13 Benefits Of Good Posture – Sit Up Straight!


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13 Benefits Of Good Posture Sit Up Straight

Given the kind of corporate world we live in, one of the most common health risks people experience is poor posture. This is not just because of the way one sits but also because of the lack of ergonomic work stations. But, did you know of the benefits of good posture instead?

Maybe knowing how positively good posture impacts your body and mind can further help improve your overall well being for the better. It is not just the physical benefits but the same also has psychological benefits as well.

In here, we are going to sort out some of the health benefits of good posture that you possibly weren’t aware of.

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What happens when you have good posture?

What happens when you have good postureGood posture has been found to be quite beneficial for your overall well being, helping improve the quality of life for the better.

If you have been struggling to keep your posture in check, make sure that you keep an eye out on the benefits that it imposes on your health.

Some of the best health benefits of correct posture include:

1. Helps alleviate back pain

Helps alleviate back painOne of the most common reasons behind back pain is because of poor posture. So, naturally, when you have good posture, the same has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping reduce the complaints of back pain effectively.

Prolonged sitting or even having a hunched posture has been found to impose negative impacts on the back, putting excess pressure on the lower back.

It has been found to put excess pressure on the tailbone region, making it common for you to experience constant pain and discomfort.

Read: 12 Best Posture Corrector And Back Support For Better Health

2. Improves breathing

Improves breathingNot many realize this but one of the most important benefits of good posture is that it helps improve the overall breathing. When you have a good and correct posture, it is likely that you will be able to breathe better and fill your lungs in better.

Having a poor or slouchy posture has been found to have direct impacts on your breathing, making it difficult for you to carry on.

Standing or sitting straight with the correct posture helps in better breathing practices and prevents the discomfort that you are likely going to face.

Statistics suggest that the same can be as up and 30%.

Read: Box Breathing Technique – A Beneficial Requisite For Stress Management

3. Boosts your level of confidence

Boosts your level of confidenceOne of the most undermined psychological benefits of good posture that has been found is that it helps in boosting the overall confidence in an individual.

If you have a slouchy and incorrect posture, the same gives off of the weak vibe, which makes it easier for other people to prey upon you.

The best way to overcome that is by ensuring that you have a good posture to not it get away whether or not you are stressed and afraid about something.

A conducted study (R) found that we tend to judge people based off of their posture, not realizing that the same does have positive impacts on one’s overall confidence levels.

If you are going for a job interview, the last thing you want to do is give off the vibe that you are weak or lack confidence for the job role.

Read: How To Overcome Self Doubt? 18 Ways To Boost Your Confidence

4. Boosts the blood circulation

Boosts the blood circulationYet another one of the health benefits of good posture is that it helps boost the overall blood circulation around the body.

Not just the circulation, good posture has also been found to have positive benefits on the digestive organs (R), helping keep them in the best of health. Since good posture keeps your organs in place, it also prevents the unnecessary pressure and compression exerted on the organs.

Having a straight and correct posture, on the other hand, helps in keeping your overall blood circulation in check in the body.

Not just that, the same also has direct impacts in preventing the risks of acid reflex and constipation that you are likely experiencing.

Read: 20 Natural Ways to Boost and Improve Blood Circulation in The Body

5. Improved thinking ability

Improved thinking abilityAs confusing as it might sound, one of the most common benefits of good posture is that it helps improve the overall thinking ability of an individual.

The reason why that is facilitated is because it has direct impacts on the breathing and the overall oxygenation of the body.

If you didn’t know, according to studies(R), our body requires 20% of the overall supplied oxygen in the body to be able to function properly.

Good posture facilitates better breathing, thus helping you inhale more oxygen which further has better benefits in helping keep track on your thinking and overall ideas in the mind.

6. Reduced intensity of headaches

Reduced intensity of headachesYour posture has got a lot to do with your headache complaints.

Studies have found that poor posture can often contribute to tension headaches. The same happens because of the constant pressure and the muscle tension that is imposed on the back of your neck.

Thus, one of the most common health benefits of correct posture is the fact that it helps in reducing the constant tension headaches that you might be experiencing.

Having a correct posture ensures to take off the strain from the neck which has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping improve the overall condition of the headaches and the strain that you are likely experiencing.

Read: 16 Everyday Habits That Are Bad For Your Health – What Are You Doing Wrong?

7. Boosts your mood

Boosts your moodIf you have been struggling with a sour mood all day, it could likely be because of your posture. One of the best benefits of good posture is that it helps in improving your mood for the better.

For those who have a slouchy posture, chances are that the constant strain on the back muscles and the neck further ends up affecting your overall well being.

Having a good posture has been associated with better mood and a happy and bright behavior unlike a slouchy and bad posture which has the completely opposite impact.

Read: 10 Ways To Stop Emotional Manipulation – Prevent Getting Controlled

8. Better chances at looking slimmer

Better chances at looking slimmerYou wouldn’t believe this but one of the health benefits of correct posture is that it helps with looking a lot slimmer and in shape. Having a good posture has been found to accentuate your curves better, making you look slimmer than what you actually are.

When you sit around in the correct posture, chances are that the same will have better impacts on the shape of your body.

Slouching and sitting with the back hunched, accentuates your extra flabs around the body which is absolutely the last thing that you want to experience.

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9. Boosts your energy levels

Boosts your energy levelsYet another one of the amazing things what happens when you have good posture is that it helps improve your energy levels.

When you have your entire body aligned the right way, the same has positive impacts on the correct alignment of the bones and the joints too. This allows the maximum efficiency for the muscle movement, ensuring lesser risks of fatigue and tiredness unlike anything else.

The reason why the same reciprocates as high energy levels is because your muscles have to do the optimal amount of work to function, thus putting less strain on the same for the overall results.

Since your muscles are not working in an overdrive, the same has been found to help utilize lesser energy, thus helping keep your energy levels up.

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10. Improves concentration

Improves concentrationOne of the common health benefits of good posture is that it helps improve the overall concentration and focus.

Since good posture has been found to have direct benefits on the oxygen levels in the body, the same has been found to have positive impacts in helping boost the concentration as well.

The more oxygenated the brain is, the better impacts it has on the levels of concentration unlike anything else.

This helps in keeping the brain neurons in an excited state and even fires better connection amidst them which has been found to have better impacts on your concentration level.

The same has been found to have positive impacts in keeping you sharp and trained.

11. Better fat oxidation

One of the most important impacts of good posture that has been witnessed is that it helps promote better fat oxidation and helps in promoting weight loss as well.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that you will have six pack abs the next day but the benefits are actually quite profound in helping promote the strength of the core muscles and facilitate better fat burning too.

Some of the primary muscles including the shoulder girdle and pelvis has been found to have positive impacts in helping improve the overall core strength, thus helping promote better fat burning results as well.

When you have higher energy levels, the same has been found to help boost the metabolism as well, which further promotes fat burning.

Sitting or standing in a straight and correct posture has thus been found to have positive impacts in helping improve your overall well being.

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12. Strengthens the muscles and joints

Strengthens the muscles and jointsMajority of us tend to complain about muscle and joint pains. And for the most part, the same is caused because of the poor posture that one has.

If you do want better impacts, having a good posture has been found to have beneficial impacts on the same.

Sitting or standing in the correct posture keep your muscles and joints in an aligned way, ensuring that the same doesn’t end up having negative impacts on the body.

It also avoids in putting excess strain on the ligaments, which again has been found to help in further strengthening of the muscles and the joints.

Having a good posture also ensure the maximum efficiency of the muscles, further preventing the discomfort that you might have been struggling with.

13. Better workout results

Better workout resultsExercises, be it a heavy duty workout in the gym or even something as yoga, every single one of them requires for you to have the correct posture.

This is the reason why one of the benefits of good posture ensures that you have better endurance and better workout results.

Since the muscles are already working so efficiently, the same has been found to have positive benefits in helping improve the condition of the gym workouts to the maximum.

Postural functioning helps keep everything in check, ensuring maximum efficiency unlike anything else.

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How to improve or maintain good posture?

How to improve or maintain good postureIf you are someone who has a bad posture or someone who struggles to maintain their posture throughout the day, we have some tips to share that might come in handy after all.

1. Assert a motivation

When it comes to maintaining a good posture, you first need to understand the motivation behind having one. You need to ask yourself why you want a good posture.

The same could be for your overall health or even for your psychological well being, especially when it comes round to your level of confidence.

Reminding yourself of the purpose behind the same further helps you assert a better way to keep your posture straight and maintain the same for a long time as well.

Read: 13 Benefits Of Morning Exercise For Better Motivation

2. Alarm it!

As weird as it might sound, using an alarm clock for every 15 minutes to check on your posture is actually one of the best ways to keep it tamed. It is not necessarily the easiest to maintain but to be fair; you do get better once you get into a habit of it.

Apart from alarms, post it notes have beneficial impacts on the same as well, so you can use that and keep it pasted somewhere where you can have direct eyes on.

3. Sit against a way

It might sound a bit odd but sitting against a wall with your back aligned straight on it helps in keeping your posture straight.

This also helps you play pretend that your back is being held straight with some sort of string above. This has been found to have amazing benefits in helping align your spine and keep your posture in the correct way.

You don’t have to break a bone to achieve the comfort, just ensure to sit straight and keep your spine straight ahead along with your head as well. The same has been found to help in maintaining your posture effectively.

4. Get a massage or do self massage

Often times, poor posture happens when you have stiff joints and muscles. The best way to overcome that is by ensuring that you indulge in getting some sort of massage or if possible, do the same yourself by applying gentle pressure.

For those who have struggled with poor posture for a long time, restoring the correct posture within the snap of the fingers isn’t possible. The same does end up being affected because of the stiff joints.

Massaging helps open the joints and even reduce the persistent stiffness that you are experiencing, thus helping promote better posture.

5. Have an ergonomic set up

If you work from home or you have a 9-5 desk job, having an ergonomic work station is key when it comes to reducing the bad posture and restoring a good one. The best way to help maintain good posture is by having a comfortable chair that supports your back completely.

You wouldn’t regret investing on a good quality chair, to be honest because the same does impose positive impacts on your posture in the long run.

Sitting on a chair that has a firm seating and a comfortable and dense cushion that promotes better support for your back helps regulate your posture.

If possible, get a chair that has a back support up to the shoulders so you can lean back into it for better support and comfort.

6. Don’t leave your butt dangling

When we sit on chairs, we often do have a habit of sitting on the extreme edge of the chair.

This is one of the worst habits that have direct impacts on your posture, especially when it comes to your spine health.

If you want to maintain good posture, it is a necessity that you keep your butt against the innermost back of the chair, completely in alignment with your spine.

This prevents you from hunching over or slouching over the desk which ends up putting excess strain on the tailbone and the spine in general.

Keeping your butt pressed against the back helps ensure better support for the back as well, providing with more comfort.

7. Get a cushion

If you find that the backrest of your chair isn’t comfortable enough, one of the best ways to mitigate that is by getting a cushion.

When you have a cushion in your back, which serves as a gentle reminder that you have to sit up straight. The same has been found to have proven benefits in helping keep your posture in check without any complaints at all.

8. Sleep on a good quality mattress

The impacts on the posture are not just limited to the sitting but also because of the way you sleep. If your mattress isn’t good enough, chances are that the same will have direct impacts on the muscle stiffness and the constant discomfort that you have.

You want to have a mattress that is not very firm and at the same time, not very soft as well. It is very important that your mattress is of good quality and from a good brand because that does matter quite a lot.

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If you have been wondering about the benefits of good posture, we have mentioned quite a few that are worth looking into. Make sure that you start practicing good posture because the same does have direct impacts on your physical and psychological well being.