honey and cinnamon health benefits

22 Extraordinary Honey And Cinnamon Benefits You Need To Be Acquainted...

The mere mention of cinnamon and honey is more than enough to make a person drool. But, have you ever pondered on the fact...

18 Best Exercises For Balance – Get Your Posture Fixed

How much of a clumsy Bambi are you? Do you find yourself tripping and falling around the space because of the lack of balance...
Exercises for fat burning

Best Exercises For Fat-Burning

Fat burning exercises are required to trigger the fat loss in your body. The fat burning process results into weight loss in your body...
Balanced diet chart

Balanced Diet Chart For Good Health

A balanced diet must be your top priority during your mealtime. You can follow a balanced diet chart for eating the right way. Eating...
Diet Vs Exercise- Which Works Best

Diet Vs. Exercise For Weight Loss – What Works Best?

Feeling agitated with the extra flab around the abdomen? Chances are that your mind will wonder around which to pick – diet vs exercise...
yoga poses for back pain

3 Simple Yoga Poses To Relieve Back Pain

Yoga is a set of physical and mental exercises that you practice for many mental and physical ailments. It is not new but an...
How to start a weight loss journey

How To Start A Weight Loss Journey? 12 Ways To Choose...

Losing weight means giving up all the things you love in life? This is often one of the most common reasons behind...
Daily workout routine

Daily Workout Routine For Beginners

Workouts, along with a daily workout routine, are necessary for a super fit body. You may be feeling like achieving that body that may...
Daily Running Challenges

Building Endurance: Daily Running Challenges for Beginners

Starting as a beginner runner has two benefits: it improves physical health and gives you a sense of success. Increasing your running endurance is...
do cardio workout

How To Do Cardio Workout The Smart Way

Cardio is considered as one of the best workouts to build body muscles. Although many people just avoid cardio these days and directly go...
7 Things That Happen When You Drink Salt Water The Good And The Bad

7 Things That Happen When You Drink Salt Water – The...

Do you have a habit of drinking salt water? Do you even know the kind of impacts it has on the body? It is...
Chickpeas for weight loss

Are Chickpeas for Weight Loss a fact or myth?

Everyone of us has had their fair share of falafel during their lifetime. While this fried delicacy might be delectable, have you ever wondered...
Superfoods in Your Daily Diet

10 Superfoods That Should Be a Staple in Your Daily Diet

The importance of diet in a society where preserving optimum health cannot be understated. Superfoods are nutrient-dense powerhouses that have become important for enhancing...
honey and cinnamon for weight loss

Combination of Honey and Cinnamon for Weight Loss

Apart from weight loss, honey and cinnamon combination is considered good for various health problems such as heart diseases, arthritis, regulating blood pressure, relieving...

Broken Ribs Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Ribs are the most important parts of the body protecting the inner organs. Even a minor discomfort in the ribs may seriously disturb everyday...
vegan protein

5 Must have Protein rich diets for a Vegan

As would Genesis have us believe, that God created the Earth on the third day of Creation. Darwin instead said that hydrogen somehow fused...
Resistant starch diet plan

Resistant Starch Diet Plan – All That You Need To Know

Keto diet or the low carb diet did create a rage among people with the kind of results it brought along for weight loss....
Magnesium Benefits

22 Helpful Magnesium Benefits For Health That Will Blow Your Mind

Magnesium is a chemical element that doesn’t really need an introduction, now, does it? Placed in the second column of the periodic table with...
Best stretching exercise

Best Stretching Exercise For Your Body

Stretching exercises helpful in refreshing yourself after a night’s sleep or flushing out that sleepiness at your workplace as well. According to various experts,...
Fruits for diabetics

25 Fruits For Diabetics That Won’t Cause a SUGAR RUSH!!

We all know that the consumption of fruits help fulfill our satiety along with keeping us healthy and nutritious as well. But owing to...
12 Ways To Spring Clean Your Diet Time To Switch Things Up

12 Ways To Spring Clean Your Diet – Time To Switch...

We are in such a rush with our life that we have forgotten to keep a track of the ways when it comes to...
cabbage soup diet

Cabbage Soup Diet: Best Weight Loss Remedy

To achieve quality weight loss, you need to consume healthy food along with your regular exercise. Consuming healthy foods not only helps you lose...
Turmeric Golden Milk Benefits

25 Turmeric Golden Milk Benefits You Need To Know Of

You must have heard people and even doctors suggest drinking turmeric milk as a mode of protection against allergies and infections and to boost...
Yoga benefits for health

Yoga benefits for health and better postures

There are many yoga benefits for health and better postures when you practice yoga regularly. The art of practicing yoga helps in controlling the...

14 Ways To Maintain Weight After Weight Loss – Consistency Is...

Losing weight itself is a tough job and what makes it even tougher is to maintain your weight loss. Many people often tend to...
Flat Tummy Water

Flat Tummy Water- Does It Actually Work for Weight Loss?

Every person, irrespective of their gender wish for a flat tummy that would help them flaunts their body. Are you one of those people...
Forward Lunges

Try Doing Forward Lunges For an Effective Difference In Your Weight

Lunges are one of the most common forms of workouts that get its first mention in every weight loss regime. There are a few...
Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow – Prevention & Treatment

Tennis elbow, heard of it? The term is known to many even though a very few people were diagnosed with it. As the names...
Green Coffee for Weight Loss

Green Coffee for Weight Loss – A Proven Fact or An...

We are all well aware of coffee bean extract, aren’t we? But the same primarily derives from the roasted coffee beans which is not...
Foods to eat after running

12 Foods To Eat After Running (5 Foods That You Should...

We all like to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle and being active is one of the crucial points in that. If you want...