Coconut Oil for Hemorrhoids | How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids


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Coconut Oil for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be a very painful and annoying ailment that makes it difficult to do even the most basic everyday tasks. Whether you have chronic itching, swelling, or a sharp discomfort when you sit, hemorrhoids can significantly influence your quality of life. While many over-the-counter remedies provide short-term respite, they frequently have adverse side effects or fail to address the underlying cause.

Fortunately, coconut oil, found in nature, offers a potent yet mild remedy. People have used coconut oil for generations to treat various skin and health issues because of its well-known anti-inflammatory, calming, and restorative qualities. It can help hemorrhoids heal quickly, lessen discomfort, and minimize swelling.

Coconut oil may be the solution you’ve been seeking if you’re searching for a safe, natural remedy for hemorrhoids. Continue reading to learn how to soothe and treat hemorrhoids using coconut oil rapidly!

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What is Hemorrhoids?

Swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum are known as hemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids) or piles. Varicose veins and hemorrhoids are comparable. Internal hemorrhoids can form inside the rectum. External hemorrhoids are another type that can form behind the skin around the anus.

They are highly prevalent in both sexes. By the age of fifty, hemorrhoids will affect about half of the population.

Hemorrhoids are common in pregnant and postpartum women. Pregnancy puts additional strain on the blood arteries in your pelvic region. These blood arteries are also under additional strain during childbirth as a result of straining to push the baby out.

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

Causes of Haemorrhoids
  • Strain during bowel movements.
  • Difficulties due to prolonged constipation.
  • Sitting for long periods such as on toilets.
  • Family history of hemorrhoids.
  • A diet deficient in fiber.
  • Aging-related weakening of the tissues that support your rectum and anus.
  • Frequently moving large, heavy objects.

Read More: How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids | Hemorrhoid Relief

What are Hemorrhoid Symptoms

The type of hemorrhoids you have will determine your symptoms.

If you have hemorrhoids on the outside, you might have

  • Itching in the anal area.
  • A few tender, firm bumps close to your anus.
  • Anal soreness or ache, mainly when seated.

Your symptoms could worsen if you strain, rub, or scrub your anus excessively. The symptoms of external hemorrhoids usually disappear in a few days for most people.

If internal hemorrhoids are present, you might have

  • Bright red blood on stool, toilet paper, or in toilet bowl following a bowel movement indicates bleeding from the rectum.
  • A hemorrhoid known as prolapse that has slipped through your anal opening.

Most of the time, non-prolapsed internal hemorrhoids don’t cause pain. Internal hemorrhoids that have prolapsed can be painful and uncomfortable.

Does Coconut Oil Work for Hemorrhoids?

Coconut oil Work

Yes, it helps treat hemorrhoids due to its health-friendly properties. Some of the significant benefits of coconut oil for hemorrhoids are as follows.

  • Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties, making it a tremendous internal remedy for hemorrhoids. It soothes the inflamed vein and helps quickly heal the infection.
  • It is rich in medium-chain fatty acid molecules or MCFA, some healthy fats that relieve irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion, which causes inflammation of the veins in the intestinal tract, which can turn into hemorrhoids.
  • Besides relieving constipation, coconut oil boosts bowel movements by lubricating the rectum.

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How to get rid of Hemorrhoids Naturally With Coconut Oil?

When using coconut oil medicinally, you should use organic, extra-virgin coconut oil. It has more health advantages and is the least processed. Here are some excellent coconut oil treatments for hemorrhoids.

  • As the hemorrhoids heal in a few days, apply coconut oil to the affected area multiple times daily to reduce swelling and eliminate pain.
  • Include coconut oil in your meals. When consumed, coconut oil eliminates harmful bacteria that can lead to indigestion and other digestive issues. Coconut oil has laxative properties that can help ease constipation.
  • To your bath, add ½ cup of coconut oil. The oil and warm water can be calming and aid with symptom relief. As an extra treat, you’ll enjoy silky soft skin everywhere else.
  • Whisk together witch hazel and melted coconut oil. Witch hazel has been traditionally used to treat hemorrhoids at home. Apply the mixture to the external hemorrhoids with a cotton ball. Repeat a few times daily until your symptoms go away.
  • Combine turmeric and melted coconut oil. Coconut and turmeric combo is a potent combination since turmeric has anti-inflammatory qualities. Apply immediately on external hemorrhoids with a cotton ball or tissue.
  • Coconut oil can be used to make suppositories. Make pencil-wide cylinders of coconut oil and freeze them until ready. Internal hemorrhoids are usually relieved by inserting coconut oil suppositories into the rectum.

Precautions While Using Coconut Oil For Hemorrhoids

Precautions using Coconut oil

Follow these valuable tips to get the best benefits while using coconut oil for hemorrhoids.

  • Always use extra virgin and organic coconut oil to get maximum benefits.
  • You should never consume more than three tablespoons of coconut oil per day.
  • Ensure the affected area is very clean before applying coconut oil. Disinfect it if required.
  • Always keep separate extra virgin coconut oils for different purposes.
  • Drink a lot of water to prevent the condition of hemorrhoids.
  • Maintaining good hygiene is essential to prevent hemorrhoids. Use cotton balls to clean the area.
  • To get the best benefits, include coconut oil in your diet. You can add it to cooking and use it in beverages and smoothies.
  • Do not drink coconut oil for hemorrhoids if diarrhea causes them.

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Coconut oil is revolutionary when it comes to natural hemorrhoid therapy. Its moisturizing qualities soothe irritation, its antibacterial qualities prevent infections, and its anti-inflammatory qualities reduce swelling, providing a mild yet effective remedy for long-lasting comfort.

However, preventing future flare-ups is more critical for true relief than treating symptoms. Simple lifestyle adjustments like drinking enough water, eating foods high in fiber, avoiding prolonged sitting, and practicing good hygiene can have a profound impact. You can treat hemorrhoids holistically by combining these practices with the restorative properties of coconut oil.

Why endure silent suffering when nature has offered a solution? Today, take charge of your comfort. Get the relief you deserve by attempting these natural remedies!

  • June 2017
    Written by Prajakt
  • Feb 2025
    Edited by Ankita