27 Benefits of Potato Juice for Better Health, Skin, and Hair


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Most people love eating potatoes. But were you aware of the health benefits of potato juice? Potato juice’s impacts on our lives are often restricted to its skin benefits, but it also boosts our overall health. In this article, we discuss potato juice’s benefits for health, skin, and hair.

Nutritional Value of Potato Juice

It may come as a surprise to learn that potato juice is rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Not only is it a great source of vitamin C, but it also supports the immune system and collagen synthesis, which helps to keep skin healthy. Additionally, potato juice contains a significant amount of vitamin B6, which is essential for brain development and the maintenance of nervous system health.

In terms of minerals, it contains potassium, which contributes to maintaining fluid balance, muscle contraction, and blood pressure regulation. Phosphorus, a mineral found in potato juice, benefits bone health and energy metabolism.

Carotenoids and flavonoids are two examples of antioxidants in this substance. These antioxidants aid the body’s fight against oxidative stress and inflammation.

By including potato juice in your diet, you can take advantage of various nutritional benefits, which will help support your general health and well-being.

Health Benefits of Potato Juice

Now that we better understand the wide range of nutrients present in potato juice, letโ€™s examine how it impacts overall skin and hair health.

1. Potato Juice for Treating Acid Reflux


Excess stomach acid production causes acid reflux, which travels up in the GI tract and creates a burning sensation.

Potatoes are highly alkaline (R), which helps neutralize excess acid formation and relieves the condition. Potato juice might taste better when paired with orange juice or some other drink to make the taste bearable.

2. Potato Juice and Its Role in Cancer Prevention


While loaded with a wide range of vitamins and minerals, potatoes are also rich in antioxidants (R) (R), one of the primary steps to reducing the risks of cancer induction.

In a 1015 study (R), researchers tested the efficacy of various kinds of potatoes and their impact on cancer prevention and found that potatoes were beneficial in impacting cancer cell proliferation.

Potatoes also contain glycoalkaloids (R), believed to possess anti-tumor properties and help prevent the risk of developing cancer.

3. Potato Juice for Weight Loss


Most people believe that potato consumption leads to drastic weight gain, but that is not always true. Some studies (R) have found that potatoes are effective fat burners (R). They are a good source of vitamin C, which increases metabolism and facilitates weight loss.

Consumption of potato juice after a meal inhibits the secretion of ghrelin and leptin, which prevents overeating and promotes weight loss.

4. Potato Juice as a Remedy for Arthritis


The health benefits of potato juice extend to the treatment of arthritis as well. Potatoes contain beneficial anti-inflammatory compounds (R) (R), which aid in reducing the swelling, inflammation, and associated pain one feels due to arthritis.

Traditionally, potato slices are compressed and applied to the site of inflammation. Drinking potato juice is also an effective remedy for the pain associated with arthritis.

5. Potato Juice for Gastritis Relief


Because potato juice is highly alkaline and loaded with beneficial nutrients, it helps treat gastritis. The alkaline property of potato juice helps combat excess stomach acid, which is often the reason for dyspepsia in people.

6. Potato Juice for Boosting Immune System


Potato juice contains beneficial vitamins and minerals and loads the body with antioxidants. These essential antioxidants aid in preventing excess and unwanted free radical damage, often the primary contributing factor to boosting the overall immune system.

Additionally, the presence of Vitamin C in the immune system (R) aids in boosting the overall immune system.

7. Potato Juice for Ulcer Treatment


Stomach Ulcers depend solely on our overall diet and lifestyle. Potatoes have antibacterial properties that can help eliminate the signs of ulcers and heartburn.

Consuming potato juice daily may help prevent the development of stomach ulcers (R).

8. Potato Juice and Its Impact on Cholesterol Levels


As mentioned before, potato juice benefits overall well-being because it contains a wide range of nutrients. It is loaded with Vitamin C, believed to boost the immune system and positively impact metabolism.

The combination of minerals and vitamins, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B-complex, and even fiber, aids in lowering cholesterol in the body.

9. Potato Juice for Relieving Constipation


Apart from its antioxidative properties, potato juice is also loaded with beneficial fibers, which positively impact the treatment of constipation. The fibers help bulk up the stool, which further aids in easy excretion, often restricted when one suffers from constipation.

10. Potato Juice for Wound Healing


Potato juice contains an immense quantity of Vitamin C (R), which aids in healing wounds from within. Vitamin C not only imposes its beneficial antioxidant properties but also significantly contributes to scar healing and bone growth and repair.

Apart from that, Vitamin C is also very beneficial in getting rid of any sign of infection, which can worsen the condition. Applying potato juice is associated with faster wound healing.

11. Potato Juice Alleviates Sciatica Pain Naturally


Searing pain radiates from the lower back and travels down through the back of the legs, characterizing Sciatica. If you are wondering how potato juice’s health benefits relieve the pain, it is because of its straightforward properties.

Potato juice, loaded with beneficial anti-inflammatory properties, effectively reduces pain and any associated inflammation from the condition.

12. Relieving Gout with Potato Juice


Gout often causes pain, inflammation, and tenderness around the joints. Excess uric acid secretion from and between the joints primarily causes inflammation.

Potato juice has several advantageous anti-inflammatory qualities. These properties help eliminate any form of inflammation and thus subside pain. Consuming potato juice is also associated with lowering the excess secretion of uric acid in joints.

13. Potato Juice and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction


Our heart is one of the most essential organs, and our body needs to function correctly daily. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that we maintain a proper diet and an active lifestyle. Potatoes have beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

By boosting activity, they profoundly impact overall heart functions. Many believe they prevent arterial blockage, which often contributes to cardiac arrests and other deadly issues. Drinking potato juice regularly is beneficial to prevent heart disease.

14. Potato Juice and Its Effects on Blood Circulation


The blood is the primary messenger that supplies nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. A gentle, flawless blood circulation is required to continue functioning smoothly.

Drinking potato juice benefits the body by boosting circulation. Niacin, an active compound, increases the body’s overall energy levels and is associated with adequately transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.

15. Potato Juice as a Remedy for Migraine


Many people tend to confuse regular, stress-induced headaches with migraines. People who suffer from chronic or even episodic migraines have a detrimental headache that often impacts their quality of life.

While not many in-depth research studies testify to the potent health benefits of potato juice in treating migraines, many believe that applying potato juice or even potato slices relieves pain.

16. Potato Juice and Liver Detoxification


Amidst all the health benefits of potato juice, many people don’t know it is a fantastic remedy for detoxifying the liver and gallbladder. The majority of Japanese people have been using this remedy since way back in history as a potent cure for Jaundice and other liver diseases.

For the best results, drinking raw potato juice on an empty stomach is suggested first thing in the morning. If the taste is overwhelming, try smaller quantities first and then work your way up.

Skin Benefits of Potato Juice

Now that we have discussed potato juiceโ€™s health benefits, it is time to discuss its benefits for the skin.

17. Potato Juice and Its Effectiveness in Reducing Dark Circles


Dark circles under the eyes can develop due to several reasons, including hyperpigmentation and excess blood vessel dilation.

Because of its beneficial antioxidative and mild bleaching properties, potato juice is quite helpful in getting rid of dark circles when used consistently.

18. Potato Juice and Its Role in Skin Whitening


While complete skin whitening using potato juice is a far-fetched concept, using potato juice to improve uneven skin tone is a definite plus. Potatoes load the body with essential nutrients that benefit the fight against dark spots and help remove blemishes.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of potato juice help eliminate problematic acne and pimples and further boost even skin tone. The juice also has mild bleaching properties, which could have beneficial impacts.

19. Potato Juice in Reducing Acne Scars


As mentioned below, potato juice combines the benefits of antioxidant properties to combat any form of free radical damage, which often contributes to the induction of acne and pimples.

Apart from all of this, potato juice also contains mild bleaching properties, which further aid in getting rid of the acne scars and the accompanying blemishes that most people complain about.

20. Potato Juice and Its Impact on Dark Spots


Dark spots are a widespread skin complaint. Many reasons could cause them, from hyperpigmentation to excess free radical damage. Whatever the reason, potato juice helps by lightening the appearance of dark spots on the skin.

The beneficial antioxidants in potato juice help eliminate excessive free radical damage, preventing the formation of dark spots. Not just that, the starchy, mild bleaching, and exfoliating properties of the potato juice further aid in getting rid of the dark spots effectively.

21. Potato Juice and Its Effects on Facial Hair Removal


Facial hair development in women can often be a matter of embarrassment. While the removal process with potato juice seems too hard to attempt, persistent use can help you quickly shed that extra facial hair.

Mix ground oatmeal with potato juice, and apply to your face as a mask or use as a gentle exfoliator. The mild bleaching and exfoliating properties of the potato juice and the oatmeal’s beneficial properties help remove unwanted facial hair. The only catch is that you must regularly use and apply this remedy to witness the impactful results.

22. Potato Juice for Reducing Stretch Marks


Stretch marks are skin distension caused by obesity or even pregnancy. They form white lines around the abdominal and thigh regions and can be embarrassing.

Potato juice helps tighten the skin around the area to which it is applied. It also has mild bleaching and skin-repairing properties, which all contribute to getting rid of stretch marks. Because it is a natural ingredient, it is essential to be persistent with the application and not just do it once a fortnight.

23. Potato Juice and Its Role in Delaying Signs of Aging


Given our lifestyle, it is unsurprising that people often age sooner than they should. The lack of a proper diet and lifestyle is a primary reason behind aging.

The vivid presence of antioxidants in potato juice has profound impacts in delaying the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging. Mix potato juice with yogurt to make a paste, and then apply to the face daily to get the desired results.

24. Potato Juice as a Treatment for Eczema


Eczema is a skin disorder marked by continuous irritation, itching, and dry, scaly skin. While there is no scientific evidence to back up the claims, it is believed to relieve the symptoms because of the essential vitamins and nutrients it contains.

25. Potato Juice and Skin Hydration


Skin hydration and moisturization are two of the most important parts of skincare. Dry and scaly skin is often the primary cause of several skin conditions. Keeping your skin hydrated is vital for an inner glow and better skin texture.

Apart from its natural water content, potato juice is also loaded with beneficial amounts of Vitamin C, which profoundly impacts skin hydration.

Hair Health Benefits of Potato Juice

Hair is one of those body components that we often tend to take for granted. If you have been on a similar boat, you would know that having a good hair day is rare, and if you are someone like me, having a good hair day comes once in a full moon.

The benefits of potato juice for hair are extensive. Not only does it help strengthen your hair, but it also brings back the lost luster and shine that many people crave.

26. Potato Juice for Gray Hair


Finding one grey hair amidst your mop of hair can feel as though the apocalypse has arrived. Several underlying reasons can induce grey hairโ€”lack of proper diet, excess free radical damage, or even affected liver functions.

Many believe consuming potato juice has a multifaceted impact on removing grey hair. It detoxifies the liver and gallbladder, promoting their smooth function and providing beneficial antioxidant properties. These properties aid in eliminating the excess free radical damage often associated with the induction of grey hair.

27. Potato Juice and Its Role in Promoting Healthy Hair


The application of potato juice is not just associated with the scalp but also with the overall health of one’s hair. The loaded nutrients and vitamins found in potato juice help eliminate the pesky problems that make hair thinner and weaker.

Applying potato juice to the scalp, roots, and tips of the hair helps strengthen the hair follicles and is also quite beneficial in eliminating the problems associated with dandruff. Many believe that potato juice eliminates split ends and strengthens the hair.

Side Effects and Precautions


Although potato juice has many positive impacts on one’s health, it is vital to be aware of the potential adverse effects and take precautions.

Due to its high starch content, excessive potato juice consumption may cause digestive issues such as bloating or pain. Some people may also develop allergic reactions, although allergies are pretty uncommon.

Precautions And Usage Limits:

Moderation: To reduce the possibility of experiencing pain in the digestive tract, consume potato juice in moderation.

Contraindications: People with diabetes should be careful about how much potato juice they consume because of the natural sugars it contains. In addition, people with kidney problems should seek the advice of a medical professional before ingesting significant quantities of potato juice because it includes oxalates, which can potentially damage kidney function.

Guidelines For Safe Use:

  • To determine your tolerance, begin with a small amount.
  • If you are known to have an allergy to potatoes or foods connected to potatoes, you should avoid ingesting potato juice.
  • Before making any changes to your diet, you should always seek the advice of a qualified medical practitioner, particularly if you already have a pre-existing health condition.

Adhere to the following measures to guarantee that incorporating potato juice into your diet is safe and healthy.

How to Prepare and Use Potato Juice


You can make potato juice using a simple process and utilize it in various ways, including for nutrition and skincare regimes. Begin by:

  • Washing and peeling one or two medium-sized potatoes.
  • Put them in a blender with some water and process until smooth.
  • Extract the juice by straining it through a cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

Including Potato Juice In Your Everyday Diet:

Diet: Combine potato juice with other fruit or vegetable juices for a delightful and nutritious beverage. You can also add it to soups and smoothies as an additional source of nourishment.

Skincare: You can use potato juice as a natural toner by applying it directly to the skin or combine it with honey to create a moisturizing face mask. Allow it to sit for at least fifteen to twenty minutes before rinsing it with water.

Tips For Best Results:

  • Use fresh potatoes to get the most out of their nutritious value.
  • You can keep unused potato juice in the refrigerator for up to two days.
  • Take into consideration organic potatoes to reduce your exposure to pesticides.

Adding potato juice to your routine can improve your nutritional intake and skincare routine.


Potato juice has many health benefits, and if you have taken this vegetable for granted and pushed it aside, now is the time to rethink your options. It improves general well-being, including skin and hair health.

  • Dec 2018
    Written by Somapika D
  • Aug 2024
    Edited by Ankita