Corns And Calluses

How To Get Rid Of Corns And Calluses?

Corns and callusses are often confusd with some other medical condition or infection. Where as these are thickened skin areas formed usually at the...
Home remedies for herpes

17 Home Remedies For Herpes That Works Wonders

Herpes is quite a common viral infection that can affect people of any age or gender. While the sexually transmitted form of this condition...
home remedies for dysentery

14 Home Remedies For Dysentery For Faster Recovery

Dysentery is not a pleasant experience at all. The constant loose motion paired with nausea and vomiting is something that not many...

12 Ways To Heal Cracked Corners Of Mouth – Recover From...

Do you wake up to cracked corners of your mouth? As painful as the condition is, there are a number of ways to heal...

How to Get Rid of Nausea | Best Home Remedies for...

Nausea is an unpleasant feeling in a stomach which causes lightheadedness, discomfort and a feeling hotness in your body. While the problem of nausea...
itchy scalp

Itchy Scalp Treatment | Best Natural Remedies to Treat Itchy Scalp

Itchy scalp is one of the most irritative health problems which makes you highly uncomfortable. It also makes you embarrassed by causing few symptoms...
heat stroke

Avoid Heat Stroke With These 11 Astounding Natural Remedies

With the summer honing above our heads and the temperature rising constantly to a level of unbearable, it is best to stay wary of...
Natural remedies for menopause

20 Natural Remedies For Menopause – Fight Away The Symptoms

Menopause kicks in the early 50s or even in the late 40s for some women. The condition imposes quite a lot of challenges for...
cure for dry eyes

16 Effective Cures For Dry Eyes That Work Like Magic

So, how many times has it happened that you are here sat in front of your working desk typing away when suddenly, you start...
Natural Remedies for Oily Scalp

Home Remedies for Oily Scalp

A dry scalp, dandruff, itchy flakes, discomfort and irritation. You are not just got a problem my friend. You got a scalp problem, which...
get rid of bruises

25 Ways To Get Rid Of Bruises Naturally

Witnessing a sudden blue-black appearance on the skin? The lingering pain paired with the appearance of the bruise is definitely not something...
Remedies for jet lag

20 Remedies for Jet Lag for a Fresh and Rejuvenated Body...

You will agree with me if I said that while travelling to different countries for work or pleasure is very much fun, there is...
Home Remedies For Hair Growth

45 Must Try Natural Remedies For Hair Growth

In our day-to-day lives, many of your friends, relatives, and we ourselves suffer hair loss problems. It is common problem that can hit from...
Sensitive Teeth

11 Home Remedies To Soothe Sensitive Teeth Effectively

Just wanted to bite into a stick of Popsicle? Did you fail to do so because of the sharp shooting pain in your teeth?...
Home remedies for hay fever

12 Home Remedies For Hay Fever – Get Them Sneezes Out

Do you find yourself sneezing your lungs out during a specific season? Hay fever is a very common condition that people who are prone...
12 Home Remedies For Black Eye That Help Soothe The Pain

12 Home Remedies For Black Eye That Help Soothe The Pain

So, the sudden punch that you didn’t see coming ended up leaving you with soreness and numbing pain and above all, a black eye....
home remedies to cure a baby cold

Home Remedies to cure a Baby Cold

An infant suffering from cold and flu could be one of the most disturbing sights to behold for a grown up. The babies are...
Natural remedies for pain

15 Natural Home Remedies For Pain For Effective Results

Pain can be one of those conditions that affect our quality of life on a daily basis. It becomes harder to go about a...
Get rid of flatulence

15 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Flatulence For Good

So, imagine this, you ate a perfectly good bowl of rice with your favourite curry. It was delectable. You reached for a second serving...

8 Best Home Remedies for Anxiety

Even though some people think that anxiety is good as it helps in keeping us alert as well as aware, the problem of anxiety...
natural home remedies to prevent cough

5 Natural Home Remedies To Prevent Cough

According to various studies, coughing has been proved perfectly normal in particular limit. It not only helps in clearing your throat from phlegm and...
10 Home Remedies For Burning Sensation In Throat That Work

10 Home Remedies For Burning Sensation In Throat That Work

Have you been feeling a burning and scratching pain around your throat? The constant burning sensation can often end up making your voice hoarse...