Low Calorie Juices for Breakfast


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Low Calorie Juices for Breakfast

Breakfast should often be a heavy meal, as it is the longest duration during the whole day, after which you partake of a meal. Even people undergoing weight loss programs are advised to have a considerably wholesome breakfast, so as to avoid episodes of sporadic binging.

What you may add, to the sumptuous breakfast that you may already be having, is a little bit of juicing. Juices are generally high in fiber and low on calories, and their nutrients are easily assimilated into the system. Adding them to your breakfast, could by no means leave you feeling hungry as the fibers take time to digest, even as the other nutrients are being absorbed.

Get to know these low calorie juices for breakfast, that are sure to give your day a kick in the guts, and keep you fresh, and brimming with energy, throughout the day.

Juicing Tips for Breakfast

1. Mint, Watermelon and Kale

Watermelon and KaleMint should be a must for all vegetarians. It enhances the taste of the preparation, in its own unique way, which no herb or spice could. They suppress your appetite and still remain their natural self, hence preventing the cravings for unhealthy snacks.

Watermelon consists of 95% water, and thus helps in keeping your systems hydrated, besides been extremely appetizing. The cleansing and detoxing effects of watermelon are known far and wide.

Kale can be referred to as the absolute king of fiber. Otherwise, it is also rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene, that manages weight, improves the functioning of the heart, and also prevents the spread of cancerous growth.

2. Pineapple, Spinach and Cucumber

Spinach and CucumberThe tropical pineapple is high in water and fiber content, that keeps you hydrated, as well as at a safe distance from hunger pangs.

Cucumber, besides adding its distinctive basic taste, also brings in its amounts of hydration and appetite satiation.

Leafy greens of the spinach, brings in a bitter taste, than balances out the acidity of the pineapple and otherwise provides a host of benefits.

Read our section: Nutrition and Diet

3. Broccoli, Cucumber and Lettuce

Cucumber and LettuceBroccoli is a rich source of Vitamin A, C and K, apart from fibers, folates and omega 3 fatty acids.

Green vegetables in general have the tendency of keeping your appetite satiated, and thus slow down calorie consumption tendencies. Lettuce, been a green vegetable, is rich in beta-carotene, folates, fibers and vitamin C. Besides chromium is another element which is found in lettuce, that promotes fat loss and the development of muscle mass, when coupled with proper workout regimes.

4. Tomato, Carrots and Asparagus

Carrots and AsparagusTomatoes as rich and red, as they get, are abundant in antioxidants that reduce the harmful effects of eruptions through fluid retention in the systems. The metabolism rate is regulated through a process which is called the reverse leptin resistance.

Asparagus is an abundant source of soluble fibers, that has its own appetizing effects on the system. The sugar levels in the blood is kept under control, through a more efficient blood glucose metabolism process. Otherwise, it is a known, natural diuretic, that flushes out the excessive fluids in the various systems, thus preventing bloating.

5. Pear, Strawberry and Spinach

Strawberry and SpinachPears have a high percentage of carbohydrates, yet remain low on the calorie meter. Hence, they have been broadly accepted into health diets that focus on muscle gain. The fibers take their own sweet time to break down, and thus keep your appetite satiated, by releasing a constant stream of glucose into your system.

Strawberries are rich in ellagic acid and anthocyanins, which reduces the chances of eruptions, and stimulates the production of a number of essential hormones.

Spinach, like most things green and leafy, takes time in digestion, and are also loaded with a string of nutrients.

Read the latest from the world of Juicing

By Abhro