Deal with personalization

10 Ways To Deal With Depersonalization – Handle Your Mental Health

We have often used the term of “out of the body” experiences and while it is most definitely true, many people actually face the...

17 Alarming Signs That You Are Suffering From Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Mental health is a subject that many people aren't well versed with. Some see it as a phase while others are too ashamed to...
How anger affects your health

How Anger Affects Your Health? 8 Side Effects Of Anger On...

How often do you get angry? Is it quite a lot? Will you be surprised if we told you that the excess of anger...
How to manage anger

How To Manage Anger? 15 Effective Ways to Handle Sudden Rage

Anger is the bane of our existence, isn’t it? Whatever the reasons be, rage or anger is a very common expression that we end...
Lower cortisol levels

22 Ways To Lower Cortisol Levels For A Healthier Life

We possibly chant stress more than we even realize in a day. Owing to the impending deadlines, work pressure, responsibilities, we find ourselves catching...
how to get out of bed when depressed

How To Get Out Of Bed When Depressed? 12 Effective Ways...

Depression and mental health is that topic of discussion that majority of the people tend to shy away from and why? This constant stigma...
Mental health

New study claims that “transmitted stress” from other people is just...

With the kind of hectic and fast paced life that we lead, it is not surprise that we stay stressed and depressed majority of...
Mental Health

New Study claims that dreams could be the reflection of one’s...

Dreams, good or bad, are believed to be the sub-conscious rendition of what we think about throughout the entirety of the day. Dream researchers...
OCD treatment

OCD Treatment: What You Should Know?

OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder triggers a pattern of thoughts and fears which leads to the appearance of repetitive behaviors, which then starts to...