20 Effective Natural Remedies For Mouth Ulcers you Need to Try Out


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Mouth ulcers
ImageSource: www.firstcry.com

Mouth ulcers, often even termed as Canker sores are the small sores that develop in the inside of the mouth. These tend to have a pale whitish appearance to it which leaves behind a very irritating and burning sensation wherever it has developed in the area of the oral cavity. For the majority of a part, these sores in the mouth are often witnessed tongue, inside of the lips, gums etc.

While they donโ€™t really project any harmful implications to oneโ€™s overall health, they tend to be very recurring and can affect quite frequently if someone is prone to it. Have you encountered any of these pesky trouble makers all throughout your life?

In this article, we are going to look deep into some of the effective natural remedies for healing mouth ulcers effectively and fast. Hang on and sit back!

What are Mouth Ulcers? And How Does It Look Like?

What are Mouth Ulcers
ImageSource: www.ibdrelief.com

Mouth Ulcers, as mentioned before, are the small sores that develop in the oral cavity. These are nothing but small and minute lesions that occur in the soft tissues of your mouth. They are often characterized by their whitish and pale appearance which often turns grayish once it starts healing.

This kind of oral sores often lasts for a week or two, less, if the effective remedies are administered on time. They inflict mild irritation and can make it difficult to consume food because of the further tear and the burning caused because of the spices in the food.

While these are not something that inflicts any severe harm or problem, it is always best to be safe than sorry. In rare cases, the ulcer in the mouth is often indicative of any form of mouth cancer or an infection.

Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers

Home remedies for MouthHome remedies are possibly one of the easiest yet most effective treatments for mouth ulcers. In this section, we are going to walk ourselves through the common and some unknown remedies to cure mouth ulcers fast.

    1. Salt Water Rinse
    2. Honey
    3. Baking Soda
    4. Epsom Salt
    5. Hydrogen Peroxide
    6. Apple Cider Vinegar
    7. Aloe Vera
    8. Colloidal Silver
    9. Cayenne Pepper
    10. Coconut Oil
    11. Clove Oil
    12. Vitamin C
    13. Alum
    14. Garlic
    15. Turmeric
    16. Toothpaste
    17. Cabbage Juice
    18. Ginger
    19. Milk
    20. Essential Oils

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Check Out the Most Popular Self Care Tips for Mouth Ulcers

1. Salt Water Rinse for Mouth Ulcers

Salt Water Rinse for Mouth
ImageSource: www.mindblowings.com

The salt water rinse (R) helps in saliently reducing the alkalinity of the affected area which ensures to perish any form of microbial infestation (if there is any). The salt water rinse (R) also ensures to restore any kind of lost hydration from the mouth, thus aiding the salivary defense cells to speed up the process of healing of the canker sores.

What To Do?

  1. Warm some water and pour it into a cup
  2. Add half a teaspoon of salt to it and dissolve it completely
  3. Rinse your mouth with this solution, making sure that you rinse the area of the ulcer thoroughly
  4. Do this one every day till the sore heals completely

2. Honey for Mouth Sores

Honey for Mouth SoresHoney has amazing skin and tissue healing properties which is exactly what plays out its cards in this case. The application of honey (R) helps in moisturizing the area of the sores in the mouth and also helps in the retention of the moisture. Not just that, the honey also reduces further scarring and helps in healing the lesion thatโ€™s causing the irritation.

What To Do?

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey (R) to 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to make a smooth paste
  2. Apply this on the sore and let it sit for 10-15 minutes
  3. Rinse off your mouth
  4. Repeat this twice daily for healing mouth ulcers

3. Baking Soda for Mouth Ulcers

Baking Soda for Mouth UlcersBaking soda is alkaline in nature which helps fight any kind of excess acidic property witnessed in and around the cankers sores. Not just that, baking soda also inflicts antimicrobial properties (R) which helps kill any kind of microbial growth in the oral cavity.

What To Do?

  1. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to half a glass of warm water
  2. Let everything dissolve completely
  3. Rinse your mouth with this solution, making sure that you donโ€™t swallow any of the liquid
  4. Repeat this once every day

4. Epsom Salt for Mouth Ulcers

Epsom Salt for Mouth Ulcers
ImageSource: www.biome.com.au

The Epsom salt rinse is an amazing remedy to treat mouth ulcers at home. The antimicrobial properties (R) of the Epsom salt get rid of any kind of possible microbial infestation. The rinse or even the accidental consumption of the Epsom salt doesnโ€™t inflict any kind of negative impacts or alters the sodium concentration in the body.

What To Do?

  1. Add 1 teaspoon of Epsom salt to a glass of warm water
  2. Mix everything till all of it dissolves
  3. Rinse your mouth with this solution for quick relief from mouth ulcers
  4. Repeat this once every day till the sores completely wither away

5. Hydrogen Peroxide for Mouth Ulcers

Hydrogen Peroxide for Mouth Ulcers
ImageSource: www.naturallivingideas.com

In order to treat the canker sores, one of the easiest yet effective remedies is the application of Hydrogen Peroxide on the ulcers. The antiseptic properties (R) of the hydrogen peroxide are beneficial in healing the mouth sores as well as getting rid of any of the possible bacterial growth in the mouth cavity.

What To Do?

  1. Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water in a bowl
  2. Dip a cotton in the solution and dab it on the sores in mouth
  3. Repeat this 2-3 times daily for effective results

6. Apple Cider Vinegar for Mouth Sores

Apple Cider Vinegar for Mouth Sores
ImageSource: www.healthline.com

Apple Cider Vinegar is loaded with beneficial antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing (R) properties which combined help in curing the sores that appear in the oral cavity. The mild acidic properties of the vinegar are also beneficial in healing the lesion of the tissue.

What To Do?

  1. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of water in a bowl
  2. Dip a cotton into the solution and apply it on the mouth sore and leave it on
  3. Repeat this process 2-3 times daily for effective results in healing the ulcer completely

7. Aloe Vera Gel for Mouth Sores

Aloe Vera Gel for Mouth SoresAloe Veraย in the realm of healing doesnโ€™t need much of an introduction, now, does it? The combination of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory as well as moisturizing properties (R) contributes to helping in healing mouth ulcers effectively. The application of aloe vera restores the loss of hydration in the body which is what help in gradually healing the sores overtime.

What To Do?

  1. Cut an aloe vera leaf and scoop the pulp out
  2. Make a smooth pliable paste and apply it on the area of the canker sores
  3. Leave it on as aloe vera is edible and wonโ€™t inflict any negative impacts
  4. Repeat this twice a day for effective results

8. Colloidal Silver for Mouth Ulcers

Colloidal Silver for Mouth Ulcers
ImageSource: www.active-silver.co.uk

Colloidal silver is yet another remedy for mouth ulcers that helps in curing any form of mouth ulcers or sores because of its mild antibacterial properties as well as strengthening the immune system all along. The only downside is the fact that the excessive presence of colloidal silver in the body often adversely affects the body because silver is not a metabolic requirement for the body.

What To Do?

  1. Rinse your mouth with 20 ml of the colloidal silver solution
  2. Repeat this process twice a day for effective results

9. Cayenne Pepper for Mouth Ulcers

Cayenne Pepper for Mouth UlcersThe active ingredient in the cayenne pepper, Capsaicin, is an effective analgesic ingredient (R) which helps numb the pain. While the thought of anything spicy coming in contact with the cankers sores might be a bit daunting, this one actually does work. If the sore in mouth have been painful for you, try using this remedy with cayenne pepper and it might just do the much-needed trick you need. It also has slight antimicrobial (R) properties which help as well.

What To Do?

  1. Dip a q-tip to some cayenne pepper
  2. Apply a thin layer of the powder on the sore and leave it on for 10-15 minutes
  3. Wash it off thoroughly under water after that making sure there are no remnants of the cayenne pepper powder
  4. Repeat this twice a day till the sore completely disappears

10. Coconut Oil for Mouth Ulcers

Coconut Oil for Mouth UlcersThe coconut oil as the mouth ulcers treatment is an effective one because of its combination of antimicrobial (R) as well as anti-inflammatory and analgesic (R) properties. It helps perish any possible bacterial growth and simultaneously helps in relieving the pain that often accompanies the ulcer in the mouth.

What To Do?

  1. Dab some coconut oil on the mouth ulcers and leave it on
  2. Repeat this process a few times throughout the day for effective nourishment and consecutive healing

11. Clove Oil for Mouth Ulcers

Clove Oil for Mouth Ulcers
ImageSource: www.southindiafashion.com

The active component in the clove oil, eugenol, has antimicrobial (R) as well as healing properties which effectively help in getting rid of the mouth ulcers effectively. The application of clove oil (R) as a remedy for oral health has been in works since a very long time and thus, its use in healing the mouth ulcers is not a completely new concept.

What To Do?

  1. Dab some clove oil on a cotton pad or even your fingers
  2. Apply it over the sore and leave it on
  3. For better measure, make sure that you rinse your mouth once and clean the area of the ulcer before the application of the oil
  4. Repeat this process 2-3 times daily for quick relief from mouth ulcers

12. Vitamin C for Mouth Ulcers

Vitamin C for Mouth UlcersIt is believed that the deficiency of Vitamin C in the body is often times one of the major reasons behind the appearance of mouth sores. The presence of Vitamin C along with its healthy consumption helps in boosting the overall immunity which is what helps protect the body from any kind of infection (R).

What To Do?

  1. Drink two glasses of orange juice on a daily basis
  2. Lemon water is a great option as well

13. Alum for Mouth Ulcers

Alum for Mouth Ulcers
ImageSource: www.imgix.ttcdn.co

Alum is one of those chemical compounds that showcase effective antimicrobial properties (R) on the body. This amazing property is what helps in the treatment of mouth ulcers.

What To Do?

  1. Crush a small chunk of alum to make it into a fine powder
  2. Wet a cotton swab and dip it into the powder
  3. Apply it on the area of the mouth sore and leave it on for a minute
  4. Remove the remnants of the alum powder by thoroughly rinsing the mouth
  5. Repeat this process twice every day

14. Garlic for Mouth Ulcers

Garlic for Mouth UlcersThe active component of the garlic, Allicin, poses amazing antimicrobial properties (R) which helps in dealing with any kind of infection that could be behind the possible cause of the mouth sore. The application of garlicย on it helps minimize the appearance of the sore and heals it from within.

What To Do?

  1. Cut a chunky garlic clove in half
  2. Rub it over the ulcer in the mouth and leave it on
  3. Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water after 30 minutes after the juice of the garlic has seeped into the skin
  4. Repeat this 2-3 times daily

15. Turmeric for Mouth Ulcers

Turmeric for Mouth UlcersThe use of turmericย in the day to day well being of an individual has been in the works for centuries now. Turmeric is loaded with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory (R) as well as antimicrobial (R) properties which cumulatively act upon the sores in the oral cavity to heal and remove them completely.

What To Do?

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder and 1 tablespoon of water in a bowl
  2. Make a smooth paste
  3. Apply it on the area of the sore and leave it on for 2 minutes
  4. Rinse it off with some water
  5. Repeat this twice every day for effective results

16. Toothpaste for Mouth Ulcers

Toothpaste for Mouth UlcersThe white and calcium-based toothpaste have been a very beneficial remedy to treat mouth ulcers. It is believed that the presence of amazing antimicrobial properties (R) in the toothpaste is what aids in curing the presence of the lingering mouth sores effectively.

What To Do?

  1. Use your fingers or a q-tip to apply a generous layer of toothpaste (R) over the sore
  2. Leave it on for a few minutes
  3. Rinse the toothpaste with some water
  4. Repeat this once every day till the mouth sore disappears completely

17. Cabbage Juice for Mouth Sores

Cabbage juice for Mouth SoresEven though there are not much properties or factors that back up the essential use of cabbage as a quick relief from mouth ulcers, it is believed that it is the anti-inflammatory properties (R) of the cabbage that helps in the healing process of the mouth sores.

What To Do?

  1. Boil some shredded cabbage in a pot of water till everything reduces down to half the original concentration.
  2. Strain the liquid and bring it to a room temperature
  3. Sip on this liquid 3-4 times throughout the day for effective results

18. Ginger for Mouth Sores

Ginger for Mouth SoresOne of the primary reasons behind the mouth sores is because of the fungal infections. The antimicrobial properties (R) of the ginger helps in curing any form of infection in the oral cavity that could possibly be the reason behind any form of canker sores in the mouth. [Read more about Ginger Tea Benefits]

What To Do?

  1. Cut a piece of the raw gingerย root and crush it to extract a bit of the juice
  2. Rub the crushed ginger on the canker sores and leave it on
  3. If the irritation is not that pronounced, you can just leave it be or wash it away after 30 minutes or so

19. Milk for Ginger Sores

Milk for Ginger SoresAny kind of milk, especially coconutย milk is very effective in providing with a soothing feeling (R) when used for any kind of sores or ulcers. It also helps nourish and moisturize the area, thereby further preventing the recurrence of it. Apart from the irritation, it also helps soothe the pain that accompanies it. [Read more about Coconut Water Benefits]

What To Do?

  1. Rinse your mouth with some refrigerated milk
  2. Repeat this twice daily for effective results

20. Essential Oils for Mouth Ulcers

Essential Oils for Mouth UlcersEssential oils like tea tree oil (R) and peppermint oil (R) are both loaded with antimicrobial as well as skin healing properties which help in healing mouth ulcers. It is considered as a best treatment for mouth ulcers because of its effectiveness on how fast it helps relieve the problem.

What To Do?

  1. Dab some essential oil onto a cotton pad, q-tip or even your fingers
  2. Apply this on your mouth sore and leave it on
  3. If thereโ€™s any kind of persistent irritation, rinse it off, if not, leave it on
  4. Repeat this twice daily for effective results

Types of Mouth Ulcers

Types of Mouth Ulcers
ImageSource: www.expressionsdental.ca

Majority of the cases of standard mouth ulcers are witnessed on the inside of the cheek which heals in a matter of a week or so and that too without much medical intervention. That being said, there are a few categorization of the various types of mouth ulcers based on its severity.

The top three types of mouth ulcers include:

1. Herpetiform Ulceration (HU)

Just as the name insinuates, this is a form of ulcer that is often associated with Herpes because of its similar kind of appearance. Unlike the other disease, HU is not contagious and is restricted to spread around the affected area only. One of the worst things with this mouth ulcer is the fact that it is very recurrent which means that it reappears after a short span of time.

2. Minor Ulcers

These are categorized as the mouth ulcers which range from 2-8 mm in diameter and inflict a minimal amount of pain and irritation. For the most part, these last up to 2 weeks since its inception.

3. Major Ulcers

These are categorized as the mouth ulcers which are often bigger in size than the minor ulcers and go deep into the skin. They often tend to take a good chunk of time to heal completely and need effective over-the-counter remedies to get it sorted out for good. They are often irregular in shape and cause inflammation too.

What Causes Mouth Ulcers?

Causes of Mouth Ulcers

Much like the types of mouth ulcers, there are even a few common causes behind these skin lesions and tissue tear in the oral cavity. The range of causes also goes from mild to severe which is definitely what distinguishes it to the specific category that the ulcer falls under.

Common causes behind mouth ulcers

  1. Excessive smoking followed by abrupt quitting of the habit
  2. Ill-fitted braces that rub against the inner lining of the oral cavity and gums
  3. Excessive consumption of acidic foods like citrus fruits orange, lemon, lime etc
  4. Lack of essential vitamins in the body like Vitamin B-12, folate, zinc, iron etc
  5. Any kind of infection in the mouth
  6. Stress and anxiety
  7. Any kind of injury inflicted caused while brushing or accidentally biting on the inside of the mouth

Medical causes behind mouth ulcers

  1. Celiac disease, also known as gluten intolerance
  2. Inflammatory bowel syndrome
  3. Behcetโ€™s disease, the one which induces inflammation all throughout the body of an individual
  4. Diabetes Mellitus
  5. Lack of proper immunity

Symptoms of Mouth Ulcers

Symptoms of Mouth Ulcers
ImageSource: www.orissapost.com

As mentioned before, there are three different types of mouth ulcers which mean that the symptoms for each of these variants are different as well.

Some of the common symptoms of Minor Mouth Ulcer include:

  1. 2-8 mm sized sore in the inside of the mouth
  2. Appear to be either oval or round in shape; comparatively the smallest
  3. Heals within a week and doesnโ€™t leave any kind of scars

Some of the common symptoms of Major Mouth Ulcer include:

  1. Larger in appearance than the minor ones
  2. Primarily donโ€™t have a regular shape and size to them
  3. Take up to 6 weeks to completely heal and leave behind a scarring in the area that it affected

Some of the common symptoms of Herpetiform Ulcer include:

  1. Large in shape and very recurring in nature
  2. New sores form even before the old ones have completely healed
  3. The ulcers are often times take up to 3 weeks to heal
  4. Inflicts severe pain while eating any kind of food
  5. High fever and possibly diarrhea

How to Prevent Getting Mouth Ulcers?

How to prevent getting mouth ulcers
ImageSource: www.verywellhealth.com

While there could be an array of underlying reasons behind the possible mouth ulcers, there are even better ways in which one can actually prevent this in the first place.

Some of the common modes of prevention of mouth ulcers include:

Having a healthy diet is a must when it comes to prevention.

Foods to Avoid: acidic fruits and compounds like citrus fruits, pineapples, strawberries or even something extremely spicy. Try and avoid nuts and chips as well till the ulcer heals completely.

Foods to Eat: gorge on food rich in multi-vitamins. Include whole grains and other forms of healthy fruits and vegetables with alkaline properties.

  1. Avoid talking while chewing food because you might end up accidentally biting yourself which can further be the reason behind the ulcers and canker sores.
  2. Maintain a healthy oral hygiene
  3. Sleep and rest properly to ensure an overall well being
  4. Avoid using the soft bristle toothbrushes and the pastes that consist of sodium lauryl sulfate

Food for Thought With Some FAQs

Food for thought with some FAQs1. How Long Does it Take for Mouth Ulcers to Heal?

A: As mentioned in the section of types and symptoms, mouth ulcers take from 1 week to 2 months to heal, depending on the type of ulcer that you are dealing with. If it is something minor, the ulcer will heal within a week, otherwise, the period of recovery ranges from 3-6 weeks.

2. Are Mouth Ulcers Common in Pregnancy?

A: Because of the sudden onslaught of hormones and the changes in the release from the endocrine system, there are chances that most pregnant women would encounter something like that of mouth ulcers during their pregnancy. It is not something that one needs to fret about because the same happens because of the changed levels of hormones.

3. Can Mouth Ulcers Get Infected?

A: As the ulcers are open and there are lesions involved, there are chances of it getting infected if there is any kind of infection in the mouth cavity of the individual. In order to avoid this, make sure that you opt for keeping your mouth clean and hydrated at all times and use antimicrobial ingredients to rinse the mouth with.

Mouth ulcers can often be painful and irritating. Keeping these aside, they can inflict a number of problems in oneโ€™s overall health. These above-mentioned remedies are scientifically proven to provide with effective results. If you find that the ulcer is still very much persistent even after the administration of the natural remedies as well as the over the counter medications, it is time to actually go seek some medical advice regarding the same.