12 Possible Causes of Breast Pain


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Breast Pain

Soreness, swelling, irritation, or even a numbing sensation, whatever the symptoms may be, breast pain is often more intense than words can describe. If you went to sleep at night feeling perfectly fine and woke up wondering why your breasts hurt, there could be several underlying causes.

Breast pain can sometimes be fleeting or recurring. If you’re someone who experiences it frequently, it’s important to pay attention to these signs and take the necessary steps to find relief.

In this article, we will focus on the common reasons behind breast pain to help alleviate the excruciating discomfort you may experience in such conditions.

Also, Read: 10 Home Remedies to Treat Breast Pain Naturally

What is Breast Pain?

What is Breast Pain

Breast pain, medically known as Mastalgia, is a fairly common complaint experienced by a significant number of women. This condition is characterized by sharp, shooting pain in the breast, accompanied by numbness and tenderness in the area.

Some women also report a feeling of tightness around the breast tissue. The duration of this pain can vary—it may last for an extended period or be fleeting, lasting only a few hours, depending on the underlying cause.

In general, breast pain can occur:

  • A few days each month, typically just before your period.
  • For about a week during the entire menstrual cycle.
  • Throughout the month, which may indicate a more severe underlying issue.

The first two types of pain are categorized as cyclical, while the last type is considered non-cyclical pain.

Symptoms of Breast Pain

Symptoms of Breast Pain

Just as I previously mentioned, the two types of breast pain—cyclical and non-cyclical—their symptoms can vary in several ways. In this section, we will walk through the common symptoms of breast pain based on its categorization.

Symptoms of Cyclical Breast Pain:

  • Onset of pain just before the start of the menstrual cycle
  • Tenderness in the breasts
  • Stabbing or burning pain in the breasts
  • Swelling and inflammation in the breasts
  • Lumpy appearance of the breasts
  • Pain that radiates to the underarms
  • Pain experienced by women on hormone replacement therapy during menopause

Symptoms of Non-cyclical Breast Pain:

  • Pain affecting only one breast and localized to one specific area
  • Pain that isn’t recurring in cyclical patterns and may occur at any time
  • Mostly observed in post-menopausal women
  • Pain that can be persistent or sporadic, depending on the underlying cause
  • If caused by an infection, the patient may also experience fever and chills
  • Referred pain affecting other areas of the body, but originating from the breasts

Also, Read: Empowerment and Education: Understanding Breast Cancer

What Causes Breast Pain?

What causes Breast Pain

Now that we’ve covered the basics of breast pain and soreness, it’s time to focus on the common causes that significantly contribute to this condition.

There are various categories based on the severity of the underlying causes that lead to breast tenderness and pain.

Let’s go through them one by one.

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1. Hormonal Fluctuations

Hormonal fluctuations

As mentioned in the previous section of the article, there are either cyclical or non-cyclical reasons behind the presence of breast pain in women. When we talk about hormonal fluctuations, these are primarily related to the common hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle.

The significant fluctuations in hormone levels, especially estrogen and progesterone, contribute to breast tenderness, swelling, and pain. This type of breast pain is often reported to worsen over time with age due to increased sensitivity to hormonal changes in the body.

If the breast pain is related to your menstrual cycle, it’s likely to begin 2-3 days before your period starts and may continue until hormone levels return to normal.

To confirm whether the breast pain is related to your menstrual cycle, keep track of the dates of your cycle and compare them with the days when you experience the pain.

Some of the typical developmental phases that could potentially cause breast pain include:

  • Puberty
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause

2. Fibrocystic Breasts

Fibrocystic Breasts

Fibrocystic breasts, as the name suggests, is a condition characterized by the formation of non-cancerous (benign) cysts in the breasts, making them feel lumpy and creating an uncomfortable and bothersome experience for those affected.

This condition is also influenced by hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, which can affect the breast tissue.

The gradual change that a woman’s breasts undergo is called ‘involution,’ during which the breast tissue is replaced by fat, leading to tenderness and a lumpy feeling throughout the breasts.

Since these cystic growths are benign, there is no need for significant concern. While they can sometimes cause pain, they typically do not. These cysts are often found in the upper portion of the breasts and may enlarge in size during the menstrual cycle.

3. Breastfeeding

BreastfeedingBreastfeeding isn’t necessarily painful, but several conditions could contribute to breast pain. In this section, we aim to address some of the common causes behind breastfeeding-related breast pain. Some of the possibilities include:

4. Mastitis

Mastitis is a common condition defined as an infection of the milk ducts in the breast. It can cause severe, unbearable pain, along with itching and cracks in the nipples. Other symptoms include blistering on the nipples, red streaks on the breast, and fever and chills.

Also, Read: Experiences of Breast Cancer Survivors and Personal Journeys

5. Improper Latching

Improper latching is a common cause of breast pain, especially in new mothers. If your baby isn’t latching properly during breastfeeding, you may experience nipple soreness and cracking. It’s important to consult a doctor to address this issue and ensure comfort for both you and your infant.

6. Engorgement

Another common cause of breast tenderness related to breastfeeding is engorgement. This condition occurs when the breasts become overfull with milk, making them feel larger, heavier, and uncomfortable.

If you are unable to breastfeed your baby at the moment, try pumping the milk into bottles to relieve the pressure. It is important to pump the excess milk to avoid the negative effects of excessive milk production.

Also, Read: Important Yoga Poses For Breastfeeding Mothers

7. Improper Diet

In addition to the more severe issues mentioned above, an improper diet can also be a significant cause of breast pain. Women who consume a diet high in fats and carbohydrates may be more likely to experience breast pain, soreness, and tenderness.

8. Accessory Causes

While most cases of breast pain originate in the mammary tissue, there are instances when non-mammary factors, such as irritation in the arms, chest, or back muscles, can cause the pain.

These symptoms may arise after activities like raking, rowing, or shoveling, which can strain these areas and cause discomfort.

9. Breast Surgery

Breast Surgery

If you’re wondering, ‘Why do my breasts hurt?’ another common cause is breast surgery. If you have recently undergone breast surgery, scar tissue can often lead to breast pain and tenderness. The intensity of the pain can vary from minimal to severe, depending on the underlying cause.

The pain may stem from nerve damage or underlying inflammation. It could be superficial or more profound. Common symptoms associated with breast pain after surgery include:

  • Sharp, throbbing pain when touching the area
  • Increased sensitivity around the breast
  • Occasional numbness
  • Difficulty performing regular daily activities
  • Inability to raise the arm on the side of the surgery due to pain

A study on this subject found that this lingering pain can persist and range from mild to severe for up to six months following surgery.

10. Medications

MedicationsAnother common factor that can contribute to breast pain is the use of certain medications. While the range of medications that can cause breast pain is not extensive, their effects can be quite profound in many cases of sore breasts.

Some medications linked to increased breast pain include:

  • Reproductive hormone-related drugs (for females)
  • Medicines for the treatment of mental health issues
  • Drugs used for treating cardiovascular diseases
  • Steroids
  • Medications for infertility treatment
  • Diuretics

11. Wearing Ill-Fitted Undergarments

Wearing ill fitted undergarments

This is one underlying cause that many people tend to overlook, thinking it’s not a significant issue, when in reality, it can significantly affect the breasts. Ill-fitting bras, both too loose or too tight, can be major contributors to breast pain.

An ill-fitting bra can compress the breasts and fail to provide optimal support, leading to the discomfort we experience.

To reduce breast pain, ensure your bra is well-fitted and does not cause discomfort.

12. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most serious causes of breast pain. While most breast cancers do not cause pain, there are instances where it can be an underlying reason for breast tenderness and discomfort.

Inflammatory tumors and certain types of breast cancer can cause pain and are often accompanied by specific symptoms that one should be aware of.

Some additional symptoms of breast pain caused by breast cancer include:

  • A visible lump in the breast
  • The lump persists even after the menstrual cycle ends
  • Nipple discharge—either clear or sometimes bloody
  • Redness on the breast, along with the accumulation of pus
  • Fever and chills

Also, Read: 14 Early Signs Of Breast Cancer – Know The Risks Before


Breast pain is, in most women, a source of great concern, but it is usually not dangerous. The pain can be upsetting and even may sometimes indicate the presence of severe underlying conditions.

The wide range of causes has to be understood to deal with such discomfort appropriately.

However, if you notice any persistent or unusual symptoms along with breast pain, like lumps, nipple discharge, or a change in the size of the breast, you must seek medical attention. This will prevent possible complications and will also give you peace of mind.

Being informed of the causes and remedies of breast pain can help take active steps to maintain breast health and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Food for thought with some FAQs1. Is breast pain a sign of cancer?

A: Pain in the breasts does not really indicate cancer. However, if you notice some other symptoms, such as discharge from the nipple or a lump in the breast, associated with breast pain, you must visit a doctor. It may indicate breast cancer and timely treatment can be really helpful.

2. Can breast pain be a sign of pregnancy?

A: You can’t really rely purely on breast pain as a predictor of pregnancy. This is because many sources of breast pain have nothing to do with pregnancy at all. So it does not help to rely solely on it as an indication of pregnancy. If other pregnancy symptoms are also there, then you could be pregnant.

  • Sep 2018
    Written by Somapika D
  • Feb 2025
    Edited by Lakshmi Gayatri