10 Common Problems With Glasses That Can Affect Health & Wellness- Find Solutions


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10 Common Problems With Glasses That Can Affect Your Health And Wellness Find the Solutions

Glass wearers face many annoying problems but still ought to wear them for a clear vision. If your vision is impaired but glasses are a must, you need not go through the discomfort of wearing the glasses. These simple issues of wearing the glasses are solvable. Here are the Common Problems With Glasses one can overcome!

Are you just delaying to adjust your glasses right? Then obviously, it will be a problem wearing your glasses. It will disturb your vision, concentration, and focus in between your tasks. However, you have simple ideas that can clear the issues you are experiencing with your glasses. Here we are helping you with some of the common obstacles you struggle with glasses along with the appropriate solutions.

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We know that good vision contributes to health and well-being. Hence, we are sharing helpful tips for glasses wearers to achieve it. As soon as you finish reading the points, you can implement them from today.

Common Problems with Glasses Wearers Face – Find the Solutions

1.My glasses are loosened and don’t stay up

My glasses are loosened and dont stay upAre you trying to wear the stretcher frames? If yes, then understand that the stretched frames slide down your face. It is a common problem with glasses wearers face after long-term use. You need to handle your glasses gently and keep them out of the risk factors that are stretching the frames.

So, what you can do is- replace your old frame with a new sturdy, well-fitting new frame. From now make sure that you don’t leave your glasses under direct heat or sun exposure. Frames are made of plastic and plastic stretches with heat. So, preserve your glasses in a case when you are not using them.

Another important thing that you must remember is to handle your glasses a little gently. Don’t over-stretch while wearing your glasses as it can loosen the frame.

Read: 10 Best Blue Light Blocking Glasses

2.Glasses are too thick, they make my eyes blurry

Glasses are too thick they make my eyes blurryIt is eventual to have a blurry vision with thicker glasses. The lens might match your sight but you must select the right contact lens and frame to avoid this problem.

If you are facing this problem then you must try an oval-shaped or round-shaped frame to cover up the edges of thick lenses. To an extent, this solution can help you by setting a blurry vision to normal. Otherwise, you can get the edge thinner by making the whole lens thinner as well.

3.While having hot foods and drinks, fog forms on the glasses

While having hot foods and drinks fog forms on the glassesWhen you want to enjoy a cup of tea, the hot smoke layers the fog on your glasses. This can interrupt your happy tea time. This is the biggest complaint that people have about wearing their glasses. But wearing glasses is something that you cannot compromise on. So, what you are left with is, finding a solution for the fog formation of the lens.

You can wash your glasses with mild soap and plain water prior to wearing them. The soap wash can reduce the surface tension. Also, remember not to use the tissues and any regular cloth to wipe and clean your glasses. It is always recommended to use microfiber cloths to avoid moisture formation.

This is something all glasses-wearers have been facing after COVID protocols. Wearing a mask is unavoidable but what about

4.My glasses slide down whenever I sweat

My glasses slide down whenever I sweatThis is a repeated complaint about wearing glasses. When you are shedding sweat at the gym or on a sunny day, your spectacle refuses to stay up on your face. It is a trouble as your vision gets disturbed while you want to accomplish the task at the moment. You need a solution for this common problem as a glasses wearer.

Firstly, you must check if the specs are properly sitting behind your ears. The frame of your glasses must be tucked behind your ears which stops them from sliding down.

5.I experience night glare with my glasses, which makes driving uneasy

I experience night glare with my glasses that makes driving uneasyBasically night glare is an effect with both bright and dim lights. Light with high brightness may squint your eyes and make your eyes teary which impairs your vision in night. Conversely, dim light can affect the vision with a reduction in contrast to images. These two problems of night glare can make driving an uneasy task.

6.I feel eye strain even with glasses

I feel eye strain even with glassesMany express that “I wear glasses but eyes still strain”. This is when you are wearing glasses of incorrect prescription. As the vision is weaker with your present glasses, your eyes tend to strain to look over something. If you are killing sleep, under stress, overtime work and certain medications can increase the problem.

If you are going through this issue even wearing the spectacles then you must consult your doctor to check your vision and then get a new prescription if needed. Also, it is important to take care of your health and wellness to reduce eye strain.

7.I got spectacle marks on the nose with regular use

I got spectacle marks on nose with regular useSpectacles and nose marks are inseparable! The tight nose pads attached to the frame leaves the marks on your nose. The marks elevate as you regularly use the glasses. If you are someone who needs the glasses 24/7 then it creates the marks. We have a solution that may help you to some extent. If you started wearing the glasses recently then you can prevent the dark marking on your nose. It doesn’t reduce the existing marks but at least prevents the permanent marks.

You can try the soft foam nose pads that are adhesive to your spectacles. Then wearing specs will not be a bigger problem for you.

8.I often suffer from a headache even wearing my glasses

I often suffer with headache even wearing my glassesAre your glasses who suffer from headaches? Then you are not alone as it is a suffering for many.

Some are prescribed to wear bifocals to correct vision problems. But then these glasses are not made to protect your eyes from excessive exposure to the screens.

What you have to do is- consult your optometrist for no-line bifocals which can prevent headache. And headaches are also common for people who wear regular glasses. Then we advise you to discuss with your optometrist for a vision check-up and they may give you a new prescription accordingly.

9.Motion sickness

Motion sicknessDo you experience motion sickness every time you replace your spectacles? The primary thing that you must understand here is the cause behind this problem. Few people may face it as they are trying to adjust to the perioral field of vision. (R) The new spectacles can cause motion sickness if you are prone to it. You need to understand that it is short-term nausea.

What you can do about this problem is- be prepared and be a little conscious until you adjust to the new pair of glasses. Awareness and care solve half of your issue so we addressed this point here.

10. Broken glasses, vision is a challenge until I get the new pair

Broken glasses

When you are breaking your glasses, another addition to your monthly expenses. Not only that you also face a vision problem that is unexplainable.

So, just to overcome this challenge, always place your glasses in their dedicated case. Don’t misplace it anywhere when you are not using it as it causes damage and breaks the glasses easily. Also, keep a spare of glasses to overcome this challenge.

7 Most Important Eye Care Tips for people who wear Spectacles

You have the tips that can solve your other problems as a glasses wearer.

1)Don’t delay any eye-related problem

When you are using the prescribed glasses, you are carefree about your eye condition. You might think eye strain or blurry vision is common but it may not be normal. It could be due to the wrong glasses prescription or you may have to replace your glasses. You must consult your optometrist to check your site and get the new glasses as per the prescription.

2)Clean your glasses before wearing

You must never wear your glasses without cleaning them. Glasses easily catch dust which can lead to eye infections, allergies. So, protect your eyes by only wearing clean glasses. Take a mild soap to wash your glasses and pat dry them with a microfiber cloth.

3)Go for prescribed sunglasses

The vision corrective glasses don’t do the job of sun protection of your eyes. You can leave your eyes exposed to sun exposure which can lead to other different sets of harmful effects. So, always choose the prescribed sunglasses which can support a healthy vision and eye protection from harmful sun rays.

4)Choose the right glasses

You must check with all the features of the pair of glasses. Consider the lens thickness, strength, and frame as well. If you are missing any of these then it can result in vision problems, eye strain which will worsen. Always prefer the glasses that are prescribed by an optometrist.

Is Better Vision Without Glasses Possible?

You might want to look for alternatives for glasses that are possible and equally safe. It is a reasonable thought to look for alternatives for glasses as you have a few-

I.Contact lenses

If you are looking for a non-surgical option in place of glasses then it must be contact lenses. The lenses are various for the improvement of vision. Lenses are made for different vision problems like nearsightedness and farsightedness. They also come in varied colors and materials.

You must always prefer wearing a high-quality lens to avoid infections, damage to the eyes. Even high-quality lenses cause dryness, itching, burning in the eyes, infections, and corneal damage. (R) It is important to have good maintenance of your lenses to avoid these problems. Otherwise, contact lenses are not an advisable alternative for prescription glasses.

II.Refractive eye surgery

Another option to repair an impaired vision is refractive eye surgery with the help of a laser. Laser alternates the shape and size of the cornea for normal vision. If the surgery is successful then the results will be incredible as you don’t have to use glasses any more.

There are also unsuccessful cases in the history of eye surgery that give a second thought to it. If the eye surgery is unsuccessful then it can worsen the vision problems with blindness or double vision. These effects can damage the vision permanently where even spectacles cannot help you with normal vision. The complaints around this alternative are degrading the vision eventually.

III.Eye therapy

This is not a familiar solution to skip glasses but proven to work in several cases. Different practitioners have different methods and names for eye therapy. The experts say eye therapy enhances the communication between eyes and brain. With the instructions from the brain, the eyes function better and support proper vision. The therapy includes visual tasks like patterned images, color contrasts, and others. This method can improve the vision but cannot help in improving the condition of the cornea hence may not be a helpful method for everyone.

These Common problems with glasses your facing are related to your health and wellness. You wear spectacles to correct your vision or for eye protection. But then sometimes, spectacles might not do the right job or you can commit certain mistakes unknowingly while wearing them. Either of these challenges can affect you in different ways. The solutions given here can be a rescue from the common problems of wearing glasses. We have given important eye care tips for the glasses wearers which are easier to implement. Keep it all in practice to experience the best with your eyewear.
