cream
  3. Massage in circular motions and let the oils seep into the skin

How Often?

  • Every night before bed.

2. Sesame Oil for Acne

Sesame Oil for Acne
ImageSource: www.amwell.com

Sesame Oil is an amazing remedy for someone with an acne prone skin. Unlike a number of other variants of oil which tend to possess pore clogging properties, the linoleic acid present in the sesame oil aids in making sure that the oil doesn’t clog the pores and flushes out any kind of dirt in them.

Not just that, sesame oil skin benefits for acne is also achieved because of the fact that it is loaded with antibacterial properties (R) which has profound impacts in stopping the further growth and proliferation of any kind of microbial growth in the pores on the face. These properties cumulatively help keep the acne away from the face.

What To Do?

  1. Take some steam, to help open the pores
  2. Apply some sesame oil on the face on the opened pores and massage it in circular motions
  3. Wash off the oil and make sure to splash some cold water or use ice to close the opened pores

How Often?

  • 3-4 times a week.

3. Sesame Oil for Skin Whitening

Sesame Oil for Skin Whitening
ImageSource: www.factscholar.com

Using face packs with sesame oil can actually be very beneficial in getting rid of any kind of problems associated with hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone because of scarring or the associated signs and symptoms.

That being said, sesame oil just one its own might not provide with the kind of results one expect with respect to skin whitening and it is necessary to add it with a few other ingredients that compliment to help with lightening the skin tone and making it look more even.

The combination of antibacterial (R) as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, all contribute to keep the skin problems like acne and pimples at bay, further aiding in this process.

What To Do?

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of rice flour and 1 tablespoon of sesame oil
  2. Make a smooth paste and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  3. Further mix everything and apply this all over the face in a smooth layer
  4. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes
  5. Wash it off with some water after that

How Often?

  • 2-3 times a week.

4. Sesame Oil for Dry Skin

Sesame Oil for Dry Skin
ImageSource: media.istockphoto.com

Much like any other form of oil, even sesame oil is loaded with beneficial natural oils and essential fatty acids which have amazing moisturizing benefits (R) for people suffering with a dry and scaly skin. It is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals which are considered as one of the most essential benefits of sesame oil for skin because it nourishes the skin from within.

It seeps into the skin to soften the hardness and dryness of the skin which is often a problem that’s witnessed in quite a large section of the population around the world. If the pungency of the sesame oil is not something you can endure, switch it up by mixing with some kind of carrier oils.

What To Do?

  1. Mix a few drops of sesame oil to any of the carrier oil
  2. Apply this on the face and the other parts of the body that have dry skin
  3. Massage the oil into the skin and leave it on for it to seep into the skin

How Often?

  • Do this every day twice for effective results.

5. Sesame Oil for Oily Skin

Sesame Oil for Oily Skin
ImageSource: www.medicalnewstoday.com

Having naturally oily skin might seem like a boon to some people who don’t have to deal with it on a daily basis. Oily skin is a disaster in progress, primarily because of the fact that it contributes to the formation of more pimples and acne because of the clogged pores.

The application of oil in oily skin might not seem like a very clever choice but the same actually does work and that too positively. While some forms of oils can actually end up worsening the condition of clogged pores, the sesame oil is actually quite the opposite, primarily because of the fact that it helps to unclog the pores.

The linolenic acid in sesame seed oils help regulate the sebum secretion (R) on the face and maintains the oil balance on the face and other parts of the skin. It also promotes blood circulation, thereby further helping in curbing the problems associated with the excess oil on the face.

What to do?

  1. Pour a few drops of sesame oil on your palm
  2. Massage it into the skin and leave it on
  3. Make sure that you let the oil seep into the skin completely

How often?

  • Every day once before bed.

6. Sesame Oil for Skin Wrinkles

Sesame Oil for Skin Wrinkles
ImageSource: www.mirror.co.uk

Skin Wrinkles are the primary signs of aging. The application of sesame oil is beneficial for preventing this is primarily because of the presence of the antioxidant properties (R) that the oil has. Not just that, the moisturizing as well as the skin tightening properties of the sesame oil uses for skin is yet another reason why this is one of the best in the lot.

Make sure to patch test before the application of sesame oil on the skin, in case you are allergic to the same because there are possibilities of the same.

What to do?

  1. Mix a few drops of sesame oil to any of the carrier oil like coconut or even almond
  2. Apply this all over the face
  3. Massage it into the skin with gentle fingers and let it seep into the skin

How often?

  • Do this every day before going to bed and leave the oil overnight

[Also, Read: Coconut Oils for Wrinkles Treatment]

7. Sesame Oil for Repairing Damaged Skin

Sesame Oil for Repairing Damaged Skin
ImageSource: drlenkliman.com.au

Damaged skin can be classified into excessive dryness, lack of proper moisture, facial redness or even hyper pigmentation. With all that out of the way, it is believed that sesame oil is very beneficial in repairing the damaged skin.

The wide range of nutrients and vitamins along with the essential minerals (R) all make up for the reason why the sesame oil for skin repairs is actually beneficial and not something that’s said for the sake of saying. Because of the thick texture of the oil, it seeps into the skin quicker and much better and helps rejuvenate the skin from within.

What to do?

  1. Mix a few drops of sesame oil to any of the carrier oils
  2. Apply this on the face or the damage prone area on the skin
  3. Massage it into the skin with gentle hands
  4. Leave it on and let it seep into the skin

How often?

  • Every day once or twice.

8. Sesame Oil as a Natural Sunscreen

Sesame Oil as a Natural Sunscreen
ImageSource: www.performancechirointc.com

Using just oil as a sunscreen can be a pretty daunting thought, isn’t it? But, it is believed that the application of sesame oil has better and positive impacts, rather than quite the opposite.

The application of sesame oil helps in making a protective layer (R) over the skin, thereby preventing the harsh and harmful UV radiations from the sun to not directly affect the skin and causing sunburns and other accessory problems in the skin.

The antioxidant and the Vitamin E in the sesame oil is what helps contribute to the same which is what helps in prohibiting the action of the free radicals to cause skin problems.

What To Do?

  1. Mix a few drops of sesame oil with some carrier oil, effective carrot oil if you find it
  2. Apply this all over the body and face as a sunscreen and that should get the job done

How Often?

  • Apply this 20-30 minutes before going out in the sun.

9. Sesame Oil for Sunburn Relief

Sesame Oil for Sunburn Relief
ImageSource: www.medicalnewstoday.com

Sesame Oil, apart from being a natural sunblocker, is also a beneficial remedy in treating the sunburn condition that is caused as an after effect of being out in the sun for way to long than one should. The combination of moisturizing as well as the skin healing properties contributes to helping heal the redness and burning sensation.

Pair it with some aloe vera gel and the same can be the perfect remedy to get rid of the burning sensation as well as the dryness and itchiness that often persists in a sunburnt skin.

What to do?

  1. Mix a few drops of sesame oil with some aloe vera gel
  2. Apply this all over the sunburnt skin and leave it on
  3. Don’t massage vigorously because the same can aggravate the situation

How often?

  • Do this 2-3 times daily till the redness and burning sizzles down

10. Sesame Oil for Scar Removal

Sesame Oil for Scar Removal
ImageSource: www.rd.com

Yet one of the most amazing benefits of sesame oil for skin lies in its scar healing properties. For the fact that sesame oil is loaded with zinc, it actually does help in healing the scars but regeneration of cells and tissues around the scar, thereby helping it for healing from within.

If you are here reading through the sesame oil uses for skin and thinking how it can actually help in scar removal, it is because of the exfoliating properties that it has. While the zinc helps repair the damaged tissues (R), the fatty acid chains in this oil is beneficial in aiding in the regeneration of new cells and exfoliation of the dead ones. This is what helps in fading the scars and finally getting rid of it for good.

What to do?

  1. Mix 10 drops each of sesame oil, helichrysum as well as lavender oil in a bowl
  2. Keep it stored in a small vile for future use
  3. Pour a few drops of the oil mixture in your palm
  4. Apply it directly on the scar and gently massage it into the skin
  5. Leave it on

How often?

Multiple times throughout the day for effective results. That being said, make sure that your scar is completely closed and has dried before you start applying the sesame oil on it.

11. Sesame Oil for Dark Spots

Sesame Oil for Dark Spots
ImageSource: www.stylecraze.com

Dark spots can be because of hyper pigmentation or even because of the excess presence of acne scarring on the face. Whatever the reason, nobody likes to sport blemishes on their face, right?

Well, the amazing nutrients and vitamins in the sesame oil have beneficial impacts in getting rid of the dark spots effectively. The Vitamin E as well as the vivid antioxidant properties (R), helps flush out the toxins that could be causing the dullness in the skin.

Not just that, sesame oil also helps unclog pores and gets rid of any kind of dirt trapped inside the pores. It also moisturizes the skin to keep it healthy and rejuvenated to make it seem better. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which helps get rid of any kind of inflammation that could be the reason because of the acne and pimples.

What to do?

  1. Massage some sesame oil on the face and skin to let it seep into
  2. Leave it on
  3. If the smell or texture is way too overwhelming for you, try and add it with some carrier oils for similar benefits

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily.

How to Choose and Where to Buy Sesame Oil?

Sesame Oil
ImageSource: www.expertherald.com

Much like any other kind of oil for cosmetic use, even sesame oil should be chosen wisely to ensure that the application of it doesn’t leave behind negative impacts on the skin. If you actually want to benefits with the sesame oil uses for skin, it is necessary to ensure that you choose the right variant for the best impacts on skin healing and rejuvenation.

There are primarily three variants of the sesame oil – refine, unrefined and organic, which can be used for topical application. It is necessary to ensure that you get the sesame oil for skin and not the ones that would commonly be used in cooking. That being said, it is also important to avoid the toasted sesame oil because it tends to lose the actually benefits for the skin.

When it comes to storage of the sesame oil for face and skin usage, it is important to store in a cool and dry place that’s away from directly sunlight exposure. Since sesame oil is loaded with antioxidants, it is witnessed that it normally has a longer shelf life but it is important to still be very careful with what you are buying.

If you are buying from a supermarket, get the first pressed one which is just the oil and actual extract. Avoid the brands which have other kind of additives in the oil because the same can actually inflict negative impacts on your skin.

The benefits of sesame oil for skin are profound and very extensive, primarily because of the fact that the sesame oil uses for skin ranges from the common stance of moisturizing the dry skin to healing the scar that has still now been visible. It is necessary to always do a patch test before the usage of the sesame oil to avoid any kind of negative impacts on the skin. I hope this was helpful in the best way possible.