12 Positive Self Talk Practices – Know The Details And The Ways


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Positive self talk

How often in a day do you tell yourself that you can’t do it? Happens to us quite often, doesn’t it? While the negative outlook isn’t the best always, it isn’t necessarily the only way to success and self motivation. If you have been looking around for motivation, indulging in positive self talk is important.

These have been found to help boost your self confidence and even help drive away the negative thoughts that tend to infiltrate your mind every now and then. It is important to ensure that you keep certain factors assorted for yourself, when it comes to the kind of thoughts that you mind is struggling with.

By the end of this article, you will have a well informed idea about the positive self talk benefits and everything there is to know about this altogether.

What is Positive Self Talk?

What is Positive Self Talk
src: earlytorise.com

Positive self talk is the range of positive thoughts and views that you boost your mind with. Given that we tend to have the tendency to always think the worst of everything, this is actually one of the best ways to switch that kind of thought process that our mind is always imbibed with.

It is important to ensure that you do know the ways to practice positive self talk and even know the kind of benefits that they bring along.

How To Practice Positive Self Talk?

How To Practice Positive Self Talk
src: www.betterlyf.com

While we are most likely discussing about benefits of this, it is important that you do know about the steps you need to adhere to when it comes to the condition of positive self talk.

There are a number of steps that one needs to follow to practice positive self talk and we are here to help you with just that.

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Some of the steps to teach yourself positive self talk include:

1.Have beliefs in higher power

Have beliefs in higher powerIt might come off as a surprise but studies have found that people who are more religious and have better and improved faith in higher power do have better chances of improving their beliefs in themselves.

It is believed that the people who do have a faith in higher power tend to have better impacts on their self esteem. This is one of the primary reasons which further helps in boosting the self talk as well.

Take for an instance, if you believe that God loves you, you are more likely to feel loved and welcomed around which is definitely one of the primary impacts you get around when it comes to the condition of self esteem, confidence and the kind of things that you can achieve with your life.

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2.Be grateful

Be gratefulOne of the best ways to experience the positive self talk benefits is by chalking out the things in life that you are grateful for. This itself is more than enough to bring forth better impacts on your life, like you couldn’t even expect.

When you are grateful for the things in life, you are more likely going to find improvements in your behavior and attitude as well. This is one of the best ways to induce better positive self talk. If you are wondering how you can practice this, start with a gratitude journal. Use this as a medium to write down the things that you are thankful for.

It doesn’t matter whether the prospects are big or even small. Just ensure that you take the time to appreciate even the minutest detail in your life.

3.Get rid of negative people

Get rid of negative people
src: www.success.com

If you wish for your positive self talk exercises to work, it is important to ensure that you do get rid of the negative people from around you.

It is common to have people around you who aren’t that advocating of positive thoughts but if you find that the same is starting to affect your life and thought process in a negative way, that is exactly when you need to intervene and find better ways to change it up for good.

The important is that you take the time out to get rid of the negative people in your life. It is mostly important mainly because negativity is something that doesn’t take much time to reflect on you. If you want to create a positive environment around you, it is important to ensure that you do take the time around for the best impacts all the more.

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4.Try and preach Positivity

Try and preach positivity
src: bepositivecompany.files.wordpress.com

If you do want to experience amazing impacts on an overall, it is important to ensure that you do take the time out to yourself preach positivity around you as well. This might not seem like much but does impose beneficial impacts altogether.

When you have negative thoughts swirling around in your mind, chances are that you are going to experience the aftermath of the negative self talk that does come along with it.

The best way to instill positive thoughts and self talk in your life is by ensuring that you do spread the positivity around with the others as well.

It doesn’t require an explanation that positivity breeds positivity. If you have been negative all this time through, chances are that you wouldn’t necessarily experience anything good or positive in your life as well. Change that soon.

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5.Stop with the comparison

Stop with the comparison
src: www.incimages.com

The constant game of comparison is likely to induce worse symptoms within you. If you want to preach and experience positive self talk, it is very important to ensure that you do stop with the constant comparison with others.

Everyone is good in their own way. If you want to experience the best, it is important to ensure that you do avoid the unnecessary bout of comparison that you have going around in your head.

Comparison doesn’t bring any good to your life, rather complicates it even more so. It is thus important that you take the time to self reflect and know what you are good at instead of constantly complaining about it to other people.

You are bound to cross paths with people who are either better or worse than you but it is important that you never compare yourself with them and rather focus on boosting your capabilities.

6.Don’t be afraid of failure

Don-t be afraid of failure
src: tedideas.files.wordpress.com

We are often so driven by success and achievement that we fail to realize that failure is part of growing up. You can’t expect everything to be a smooth sail. It is normal for you to experience ups and downs and failures through the process which is why it is very important to ensure that you do take the time to reflect on the failure and accept it valiantly.

If you have been struggling with the positive self talk because of being afraid of failure, it is best suggested to ensure that you do take the time out to self reflect and not get deterred by the failure that you experience.

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The constant fear of failure is one of the primary reasons which abstains people from trying new things that they could possibly succeed in.

Don’t let the failure get the best of you. Instead, fight back and find better ways to work through them for your overall growth and development.

7.Believe in yourself

Believe in yourself
src: etsystatic.com

One of the best ways to teach yourself positive self talk is to ensure that you start believing in yourself. You are more likely going to experience the impacts if you take the time to not question every last activity of yours.

This is exactly where the problem arises from. If you want to experience the best of your positive self talk, it is important that you start the process by believing in yourself. Doubting yourself is one of the primary things that can hold you back from doing a number of things that you possibly could excel in.

If you think that gym and exercise isn’t something you are capable of doing even before trying it, chances are that you will never know it if you don’t try it. Instead of negatively impacting your life, simply end up thinking that you can do it. Motivate yourself and the rest will easily fall into place.

8.Switch your thoughts

Switch your thoughts
src: consciouslifenews.com

One of the primary reasons why we fail to practice self thought is because our minds are constantly filled with the negative thoughts. If you want to experience better impacts on your thoughts, it is important that you switch your thoughts for the best.

Don’t let every single racing thought in your mind to be occupied by the negative string of thoughts because that is what ends up causing the problems in the long haul.

If you are indulging in negative thoughts, do something positive to deter those thoughts altogether. It is very important to ensure that you don’t let those negative thoughts overpower the string of positive ones that you are most likely going to have.

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9.Stop with the past

Stop with the past
src: preply.com

We are all so stuck up with our past that we let it overwhelm our thoughts constantly. If you wish for the best of impacts, it is important that you do get rid of what happened in the past.

Dwelling with what happened in your past is not going to result in anything good for your life. This is the reason why it is very important to ensure that you do take the time to walk off and move on from that constant string of negative thoughts in your mind.

Align your thoughts on the fact that you were strong and adamant enough to move on from the past and make better changes to your life. This is one of the most important driving factors that you possibly had no idea about.

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10.Limit the media exposure

Limit the media exposureSocial media or even the traditional media is on the constant rise. If you want to teach yourself positive self talk, it is very important that you take the time out to prevent the overbearing media exposure that you have been exposed to all this while.

The media has the power to deter your mind and make you question everything which is one of the reasons why it is necessary to ensure that you do take the time out to limit your media exposure for good.

This itself is more than enough to keep you in the best shape possible and have your mind trailing with nothing but positive thoughts only. If you have been struggling with negative thoughts, it is time that you assess the source as the media and take necessary steps to fight that off for good.

11.Be kind to others

Be kind to othersYou wouldn’t realize the happiness and positivity you get from volunteering until you have done it yourself. It is very important to ensure that you do take the time out from your schedule to indulge in positivity and kindness from your busy schedule.

This itself is often one of the best ways to handle the problems associated with the self hatred and self doubts you have. Being selfless helps you gain direction which is something that can further imbibe better impacts on the positive self talk benefits.

12.Dream and set the goals

Dream and set the goals
src: www.atlanticuniv.edu

Dreams are yet another factor that could be one of the best ways to exercise positive self talk to yourself. If you have been struggling with the constant onslaught of thoughts and such, it is best suggested to ensure that you take the time out to step back and just assess everything per say.

Dig deeper into the prospects that make you happy and something that you want to do with your life. This itself is more than enough to ensure that you not just drive better goals for yourself but imbibe things in your life that make you happy throughout.

Allows yourself to have the kind of flexibility that would help in churning better results. This itself is a lot helpful in keeping you on track with your thought process and the accessory.

Benefits Of Positive Self Talk

Benefits Of Positive Self TalkPositive self talk helps you gain better grip on your life that you didn’t think was possible.

Some of the benefits of positive self talk include:

Boosts self confidence

It is true when people say that no one is going to believe you until you do so yourself. When you boost yourself with positive self talk, chances are that you are definitely going to experience a bout of positivity in your life without a speck of doubt.

It is important to ensure that you do focus on driving better results for your life because that is exactly what positive self talks ensure. It helps you feel better about yourself which in turn helps you gain better confidence.

Churns better results

If you have set goals in your life, chances are that you are going to better results in the long haul if you do focus on having a positive self talk with yourself.

Don’t let the negativity creep into your life because that is where the problem does arise from. It is very important to ensure that you take the time out to assess things according to gain the best exposure and achieve your goals along the way.

Positive mindset and optimism

When you teach yourself positive self talk, chances are that you wouldn’t have to struggle with pessimism anymore which is a very common occurrence nowadays.

Positive self talk exercises help you gain a better grip at reality and thus helps prevent the risks associated with the problems like the negative mindset. When you try and correlate better positive outlook on your life, chances are that you are going to witness it pay off in the end.

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With positive self talk, you are guaranteed to have such similar experiences all the more.

Examples Of Positive And Negative Self Talk

Examples Of Positive And Negative Self Talk
src: keyquestmusic.files.wordpress.com

Optimism and pessimism go hand in hand. It goes without saying that the experiences you have are something unmatched and unparalleled. If you have been experiencing the constant onslaught of negative thoughts, it is important that you find ways to change that for good.

Some of the important examples of positive self talk depression that one needs to know about include:

Negative: I am not worth it
Positive: I’ll have to make myself work to achieve it

Negative: I can’t do it
Positive: I can do it

Negative: People won’t like me
Positive: I need to just let go of what people think about me

Negative: Others are better than me
Positive: I will give my best in what I do

Negative: I am not enough
Positive: I am enough

These are some of the common examples of positive self talk vs. negative self talk that many people tend to experience on a daily basis. If you have been constantly struggling with something similar, it is time to take a step back and just simply assess the problems altogether.

Positive self talk is important not just for the benefits but also for the kind of impacts it has on one’s life. It is important to ensure that you take the time out to motivate yourself through the process and not get stuck with the negative string of thoughts. Remember that your positive outlook on life influences your life for the better as well.