Form A Habit

Ideas On How Long Does it Take To Form A Habit...

Habits are a part of our behavioral cycle. The cycle of habits begins from a term called ”habit loop”. As the name suggests, a loop...

13 Ways To Wake Up With Motivation – Tackle What The...

Not every day is the same and not every day can you wake up with the same kind of enthusiasm and that is understandable....
exercises during depression

5 Constructive Exercises To Beat Depression – Dive In And Do...

We hear volumes about tackling depression. Technically, to bring it all together, depression is dealt by working a way to bring that positive change...

9 Natural Ways To Lower Cholesterol For A Healthier Well Being

“You need to lower your cholesterol levels.” Tell me if the first thing that popped in your head wasn’t something around the lines of...

10 Efficient Ways to Avoid Depression For Better Mental Peace

There is a difference between being just sad and being depressed. Owing to the lack of mental health awareness around us, we often confuse...
Essential oils for high blood pressure

14 Beneficial Essential Oils For High Blood Pressure (2 Which Are...

Essential oils are more than just bringing you calmness and tranquility. The therapeutic benefits of the essential oils for high blood pressure are actually...
turmeric for arthritis

Turmeric For Arthritis – Is It Effective?

“Drink some turmeric milk before bed at night.” How many times have you heard your doctor suggest that? Turmeric for Arthritis is a proven...
Apple cider vinegar for hypertension

Apple Cider Vinegar For Hypertension – Does It Work?

Apple cider vinegar and its efficacy in the treatment of varying health conditions don’t necessarily need a separate introduction. When it comes to apple...

18 Natural Muscle Relaxers – Bid Adieu to Muscle Pain and...

We experience muscle cramps and pain every once in a while, don’t we? It is completely futile to blindly depend on medicines and drugs...
How to manage anger

How To Manage Anger? 15 Effective Ways to Handle Sudden Rage

Anger is the bane of our existence, isn’t it? Whatever the reasons be, rage or anger is a very common expression that we end...

How to Control Your Sweet Tooth in 15 Steps

Sugar is present in many of our regular meals, and most of us consume too much. Have you ever wondered how to reduce your...
ways to improve gut bacteria

12 Ways to Improve Gut Bacteria – Treat Your Gut With...

Our body is home to a plethora of bacteria, some good and some bad. Our gut is also filled with good bacteria that are...
Health benefits of meditation

20 Health Benefits of Meditation According To Science

While meditation may not be everyone's cup of tea, its health benefits are compelling enough to try it. Did you know that these benefits...

20 Effective Ways to Get Rid Of Love Handles Without Excess...

Even with such a cute name for a body part, there is a love hate relationship people have for the love handles. While some...
12 Hidden Dangers of Sugar

12 Hidden Dangers of Sugar

The foods we love to eat can sometimes harm our health. Take sugar, for example—whether in a milkshake or a dozen donuts, it's not...
treat food addiction

10 Effective Ways To Treat Food Addiction to Regain Back Your...

We all love to indulge in junk food from time to time, right? But, what if you can’t live without it much...
Foods to Eat When Your Sick

15 Foods to Eat When Your Sick and Don’t Have an...

Keeping a healthy diet becomes essential when you are sick. Eating the correct foods promotes the body's healing process and replenishes vital nutrients. Selecting...

15 Health Benefits of Sweating You Didn’t Know Of

Sweating is an essential physiological function that keeps our bodies balanced. Our bodies efficiently control body temperature by sweating, which keeps us from overheating...
stop hating yourself

12 Effective Ways To Stop Hating Yourself And Bring Out The...

How to stop hating yourself? When you look this phrase up on Google, you will find a number of answers to your...

6 Signs You Are In A Rut And 10 Effective Ways...

Mental Health is that miniscule yet very major part of an individual’s personality that many people often tend to treat as a secondary priority...
Stick to a healthy diet

20 Effective Ways To Stick To A Healthy Diet For Weight...

“Just one more bite of that donut.” “Just a cheat day won’t hurt”. “Let’s us have one unhealthy piece and I’ll eat...

New Study Finds How Postpartum Depression Worsens Over The Course Of...

Postpartum Depression is quite a common happenstance that happens in every other new mother following their childbirth. Studies have further probed into...
Genomic Mechanism

Researchers Find The Genomic Mechanism Responsible For The Differentiation Of Scents

We smell a lot of things every single day, some good and some bad. But, has it ever struck your mind how...
How to motivate yourself to lose weight

How to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight? 15 Science Backed Ways

You planned your meals. You cut down the carbohydrates. You are running 5 miles every day. And with everything done, the routine...
how to lose belly fat

How To Lose Belly Fat? 25 Science Backed Ways For It

Have you been struggling for getting that perfectly toned belly? The question of “How to lose belly fat” must be in your Google search...
Lower cortisol levels

22 Ways To Lower Cortisol Levels For A Healthier Life

We possibly chant stress more than we even realize in a day. Owing to the impending deadlines, work pressure, responsibilities, we find ourselves catching...
9 Home Remedies for Staph Infection

9 Home Remedies for Staph Infection You Might Not Be Aware...

Bacteria can attack our bodies at any time and without warning. A staph infection is the outcome of one such bacterial infestation. But do...
health resolutions

30 Easy And Effective Health Resolutions To Spruce Up Your Life

With the New Year around the corner, it’s that time of the year again. Wondering what I am talking about? Well, New...
Foods to increase platelets

17 Foods To Increase Platelets Count In Your Blood

Increasing your platelet count is necessary to keep your immune system and blood clotting functioning normally. Diet is essential if you're looking for natural...

13 Benefits Of Morning Exercise For Better Motivation

The Science Behind Morning Exercise Scientific studies have demonstrated numerous advantages of exercising first thing in the morning. Studies have shown that physical activity first...