Yoga poses after Lunch

Yoga poses for a heavy stomach

All of us tend to overindulge from time to time when it comes to satisfying the all consuming beast within us, which we may...
Daily workout routine

Daily Workout Routine For Beginners

Workouts, along with a daily workout routine, are necessary for a super fit body. You may be feeling like achieving that body that may...

18 Resistance Band Exercises For A Healthier Physique

We exist in a world where maintaining a healthy diet and a proper physical well being is not something on our mind all the...
Yoga poses to burn stubborn belly fat

Top 8 Yoga Poses To Burn Stubborn Belly Fat

Belly fat can be displeasing and upsetting as it makes our entire fitness and diet routine go for a toss. Despite our efforts with...
Hex press

Hex Press for Stronger Pectoral Muscles

Firm and chiseled, that is exactly how men wear their boobs. Muscles of the chest may be considered to be top of the priority...
Treatment for eating disorder

Treatment For Eating Disorder – 10 Ways To Overcome It

Mental health and the struggles surrounding it are so less talked about that we often fail to recognize the internal struggles that we ourselves...
Foods to eat after running

12 Foods To Eat After Running (5 Foods That You Should...

We all like to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle and being active is one of the crucial points in that. If you want...

Yoga For Brain Power – 10 Poses To Boost Your Memory...

Yoga is one of the most effective approaches for holistic healing. Not only does it help impact one’s physical well being, it is also...
health benefits of cinnamon

5 Important Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

There are various products available in the nature, whose proper consumption can give you enough nutrients as well as substance which are required in...
Resistant starch diet plan

Resistant Starch Diet Plan – All That You Need To Know

Keto diet or the low carb diet did create a rage among people with the kind of results it brought along for weight loss....
Chickpeas for weight loss

Are Chickpeas for Weight Loss a fact or myth?

Everyone of us has had their fair share of falafel during their lifetime. While this fried delicacy might be delectable, have you ever wondered...
benefits of moringa

8 Important Health Benefits Of Moringa

According to the experts, all the parts of the edible parts of the Moringa from its roots, leaves as well as seeds contains major...
Cucumber Water Benefits

Best Cucumber Water Benefits

It has always been considered highly healthy to drink flavoring water along with fresh fruits as well as easy herbs. Healthy cucumber water also...
Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow – Prevention & Treatment

Tennis elbow, heard of it? The term is known to many even though a very few people were diagnosed with it. As the names...
Knee Strengthening Exercises

5 Effective Knee Strengthening Exercises

“Can I ever strengthen my knees and gain knee flexibility like before?” This one question haunts people with knee pain. Yes, of course! You can...
apple cider vinegar and honey

Importance of Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey

Apple cider vinegar and honey, both the substances have been considered as a great natural resource which provides various important health benefits when consumed....
naturally cleanse your liver

7 Foods To Naturally Cleanse Your Liver

As we live on planet earth, the whole world around us is highly toxic. It not only harms our outer body, but it also...
epsom salt for constipation

Tips to Use Epsom Salt for Constipation

A large number of people face the problem of constipation after certain years of age. It is common that you want a fast relief,...
reasons to do squat exercises

14 Reasons To Do Squat Exercises Regularly For Overall Better Health

Squats are definitely the part of the exercise routine we all dread, right? The position awkward and painful for the beginners is not something...
How to lose 10 pounds in a week

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week? 10 Ways to...

With the holiday season on the brink of ending, our diet must have been out of complete track. Right? Are you repenting...
effects of energy drinks on the body

11 Effects Of Energy Drinks On The Body – Know The...

We all indulge in energy drinks every now and then, don’t we? But, did you know about the effects of energy drinks on the...
Yoga for anxiety

10 Yoga Poses To Cure Anxiety And Provide Stress Relief

Yoga and meditation are the two art forms that have effectively wormed their way in the life of several people dealing with heightened stress...
Turmeric for brain memory

Did You Know About The Efficacy Of Turmeric For Brain Memory?

Turmeric’s potency and efficacy in boosting the physical health of an individual doesn’t necessarily require an introduction. But, were you aware of...
lose 10 pounds in a week

How to Lose 10 Pounds in A Week

Weight loss has become quite important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Being fat not only is threatening for your health but it also makes...

10 Step Pilates for beginners

Strengthen your core with amazing 10 step Pilates for beginners. As it gets tougher and tougher to lose weight once you cross 30. The...
Trigger finger exercises

12 Trigger Finger Exercises For Faster and Effective Pain Relief

Have you ever experienced a situation where your fingers bent and snapped back up like that of a trigger? Not only is...

How To Do Utkatasana (Chair Pose) and It’s Benefits

Utkatasana meaning literally translates to Intense (Utkat) Posture (Asana). It may sound riveting but is definitely one of the toughest asanas to perform. Have...
cabbage soup diet

Cabbage Soup Diet: Best Weight Loss Remedy

To achieve quality weight loss, you need to consume healthy food along with your regular exercise. Consuming healthy foods not only helps you lose...
zero calorie foods

Best Zero Calorie Foods

Zero calorie foods or low calorie foods and vegetables are foods which contains very small amount of energy. Consumption of these lowest calorie foods...
How to motivate yourself to lose weight

How to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight? 15 Science Backed Ways

You planned your meals. You cut down the carbohydrates. You are running 5 miles every day. And with everything done, the routine...