Everything You Should Know About Dry Drowning


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Everything You Should Know About Dry Drowning

When you are concerned about a certain condition or a danger, you keep a watch on it. Dry drowning is something similar that needs your attention. Mostly, it is seen in children when they drown into a pool of water or another liquid. It can occur in adults as well but with less chances of risk. So, is it a deadly condition? How dangerous is it? These questions keep rising in your mind when we start talking about how you managing it.

Of course, it’s a must know. You must have the awareness of what’s exactly dry drowning is. The symptoms, causes and treatment are the crucial segments that you must know about dry drowning. It is possible to prevent the danger of dry drowning.

Perceiving about dry drowning is foremost knowledge for the parents. You kids who are beginners in swimming will need attention and care which comes from knowing all about it.

What is Dry Drowning?

Swimming has the techniques to lead safely in pool water. But the water accidents or new swimmers would not be knowing these techniques which leads to drowning. It is common to gulp water when you drown though it is an adult or a kid. Gulping the water which turns into a fatal condition is termed as โ€˜dry drowningโ€™. The experts define the term drowning as difficulty of breathing as water goes into the airways.

How Common is Dry Drowning?

Dry drowning is one of the leading causes of accidental death in children. A study says more than 10 people die due to this in the United States in a day and most of them are adults(R). There is higher risk of drowning for children due their vulnerabilities.Drowning is more often in teenagers due to alcohol and drugs.

What Causes Dry Drowning?

It is caused when the vocal cords close over the windpipe which make the breathing difficult for the affected adult or child. This state is termed as laryngospasm. As it stops the oxygen into lungs it makes the breathing difficult. It can be a mild or severe issue in the affected patients.

Signs & Symptoms of Dry Drowning?

Signs Symptoms of Dry Drowning

Signs and symptoms of dry drowning help you prevent from the dangerous condition. You will be able to reach for emergency medical help or other alternatives if you can identify the alarming signs and clear symptoms.

As it restricts the functionality of lungs, the signs and symptoms will become identical to observe. You must keep a watch on your childโ€™s health condition after slipping into water to see the symptoms if any. The following are the signs and symptoms of dry drowning-

  • Breathing difficulty
  • Coughing
  • Chest pain
  • Sleeplessness

How to Treat Dry Drowning?

How to Treat Dry DrowningGetting the right medical help can treat dry drowning after a water incident. You must watch your childโ€™s health condition for 24 hours after taking out from the pool of water. In most of the cases, the symptoms of these are, reduce on its own after a certain time. If the symptoms are still continuing then you must take your child to the doctor. If the doctor sees a breathing difficulty in the affected patients, then they must undergo chest X-ray, an IV and be kept under medical observation for a few hours. Doctors will try to know the oxygen level and give the medical care as needed.

The patient will have to use the breathing tube to normalize the oxygen level in case of oxygen shortage. In a few cases of severity there will be a need for a pulmonary specialist to remove water out of lungs.

How to Prevent Dry Drowning?

How to Prevent Dry DrowningThere is a possibility of reducing the chances of fatal dry drowning in children. It is highly dangerous when 2 years or younger kids get drowned in the water. You may have to reach out to a medical assistance even if the child is under water for mere 1 or 2 minutes. There is a risk of water trapping the lungs with just a minute of drowning.

Know these safety tips and be mindful when you are allowing your child to swim or play in the water-

  • Children of 4 years older or smaller need parents attention when put into a pool or even a bathtub
  • Make sure you wear life jackets when boating
  • Only swim where you have lifeguards
  • Learn infant CPR if you want to supervise your child while swimming
  • Go for water safety classes for yourself and your children
  • Donโ€™t keep the pool gates open
  • Donโ€™t remove the guard even in low level of water

The Takeaway

Dry drowning needs immediate and right attention to save from the danger. On time medical care can reduce and treat the symptoms. The foremost thing to do after a water accident is to watch for the symptoms and approach for an emergency assistance. Following the measures when allowing your children for swimming or water is the safest.


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