effects of energy drinks on the body

11 Effects Of Energy Drinks On The Body – Know The...

We all indulge in energy drinks every now and then, don’t we? But, did you know about the effects of energy drinks on the...
massage for weight loss

Massage For Weight Loss – 7 Benefits And 3 Types!

When it comes to weight loss, we are either trying out new diets or hitting the gym early in the morning. But, how many...
what happens to fat cells after weight loss

What Happens To Fat Cells After Weight Loss? Know The Rightful...

“Are fat cells forever?” This is a question that the majority of the people have queries about, especially when they are losing weight. But,...
Best recumbent exercise bike

12 Best Recumbent Exercise Bike – Know Which One You Need!

Fitness and health has become two of the most common points of concern in everyone’s lives now. While not everyone has the time to...
How offset sitting all day

How To Offset Sitting All Day? 13 Stretches And Exercises To...

If you are struggling to keep your posture in check and prevent the consistent issues associated with the practice of sitting around all day,...
exercises to get rid of hip dips

12 Exercises To Get Rid Of Hip Dips – Proven Methods...

Do you feel some inward depressions towards the side of your hips? If that is something that you have been noticing, we would suggest...
drink apple cider vinegar in the morning

What Happens When You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar In The Morning...

The apple cider vinegar tonic is one of the most popularized drinks that fitness experts suggest drinking in the morning. But, have you ever...
Treatment for eating disorder

Treatment For Eating Disorder – 10 Ways To Overcome It

Mental health and the struggles surrounding it are so less talked about that we often fail to recognize the internal struggles that we ourselves...
Foods to eat after running

12 Foods To Eat After Running (5 Foods That You Should...

We all like to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle and being active is one of the crucial points in that. If you want...
best posture corrector

12 Best Posture Corrector And Back Support For Better Health

When it comes round to the kind of lifestyle we lead, complaining about a bad back is quite common. The constant desk jobs and...
benefits of fish oil for weight loss

Fish Oil Benefits for Weight Loss – How Does it Work?

Losing weight is a very strenuous journey. Right from the beginning where you plan your activities to the day that you finally start seeing...
Health benefits of Brussels sporits

14 Health Benefits Of Brussels Sprouts You Didn’t Know Of

Green vegetables are the bane of our existence but let’s be real, there are rarely people who enjoy eating their greens. If you are...
food swaps for weight loss

18 Food Swaps For Weight Loss – Switch To A Sustainable...

We are all stuck fighting a battle between losing weight and eating something that is tasty. For the most part, it is a misconception...

15 Health Benefits Of Farro – Gain The Nutrition Needed!

Have you ever heard of Farro? The primary reason why people get so shocked when they hear about this grain is because of how...
Best Pre-Workout Foods

14 Best Pre-Workout Foods For Better Results – Boost Your Stamina

With so many available food and nutrition options, it is necessary that you do keep a track of what you eat before hitting the...
Chickpeas for weight loss

Are Chickpeas for Weight Loss a fact or myth?

Everyone of us has had their fair share of falafel during their lifetime. While this fried delicacy might be delectable, have you ever wondered...

10 Healthy Foods You Should Not Overeat For Better Well Being

“Too many cooks spoil the broth.” Not a new proverb, right? But this does stand true for all the healthy foods you should not...
Lemon Water for Weight Loss

7 Ways to Drink Lemon Water for Weight Loss

Drinking lemon water is more than just an Instagram trend. With the rising trend of this remedy for weight loss, it is not an...

18 Resistance Band Exercises For A Healthier Physique

We exist in a world where maintaining a healthy diet and a proper physical well being is not something on our mind all the...
Best foods to eat during periods

20 Best Foods to Eat During Periods and 11 Foods to...

Periods are those days during the month that the majority of the girls dread. The last thing that one thinks about is the food...
Benefits Of Camel Milk

13 Benefits Of Camel Milk That Will Leave You Surprised

For the most part of our life, we are either dependant on human milk, cow milk and the packaged milk powder. But, did you...

Yoga For Brain Power – 10 Poses To Boost Your Memory...

Yoga is one of the most effective approaches for holistic healing. Not only does it help impact one’s physical well being, it is also...
Reasons you are not losing weight on low carb diet

12 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight On Low Carb Diet...

Wit h the ketogenic diet plan taking the world by a storm, more and more people are inclining towards low carb weight loss methods....

8 Bodyweight Exercises For Strength – Do They Make You Stronger?

We often see people using just their body to carry they overall weight while exercising. While this is quite impressive to watch, the bodyweight...

Adrenal Fatigue Diet – Everything One Needs To Know

With the progress of nutritional studies and research, more and more varieties of diets are coming up into the foreground. The Adrenal Fatigue Diet...
Yoga poses for heart health

10 Yoga Poses For Heart Health – Get That Blood Flowing...

Yoga poses are quite abundant and each one of them has some important benefits when it comes to health. Owing to the fact that...
Morning habits for weight loss

14 Morning Habits For Weight Loss – Adopt These Without Fail

How often do you make up resolutions to lose weight? And, how long do you abide by them? One day, two days and then...
Exercises for underarm fat

14 Exercises For Underarm Fat – Keep Them Toned

When it comes to the underarm fat, not many pay close attention to it. If you think the flabby pound of fat won’t make...
Elimination diet

Elimination Diet – Benefits, Tips, Foods And Side Effects

Have you recently been starting out with a diet process? Chances are that you might be doing an elimination diet without even knowing about...

Nightshade Vegetables – Everything You Need To Know

Nightshade vegetables. Just the name itself sounds a lot shady, doesn’t it? While there are several controversies and misunderstandings with the same, these vegetables...