
Are the Traits for Anxiety and Depression Heritable? Study Shows They...

Anxiety and depression are not alien terms for people. With the kind of influence that it has on one’s mental health, its impacts are...
Manic depression

Consumption of Excessive Processed Food Can Lead to Manic Depression, Research...

Recent experiments showcase that the overconsumption of processed food and meats can adversely affect one’s psychological well being, probing the possibility of causing manic...

12 Astonishing Facts About Spirituality That You Were Oblivious About

Every person has their own definition for spirituality. The common definition of this term describes it as the reincarnation of any form of human...
signs you are happy alone

11 Signs That You’d Rather Pick Solitude Over Company

How many times have you felt confined and suffocated in a room full of people and not because of the lack of ventilation but...
Bucket List

5 Reasons Why You Need To Have a Bucket List and...

Ever thought of going skydiving or visiting a certain place or achieve something before the age of 30? Ever scribbled down your little thoughts...
10 Bedroom Plants That Calm

10 Bedroom Plants That Calm Your Mind and Beat Insomnia

In today's hectic environment, finding calm in the bedroom is crucial for healthy sleep and general well-being. Indoor plants are a simple and efficient...
How to cure boredom

How To Cure Boredom Without Indulging In Stimulants

Boredom is not a disease but it is a prelude to many ailments which may follow if proper caution is not taken. Everyone at...

8 Best Home Remedies for Anxiety

Even though some people think that anxiety is good as it helps in keeping us alert as well as aware, the problem of anxiety...
stretches to do before bedtime

Best Stretches To Do Before Bedtime

Apart from providing nice relaxation to your muscles, stretching your body also helps in regulating blood circulation in the body, according to the experts....
8 Exercises to Improve Symptoms

8 Exercises to Improve Symptoms of Depression

In addition to providing a physical boost, exercise is a lifeline for mental health. In the United States, in 2021 alone, 20% of teenagers and...
Relieve Stress Naturally

7 Good Ways To Relieve Stress Naturally

Stress has become an issue with many far and wide. Round the globe, many young and older people have started to be troubled mentally...
Ways To Tackle Insomnia

Simple Ways To Tackle Insomnia

Restless through the night? You're not alone. Millions of people have insomnia, which causes them to spend hours staring at the ceiling, unable to...
Depression Removal

12 Important Tips To Counter Depression

People face depression due to various reasons. It not only breaks you completely from the inside, but it also does not let you recover...
effects of Sleep Disorders

Effect of Sleep Disorders on Mental and Physical Health

Everything be it living or inanimate, needs rest for efficient functioning in the long run. For those living, sleep is the most essential form...
Breathing Exercises for Relaxation

Breathing Exercises for Relaxation

Most of us at some point of time in our lives would have suffered from the adverse effects of over working, inadequate sleep, and...
Tips on Reducing Stress

Amazing Tips on Reducing Stress

Stress management is becoming an essential subject with every passing day as life seems to be taking its toll on more and more people....

Depression – How to cure it without medicines?

Are you feeling sad and low? Are you not getting interest in the work and feeling depressed? Are you facing difficulty in concentrating and...