Foods to Keep you Happy

Top Foods to Keep you Happy

You might just be a happy connoisseur of happiness, or may like reading about stuff relating to happiness. People have been known to practice...
Low Calorie Juices for Breakfast

Low Calorie Juices for Breakfast

Breakfast should often be a heavy meal, as it is the longest duration during the whole day, after which you partake of a meal....

Top 19 Super Foods for a Diabetic Person

For diabetic patients, it's essential to prioritize whole foods over processed options. Whole fruits and vegetables meet the body's nutritional requirements and reduce the...
vegan protein

5 Must have Protein rich diets for a Vegan

As would Genesis have us believe, that God created the Earth on the third day of Creation. Darwin instead said that hydrogen somehow fused...
Low Calories Snacks

Low calories evening snacks

We generally feel hungry during evening time and want something that make our stomach satisfied. Usually we want our favorite food, but also conscious...

Foods Good for Detoxification

Detoxification is the biological process of removing the toxic substances from a living organism, either plants, animals or in the human body. Generally the...
foods to avoid during period

Foods that Should be Avoided on Periods

Menstruation is the common process with the woman. This is a biological process that occurs every month in women. In this process bleeding occurs...