12 Ways to Shut Off Your Brain Before Bedtime For Peaceful...

With such a stressful life that we lead, it is not surprising at all the majority of us don’t get the quality of sleep...
Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D Deficiency – Causes, Symptoms, Diseases And Treatment

Vitamin D deficiency can cause a plethora of problems altogether on your health. What many of us fail to realize is the fact that...
Home Remedies for Sun Poisoning

15 Home Remedies For Sun Poisoning For Quicker Relief

With summer belting out the heat waves all across, it is not surprising that the rate of sun poisoning has gone up. Finding effective...
Increase body temperature

15 Ways To Increase Body Temperature For Optimum Health

Hypothermia is an actual condition which does slow down body activities drastically. Whatever the conditions be, in order to increase body temperature, it is...
remedies for heel spur

15 Remedies For Heel Spur For Quicker Recovery

Have you been feeling a sharp shooting pain on the underside of your feet, in the heel region? While many people often tend to...
reasons for being cranky

12 Reasons For Being Cranky All The Time (5 Ways To...

How often do you end up screaming profanities into the air? Screaming and hissy fits – do they seem familiar to you? Finding the...
overcome social anxiety

15 Ways To Overcome Social Anxiety – Fight Your Way Through!

Just cancelled you third hang out plans in the week? How many times have your friends taken you for someone being rude because of...
15 Home Remedies for Dust Allergies

15 Home Remedies for Dust Allergies

Dust mites, pollen, and pet dander can cause respiratory discomfort, congestion, and sneezing for millions of people who suffer from dust allergies. Natural therapies...
Get rid of stress at work

15 Ways To Get Rid Of Stress At Work – Don’t...

How unlikely do you feel like your work is overwhelming you? Do you often steep out of sleep during night because of a daunting...
Ways to overcome addiction

12 Ways To Overcome Addiction – It Is Time To Fight...

Addiction is a very umbrella term, given the fact that we have so many things and habit that we are addicted to. Smoking, social...
Reasons to eat breakfast

18 Reasons To Eat Breakfast – Start Your Day Healthy

Jumping through the house trying to tie those laces up while holding a piece of toast between your teeth, a quite common scenario nowadays,...
Age Spots on Face

15 Natural Remedies For Age Spots That You Can Swear By

Every single person, irrespective of their gender wants to stay and look youthful throughout the entirety of their life, isn’t it? Not one single...
Why I cry for no reason

Why I Cry For No Reason? 6 Possible ‘Reasons’ Behind The...

How often in a month do you cry? Is it once, twice or way more than that? Do you find people calling you an...
Vitamin C serum for face

11 Benefits of Vitamin C Serum for Face You Should Know...

Oranges, Lime, Lemon and so many others, we love our Vitamin Cs, don’t we? While these free radical scavengers have their fair share of...
Side Effects Of High Insulin Levels

15 Natural Ways to Lower Insulin Levels For An Energetic Life

While the lack of insulin functioning is the primal factor majority of the people around are aware of, the heightened levels of insulin also...
Cope with sleep deprivation

Cope With Sleep Deprivation – Know The 7 Natural Ways That...

Finding yourself yawning a lot during work? How much sleep did you even get last night? It is often found that sleep deprivation not...
overcoming ROCD

7 Ways For Overcoming ROCD (Relationship OCD) For A Happier Relationship

How often do you have complex thoughts of being abandoned by your partner or not being good enough for your partner? Does it happen...
Apple cider vinegar for skin tags

Apple Cider Vinegar For Skin Tags – Does It Work? 4...

Skin tags might not impose destructive health hazard but these can actually influence your quality of life. So, you must have heard of the...

8 Foods To Consume To Maintain Electrolyte Balance For Healthier Lifestyle

Our body is composed of water and electrolytes that maintain peace and harmony in the body. We fail to recognize the importance of the...
Benefits of Hot Water

16 Unexpected Benefits Of Drinking Hot Water That You Didn’t Know...

You must have heard people saying, “Start drinking hot water.” Do you realize the benefits of hot water or why doctors and experts might...

People Living Alone Are More At Risks Of Mental Disorders, New...

The rate of risks associated with mental health is on a rampant rise. More and more people are being prone to the risks associated...
Natural remedies for pain

15 Natural Home Remedies For Pain For Effective Results

Pain can be one of those conditions that affect our quality of life on a daily basis. It becomes harder to go about a...
Cope with seasonal depression

14 Ways to Cope with Seasonal Depression for Sustained Mental Health

Depression in itself is a tough condition to swerve through. Add in some seasonal prospects of feeling low and you are completely stuck in...
get rid of leg cramps

12 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Leg Cramps And The...

Leg cramps are nasty, aren’t they? How often has it happened to you that you are sleeping and the sudden jerking of the legs...
Inter Personal Relationships

Inter Personal Relationships – Get Educated About Its Nitty-gritty!

In a society where you reside and work, do you agree with the fact that it is noteworthy to look into how is your...
How To Stop Biting Nails

How To Stop Biting Nails? 10 Ways To Get Rid Of...

Do you have chipped and uneven nails with the skin around tearing off? If you have been struggling with maintaining proper nail hygiene and...
remedies for swimmers ear

12 Remedies For Swimmer’s Ear To Get Rid Of The Pain

Ear infections can be a pain, isn’t it? The worst part is that every single one of us (for the most part), sometime or...
Drinking water after meals

Have You Been Drinking Water After Meals? Science Says it Might...

It is not an unknown fact 60-65% of our body is made up of water and it is sometimes the bane of our existence....
remove excess salt from body

7 Ways to Remove Excess Salt From Body For Overall Better...

Salt is the quintessential requirement of our body, isn’t it? While this does add in more flavour and taste of your dish, it also...
reduce salt intake quickly

8 Ways To Reduce Salt Intake Quickly For Better Well Being

We live in a world where stress and workload dominates our life. Can you even imagine making it worse? Well, we often times end...