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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersHow often do you walk out of your house in the morning barefoot to walk out on the grass? Often known as the process of earthing, this is an amazing way to not just reconnect with the nature but also experience the health benefits of earthing that you wouldn’t otherwise.
While many do think it as a redundant method with all the benefits a hoax, people who have actually tried doing it for an extended period of time have actually experienced the benefits like no other.

If you have been inquisitive about the proven health benefits of Earthing, we are here to share some of the best ones with you.
What is Earthing or Grounding?
Earthing or grounding is a process of natural connecting your body to the Earth’s natural and powerful energy by walking or even standing barefoot on the ground, especially better if it is dense with grass and soil.
Walking barefoot through the process is what helps in connecting your body to the Earth directly, thus helping with the benefits of Earthing that we are about to discuss around.

While the only benefit that people knew about Earthing before is the fact that the same helps with the detoxification process in the body, especially by the process of reducing the oxidative stress in the body.
With the advancements in the scientific fields and such, more health benefits of Earthing have come around which is exactly what we are going to be discussing here.
Health benefits of Earthing or Grounding
To help you get a better insight into the Earthing health benefits, we have brought together all the important factors that you just can’t do without.
It is important that you understand them and even opt for taking Earthing seriously because of the wide range of positive impacts it has on one’s health.
1. Improves the quality of sleep
Given that we lead such a fast paced life, it is often becoming common in us to be stressed throughout our days and not even realize the alarming signs of the same.
While it is considered as a common occurrence, the same does have the potential to end up making it hard for us to handle the problem for the worse.
The high levels of cortisol in the body which is an indicative trigger for the condition of stress can be a contributing factor to the lack of sleep.
Earthing is exactly what helps in regulating the levels of cortisol in the body, thus helping out with the condition of improved sleep.
Even a conducted pilot study with 60 participants found that the ones who indulged in earthing on a daily basis had a better impact on their sleeping patterns because of the controlled bout of stress (R).
More studies are required to pinpoint as to how the same is propagated but for the initial impacts, it is believed that the same is effective because of the proper reduction in the levels of oxidative stress and even with better handling of the condition of detoxification of the body that it undergoes.
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2. Reduces the inflammatory responses
The kind of lifestyle that we lead and even the types of foods that we consume on a daily basis does have negative impacts on the condition of inflammatory responses in our body.
For those who aren’t aware, inflammation is considered as a very important trigger on your health which is why it is important to pay close attention to the signs and find better ways to mitigate the condition for the better.
One of the primary reasons why this is considered one of the health benefits of Earthing is because of the fact that it helps with the prospects of the inflammation that many often tend to struggle with.
Given that the Earthing has beneficial impacts in neutralizing the negative electrons in the body, handling the conditions of oxidative stress and even boosting the overall blood circulation, the same has been found to have beneficial impacts in imposing beneficial impacts in the process of recovery involved in this condition.
Inflammatory responses are mainly caused by the lack of balanced electrons in the tissues in the body which propels the free radical damage to mitigate the shortcomings.
It is thus important that you indulge in earthing every single day to maintain the said balance for an overall better health.
When you stand on the ground barefoot, the same does have beneficial impact in helping get the electrons from under the feet, thus helping with the condition.
3. Reduces levels of stress
Stress is one of the markers when it comes to the deteriorating condition of one’s health. If you want to experience the benefits of Earthing, it is best suggested that you do indulge in this every single morning for the best benefits like no other.
Studies suggest that when one is grounded, the same has direct impacts on the diurnal rhythm of the stress hormone, cortisol and normalizes the same as well.
This is one of the factors that keep your levels of stress in control with no issues holding back. The same has also been found to have grave impacts in managing the blood sugar levels and even your metabolism which further keep the stress in check.
It resists and prevents the risks of inflammation which further have beneficial impacts in helping out with the condition of the stress, thus helping you get a better prospect on your recovery.
Read: Study Suggests Some Types Of Stress Can Actually Enhance Lifespan
4. Neutralization of the free radicals

As we did mention before, oxidative stress is one of the worst factors that can lead to affecting one’s overall quality of life and that too, for the worse.
The prevalent condition of free radical damage in the body has been found to have impacts on the overall well being of an individual that you possibly had no idea about.
If you do want to experience the proven health benefits of earthing, it is very important that you do understand how it helps in bettering your overall well being.
The controlled and balanced amount of free radicals in the body keep your cells and tissues in the best state and prevent any risks associated with the instigation of some of the serious health conditions like cancer.
This has also been found to help with the condition of the reduction of the inflammation and such for further better health.
5. Recovers the muscle soreness
Yet another one of the grounding health benefits is the fact that it helps promote the condition of muscle soreness recovery.
It is predominantly amazing among the athletes and the players who have been consistently experiencing a downfall in their overall health and muscle pain because of the inflammation.
While there aren’t very conclusive scientific evidence behind the same, it was conducted in a pilot study suggesting that the same does come a lot in handy when it comes to managing the conditions of the muscle pain and inflammation.
It is mainly believed that the same could be because of the improved blood circulation as well as the overall reduction in the levels of the inflammation in the body that help deduce better impacts in the process of recovery.
Further studies need to be conducted for better insights on the same and to understand how the same actually does happen.
Read:18 Natural Muscle Relaxers – Bid Adieu to Muscle Pain and Cramps
6. Boosts the overall energy levels
If you have been on the lookout for the health benefits of earthing, boosting the overall energy levels is considered one of the best ones.
While it is still not clear as to how the same is connected, it is believed that the improved quality of sleep could be a contributing factor behind this. Additionally, given that the benefits of earthing include better prevention of the inflammation as well as the better balance of the hormonal levels in the body, the same could further be a contributing factor behind the same.
The combination of better sleep and better management of the oxidative stress in the body is what is considered as the primary contributing factor to the condition of the better energy levels in the body.
Read: 12 Ways To Get Positive Energy In Your Life – Welcome Better Changes
7. Better and improved blood circulation
Yet another one of the best earthing health benefits has to be the fact that it contributes to improved blood circulation.
The main reason why it boosts the blood circulation in the body is because of the better electron balance in the cells and tissues. This is what has been found to have amazing impacts in handling the condition better.
The improved blood circulation is also associated with the improved condition of the oxygen delivery to the other parts in the body for an overall better well being.
The better blood detoxification, the better is the circulation of the blood in the body.
8. Boosts the immunity

Yet another one of the health benefits of earthing is the fact that it helps with the condition of boosting the overall immunity in an individual.
This doesn’t requirement any kind of arguments because the primary and possibly the only reason behind the same is because of the presence of antioxidative properties and helping with the condition of free radical damage which has direct impacts on the immunity of an individual.
The management of the inflammation as well as the condition of the oxidative stress both contributes to the condition of the better health and better immunity as well.
9. Improves heart health
If you have been on the lookout for the better benefits of earthing, the same has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping with the condition of heart health too.
Given that it boosts one’s blood circulation and even helps out with the condition of management of the blood pressure in them, the same has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping improve the heart health of an individual.
It also reduces the extreme blood viscosity that many often tend to suffer with. And more over it further helps in boosting the overall heart health for the better as well.
Also it is important that you do consult a doctor before indulging in this if you are on specific blood thinning medicines.
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10. Helps lower pain
Given that one of the proven health benefits of earthing is the fact that, it wards off inflammation. And in the same has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping with the condition of pain management too.
It manages the impacts of the pain inflicted by rheumatoid arthritis or even the other conditions that many often tend to struggle with.
It is still unclear as to why this is facilitated but for the most part, it is believed that the same happens only because of the condition of the better overall management of the pain and the condition associated.
Negative side effects of earthing

Even though the health benefits of earthing are quite profound, it does come with its fair share of negative side effects too.
They aren’t that grave and can be prevented with proper precautions as well.
It is best suggested to ensure that you do take the time out to handle the condition, know about the possible pros and cons and then proceed with the process.
1. Inflicted wounds

For the most part, it is completely up to you on how you handle and proceed along with the process. If you are walking barefoot, it is best suggested that you be aware of what is on the ground and what isn’t.
It might not necessarily seem like much but for the most part, it is best suggested that you do prevent yourself from getting any kinds of wounds on the underside of the feet. Be careful on the strip of land that you are walking on. If there are sharp objects around, the same end up inflicting pain and discomfort in the wound.
2. Infection
Given that the soil isn’t the cleanest place, the remnants of the soil on the body can end up causing infection.
This is especially important for the diabetes patients to avoid, mainly because of the fact that the same does end up causing pain and discomfort altogether.
Once done with the process of earthing, make sure to come back home and then thoroughly wash your feet with disinfectant soaps.
The health benefits of earthing are profound. If you are still sulking thinking about this, it is time to man up and just do it every day for an economical boost to your health. Many people don’t realize this but it is actually one of the best ways to boost your immunity, energy and your overall well being.
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