The Best and Worst Fruits For Diabetics


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Best and Worst Fruits For Diabetics

Having fruits in your diet is excellent for staying healthy and at optimal nutritional levels. However, most fruits contain a lot of natural sugar, making them problematic for people with diabetes.

Hence, choosing the right fruits that will not spike blood sugar levels is crucial for diabetics. So, are fruits a good choice for people with diabetes? In this article, we’ll explore various fruits suitable for diabetics that you can enjoy without worrying about their impact on your blood sugar levels.

What Is The Glycemic Index?

What Is The Glycemic Index

Before we proceed with the answer to whether fruits are a good option for someone with diabetes, let’s first understand the concept of the Glycemic Index (GI).

The Glycemic Index (R) is commonly referred to as a number or digit associated with the starch or carbohydrates in a particular food, which indicates the effect that the carbohydrate will have on one’s body after consumption.

Low-GI foods are digested slowly, leading to slow and gradual glucose absorption. This helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. In contrast, high-GI foods are quickly digested and absorbed. This causes blood glucose fluctuations, and diabetes management becomes challenging.

Fruits with low glycemic index (R) are permissible for people with diabetes. Since these low GI fruits tend to take more time to get absorbed, they support in regulating blood glucose levels in the body.

So, when asked whether or not fruits control diabetes, the question can’t necessarily just be ruled out. There are a few restrictions to the notion, but fruits are not something a diabetic patient completely needs to uproot from their diet.

But What Is A Low and A Medium GI Fruit?

A low GI fruit has a GI value of 55 or less. These are slowly digested and absorbed and thus gradually increase the blood glucose levels.

Any fruit whose GI lies between 56 and 69 is considered to have a medium glycemic index value. Compared to the low-GI fruit, these fruits, upon ingestion, cause a moderate blood glucose increase. That notwithstanding, medium-GI fruits are still suitable for people with diabetes if taken in moderation and with other low-GI foods that help keep the sugar level in the blood at bay.

20 Diabetic-Friendly Fruits – Low and Medium GI Fruits

1. Kiwi


Kiwi is considered one of the best fruits for a diabetic patient because of its exceptional nutritional value and considerably low GI levels. It is categorized as a medium-GI fruit, which is permissible for consumption in the case of diabetic patients.

Apart from this, kiwi is also loaded with potassium, fiber, and plenty of Vitamin C. One medium-sized kiwi fruit contains 56 calories and 13 g of carbohydrates, which is minimal.

The Glycemic Index (R) of Kiwi fruit is 58.

2. Indian Blackberry (Jamun)

Indian Blackberry Jamun

Jamun, besides its juicy, delectable taste, is also an effective remedy to keep blood glucose levels in check. Compounds in Jamun help convert the consumed starch into energy effectively.

Also known as black plum, it is one of the fruits best for diabetes primarily because of its anti-diabetic (R) properties. It also has a low glycemic index, which further adds to the list of benefits.

The Glycemic Index of Jamun or Black Plum is 25, consisting of 60 kcal and around 16 g of carbohydrates.

3. Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit primarily grown in Mexico, parts of Southern America, Costa Rica and some adjoining countries.

It is considered one of the most effective fruits for people with diabetes (R) because of its high levels of fiber, which regulates sugar levels in the blood effectively. It is also beneficial for subsiding the sudden sugar spikes one might experience after consuming high-GI food.

Although there may be slight variations in GI, dragon fruit can be put under the low GI category with a GI of 48-52 (R).

4. Star Fruit

Star Fruit

Starfruit, also called Carambola, is low in sugar and contains vitamins and minerals and is therefore considered one of the best fruits that can be consumed by diabetics (R).

It is loaded with dietary fibers, folates, niacin, vitamins A and C, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, etc., which are beneficial for the overall regulation of glucose levels in the body.

Starfruit is a good source of Vitamin C and has a low GI value of 36 (R).

The consumption of star fruit is considered harmful for people who suffer from diabetes nephropathy. It can worsen the condition, so consult your doctor.

5. Apple


Apples, because of their high content of polyphenols and fibers, are considered one of the best fruits for diabetic patients. Various studies showcase that the consumption of cloudy apple juice does have effects in regulating the glucose levels in diabetic rats. Although the results are not that promising, it definitely accounts for something, doesn’t it?

The Glycemic Index (R) of Apples is 40, categorizing it as a fruit with a low glycemic index.

6. Avocado


The primary mode of action in which avocados effectively help combat excessive glucose levels is their high fiber and low carbohydrate content. Compared to a medium-sized apple, which consists of 25 grams of carbohydrates, an avocado consists of 17 grams of carbohydrates. This is why avocado (R) is considered one of the ideal fruits for diabetes.

The Glycemic Index is 40 (R), making it one of the most favorable fruits for diabetics.

7. Cranberries


The consumption of cranberry juice has been regarded as one of the best ways to keep the risks of type II diabetes along with heart diseases at bay. Experts suggest that drinking two glasses of the natural and unsweetened version of cranberry juice can have remarkable effects on maintaining glucose levels (R) in the body.

Apart from this, even consuming a handful of dried cranberries can benefit diabetic patients. It is because of its low glycemic index that it is considered one of the best fruits for diabetes.

Cranberries boost the overall glycemic and insulin responses, which is a bonus for people who have diabetes. The Glycemic Index (R) of cranberry juice is 56.

8. Strawberries


Strawberries have a low GI, which makes them release the carbs at a slow pace, thus prohibiting spiking the glucose levels (R) in the body all at once. Not just that, but the carbohydrate content of strawberries is also considerably low. A bowl of strawberries contains 11 gm of carbohydrates and around 3 gm of fiber.

The Glycemic Index of strawberries ranges from 29-77 (R) depending on the way they are eaten.

9. Blueberries


Blueberries prevent sudden spikes in glucose levels in the body because of the vivid presence of antioxidants and dietary fibers.

Blueberries, or any berry, for that matter, are considered a superfood for diabetes (R). If you are making a list of fruits for people with diabetes to eat, blueberries are at the top of the list.

The Glycemic Index (R) of blueberries is 53, which is considered a low GI.

10. Blackberries


Blackberries are probably one of the best fruits for diabetic patients among all the other variants of berries. If you have been wondering why, the primary reason is their amazing anti-hyperglycemic effects (R) on the body.

In simple terms, blackberries effectively lower excess glucose levels in the body. Not just that, they also have a promising effect on maintaining insulin resistance (R) and regulating the balance of glucose tolerance in the body.

The Glycemic Index of Blackberries is 25, making them a low-GI food.

11. Lychee


With every mode of speculation that litchi or lychee is not at all permissible for consumption by a diabetic patient, it is not exactly the truth. While a moderate-sized bowl of lychee sure does contain around 29 gm of carbohydrates, you can eat it in small quantities to avoid spiking your glucose levels up the chart.

Not just that, it is believed that the consumption of lychee can effectively combat inflammation and the oxidative stress (R) that comes as a side effect of diabetes. If you plan to consume lychee in any form, be it the fruit or extract, consult a doctor first.

The Glycemic Index (R) of lychee or lychee is 57, which puts it under the medium GI food category.

12. Passion Fruit

Passion Fruit

If you weren’t aware why passion fruit (R) is considered one of the best fruits for diabetics, it is primarily because of the low glycemic index along with the high fiber content (10.4%).

Not just that, the high levels of pectin, which is a soluble dietary fiber, have beneficial effects on satisfying your satiety quickly. This ensures that you end up eating less in comparison to what you would have normally eaten. The good combination of fiber and low calories contributes to keeping the blood glucose levels in check as well.

The Glycemic Index (R) of passion fruit is 30, and hence, is considered to be part of the low GI category, which in itself should be more than self-explanatory.

13. Grapefruit


Grapefruit is considered one of the most effective fruits that are good for diabetes. The juice of grapefruit effectively regulated the levels of insulin resistance (R) in an experiment conducted on rats. This experiment was conducted without following a standard diet.

Not just that, the eating of grapefruit also impacted metformin (R) like properties, which are anti-hyperglycemic and help in gradually lowering the levels of spiked glucose in the body. This is one of the primary reasons why it is considered one of the permissible fruits that one can eat in diabetes.

The Glycemic Index (R) of grapefruit is 25, which is in the lowest range of the GI.

14. Guava


Guava, like a few other fruits mentioned above, falls into the low-GI category. It is one of the most beneficial fruits for diabetics (R).

Guavas are rich in dietary fiber, making them one of the best options for relieving the signs and symptoms of constipation.

Being categorized under the category of fruits with the lowest GI, it is one of the amazing fruits suitable for diabetes (R).

With a GI value of 25 (R), it helps combat the symptoms of Type-II diabetes effectively.

15. Pomegranate


While there are several misconceptions around the consumption of pomegranate in diabetes (R), moderation is the key.

Even though the concentration of carbohydrates is predominantly good, doctors suggest eating the seeds or even the juice in moderate quantities. The primary reason why it is considered one of the best fruits for diabetes is because the carbohydrates in this fruit are not free but tightly bound to the phenolic antioxidants present in the pomegranate.

It was found that it didn’t change the blood glucose levels abruptly, which is exactly why the consumption of this is not a bad option, even for diabetic patients.

With a GI value of 53 (R), it is beneficial for patients who have type II diabetes (R).

16. Peaches


Peaches are not bad for people who have diabetes. These account for one of those fruits that can be eaten by diabetics because they have a very low glycemic index that ranges from 28 (R) to 56 (R), depending on the size of the fruit.

Peaches are also loaded with beneficial potassium, fibers, and vitamins A and C. All of these nutritional benefits, along with the lowered levels of the Glycemic Index, make it an ideal fruit for people with diabetes.

17. Oranges


Another amazing fruit that is good for diabetes is oranges. The pulpy and citrusy content of the fruit is beneficial in keeping the blood glucose levels in check. Apart from having a low GI, they are also loaded with amazing dietary fibers and Vitamin C which have antioxidative properties on the body.

Eating oranges may even help prevent the risk of diabetes in an individual. If you have diabetes, try to eat the oranges rather than drink the juice because that tends to spike the glucose levels abruptly.

The Glycemic Index of Oranges ranges from 31 (R) to 51 (R) depending on the size of the fruit and the ripeness.

18. Pears


Pears, even though they taste exceptionally sweet, don’t necessarily contain a hefty quantity of sugars in them, which is what makes them a favorable option for consumption (R), even if you have diabetes.

The Glycemic Index of Pear ranges from 33 (R) to 42 (R).

19. Apricots


Apricots account for yet another fantastic addition to the list of fruits for people with diabetes to eat owing to their amazing fiber content and a good proportion of Vitamin A.

One medium-sized apricot ® is believed to consist of 17 calories and just 4 g of carbohydrates. You can easily consume 2-4 apricots in one go without worrying about the excess consumption of carbohydrates.

Its Glycemic Index ranges from 34 (R) to 57 (R).

20. Plums


Plums can help prevent the risk of diabetes that can happen due to lifestyle problems like obesity or even heart-related illness.

The Glycemic Index of Plums ranges from 24 (R) to 53 (R) based on the size and ripeness of the fruit.

The Worst Fruits For Diabetics

Worst Fruits For Diabetics

The classification of fruits as “diabetic-friendly” goes beyond just their Glycemic Index (GI) value. While GI is a useful measure, it’s not the only factor to consider. Here’s why some fruits with low or moderate GI values may still not be considered ideal for diabetics:

  • Glycemic Load takes into account the portion size of the food and its GI value. Even fruits with a moderate GI can have a high glycemic load if consumed in large quantities.
  • Some fruits, like pineapple, mango, and dates, have high levels of natural sugars. Even with a moderate GI, the amount of sugar consumed can be high.
  • The GI values of certain fruits, such as pineapple, ripe banana, and dates, vary depending on factors like ripeness and variety.
  • Fruits like watermelon and cantaloupe have a high water content, which can lead to quicker digestion and faster absorption of sugars.
  • As fruits ripen, their GI tends to increase. For instance, a ripe banana or mango will have a higher GI than an unripe one. This is why even fruits that might generally fall in the low to moderate GI range can still cause spikes in blood sugar when consumed ripe.

Here are some of the worst fruits for diabetes:

  • Watermelon: GI value of 72
  • Pineapple: GI value of 51 – 73
  • Ripe Banana: GI value of 42 – 62
  • Mango: GI value of 56
  • Papaya: GI value of 60
  • Dates: GI value of 62-72 (varies by variety)
  • Cantaloupe (Rockmelon): GI value of 65 – 70
  • Jackfruit: GI value of 50 – 60
  • Black grapes: GI value of around 53

These fruits can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, so they should be consumed with caution by those managing diabetes.


Fruits for diabetics are not taboo. It is a misconception that people who have diabetes should completely stay away from fruits because the sugars in them can aggravate the situation. Well, it is wrong. When it comes to eating fruits for diabetic patients, moderation is always the key, and choose fruits high in fiber and low in GI.

  • July 2018
    Written by Somapika D
  • Sep 2024
    Edited by Lakshmi Gayatri