15 Remedies For Heel Spur For Quicker Recovery


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remedies for heel spur
src: shopify.com

Have you been feeling a sharp shooting pain on the underside of your feet, in the heel region? While many people often tend to brush it aside as a normal feet pain, the condition could be worse than it looks. A heel spur can cause bone protrusion and thus, it is best to opt for the remedies for heel spur for quicker recovery.

Common foot pain can often be mistaken for heel spur but it is always best suggested to ensure that you get the same checked out by a professional before ending up getting the problem diagnosed by yourself. Heel spur treatment at home is definitely something you can rely on for the cure.

By the end of this article, you will have a better idea about everything there is to know about heel spur treatment without imposing any negative side effects.

What is Heel Spur?

What is Heel Spur
src: perrychirowellness.com

A heel spur is a condition which is characterized by the excess deposition of calcium deposit around the heel and the arch of the foot. It is nothing but a bony outgrowth which occurs on the underside of a person’s foot.

Alternatively, heel spurs are also known as calcaneal spurs or osteophytes. These kinds of outgrowths tend to start from the heel and extend on till the arch or the middle of the foot.

They are often either hooked, pointy or shelf like and can even extend on to become half an inch long. Often times, x-rays are conducted to diagnose the condition and if the doctor is unable to suspect the condition, it is more likely referred to as the heel spur syndrome.

What Causes Heel Spur?

What Causes Heel Spur
src: embed.widencdn.net

When it comes down to discussing the possible causes behind heel spur, the same stems from a number of reasons. It is the long term strain on the muscle and the ligament which ends up causing the problem in the first place.

If you have this notion that the heel spur happens within a fraction of a second, which is not technically the case. It does happen over time and that too, for a number of associated reasons. If you have been constantly ignoring the signs and symptoms associated with pain in the heels and the feet, chances are that you are provoking the causes behind heel spurs.

Some of the common reasons behind heel spur include:

  • Arthritis
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Bruising of the heel
  • Poorly fitted shoes
  • Wearing flip flops
  • Wearing worn out shoes
  • Long term muscle and ligament strain
  • Old age
  • Walking gait abnormalities

What are the Symptoms of Heel Spur?

What are the symptoms of Heel Spur
src: www.accentonfeet.com

Coming on to discussing the symptoms of Heel Spur, the possibilities are quite extensive. Apart from the occasional pain that many tend to ignore, there are factors that do run deeper than that.

One of the best ways to treat a heel spur is by being aware of the symptoms that come with it. If you are constantly suffering from the pain and such, it is always best suggested to ensure that you take in the time to fight through the condition effectively.

Some of the common symptoms associated with heel spur include:

  • Sharp stinging pain in the morning while getting up
  • Inflammation and swelling in the front of the heel throughout the day
  • Emitting heat from the area affected
  • Small bone like protrusion visible around the heel
  • Tenderness at the bottom of the heel
  • Dull ache throughout the time

How To Get Rid Of Heel Spur?

How To Get Rid Of Heel Spur
src: draxe.com

When it comes to discussing about the remedies for heel spur, the possibilities are extensive. If you are looking for ways to get rid of the heel spur, it is best suggested to recognize the symptoms at an early stage itself.

This will help in treating the condition before it gets worse. If your pain around the heels have been persistent, it is very important to consult a doctor for the same before it does get out of hand.

Given the fact that we are going to be focusing on some of the natural cure for heel spur, it is important we divert our focus on the same all the more.

Home Remedies for Heel Spur

Home remedies for Heel SpurIn order to relieve the heel spur pain at home, it is important to ensure that you do the needful with some of the natural remedies that we are about to suggest. The possibilities surrounding the same are quite extensive and if you have been struggling with the pain quite often, it is definitely time to take control over the situation.

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Check Out these Effective Remedies for Heel Spur.

1. Epsom Salt

Epsom SaltEpsom salt, or the magnesium sulfate has been found to be quite effective in helping the inflammation as well as the pain that is caused because of the excess calcium deposition around in the heels.

The anti-inflammatory properties (R) of the Epsom salt along with the soothing properties is what has been found to be quite beneficial in helping get rid of heel spur effectively.

What to do?

  • Fill a bucket with some warm water
  • Pour 1-2 tbsp of Epsom salt in it and dissolve it completely
  • Soak your feet in the water for 10-15 minutes
  • Repeat this 1-2 times daily

2. Magnesium

src: algaecal.com

Yet another one of the remedies for a heel spur is magnesium. It has a very crucial role not just in bone formation but also helps in the proper utilization of the calcium. Majority of the magnesium in the bones is stored inside our bones and is required for some of the most important processes in the body.

If you wish to make positive changes in your life, the best way to do so is by including more of the magnesium-rich foods in your diet. Some of the best sources of magnesium that you can include in your diet include spinach, avocado, swiss chard, black beans and so many more.

3. Cold Compress

Cold compress
src: squarespace.com

Cold compress is yet another natural way for heel spur pain relief. It has been found to be effective in helping relieve the inflamed tissue effective to provide quick relief.

Additionally, it also helps in getting the swelling down which causes the excess calcium to disperse out as well, instead of being accumulated around the heels only.

What to do?

  • Put some ice on the heels and wrap around a cloth to keep it secured
  • Additionally, you can also get gel packs or even cold footwraps in the stores that work wonders
  • Repeat this 1-2 times daily

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider VinegarApple Cider Vinegar is often touted for it amazing benefits for one’s health. If you have been struggling to keep your health in check, one of the best ways to treat a heel spur is by opting for apple cider vinegar.

The anti-inflammatory (R) properties help in reducing the swelling and even helps provide relief from the pain that one is experiencing.

Not just that, apple cider vinegar has also been found to be quite helpful in pulling out excess calcium from the area around the heels to help boost the recovery process even further.

What to do?

  • Fill a tub with some warm water, enough to be able to soak your feet in it
  • Add in a ½ cup of apple cider vinegar to the warm water and mix it
  • Submerge your feet into the warm water and let it stay there for 10-15 minutes at a stretch
  • Repeat this process 1-2 times daily

5. Coconut Oil

Coconut OilCoconut oil is not just helpful for your moisturisation but even helps in getting rid of the pain and inflammation that many often tend to suffer from because of a heel spur.

Apart from moisturizing the area, coconut oil has also been found to be quite useful in providing the body with the much required dosage of calcium as well. This further helps in the bone formation which is nothing but an added bonus.

Coconut oil does have analgesic and anti-inflammatory (R) properties which have been found to be quite beneficial in getting rid of not just the swelling but the pain as well.

What to do?

  • In a small pan, warm up some coconut oil
  • Apply this around the affected area of the heels
  • Massage the area with light hands for 5-10 minutes
  • Do this 1-2 times daily

6. Essential oils

Essential oilsYet another one of the beneficial remedies for heel spur is with the application of essential oils. Several of these oils have been found to not just have beneficial anti-inflammatory (R) but soothing properties too which help in getting rid of the pain and such.

Oils like lavender and even rosemary essential oils have been found to have beneficial properties to relieve heel spur pain at home.

What to do?

  • To some carrier oil, add 3-4 drops of essential oil like lavender and rosemary
  • Apply this oil on the heels and massage it gently for 5-10 minutes straight
  • Leave it on
  • Repeat this 1-2 times daily

7. Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5Yet another one of the remedies for heel spur treatment at home is consumption of foods rich in Vitamin B5. The deficiency of this vitamin has been found to have negative impacts on muscle impairment and pain.

Additionally, it is also responsible in the process of formation of acetylcholine in the body which is associated with nerve functions. Not just that, the presence of optimal levels of Vitamin B5 in the body has been found to have beneficial impacts on the healing process (R) as well.

Some of the foods which are naturally high in Vitamin B5 that you can add into your diet include sunflower seeds, eggs, salmon and even lentils. If these are not getting the job done, opt for the supplements after consulting with a doctor.

8. Correct shoes and Orthotics

Correct shoes and orthoticsThe kind of footwear you wear does have a very important impact on the amount of pressure that’s applied to your heel.

If you are wearing ill fitted shoes, chances are that the same will end up causing pain and discomfort, thus making the condition of heel spur even worse. Apart from the size of the shoe, there are a number of factors that play an important role when it comes down to the prospect of heel spur treatment at home.

Make sure to keep three things in mind while buying footwear:

  • It should have firm heel support
  • It should have moderate flexibility
  • It should have a slightly elevated heel

9. Baking Soda

Baking Soda
src: agoramedia.com

While the importance of baking soda is often missed out on, it has also been found to have beneficial impacts in handling the excess calcium deposits that are found around the heels because of the condition.

Additionally, the usage of baking soda has also been found to have amazing benefits in getting rid of the pain and the inflammation.

What to do?

  • In a bowl, add 1-2 tbsp of baking soda and add some water to make a paste
  • Apply this paste on the heels in a thick layer
  • Cover the same with a gauge or tape and leave it on
  • Do this 1-2 times daily till it heals completely

10. Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed Oil
src: www.healthline.com

Not many would realize this but flaxseed oil does have amazing benefits in getting rid of the heel spur that you have been struggling with since quite some time now.

The combination of essential omega-3 fatty acids along with alpha-linolenic acid has been found to have beneficial impacts in

It has beneficial impacts in warding off inflamed and painful heels that many people often tend to struggle with. The moisturizing property of the flaxseed oil further helps in getting rid of the stiffness that’s caused around in the heels.

What to do?

  • Warm up some flaxseed oil
  • Apply this on the heel spurs and massage it gently into the skin for 10 minutes
  • Repeat this 1-2 times daily

11. Turmeric Milk

Turmeric milk
src: nutritionstripped.com

Turmeric milk is yet another one of the beneficial remedies for heel spur that works magic. If your heel spur is triggered because of arthritis, the consumption of turmeric milk can actually help a lot in getting that sorted out for good.

The active ingredient in the turmeric milk, Curcumin has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping getting rid of the pain and the inflammation owing to its potent anti-inflammatory (R) properties.

Additionally, it also consists of natural polyphenols along with antioxidant properties which further help in the heel spur cure.

What to do?

  • Warm some milk and pour it into a cup
  • Add 1/4th tsp of turmeric powder and mix well
  • Drink this before bedtime
  • Repeat this once every night

12. Proteolytic Enzymes

Proteolytic enzymesProteolytic enzymes do have amazing benefits for people suffering from constant muscle and joint pain. Studies have found that these enzymes help in increasing the response rate by cutting down on the remission time.

Bromelain, which is found naturally in pineapple, has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping get rid of the pain and inflammation by helping block the metabolites that are responsible for causing the swelling in the first place. Additionally, it has also been found to increase the healing process by activating a chemical in the bloodstream which breaks down fibrin, thus helping recover the swelling even more so.

What to do?

  1. Include more sources of proteolytic enzymes in your diet, pineapple being one of them
  2. If not possible, get some bromelain supplements after consulting your doctor

13. Stretching

src: www.muaythaischolar.com

Stretching is yet another one of the beneficial heel spur treatments that you can easily opt for.

Indulging in working your heels, calf, plantar fascia and the surrounding regions have been found to have beneficial impacts in helping get rid of the strain and the pressure exerted because of the same.

Some of the helpful stretch exercises that one can opt for include:

  • Foot flexes
  • Calf stretches

14. Alfalfa

src: www.veseys.com

Alfalfa sprout is amazing for heel spur pain relief. The main reason why it is good and effective enough is because of the presence of some of the best minerals like selenium as well as calcium which has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping contribute to the healthy bone formation even more so.

Additionally, it also helps in alleviating the pain and warding off the inflammation causes because of the condition as well.

What to do?

  1. To a cup of boiling water, add ½-1 tsp of alfalfa seeds
  2. Cover the pot and let it simmer for 20-30 minutes
  3. Strain the liquid and then add 1 tsp of honey to it
  4. Drink this tea 2-3 times on a daily basis till the pain goes down

15. Cabbage Leaves

Cabbage leavesThe efficacy of cabbage leaves have been found to be quite amazing in getting rid of not just the inflammation but the pain as well.

It helps in drawing out the excess calcium and the water retention around the heels to reduce the inflammation and ward off the pain quite effectively as well.

Although there is not much scientific evidence to back these claims up, it is believed that the same does have beneficial impacts for the ones who have used this remedy.

What to do?

  1. In a pot of warm water, soak the cabbage leaves
  2. Let them stay there for 10 minutes and then remove them
  3. Take the leaves and apply them on the heels and the surrounding area
  4. Use a gauge to secure them in place
  5. Once they start to dry, repeat the method again
  6. Do this for 2-3 times daily

How to Prevent Heel Spurs?

How To Prevent Heel SpursWhen it comes to the remedies for heel spur, they are quite effective. But, isn’t it better to prevent the condition in the first place itself?

In order to abide by the same, we do have some amazing preventive measures to share with you that can most definitely come in handy to help get the problem in check.

  • Wearing well fitting shoes with shock absorbent soles
  • Having designated shoes for every kind of physical activity
  • Lose weight

Remedies for heel spur are quite effective in getting rid of the pain and the swelling. If you have been struggling with the same, the best way to get over it is by ensuring that you do the needful for the same. It is important to not take the symptoms lightly and act upon them before it gets out of hand. We have mentioned the top 15 remedies for natural care and hope they work out for the best.