5 Best Foods To Cure Psoriasis


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foods to cure psoriasis

Psoriasis is a major skin disease in which huge abnormal patches appear on the skin. These patches are red in color and feel itchy and scaly. Immediate medication is required if you are experiencing symptoms of psoriasis. Although no scientific theory proves that certain foods controls or shows positive effects in curing psoriasis, weight loss is the key to treat psoriasis, according to the experts. Hence, experts suggest few foods to cure psoriasis.

Experts also say that weight loss not only helps in curing various disorders, but it also helps in curing diabetes, heart diseases as well as strokes, which are found on high scales in people suffering with psoriasis. According to the nutritionists, healthy diet includes, low-fat dairy products, lean protein, fruits and vegetables and whole grains.

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(Source: Alternative Treatment Guide)

We have brought you a list of few best foods, which has been recommended by the experts, to cure a dangerous skin disorder of psoriasis.

Food Items To Cure Psoriasis

1Squash And Carrots

According to many nutritionists, diet rich in proportion of fruits and vegetables may show positive results against inflammatory disorders. As I have already said that there are no scientific backing for the theory that certain foods controls the effects of psoriasis, we know that psoriasis is a condition occurs due to specific inflammatory conditions. Hence, it is required to have foods and vegetables,which have anti-inflammatory properties for the patients who are suffering from psoriasis. Among the best fruits and vegetables with anti-inflammatory properties, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, kale, broccoli and spinach are ranked higher.

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2Seafood And Fish

Seafood which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in salmon, mackerel, albacore tuna and sardines, are highly helpful in preventing heart diseases. Additionally,this fish oil is also helpful in lowering down the inflammation and strengthening the immune system, which is found to be negatively affected in the patients with psoriasis. Considering the fact that psoriasis can also cause stroke as well as heart attack, experts suggest to eat fish twice every week.


Grains have always been considered as the major factor balanced diet. Grains such as cereals, pasta, oatmeal and brown rice, just like fruits and vegetables, contain anti-inflammatory properties and are highly effective in blood sugar regulation. These grains along with legumes, beans and lentils are rich in fiber as well as antioxidants, which are helpful in full body development.

4Lean Meats

Again,meat is also not considered as the best on psoriasis. However, consumption of lean meats such as white-meat chicken and turkey helps in controlling effects of it. Experts suggest that various patients have shown recoveries after limiting their consumption of red meat. According to the nutritionists, intake of fatty red meat results in inflammation in the body, which can cause psoriasis. However, eating red meat occasionally with less fatty cuts such as lean flank steak as well as sirloin, is permitted.

5Avocados And Nuts

Fats have always been considered as bad in maintaining health. However, very few people know that there are few fat types which are actually very helpful in getting fit. These fats are known as polyunsaturated fats, which are found in high proportions in vegetable oils, avocados and nuts. Other beneficial fat type, monounsaturated fats are found in walnuts, soybean oil and flaxseed as well as certain fishes. Intake of these fats, however, should under moderation, according to the experts. Nutritionists also suggest to stay away from saturated as well as trans fats,which may trigger inflammation in the body.

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By Prajakt K.