30 Easy And Effective Health Resolutions To Spruce Up Your Life


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health resolutions
ImageSource: www.htv.com.pk

With the New Year around the corner, it’s that time of the year again. Wondering what I am talking about? Well, New Year Resolutions. When it comes to the health resolutions, the possibilities are endless but the end goal is to ensure that you actually end up adhering to them and achieve the goals.

New Year Health resolutions are not going to be stagnant. The same will predominantly vary from person to person and the kind of goals one has when it comes to bettering their health.

In this article, we are going to be sharing some of the easiest health resolutions that you can adhere to at the end of the day.

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Check Out These Easy New Year Health Resolutions.

1. Drink one Glass of Water after Waking up

Drink one glass of water after waking up
ImageSource: www.healthline.com

Often times, the most important thing that we fail to do is not keep ourselves hydrated. Drinking the correct amount of water is quite important to maintain the body homeostasis. The best way to start your list of health resolutions is by ensuring that you drink one glass of water after waking up in the morning. Bonus points if you add some lemon juice to the mix and drink that. It helps with the detoxification of all the accumulated toxins in the body over the day.

2. Attend the annual primary care appointments

Attend the annual primary care appointments

One of the most common New Year Health Resolutions that we keep and fail to achieve is attending the annual primary care appointments. We often have this notion that doctor appointments are only meant for when we fall sick. While that is true, a regular check up is also quite important to adhere to. If you have scheduled annual doctor appointments for a regular checkup, ensure that you don’t back down from the same at the end of the year.

3. Revamp your diet

Revamp your diet

When I mention revamp or reboot your diet, that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to start relying on just greens to keep up with your health. Maintaining a healthy diet means maintaining a balanced diet. Make sure that you cut down the bad foods and switch them up with healthier and tastier ones at the same time. If required, start by trying new things that you possibly weren’t comfortable trying before.

4. Lose Weight

Lose Weight

One of the most common health resolutions that you will most definitely come across is the will to lose weight. While this is quite commonly one of the best ways to lead a healthy life, losing weight is not cakewalk. What weight loss scheme might work for one might not be effective for another. It is thus quite important to try out various modes of weight loss and see for yourself the one that works best for you.

5. Get more sleep

Get more sleep

It is not just about getting sleep, it is all about getting some quality sleep. We often unknowingly tend to throw around the fact that sleep is not a very important factor for our health. Well, that is not the case. Sleep does play a very crucial role in enhancing your overall body functions and boosting your metabolism to get on about with the day. If you are not paying close attention to the amount of sleep you are getting, chances are that you will inadvertently end up affecting your health (in a negative way).

6. Take the stairs

Take the stairs

How often are you faced with the option of either taking the stairs or availing the services of a lift or an escalator? Quite often, right? This New Year, promise yourself to take the stairs instead of the convenient options. If the climb is just a flight of stairs why would you even wish to not make that effort? This not just helps contribute to making you active in life but also helps in ensuring to contribute a little to your Weight loss resolution.

7. Maintain a family medical history file

Maintain a family medical history file

Having knowledge of your overall family’s medical history is key to ensuring that you can reach out to the correct people during times of emergencies. Having a track of the diseases help you assess any kind of risk factors that could possibly arise at a later date. This also makes it easier for you to answer the doctor just in case of any kind of emergencies that arise and the doctor needs clarifications for the medical history.

8. Don’t stop eating

Don-t stop eating

One of the most common mistakes that people do when they want to lose their weight is end up subtracting food from their diet. That is possibly the last thing you want to do. Dieting is not just about stopping eating. It is more about focusing on eating healthy. If you are planning on skipping meals and such, stop that notion now before it gets too late. This New Year, make healthy switches to your diet and stick to good meals plans.

9. Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

Smoking is often the root cause of a number of chronic diseases. Irrespective of what you do, it is necessary that you keep some distance from these blazing butts of cigarette. If you want to delve into some health resolutions, start with quitting your smoking because that is what affects your health in the worst way. Don’t necessarily go cold turkey but try and get rid of this habit gradually.

10. Be more active

Be more active

Being active in life contributes to helping you lead a much healthier life. This New Year, include more activities in your life that will keep you on the move all the time. Often times, when we fail to include more activities in our life, our health becomes stagnant. Immobility is one of the root causes behind our daily issues with the abundance of health issues. Include more exercises, go out for a morning run, the possibilities are endless.

11. Eat more chocolate (the dark one)

Eat more chocolate the dark one

As much as the dentist you visited asked you to steer clear of dark chocolates, change that this New Year. Dark Chocolate is loaded with antioxidants which is not just amazing for your overall health but is also quite beneficial in fighting off any form of free radical damage that we consistently complain about. Eating 70% dark chocolate on a daily basis is actually not bad for the health and can help you combat any signs of free radical damage and help boost your overall health.

12. Try and meal prep

Try and meal prep

One of the most common reasons why we end up avoiding eating healthy food is because of the fact that we tend to not be fond of cooking or don’t have the time for it. If you are sticking to healthy resolutions this year, try and ensure that you meal prep on the weekends to ensure that you at least have food to keep yourself filled the next day without any fail. Meal prepping is an amazing way to ensure that you eat healthy and avoid any kind of junk food that will end up affecting your health.

13. Cleanse the kitchen

Cleanse the kitchen

If you wish to lose weight and that too, effectively, it is necessary that you start with cleansing your kitchen. This predominantly means that you need to get rid of the unwanted and unhealthy foods that could contribute to your health. Junk food does make up for one of the most common and the first things that one needs to get rid of without fail.

14. Practice safe sex

Practice safe sex
ImageSource: www.confusedmango.wordpress.com

As weird of a New Year Health Resolution it might sound, it is actually quite a crucial one for you to ponder on. If you want to avoid contracting any form of unwanted diseases and don’t want to end up being pregnant when you aren’t ready, it is mandatory that you start thinking about this as a possibility and actually use a condom until and unless you and your partner are tested to have no medical conditions.

15. Work on stress management

Work on stress management

With the kind of hectic lifestyle that we lead, it is not surprising that we are often in stress and have struggles with the mental health. While cutting out stress completely is a farfetched thought, you can actually work on managing it in a healthy way. If you are struggling with issues concerning your stress, this New Year, promise yourself that you will come up with better ways to manage the issues and combat them as well.

16. Maintain a food journal

Maintain a food journal
ImageSource: www.stack.com

Often times, the most common reason why we tend to feel unhealthy and struggle diseases and health issues is mainly because we tend to eat unhealthy. Our overall body and system inadvertently relies on our diet, so if you are trying to start eating healthy, it is time you start making healthy choices. If you feel like it is becoming tougher to keep track, maintain a journal for the food that you are consuming. It is actually an amazing way to keep track of the foods and the amount you are consuming on a daily or weekly basis.

17. Switch to healthier snacks

Switch to healthier snacks

Snacking is often one of the worst eating habits when the foods that you are snacking on are not even close to being healthy. One of the most important things you can do is make a switch to snacking on healthy foods. Instead of gorging down mounds of French fries at one go, you can have a bowl of fruits instead. Some of the best snacks include nuts, fruits, salads etc.

18. Don’t forget sunscreen

Don-t forget sunscreen

The one factor that we often take for granted is the fact that we don’t take the sun damage seriously. The harmful rays of the sun have the capability of inducing skin cancer even if not taken seriously. The absolute best you can do is ensure that you use sunscreen on a regular basis whenever you are stepping out of the house in the day time.

19. Floss Floss Floss

Floss Floss Floss
ImageSource: www.askthedentist.com

Flossing is very important to get rid of the unwanted food particles from inside your oral cavity. If you want to keep your dentist happy, start by ensuring that you floss every night before bed. This will not just help keep your teeth clean, but also ensure to keep your gums healthy and even prevent any risks of tooth decay with the lack of attention paid to it.

20. Cut down sugar

Cut down sugar

One of the most common reasons behind the alarming growth in our health issues is because of the kind of sugar consumption we rely on. It is quite necessary to ensure that we not just cut down on the sugar consumption but also find ways to replace the refined sugar with something healthier, something that won’t negatively affect the body. Fruits are actually a good enough option for that.

21. Schedule the workouts

Schedule the workouts

One of the most common reasons why we skip out on the workouts is mainly because of the fact that we fail to find time for exercising. The best way to go about with the issue is to schedule the workouts. Start by either keeping aside 1 hour in the morning or in the evening, whatever suits your boat. Always ensure to keep a track of the exercises you are indulging in and get going with the same effectively.

22. Meditate daily

Meditate daily

Often times, we are stuck in a web of stress and it becomes quite impossible to step out of it. If you are here struggling with a similar problem, the best way to go about with it is by starting to meditate on a regular basis. Even 5 minutes of concentrated meditation has the capability of calming down your mind faster than any other form of exercise. Instead of sticking around with the stressful mind, try meditation as a part of the New Year Health Resolutions.

23. Steer clear off of electronics

Steer clear off of electronics

We are so stuck up in a life that we are becoming completely reliant on our electronic devices, be it smartphones or even computers. One of the best health resolutions that you can take is to ensure that you will detach yourself from such distractions at least 30 minutes to an hour before bed. This is a must do and can actually help in improving better concentration and help you get a good night’s sleep.

24. Cut down on the caffeine

Cut down on the caffeine

As weird as it might sound, if you are planning around for the New Year Health resolutions, make sure cutting down on the caffeine makes up for a place there. Caffeine does take up quite a toll on your body when you are consistently drinking it on regular intervals. Instead of drinking coffee or tea on a regular basis, ensure that you cut down the caffeine consumption and switch to juices and smoothies instead.

25. Practice mindful eating

Practice mindful eating

Mindful eating is quite an important contributor to our overall healthy living. If you are not eating mindfully, chances are that you will end up either overeating or undereating. Portioned eating is quite necessary if you want to be making healthier switches to your eating habits. Instead of focusing on your phone while eating, focus on the food in front of you.

26. Have a balanced diet

Have a balanced diet

Balanced diet is the key to healthy life. If you are just cutting out carbs for a slimmer body, you do need to add in better supplements to keep yourself healthy. The best way to go about with the same is by ensuring that you have the equal portions of not just protein but carbohydrates and fats too. Having a balanced diet helps in boosting your overall metabolism and surprisingly enough, contributes to healthy weight loss too.

27. Ditch carbonated drinks

Ditch carbonated drinks

Sodas and soft drinks are definitely a catch, aren’t they? But, do you even realize the kind of impact they have on your health? Possibly not, right? The high sugar content along with the carbonated fizz from these drinks often end up affecting your health in a negative way. If you want to start off this New Year on a healthy note, it is important that you get rid of drinking carbonated drinks in your day to day life.

28. Don’t skip breakfasts

Don-t skip breakfasts

Breakfast is possibly the most important meal of the day, without a shadow of doubt. You can necessarily skip out on dinner and just have a cup of tea but missing out on breakfast is a big no. Owing to the fact that your body has been fasting through the entire night, it is mandatory that you have a hearty breakfast to keep your metabolism going. It is quite necessary to ensure that you have the breakfast like a king.

29. Carry water bottles

Carry water bottles

If you are planning on staying outside and drinking water becomes a problem for you, make sure that you carry a water bottle with you at all times. Having a bottle ensures that your hydration isn’t compromised and you can actually drink water without having to buy bottles every step of the way.

30. Plan some getaways

Plan some getaways

Having health resolutions is not just about your physical well being, your mental well being is just as important. Every once in a while, it is necessary that you use your travel allowance and leaves to get yourself a much awaited break from the boredom. Book a flight to somewhere tropical and get a taste of the sun or even a cool mountainside does sound amazing in this regard.

When it comes to the health resolutions for a New Year, the possibilities are nearly endless. You can actually promise yourself a number of things to boost your overall health and these top 30 are just a few in that list of things. Make sure that this year, you put your health first and let everything take a backseat for the time being.