25 Amazing Self Care Tips To Love Yourself Better!


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25 Amazing Self Care Tips To Love Yourself Better

Stay at peace with a sound mind and body!

When you can take care of the people around you, why not give importance to taking care of yourself too? While the term “self care” might sound philosophical, practically speaking, it would help you attain peace and work on your shortcomings. Wondering as to what are those amazing self-care tips to love yourself better?

It is only when you go that extra mile of assessing and treating yourself right would you be able to figure out how focusing on self-care can change the way you look at yourself and every phase in life.

In this article, we have shared the best self-care tips to love yourself better. See how well you can benefit from them.

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Best Tips On Self-Care You Will Love To Know

Knowing the purpose of what you are doing is always necessary to know how to head forward. That said, your real purpose on getting to know tips about self-care if to ensure you have a healthy mind, active body and a filtered thought process.

Self-care is the best gift you can give to yourself, by far, this would be a priceless gift that you will own with you for life. You will see yourself fair well and that will give you no reason to get off cloud nine.

Well – make a choice and pick up on the best self-care tips to lead a happier, peaceful and a enthusiastic life. Here are the tips you should read through

Self-Care Tips For A Rocking Mind

No 1 – Be A Backbone To Your Emotions

Be A Backbone To Your EmotionsHave you been there trying to suppress how bad you feel? Perhaps it might seem like one of the best things to do but trust me it is going to make you feel miserable later.

Having said, it is you who has to understand your emotions. The good this does is helps you know what can put you off and teaches about dealing with your emotions constructively.

Support yourself in times of despair and nothing could be a better self-care tip besides this. It is important that you are true to yourself about everything you feel.

No 2 – Avoid Self-Sabotaging

Avoid Self-SabotagingIt is good to believe in yourself even if you are not at your best. Never self-sabotage. Think of this, what would be the difference in you and someone else if the two of you are alike.

Learn that we are all blessed with our own weakness and flaws. If you are not good enough in one aspect then you might be amazing at something else. So there is no need for you to ever feel low about it.

If you keep self-sabotaging then it is not a healthy sign towards taking better care of yourself.

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No 3 – Celebrate Your Strengths

Celebrate Your StrengthsYou can be sure that you are taking better care of yourself if you learn to celebrate and find immense happiness from the little joys of life.

We all feel the happiest when we excel in our way or we accomplished our goal.

That said, whenever you’ve been complimented or happy with yourself about the smallest of achievement, just gear up and celebrate for doing a good job.

Celebrating your strengths makes you feel good from inside and it builds every positive emotion within you. Thus, pick up a champagne or sip a strong coffee. Just do what excites you so that you learn self-care.

No 4 – Walk Away From Negative Vibes

Walk Away From Negative Vibes

If you really care for yourself you need to walk away from people, situations and things that make you feel sick and uncomfortable.

How will this help? You learn how to go away from disappointments and unwanted stress which is a good sign to stay at ease mentally.

You should care for your mental health just like how you take care of your body.

If a product or the pollution is spoiling your skin, you would do your best to find an alternate or protect yourself from it. Likewise, you need to shut away from negativity for your mind as well.

No 5 – Find The Good In Bad

Find The Good In Bad

This tip is challenging and requires you to be patient. If you can implement this then it means you have accomplished the task of taking better care of yourself by learning to smile through a test.

Being positive is the only fuel that can hold you when unexpected situations arise.

Say suppose you want to take up a project and you have slogged to get it but someone better than you takes over. That would certainly put you off.

That said, you should look at the good in it. May be you have to take up a better project or you need to work on yourself better. Seeing the good in bad can help you face difficulties without being depressed and you learn how not to be depressed for too long and get over it.

No 6 – Smile As Much As You Can

Smile As Much As You CanScience claims smiling is good for mental healthy because it improves your mood and helps you stay positive.

Smile from within and see how good it makes you feel. That said, by smiling more you can attract people to you as well as feel nice about yourself.

Even if it seems to be the most weirdest thing to do you should practice smiling at yourself everyday.

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No 7 – Accept Your Weakness

Accept Your Weakness

Accept what you are not good at and start to work on it rather than being glued to the thought that you are not good enough.

Accepting your weakness is one form of strength. Being successful in improving your weakness should make you feel good about yourself. Feeling good about yourself is one way of taking better care of yourself.

For instance, if you are slow at work, try to set a target, put in all your efforts and accomplish it by any means.

In the end, whether you succeed or not, you know for a fact that your perception that you are slow can turn be an area of improvement as well.

No 8 – Live Your Wishes

Live Your Wishes

What else could be a better self-care tip than working on fulfilling all your wishes. Started ticking off your bucket list of everything that you love and want to do.

That happiness in fulfilling what you feel is special. The little happy you would get awakened and this will mean you are doing your best to be mentally happy. Hurry up and live the life you want to.

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No 9 – Wave Adieus To Your Comfort Zone

Wave Adieus To Your Comfort Zone

If you want to be happy and get better exposure you need to step out of your comfort zone. That said, you don’t have to pressurize yourself on trying things you are sure you don’t want to.

However, if you want to get over your fear on a few things then you need to get up even though its scaring you and take up a challenge.

Few instances of getting out of your comfort zone would be volunteering for public speaking, travelling alone, living independently etc.

No 10 – Get Organized In Life

Being organized always has the power to drop off a baggage of burden from your head. If you don’t want things to go haywire for you, you need to set right things and take better care of yourself.

Take a look at tips to be organized in life, it is easier said than done. Yet, you will have to make an attempt and make a few changes in your life. Here you go!

  • Plan your day and prioritize your tasks
  • Don’t keep too much on your plate
  • Give it a thought before you make decisions and stay firm on them
  • Know the purpose to everything you do
  • Balance between your personal and professional life

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Self-Care Tips For A Healthy Body

No 11 – Don’t Compromise On Sleep

Dont Compromise On SleepA good night’s sleep and catching up on rest is necessary to be energetic and fine the next day. Only when you are energetic can you think straight.

You can be assured you are taking good care of yourself only when you follow good habits and sleeping well is a healthy habit.

No 12 – Emphasize On Exercising

Emphasis On Exercising

Working out is good in releasing all the toxins from your body and rejuvenates one from within.

When you look at taking good care of yourself, you should get disciplined and start exercising every day.

No 13 – A Few Minutes Of Silence Helps

A Few Minutes Of Silence HelpsSitting in silence and meditating is one way of filtering the thoughts in your mind.

That said, if you practice meditating you are going to feel light in your mind and you need to feel that way to be able to think straight.

Take good care of yourself by meditating for about ten minutes every day.

Read : 20 Health Benefits Of Meditation According To Science

No 14 – Stay Conscious About Your Health

Stay Conscious About Your HealthBeing conscious about your health is a sign that you care and are capable to taking good care of yourself.

You should know that being conscious doesn’t mean that you deprive yourself from the things you love to eat.

Eat everything you feel like but at the same time bear in mind that you balance between healthy and junk.

Besides, make sure that your body is getting every nutrient it needs and be sure to keep yourself hydrated all through the day.

No 15 – Be Insane And Laugh Loud

Be Insane And Laugh LoudLaughing is a great therapy to get relieved of all the stress and stay balanced in hard times.

That said, never limit yourself to laughter. It is never going to do any harm to your body, it is okay if you are called insane. Nevertheless, you should laugh and be happy.

No 16 – Keep Addictions In Place

Keep Addictions In Place

Well, if you are addicted to caffeine, drugs, alcohol or smoking then you better get yourself treated.

Go to a rehab if it is out of control or get some help by talking to your family about it.

Addiction to bad habits is not good for your mind and body. Socially having it all is understandable and it is okay unless you rage out of control. It’s never too late to step back and stop at what you are doing.

Self-Care Tips To Be A Better Version Of Yourself

No 17 – Rely On Yourself

Rely On Yourself

The beauty in relying on yourself is that you never feel left out or get into the trap of expecting too much from anyone.

Always remember that in the end it is about you building the best relationship with yourself.

It means, you will always have people around you but you got to be bold and learn to be dependent on yourself to be happy in life.

Therefore, rely on yourself and see how nice it feels. You will understand the true meaning of good self-care.

No 18 – Make Good Deeds

Make Good Deeds

Practising good deeds is a path to taking care of yourself. Doing good will always make you feel amazing about yourself and that’s all you need to see the better version of yourself. Isn’t it?

Having said, good deeds sort or purify your soul. Take a look at the little things you can do

  • Assist the needy with the best you can
  • Motivate someone
  • Give all ears to someone who needs to speak
  • Be a lending shoulder
  • Volunteer for social service

No 19 – Ask For Forgiveness When You Have To

Ask For Forgiveness When You Have To

Never let your ego overtake when it’s your fault. Be open to criticism and accept your mistake if you genuinely know you are wrong.

You don’t get ashamed by bending for your mistake. However, you learn to be a better person and this kind of self-care just helps you grow and learn from your mistakes.

No 20 – Practice The Quality Of Kindness

Practice The Quality Of Kindness

Being kind begins within. That said, don’t beat yourself up for your mistakes, learn from them and never regret.

Having said, when you know the value of being kind to yourself and others, it boosts your confidence and you turn out to be the most happiest.

When you are happy it means that you are taking good care of yourself.

No 21 – Take A Fruitful Break

It is necessary that you go on a date, travel, watch a movie or just go by the beach or lake to give yourself quality time.

That said, making yourself the center of attraction is good self care and you should do it once in a while.

It shows you a different perspective in life and for all you know it could be a good turning point.

No 22 – Never Stay Shut In Sadness

We all have our downfalls and moments to celebrate achievements. Whenever you feel sad at any point in life, just gear up and think of how to get over it.

Staying there will do no good and it is not how you take care of yourself, it would just ruin your mood and day.

What you can do is may be watch an inspiring video, talk to a friend, write down what you feel or just try to see the good side about the bad incident.

No 23 – Don’t Hesitate To Say “No”

You cannot be pleasing people all the time. Yes. It is a kind sign to take care of the people you care for and consider what they feel too. But, there will be times when you will have to choose for yourself and there’s no harm with that.

For instance, your friends might be planning for a movie and you might not feel like going, be honest about it and tell it to them clearly.

Likewise, there would be times when you would have to do what you feel like doing.

No 24 – Think Good For All

Think Good For All

Yes, if you have to be a saint and think good for all then you should know that it is the one of the best ways to being a good human being.

When you realize that you are a good human being it just makes you proud of yourself.

Always think the best for all. Put yourself in that place and think of how good would you feel if you received good wishes.

Thinking good in a way makes you feel good and when you feel good it means you have taken good care of yourself.

No 25 – Score Yourself Everyday

Score Yourself Everyday

It is necessary that you know where you stand in terms of how well you are doing in life. It is a good act for self-care.

That said, just like how you are given scores for how you fair in your exams or interviews, goes the same with scoring yourself as an individual.

Keep a check on how are you as a person everyday. Introspect your good and bad deeds and know what you need to improve from your end.

That said, nothing like it if you can work on your mistakes and not repeat them every now and then.

All in all, you have all the tips to practice self-care. Self – care is a broad term. It is focused on taking good care of your body, doing your best to stay mentally happy and working over being a better person.

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Vihaa Nichani (Neha Makhija) is a content writer whose passion for penning down thoughts channeled into the right direction and became her profession. She is keen on deep diving into every topic she writes about and is inclined towards challenging her capabilities by writing on diverse topics such as women’s health, beauty, fashion, relationships and lifestyle. Besides this, she enjoys dancing, traveling, jogging and trekking.