lose 10 pounds in a week

How to Lose 10 Pounds in A Week

Weight loss has become quite important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Being fat not only is threatening for your health but it also makes...
How to get rid of loose skin

How To Get Rid Of Loose Skin? 11 Fool Proof Methods

Weight loss does have its positive impacts on our lives but the same has also been associated with some downsides too. Loose...
mental tricks to lose weight

12 Mental Tricks To Lose Weight – Ways To Think Thin

More than a process, weight loss is a journey. There are a number of factors that go into the process and it is very...
Fruits for Weight Loss

Fruits For Weight Loss: 18 Fruits That Shed Off Unwanted Fats

Do you like eating fruits? Wondering how can these help in weight loss, right? Well, fruits for weight loss aren’t a myth...
Avocado for Weight Loss

Avocado for Weight loss – a Myth or A Scientific Fact?

Guacamole!! Sounds riveting, doesn’t it? The green and creamy condiment perfectly complements the crispiness of the nachos and is also amazing in tacos and...
Apple diet plan

7 Days Apple Diet Plan And How it Aids in Weight...

We are all in a rush and are looking for cheats and easy ways to lose those extra pounds of fat that has been...
Can You Sleep With a Waist Trainer

Can You Sleep With A Waist Trainer? Here is What You...

Any woman would love to have an hourglass body. Getting rid of fats from your stomach or waist area can be a...
Genomic Mechanism

Researchers Find The Genomic Mechanism Responsible For The Differentiation Of Scents

We smell a lot of things every single day, some good and some bad. But, has it ever struck your mind how...
weight loss shakes

8 Weight Loss Shakes For Slimming Down

As per manufacturers, protein shakes are a way to reduce weight. But the fact here is that substituting meals with protein shakes makes you...
High Protein Diet for Weight Loss

High Protein Diet For Weight Loss – 18 Protein Rich Foods...

Low carb diets like Ketogenic diets are everywhere around on our social media handles and suggestions. Did you ever wonder how can...
foods for weight loss

7 Best Foods For Weight Loss

Weight loss through eating might sound weird to you, but it's true that you can lower down your inches by eating particular foods which...
smoothies for weight loss

5 Easy To Make Smoothies For Weight Loss

Weight loss is considered as the most important solution to remove almost any type of severe health problem. However, this is a long and...

15 Weight Loss Mistakes Majority Of People Commit Without Knowing

Weight loss is not a linear process. So, if you are finding the scale stuck to the same weight, it’s not always...

12 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight Despite Trying –...

Just as putting on weight is tough. Likewise, losing weight is not a doddle either. All of us do what not when...
ways to reduce carbohydrate intake

15 Ways To Reduce Carbohydrate Intake For Effective Weight Loss

Carbohydrates do play a very crucial role in our diet. But, if you are on a weight loss journey, it is important...
unexplained weight loss

12 Reasons Behind Unexplained Weight Loss And How to Handle It

Majority of the people around would be happy when losing weight, right? Not quite though. When the levels are drastic and imposes negative impacts...
turmeric for weight loss

Turmeric For Weight Loss – is it Actually Effective?

The benefits of turmeric for our well being are definitely not a very new concept, now, is it? The amazing combination of antiseptic, antimicrobial...