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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersAccording to the World Cancer Research Fund, there were over 2 million cases of breast cancer reported in the year of 2018. The main reason behind the rampant growth in the rate of breast cancer is mainly because of the fact that women aren’t well aware of the signs and symptoms that come along with the condition.
The symptoms of breast cancer are often misguiding and not understood by many people which is one of the primary reasons why you can end up getting the same diagnosis at a later stage in life.
[Also Read: 12 Possible Causes & Remedies of Breast Pain]
Here, we are going to alert you with some of the early signs of breast cancer in females that you definitely need to know of.
Warning Signs of Breast Cancer
As we did mention before, recognizing the early signs can actually come a lot in handy for several women who have been suffering from the condition without knowing about it altogether.
It is important that you keep things into consideration and some of them are what we are going to suggest for you below:
1.Swelling under the arm

The very first and the most common signs and symptoms of breast cancer are if you notice any kind of swelling on your underarm.
We have lymph nodes under our arm and around the neck region. If you have been experiencing any kind of hardened swelling under there which is persistent and doesn’t get better, it is best suggested to ensure that you consult a doctor.
But, don’t just start panicking. Often times, the swelling around on the lymph node can also be because of the infection that is occurring in your body. It is thus best suggested to get the same checked out by a doctor and if the medications prescribed don’t work, chances are that they will conduct a biopsy to affirm whether if it is cancer or not.
2.Thick area around the breast

Yet another one of the factors that pose as the early signs of breast cancer is the feeling of a thick area around the breast. If you have a spot around your breast that does feel less squishy and instead feels tight and dense, it is possible a sign of breast cancer.
The thickening of the breast tissues is often common during menstruation or even if you are breastfeeding. The problem arises if the condition is persistent and doesn’t go away. If you find that instead of healing, the same is getting bigger and spreading around, it is possible that the same could be a sign of breast cancer.
This thick presence is mainly because of the accumulation of the cancer cells which then on block the circulation around the breasts. It is quite different from the hard lump that many people often tend to confuse this with.
3.Sudden changes in the breast size

Yet another one of the symptoms of breast cancer is characterized by the sudden changes in the breast size which mainly occurs because of the swelling around the size of the breast. Many women have irregular breast size. One breast can be bigger than the other and it is perfectly common but if there is a sudden change in the size of the breast, that is where the problem seeps into.
If the swelling tends to stay the same, it is best to ensure that you take the time out to assess what the problem is. This further helps in providing a better insight into whether it is cancer or it is something else.
4.Lumps in the breast

One of the common reasons that can prevent breast cancer from getting worse is if you keep a daily eye on the signs. Try and ensure that you touch and feel the breasts to ensure there aren’t any kind of lumps around the breast periphery.
It is important for every woman to do this on a daily basis wherein you touch your breasts, push into the skin and get a better check of whether or not you have any kind of formation of lumps around the area or not.
It is possible for you to experience such lumps during your periods but if the same is present even after the periods, it is important to get the same checked out for good from the doctor before it’s too late.
One of the most common early signs of breast cancer is the fact that you will notice lumps in your breast all the more.
5.Dimples on the breast

Yet another one of the common and warning signs of breast cancer is the presence of dimpled skin around the breast region. It is very common for you to experience dimpling around the skin when you wear tight clothes and such.
But, the problem does arise when the condition is persistent and doesn’t go away. If you find that the dimple in the skin around the breast is persistent and doesn’t go away, it is best to consult a doctor to get the same checked out.
This is predominantly caused when the tumor inside the breast causes a pull in the skin, thus leaving behind an indent in that area. If you are confused as to how you will detect the same, it can easily be done when you do lift your hands above your head and check whether the whole skin of the breast rides up and down with the motion of your arms.
6.Presence of a welt on the breast

Yet another one of the early signs of breast cancer is the presence of a welt on the breast. If you have been experiencing any sort of welt around the breast. Often times, people tend to have this constant need to brush off the presence of the red marks and rashes as nothing serious which is where the problem arises from.
The induction of a welt like a bruise around the breast is a sign that you need to get the same checked out by the doctor as soon as possible. It is important to ensure that you do keep an eye out on the fact that the same is a possible sign of the inflammatory disease that needs immediate attention.
Consult a doctor without delay.
7.Irritation in your nipples

Yet another one of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer is the fact that it could cause irritation around your nipple region.
If you have been scratching and feeling uneasy because of the constant itching from the nipples, it is possible that the same is because of the spreading issues of breast cancer.
[Also Read: How to Get rid of Itchy Breast at Early Stage]
The nipples are one of the most common indicators of the condition and if you are experiencing any kind of changes around with the structure or even the area around the nipples can help you deduce whether the condition is something serious or not.
Some of the common changes in the nipples that you need to look out for include inversion of the nipples, dimples on the nipple, burning or constant itching sensation or even the presence of red-colored rashes on the skin.
Any kind of discharge from the nipples is often one of the indicative signs of the condition of breast cancer.
8.Crust on the nipples

You wouldn’t technically know this but the presence of the crusty skin on the nipples is one of the most common warning signs of breast cancer.
The crusty appearance of the skin could very well be a normal skin condition but there are possibilities that the same could be indicative of the breast cancer condition known as the Paget’s disease. It is best suggested to ensure that you take this condition into consideration and if it prevails, it is best suggested to consult a doctor to get the problem checked out for good.
This condition often happens when cancer has spread across the breasts and now resides on the nipples. This leaves behind a scab like texture on the skin which further ends up causing itchiness and unnecessary discomfort.
9.Rashes on the breast, especially nipples

If you experience any kind of persistent skin rash around the breast and on the nipples and the surrounding region, it is one of the possible early signs of breast cancer in females. It is very important to keep a close eye on the condition and see whether or not it persists or cures on its own.
If the condition is persistent and doesn’t go away even with the application of medications and such, there are possibilities that the same could very well be indicative of the condition of breast cancer and needs immediate attention.
10.Pain or tenderness around the breast and the chest region

Yet another one of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer! If you are constantly experiencing pain around the breast and the associated area.
You will realize and know that breast lumps aren’t always the primary factor that causes pain. If the pain persists even after a few days or so. It is important that you consult a doctor for the same.
As we did mention before, self-examination of your breasts is important. This helps in ensuring that you don’t end up detecting the same at the end. When it is too serious to handle.
If your pain is persistent even after a few days. It could very well be indicative of breast cancer. Which is why it is important to consult a doctor before it gets out of control.
11.Redness or Hot feeling

Redness around the breast is often a very common sign of breast cancer. Don’t necessarily get diverted thinking that this is the sole indicative sign.
If the redness is accompanied by a feeling of hotness too. Better suggested to reach out to a doctor before it gets worse, for that matter.
It is often a sign of inflammatory breast cancer. The important to keep an eye out on the condition all the more. Don’t just forego the condition of the skin rashes. But also the scaly skin as something normal if it is persistent.
12.Visible veins popping up on the breast

When it comes to the early signs of breast cancer. The main important is to look out for the veins around the breast region too.
If you have been witnessing your veins around the breast popping up well and dark. It is possible that the same could be a contributing factor to the condition of breast cancer.
It is very important to ensure that you do consult a doctor without further delay. Because the same can help in ensuring that you prevent the issues associated with breast cancer.
13.Stretched out skin

Yet another one of the possible symptoms of breast cancer is the presence of stretched out skin. It is important to ensure that you look out for the texture of your skin too.
If the skin around the breast seems to have a lot of stretch marks. It is possible that the same could very well be because of the early signs of breast cancer.
Take care at the Early stage. Because it is what helps you treatment of the condition.
14.Headaches, backaches and bone pain
Yet another one of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer is believed to be characterized by headache, backaches, and even a considerable amount of bone pain around.
If you have been experiencing recurring pain and constant headache. It is possible that the same could be indicative of the condition of breast cancer that you had no idea about.
If the condition is persistent, that is when you keep an eye out on this condition all the more.
When it comes down to the early signs of breast cancer. Keep an eye out on the symptoms. Because in earlier diagnosis, the better chances at keeping it away for long. It is important that you do pay attention to these signs. Don’t treat them as mere coincidences because that is what causes the problem.