20 Natural Home Remedies To Cure Cracked Feet Heels Quickly


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Cracked feet heels
ImageSource: www.startsat60.com

Rough and cracked feet heels are often a concern and condition of discomfort. The dryness and roughness is an alarming sign of how unkempt the body is; that it lacks the attention it requires.

The condition of cracked is a living nightmare for a number of women. Our feet are not supplied with oil glands to keep them moisturized which is the primary reason the lack of care about them leads to cracked heals which can be ghastly and even painful at times, if the situation persists.

As the condition can be easily healed with a number of natural remedies, we have prepared a comprehensive list of the best remedies for cracked feet that work wonders and heals then even before you realize.

Home Remedies For Cracked Feet

Home remedies for cracked feet
ImageSource: www.ayurvedavichar.com

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar
ImageSource: www.medicalnewstoday.com

Apple cider vinegar has slight acidic properties which is very beneficial in getting rid of dead skin cells surrounding the dry cracked heels. It also predominantly softens the skin which makes it a lot easier to exfoliate the skin around the feet which later results in proper exposure of the healthy skin underneath it.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar
  2. Warm Water
  3. Pumice Stone
  4. Sheer Coat

How To Apply:

    1. Fill a basin with water where you can soak your feet; make sure that the drain is clogged so the water retains inside the sink
    1. Mix about half a cup of apple cider vinegar to that
    1. Soak your feet in that for about 10-15 minutes
    1. Get your feet out of the water and scrub off the softened dead skin with a pumice stone.
  1. Wash the dead skin off the feet and apply a sheer coat of moisturizer and repeat this process every day till the feet heals completely

2. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe veraAloe vera is known for its amazing healing properties and skin benefits. It is rich in moisturizing properties which is exactly what one needs to get rid of cracked feet.

Not just that, it also softens the hardness of the area around the feet and promotes the production of collagen which is an added bonus. It seeps into the ridges and the cracks on the feet and heals them from within.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Aloe Vera Gel
  2. Warm Water
  3. Pumice Stone
  4. Pair of Socks

How To Apply:

    1. Soak your feet in a tub of warm water until the skin softens considerably
    1. Exfoliate the skin with a pumice stone to get rid of the dead skin cells
    1. Clean the feet completely and slather on a generous amount of aloe vera gel on the dry cracked feet
    1. Wear a pair of socks and keep this overnight
  1. Repeat this process every night till the feet heals completely

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda
ImageSource: www.readersdigest.com.au

Baking soda is known for its amazing anti-inflammatory properties which come a lot in handy for the treatment of cracked heels. It helps soothe the skin of the foot and also exfoliates the dry and chaffed skin to get rid of it for good.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Baking Soda
  2. Bucket of Warm Water
  3. Pumice Stone

How To Apply

    1. Fill a bucket with warm water (bearable temperature) and add a few tablespoons of baking soda to it
    1. Mix it completely, ensuring that it dissolves completely
    1. Soak your feet in the bucket and then rub a pumice stone around the cracked feet heels to get rid of the dead skin cells
  1. Rinse and wash your feet with some clean water and moisturize, if required

4. Banana Peels

Banana peelsWhile you have been throwing away the banana peel in the trash, it could have done a great deal of benefit for your cracked heel. The inside of the banana peel helps restore the lost moisture from the dry feet.

The slightly slimy nature of the peels help to keep the skin near the heels softened so as to successfully administer an amazing cracked heels treatment.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Banana Peels
  2. Water

How To Apply:

    1. Rub the inside of the banana peel over the cracked heel
    1. Leave it on for 15 minutes
  1. Wash it off with water and pat dry your foot

5. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt
ImageSource: www.vkool.com

Epsom salt is an amazing remedy for cracked heels owing to the fact that soaking your feet in a tub of water with Epsom salt helps in softening the skin around the dried and cracked heels. It also gets off any kind of dirt trapped in the ridges of the cracks.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Epsom Salt
  2. Water
  3. Moisturizer

How to Apply

    1. Fill a bucket or small tub with water.
    1. Add a few heaped tablespoons of Epsom salt into the mixture.
    1. Soak your feet in it for about 15-20 minutes.
    1. Rinse off the excess water and pat dry your feet.
  1. Apply some moisturizer if the skin is extremely dry after drying.

6. Glycerin

ImageSource: www.youtube.com

Glycerin is effectively known for its amazing healing and moisturizing properties which is exactly what helps heal the dried and cracked feet that many people often suffer from, especially during the winters. The extreme moisturizing and skin softening properties seeps into the skin and helps heal the skin from within.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Glycerin
  2. Bucket of Warm Water
  3. Pumice Stone

How To Apply:

    1. Soak your feet in a bucket filled with warm water.
    1. Let it sit there for 10 minutes or till the skin completely softens.
    1. Exfoliate the skin with a pumice stone and rinse off the feet with water again.
  1. Apply a generous amount of glycerin on the cracked heel and cover it with socks if required.

7. Honey

HoneyHoney is one of the best natural remedies for cracked feet. It is rich in antiseptic along with moisturizing and revitalizing properties which work together as a treatment for cracked heels. It helps to remove the hardened skin from around the feet and helps heal it without any kind of pain.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Honey
  2. Bucket of Warm Water

How To Apply:

    1. Get half a bucket of warm water.
    1. Add one heaped cup of honey to the water.
    1. Soak your feet in the warm water for 15-20 minutes or till the skin becomes soft.
  1. Rinse off with normal water and pat dry the skin.

8. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide
ImageSource: www.goingevergreen.org

If you had any lingering doubts about the benefits of hydrogen peroxide for healthy benefits, this will clear out any residual hunches even more.

The hydrogen peroxide foot soak is considered as one of the best remedies for cracked feet and trust me, it actually does work with ease.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide
  2. 2 Cups of Warm Water
  3. Pumice Stone
  4. Moisturizer
  5. Pair of Socks

How To Apply:

    1. Mix two cups of hydrogen peroxide to two cups of hot water or the specific quantity you would need to completely soak your feet.
    1. Make sure that the hydrogen peroxide is skin friendly and of permissible concentration.
    1. Soak your feet in it for 30 minutes.
    1. Pat dry the feet completely and then use a pumice stone to get rid of dead and dry skin around the heel.
    1. Rinse under water and pat dry again.
  1. Apply a generous amount of lotion or moisturizer and cover your feet with socks and you are good to go.

9. Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly
ImageSource: www.Amazon.com

Petroleum jelly is one of the cheapest and the most effective natural remedies for cracked feet. The moisturizing properties of the product helps wipe out the dryness from the area and helps rejuvenate the foot and the skin.

It often takes quite some time for the petroleum jelly to seep into the skin but the continuous usage of it can provide with amazing results.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Petroleym Jelly
  2. Mild Soap Water
  3. Pair of Socks

How To Apply:

  1. Clean your feet with some mild soap water before bed and pat dry the skin.
  2. Apply a generous amount of petroleum jelly and cover your feet with socks.
  3. Leave it overnight.
  4. Repeat this process every night for promising results.

10. Vapor Rub

Vapor Rub
ImageSource: www.viralnova.com

Before anyone jumps straight to conclusions, hear me out first. Much like petroleum jelly, even Vapor Rub works amazing for treatment for cracked heels. Every person’s skin is different and might be allergic to a number of things that we are not even aware of.

This is why it is best to do a patch test before you start using it for good. The menthol and camphor concentration in the vapor rub helps in soothing out the dry cracked feet and softens the skin around the feet.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Vapor Rub
  2. Water and Soap
  3. Pair of Socks

How To Apply:

  1. Clean your feet with clean water and soap before bed
  2. Coat the feet with a good amount of vapor rub
  3. Cover your feet with socks and leave it overnight
  4. Repeat this every other night

11. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice
ImageSource: www.livestrong.com

Lemon juice is concentrated with acidic and antioxidant properties which help in cleaning the feet and getting rid of the dry skin that is visibly found near the dry cracked heels. It is always best to ensure that you are pairing it up with petroleum jelly or any kind of lotion to restore the moisturization in the area.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Lemon Juice
  2. Petroleum Jelly
  3. Pumice Stone
  4. Warm Water

How To Apply:

  1. Soak your feet in warm water for 10-15 minutes to soften the skin
  2. Clean the dried and chaffed skin around the skin with a pumice stone
  3. Rinse the feet once again under a spray of water
  4. Add a few drops of lemon juice to petroleum jelly and apply it onto the feet
  5. Leave it overnight and make sure the feet are covered with socks

12. Listerine

ImageSource: www.grunge.com

Are you wondering how a mouthwash can effectively help remove dry cracked heels? Well, Listerine soak is considered as one of the most used and effective remedies for cracked feet.

The Listerine soak not just helps get rid of cracked feet but also helps in providing with a soothing feeling because of the presence of menthol and thymol like components in it. Even the addition of vinegar in it aids in deep cleansing of the skin because of the acidic and anti-septic properties which is definitely an added bonus.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Listerine
  2. Vinegar
  3. Warm Water
  4. Pumice Stone

How To Apply:

  1. Take a few cups of warm water
  2. Add one cup of Listerine and one cup of vinegar into the water
  3. Soak your feet in it for 10-15 minutes or till the skin softens completely
  4. Rub it with a pumice stone to get rid of the dead skin cells and rinse your feet once again
  5. Pat dry and apply some foot cream if required

13. Olive Oil

Olive oilOlive oil has outstanding benefits in skin healing and the same works wonder as a treatment for cracked heels. It helps to rejuvenate the heels and restores the lost moisture in the area which is the primary cause of the cracked feet heels. It makes the skin soft, smooth and supple which helps prevent the further recurrence of a cracked heel in the near future.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Olive Oil
  2. Pair of Socks
  3. Mild Soap

How To Apply:

    1. Clean your feet first to get rid of any accumulated dirt around the cracks
    1. Dab some olive oil onto the dry cracked feet and gently massage it on for 5-10 minutes
    1. Cover the area with a pair of socks and leave it on for an hour or so
  1. Wash off the oiliness with a mild soap and pat dry the skin

14. Onions

OnionsIf you were unaware of the fact that onions can also be used as a remedy for cracked heels, this part of the article is for you. Onion juice noticeably works wonder as a dry feet remedy because it helps make the skin around the feet softer and helps restore the lost moisture which is the primary reason for the cracked heel.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Onion Juice
  2. Soap Water
  3. Lotion

How To Apply:

    1. Extract the juice of an onion and apply it onto the cracked feet with cotton balls
    1. Let it seep into the skin for about 10-15 minutes
    1. Wash it off with soap water to get the smell of the onions off the feet
  1. Pat dry the feet and apply some lotion

15. Shea Butter

Shea butterShea butter’s amazing skin healing properties are not unknown to anyone. It is loaded with Vitamin A and Vitamin E which helps nourish the skin properly. It is also concentrated with amazing moisturizing properties which add to the overall healing of the cracked feet. It is one of the best remedies for cracked feet and any kind of skin ailments that come along with dryness and chaffed skin.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Shea Butter
  2. Pair of Socks

How To Apply:

    1. Apply some shea butter onto the dry cracked heels and massage it for a few minutes till it completely seeps into the skin
  1. Cover your feet with socks and leave it on overnight

16. Oatmeal

OatmealOatmeal is an amazing skin exfoliater which is what comes a lot in handy in removing the dead skin cells on the heels that cause the dry feet. An oatmeal scrub is amazing for the same as it helps in gentle exfoliation all the while ensuring to restore the moisture too with the amazing benefits of honey that’s used in it as well.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Oatmeal
  2. Honey
  3. Foot Cream

How To Apply:

    1. Grind some oats in a blender to a coarse powder
    1. Add some honey to the same to make a paste that is not runny at all
    1. Gently rub this mixture over your cracked heels and massage it into the cracks to get rid of the dead skin and the accumulated dirt around the area
    1. Massage the honey for better moisturisation
  1. Wash off your feet with water and apply some foot cream to keep the area soft and supple

17. Paraffin wax

Paraffin wax
ImageSource: www.indiamart.com

Paraffin wax is considered as an amazing emollient which is what helps restore the softness and smoothness of the skin. If you aren’t sure what emollient means, it is nothing but the property of restoration of hydration and softness into the skin. Don’t let yourself get deflected with the thought of hot wax because this actually provides with amazing results for dry cracked heels.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Paraffin Wax
  2. Warm Socks

How To Apply

    1. Melt a block of paraffin wax and add a few drops of coconut oil to it
    1. Let the hot wax mixture cool down to room temperature and then apply it onto the cracked feet
    1. Cover your feet with warm socks and leave it on overnight
  1. Wash it off thoroughly the day after to get rid of all the wax from your feet

18. Rose Water

Rose water
ImageSource: www.medicalnewstoday.com

Rose water is known for its amazing astringent and toner properties. Both of these properties along with the moisturisation provided from the glycerin used act as an amazing remedy for cracked heels.

Ingredients Required:

  1. Glycerin
  2. Rose Water

How To Apply:

    1. Make a mixture using equal parts of glycerin and rose water
    1. Apply this onto the cracked skin and leave it overnight
    1. Wash it off the next morning with water
    1. You’ll start noticing promising results right after a few applications
  1. Repeat this every night till your cracked feet heels heal completely

19. Oils For Cracked Feet

Oils for cracked feet
ImageSource: www.telanganatoday.com

One of the primary reasons why people suffer from cracked heels is because of the fact that the feet is not separately supplied with any kind of oil glands, or something to keep it hydrated and moist from within. This is why the external application of oils work wonders as a treatment for cracked heels. The oil helps seep into the cracks of the feet which is often surrounded with dead skin cells and dirt that further tend to aggravate the situation even more.

Some of the most common variants of oil that are widely used for the treatment of cracked heels include:

  • Coconut Oil
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Castor Oil
  • Sesame Oil

If you are pondering on why I just pointed out these remedies for cracked feet, it is primarily because the process of application along with their mode of treatment is similar which is why it is best for you to have it in a single place rather than scattered around in multiple ones.

For application, pour a few drops of any of the above mentioned oils directly onto your cracked feet. Massage it into the skin so it seeps in completely inside the skin. You can either cover your feet with socks or just let it be but it is always best to follow the prior step.

20. Essential Oils For Dry Cracked Feet

Essential oils for Dry Cracked Feet
ImageSource: www.naturelieved.com

Essential oils hold a very beneficial importance in the treatment of cracked feet heels. It not just nourishes the dead and dry skin but also helps in restoring the lost moisture from the area which is the primary cause behind the dry cracked heels. The concentrated composition of the various essential oils helps in replenishing and healing the dry skin that is often very rough and often might lead to bleeding if the situation persists.

Some of the common variants of essential oils for dry cracked feet that works include:

  • Doterra Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Tea Tree Oil

All of these essential oils are loaded with their special nutrients and composition which rehydrates and rejuvenates the skin around the heels to keep the issue of cracked feet heels at bay for good.

If the smell of the essential oils is way too overwhelming for you, mix it with any base oil and then apply the same on the cracked heels and massage it in gently. Don’t rub vigorously because that often causes bleeding because of the already dry skin and lack of hydration in the area. Let the oil seep into the skin and leave it be overnight. Repeat this process every day till you see noticeable results and changes.

What Causes Cracked Heels?

What causes cracked heels
ImageSource: www.scarves-outlet.com

Cracked feet heels can primarily be caused by a number of reasons and while some might be minimal and trivial, there are chances that some may even end up causing long term issues and make this problem of dry and chaffed skin a chronic issue which is definitely not something you want to experience. For effective cracked heels diagnosis, it is always best to start with understanding the causes behind the problem and then proceed with the remedies as per the same.

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Check Out These Causes for Cracked Heels.

Some of the common causes of cracked feet are:

    • Consistent standing for longer period of time
    • Walking around in sandals within opened heel or even walking barefoot
    • Harsh chemical soaps often lead to stripping the oil from the skin, making it dry and rough
    • Smaller shoes that your feet
  • Dry weather conditions during the summers

What are the Symptoms Of Cracked Heels?

What are the symptoms of cracked heels
ImageSource: www.beltsvillefootcare.com

Dry cracked heels are not just the only symptoms you will notice if you have rough and dry heels. There are a number of other additional symptoms that accompany the dryness in the area around the feet. It is necessary to recognize the symptoms for a beneficial cracked heels diagnosis following which you can easily administer the remedies based on your preference.

Some of the common symptoms of cracked feet heels include:

    • Itching
    • Flaky and dead skin cells
    • Pain in severe cases
    • Redness and inflammation around the heels
  • Bleeding

How To Prevent Cracked Heels?

How to prevent cracked heels
ImageSource: www.scholl.co.uk

Prevention is always better than cure. Why even let it roll up to a situation of issue when you can easily prevent it from happening in the first place, right? These methods of prevention are not hard and can be introduced as a habit to help ensure that you don’t contract the problem in the first place.

Some of the common methods of prevention for cracked heels include:

  • Avoid open back shoes if your feet crack easily
  • Avoid tight shoes and let your feet breathe in what you are wearing
  • Apply foot cream or moisturizer to keep the skin soft and supple
  • If you have diabetes, check your feet for any kind of symptoms of dryness
  • Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day
  • Use pumice stones to remove any kind of dry skin from the foot

Food For Thought With Some FAQs

1. Are cracked feet Sign of Diabetes?

A: Diabetic patients have the possibility of having very dry feet. It is one of the most common side effects of having diabetes. So, if you are suffering from chronic symptoms of dry and cracked feet, there are possibilities that you might have diabetes but nothing is set in stone until you get the same tested out in a pathology lab.

2. Can Stress cause cracked feet?

A: It is often believed that the rise in stress in a human body proportionately increases the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, in the blood. Unlike what many may think, cortisol is said to make the skin oily and not the opposite which is why there are very minimal chances of stress being the reason behind dry cracked feet.

3: Can cracked feet get infected?

A: Yes, there are possibilities of cracked feet getting infected if the same is left untreated for a very long time. The cracks often tend to accumulate dirt which might become breeding ground for the germs and any kind of possible cut can cause infection in severe cases. Thus, it is always best to opt for the natural remedies for cracked feet before the situation gets worse.

4-How long does a cracked heel take to heel?

A: This is a question whose answer varies. It completely depends on the severity of the situation and the kind of remedies that are administered as a cure for the cracked feet. On an average, cracked feet takes from a few weeks to a month to heal completely.

5: Why do heels crack in winter?

A: Winter is a very dry and rough weather which is what makes it even harsher on the feet. Since the air around is already dry and with the less consumption of water added to the pile of causes, it becomes even more a possibility for the heels to crack.