8 Exercises To Lose Upper Belly Fat For A Healthier Physique


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upper belly fat

The flabby appearance on the top of the belly can be a matter that makes you conscious. It goes without saying that the upper belly fat is often a matter of dire concern. The worst part of this is the fact that shedding off the fat from this area is often the hardest thing.

There are a number of ways in which one can get rid of the upper abdominal fat. In order to lose the unwanted fat effectively, it is very important to ensure that you do indulge in ways that will actually prove out to be beneficial.

By the end of this article, you will have a good idea about the exercises for upper belly fat removal, And to tone down the abdominal region. With these we can also find to Fix your posture for Confidence and Great Look.

Why Is The Upper Belly Fat Bad For Your Health?

Why Is The Upper Belly Fat Bad For Your Health
ImageSource: agoramedia.com

When it does come down to the health risks associated with the upper abdominal fat, the possibilities are extensive.

It might not necessarily seem like much but the presence of the visceral fat around the upper belly does have the possibility of ending up increasing the risks of a number of diseases, presumably, the chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension etc.

What Are The Predominant Causes Of Upper Belly Fat?

What Are The Predominant Causes Of Upper Belly FatThere could be a number of reasons behind the induction of belly fat and the increase in the waistline. While the lifestyle and the kind of diet one consumes do play a very crucial role, there could be more to it as well.

Some of the common causes behind the condition of development of the upper belly fat include:

  • Stress
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Poor metabolism
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Hormonal alterations
  • Poor sitting postures
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Sleeping immediately after meals

How To Lose Upper Stomach Fat?

How To Lose Upper Stomach FatWith the causes and the risks aside, it is time we divert our focus on the various exercises that have been found to be quite effective in shedding off those excess fat from above the belly.

While making changes to the lifestyle as well as the diet can be helpful, including more and more exercises can pan out to be quite helpful in getting rid of the stubborn fat.

In here, we are going to list out some of the best exercises to reduce the upper belly fat effectively.

1.Reverse crunches

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Reverse crunches are part of the strength training program and does help in boosting the fat loss from around the area of the belly and the abdominal region.

It helps in toning down the area around the stomach and even helps in preventing it from coming back.

How to do?

  • Lie down on the floor with your body relaxed, ensuring that you have your arms fully extended out and on either side of your torso
  • It is important for your arms to stay stationary during the entire exercise
  • Start by moving your legs up so as to ensure that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor while the feet are together as well as parallel to the floor

2.Surya Namaskar

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The Surya Namaskar is a type of yoga which has been found to have amazing impacts on how to get rid of upper belly fat. Not only does it help boost your blood circulation throughout the body, it has also been found beneficial in enhancing the functioning of the stomach, liver as well as the bowel system.

The process of Surya Namaskar is a tough nut to crack, mainly because of the fact that it does have several steps involved in it.

How to do?

  • Stand on the ground and keep your feet together, ensuring to bring and expand your chest and relax the shoulders simultaneously
  • Breathe in deeply and in the meantime, lift both the arms from your side and while you exhale, join the palm of your hands and bring them together in front of your chest in a prayer position
  • Again, inhale and lift your arms back up and in the meantime, stretch your body from the heels to the tips of the fingers
  • Exhale and bend your body forward only from the waist and place either of your hand beside your feet. If possible, try and keep your knees straight
  • Breathe out and put your right leg back ensuring that the knee is touching the floor and look up
  • Following that again breathe in deeply and place the left leg back ensuring that the whole body is placed in a straight line. Make sure to keep the arms perpendicular to the floor
  • Slide forward and raise your chest up ensuring to keep the elbows bent pose and then look up
  • Following this step, exhale lift the hips as well as the tail bone, making an inverted V or a mountain posture
  • Breathe in again and place the right foot in the forward direction in between two hands, keeping the left knee intact with the floor
  • Breathe out again and bring out the left foot, place the palms on the floor and then ensure to indulge in deep breathing
  • Again, breathe in and place the hands above your head and bend backwards and then push the hip a bit in the outward position
  • Breathe out and bring the body back to the initial position and stretch the muscles around
  • Do this 10 times to witness effective results in shedding off those excess pounds

3.Standing Side Bend

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Standing side bend is one of the most effective exercises to get rid of upper belly fat. This exercise helps in stretching out your body and even helps in getting rid of the extra flabs around the stomach and tones down the area around.

How to do?

  • Hold some weight in your hand and conjoin your palms
  • Put your hands above the head
  • While standing vertically on the floor, bend from side to side
  • Hold the posture on one side for at least 15 seconds

4.Abdominal Plank

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Yet another one of the exercises for upper belly fat removal is the abdominal plank. Apart from being effective in getting rid of the fat from the upper belly, it has also been found to be quite extensively amazing in toning down the thigh muscles as well.

How to do?

  • Lie down on your belly on an exercise mat
  • Following that, place the forearms on the ground, ensuring that the wrist and the palms are perpendicular with the shoulders
  • By exerting some gentle pressure on the forearms, slightly lift up your entire body above the ground using your toes
  • The entire body should be in a straight line and you should be able to feel the pressure around the belly area
  • Hold this posture for 10 seconds and then regain the initial position again

5.Double Crunches

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Yet another one of the amazing exercises to lose upper abdominal fat is the double crunches. It puts strain on the waistline and the muscles around which helps in toning down the belly region and getting rid of the flabby presence of the muscles and the excess fat around that area.

How to do?

  • Lie down on the floor, ensuring to keep your ankles crossed
  • Keep your hands behind your ears
  • Bend your knees around 90 degrees making sure that it almost touches the ground
  • Crunch by raising both of your knees simultaneously towards your chest followed by chest to knees
  • Do this for 10-15 times

6.Lunge with twists

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Yet another one of the amazing exercise that does work wonders is the exercise of lunge with twists. They have been found to have amazing impacts in reducing the upper belly fat effectively. It has been found to be quite beneficial in toning down the stomach and the abdominal region.

How to do?

  • Start by keeping both your legs together
  • Start by placing your right foot forward and bend it at your knees ensuring that you feel the stretch at your hamstring
  • Hold a ball in your palms and lift it parallel to the floor so itโ€™s in front of you
  • Start by taking a plunge with the right leg and sit as how you would if you were sitting on a chair
  • Twist your waist to the right and then place the hands with the ball on the right side as well, feeling the stretch along the spine
  • Following that, return to the initial position and then do the same thing with the other leg as well

7.Bicycle exercise

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The bicycle exercise is yet another one of the effective exercises for upper belly fat removal.

It works the thighs and the area around the abdomen, thus helping get rid of the excess flabby fats around the area of the stomach and the upper belly region.

How to do?

  • Lie down on your back, ensuring to keep the leg towards the floor
  • Following that, extend the right leg upwards followed by the left leg down
  • Do the same thing with the alternate legs like you are paddling a bicycle
  • Repeat this in sets of 2-4 for effective results


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The Krounchasana, otherwise known as the Heron pose is yet another one of the effective ways to get rid of the excess belly fat effectively.

Not only does it helps reduce the belly fat but has also been found beneficial in stabilizing the core strength of the body effectively.

How to do?

  • Sit on a mat keeping both of your legs stretched out in front of you
  • Exhale out the air and bring your right knee and place it under the right hip so as to ensure that the top of the foot is facing the floor
  • Following that, hold the left food with both of your hands and lift the left leg so as to feel the pressure at the upper belly
  • Exhale and bring the leg closer to your chest and hold that posture for 5 seconds
  • Repeat the same thing with the other leg as well
  • Do this process for a minimum of 3 times a day

Losing and getting rid of the upper belly fat is very important. The main reason behind the same is because of the fact that the persistent presence of it has been linked to heightened risks of a number of diseases. If you want to lead a healthy life, following these exercises is the best way to go.