Women's Health

Women Health is your go-to destination for new workouts, legit nutrition advice and weight loss tips, the latest health news, healthy recipes, and more.

Period Poop

Period Poop: Why It Happens and How to Ease Digestive Issues

The monthly menstrual cycle can bring unexpected digestive changes, including diarrhea, constipation, and frequent bowel movements, often referred to as "period poop." Such changes...
5 Life-Saving Facts about the BRCA Gene and Ovarian Cancer

5 Life-Saving Facts about the BRCA Gene and Ovarian Cancer

Everybody possesses BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. These genes typically guard against cancer. They maintain the health of cells and fix damaged DNA. Healthcare providers...
Emergency Contraception

Emergency Contraception: What You Need to Know and How It Works

Emergency contraception (EC) is used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. It acts as an option for defence against contraceptive mishaps...
Myths and Facts About Birth Control

Myths and Facts About Birth Control: Debunking Common Misconceptions

Birth control is an essential aspect of reproductive health. Accurate information on family planning is important for the proper management of sexual health and...
Understanding Pelvic Floor Disorders and Pain

Understanding Pelvic Floor Disorders and Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Pelvic floor disorders refer to various functional disorders related to the muscular and connective tissue parts supporting or surrounding the pelvic organs. These include...
Birth Control Pills

How to Choose the Right Birth Control Method: A Comprehensive Guide

When you don't want to have kids, birth control, commonly known as contraception, can help you avoid getting pregnant. There are numerous methods of...

Why Your Period Won’t Stop: 12 Common Causes and Solutions

Prolonged menstrual bleeding, referred to as menorrhagia, affects many women’s health across the globe. When your period doesn’t stop, it can cause discomfort, fatigue,...

Post-Treatment Care for Cervical Cancer Survivors: Tips for a Healthy Life

Cervical cancer affects a substantial number of women all over the world. It is essential to have post-treatment care to guarantee long-term health and...

Unlocking Wellness: 7 Essential Health Screenings Every Woman Should Prioritize

Proactive health management is essential to holistic well-being since it helps identify and avoid any health problems at an early stage. The foundation of...

5 Best Maternity Belts for Back Pain Relief for Expecting Mothers

Even though it's a miraculous experience, being pregnant can present specific difficulties, the most prevalent of which is back pain. Expectant moms may experience...

Top 5 UTI Test Kits: Convenient Solutions for At-Home Urinary Tract...

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are prevalent bacterial infections that primarily affect women and impact millions worldwide. These infections occur when germs enter the urinary...
Hormone Balancing Foods Women Hormonal Health

Top 8 Hormone-Balancing Foods: Supporting Women’s Hormonal Health Naturally

Hormones are crucial conductors in the complex web of women's health, impacting many physiological processes. These chemical messengers substantially influence mood regulation, reproduction, and...
Pressure Points That Provide Relief From Period Cramps

10 Pressure Points That Provide Relief From Period Cramps

The period can be pesky and the uninvited cramps are painful and unbearable for many women. Although it is all-natural and a...
26 Things You Should Avoid During Periods Experts Advice

26 Things You Should Avoid During Periods – Experts Advice!

Periods are an important part of women's life. When she gets her periods it is a roller coaster ride for her. We...
Reasons for Butt Cramps over Periods

Causes of Butt Cramps During Periods – Effective Relief and Solutions!

There are various causes of pain in the buttocks, ranging from bursitis, bruising, piriformis syndrome, muscle strain, and shingles, to more serious diseases, with...
10 Usual Causes For Vulva Irritation and Home Remedies

10 Usual Causes For Vulva Irritation and Home Remedies

Vaginal irritation and inflammation is a repeated condition in females. If there is excess itchiness or irritation in vagaina then dont have panicking misconceptions...
Endometriosis-Symptoms Causes Prevention and Treatment

Endometriosis-Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment

If you are suffering with severe cramping during your periods then it could be due to endometriosis. This is a disorder that can make...
What You Should Know Before Using V Wash

What You Should Know Before Using V Wash-Intimate Hygiene

Intimate hygiene and care is a must for women. Knowing this, you might want to choose an intimate wash. It is a must have...
How to Use a Breast Pump When should I start pumping

How to Use Breast Pump – Caring Tips & Guide For...

New mothers face several challenges.The women who give birth for the first time need guidance and tips in many aspects. One of the important...
Eco Friendly Sanitary Pads | Healthspectra

8 Eco-Friendly and Organic Period Options to Try this 2021!!

Giving rise to environmental wastage is uncool. Be it menstrual cycle, the environment is highly affected. We are being unfair to nature by generating...
Home remedies for PCOS

16 Home Remedies For PCOS – Know What You Can Do!

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects 1 in every 10 women of childbearing age across the world. It is the leading...
Early signs of breast cancer

14 Early Signs Of Breast Cancer – Know The Risks Before

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, there were over 2 million cases of breast cancer reported in the year of 2018. The main...
what does your menstrual cycle say about your health

What Does Your Menstrual Cycle Say About Your Health? 12 Interesting...

Much like how the temperature of your body tells if you have fever, your period has a lot to tell about your health. Be...

New Born’s Exposure To Home Cleaning Products Can Induce Asthma, New...

Asthma is a very common disease in children. According to the statistics from 2017, it was suggested that 1 in every 12 kid had...
Period End

12 Ways To Make Your Period End Faster – Cut Down...

So, you have a trip planned with your friends, but your period is expected to arrive around the same time. Sound familiar? You're not...

Less Sexual Intimacy With Partner Linked With Early Menopause

Menopause is that phase of life in a woman’s life that comes along with a lot of complications, be it on the physical health...
how to lose weight with PCOS

How To Lose Weight With PCOS? 15 Science Backed Ways For...

PCOS, you might have heard this term quite a lot around. An abbreviation for Polycystic ovarian syndrome, PCOS is a very less talked about...
Essential Oils for Urinary Tract Infection UTI

11 Essential Oils for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) for Faster Recovery

Millions of people worldwide suffer from urinary tract infections or UTIs. Frequent urination, burning sensation, lower abdomen pain, and foul-smelling or murky urine are...

Occasional Drinking During Pregnancy Inflicts Harm To The Foetus

If you had the notion that a few sips and a glass or two or alcohol during pregnancy was completely safe, new study suggests...

20 Natural Remedies For Endometriosis For Faster Relief

Cramping is common during when a person is menstruating. But, have you lately been experiencing unbearable pain during your periods? It is often believed...