Exercises to Increase Height

Top Exercises to Increase Height

The height of a person plays a major role in in building personality of the individual. Nothing personal against those short, as it is...
Low Calorie Juices for Breakfast

Low Calorie Juices for Breakfast

Breakfast should often be a heavy meal, as it is the longest duration during the whole day, after which you partake of a meal....
Build Your Cardio Regime

Ways to Build Your Cardio Regime

Getting back to the gym after a hiatus, is among the most arduous of tasks that you might have ever come across, in your...
get a toned body

How to Get Toned

The sun is out in its full glory, and you are just one among the many who want to flaunt those intricate chisel work...
Lunges exercise

Workout of the day: The Lunges

Lunges may not be the easiest of leg workouts. Whosoever, ever said, that leg strengthening was easy. The lunges, even among leg exercises, fall...
Dumbbell flyes

Dumbbell Flyes – Workout of the day

The flyes, are an essential workout for you strength training. The movement of the hand and the arm traces a constant angle, while the...
Yoga for beginners

5 Different types of Yoga Asanas for beginners (Part 1)

Yoga is nothing more than the process through which we are able to concentrate all our harnessable energies, to perform a particular, prescribed task,...
Leg Workout

How to organize your Leg day at the gym

We humans often credit our rapid evolution, to our ability to be able to stand on our hinds. Thus by freeing our fore limbs,...
vegan protein

5 Must have Protein rich diets for a Vegan

As would Genesis have us believe, that God created the Earth on the third day of Creation. Darwin instead said that hydrogen somehow fused...
joint pains

Exercise to get relief from joint pain

Knee pain is the most common problem occurs not only in the old-aged people, but also in a lot of youngsters. If we do...
Stronger Legs

How to get a stronger legs

If you are lifting a weight regularly, but you are ignoring your lower body parts, then do you have an idea how it will...
Low Calories Snacks

Low calories evening snacks

We generally feel hungry during evening time and want something that make our stomach satisfied. Usually we want our favorite food, but also conscious...

Tips to increase the stamina – be strong, be focused

Stamina includes both mental and physical strength, that helps you to complete tasks without getting tired and stressed. Physical stamina, builds muscular strength and...
Flat Belly

Simple Exercises to Get a Flat Tummy

Belly fat is most common among all men and women. We have this because of our living standard and eating habits. People usually start...
foods to avoid during period

Foods that Should be Avoided on Periods

Menstruation is the common process with the woman. This is a biological process that occurs every month in women. In this process bleeding occurs...