
Which Burns More Calories?



Both cycling and running burn 200-400 calories in 30 minutes, depending on weight, intensity, and duration.

Calorie Burn Basics

Running burns more calories per minute and improves afterburn (EPOC), but can be tough on joints.

Running: The Fast Calorie Burner

Cycling burns fewer calories but is joint-friendly, making it ideal for longer sessions.

Cycling: Sustainable Workouts

Uphill cycling or trail running boosts calorie burn by activating more muscles.

Key Factors: Intensity & Terrain

Running is better for quick calorie burn, while cycling suits longer, low-impact sessions.

Goals Matter: Weight Loss

Running targets the core and whole body, while cycling focuses on the lower body muscles.

Muscle Engagement

Include intervals, mix activities, maintain proper form, and prioritize nutrition

Tips to Maximize Calorie Burn

Cycling is low-impact and great for joint health; running strengthens bones but can stress joints.

Joint Impact

Pick based on your fitness goals, preferences, and enjoy your workouts for consistent results.

Conclusion: Choose Wisely