12 Home Remedies For Black Eye That Help Soothe The Pain


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12 Home Remedies For Black Eye That Help Soothe The Pain

So, the sudden punch that you didnโ€™t see coming ended up leaving you with soreness and numbing pain and above all, a black eye. The condition of black eye is witnessed quite often following an accident, fights or even after an eye surgery. Is this Condition worse? Can it have any home remedies for black eye?

The condition is pain and can further cause inflammation as well which end up affecting oneโ€™s quality of life. In situations like these, it is important that one finds better ways of healing to further soothe the pain.

In here, we have listed out some of the best ways to cure a black eye in a record time and without inflicting any negative impacts too.

What is a Black Eye?

What is a Black Eye

A black eye is a condition caused by the bruising of the area surrounding the eyes. It happens on impacts when the blood in circulation starts pooling around the affected region thus making the area look darker in color, having a brownish blue tinge to the skin.

The condition of a black eye isnโ€™t something that one needs to fret about which is actually quite the opposite of what people do. With the correct care and treatment, it is possible to get rid of the pain, inflammation and even the discoloration.

The problem arises if you witness any kind of changes to the normal vision. That is when one needs to see a doctor and get the problem checked out.

What causes black eye?

What causes black eyeWhen it comes to explaining the causes of a black eye, the reasons are that extensive to be honest. It could either be because of the fight that you got into that landed you a punch around the eye or even the eye surgery that you went through a few days back.

There could very well be a number of reasons which is why it is important that you avoid them for good or as much as you can.

The causes arenโ€™t extensive as we did mention. It can only stem from inexperience surgery on the eyes that leaves behind a puncture, causing the blood to pool around the eyes, hence the discoloration.

Whatever the cause be, it is important that one finds effective treatment options to further help with the recovery process.

How to get rid of black eyes?

How to get rid of black eyesIf you have had this lingering question of how to get rid of a black eye, we would suggest that you keep always practice safety around you.

But, in addition to that, resting yourself and opting for the home remedies for black eye can further help in promoting the healing process even further.

Home remedies for black eyes

Home remedies for black eyesFor those who have been trying to find ways to heal a black eye, there are an ample number of home remedies that do help with the condition. It is thus important that you try the ones that you think would work for you and move around accordingly without any issues as such.

All in all, these home remedies also further help in promoting the healing process, thus reducing the risks that are involved with the blood clot and such.

To help you with a faster recovery, some of the best home remedies include:

1. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne PepperIt doesnโ€™t need an introduction as to why the combination of cayenne pepper with Vaseline acts as an amazing remedy to cure a black eye. But, the only line of caution with this is to ensure that you donโ€™t overdo the application close to the eyes because then it might start paining and cause irritation.

The active compound in the cayenne pepper, capsaicin has been found to have potent analgesic(R) properties which make it one of the best home remedies for black eye. It also has anti-inflammatory(R) properties which further help prevent the unnecessary bout of both the discomfort that you could be experiencing.

What to do?

  • Take 1 tsp of cayenne pepper in a bowl
  • Add 4 tsp of Vaseline to it
  • Mix it both together to make a smooth paste
  • Apply it with your gloved fingers around the black eye
  • Leave it on for a few hours
  • Rinse it off with a dry towel and then thoroughly wash the area around the eye

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

Read: Anti-Obesity Drug Derived From Capsaicin Found in Chilli Peppers To Aid Long-Term Weight Loss

2. Ice

IceIce is yet another amazing one of the ways in the black eye treatment. Since the pain and the inflammation are the two most common issues with the black eye. With these, the one thing that you want is to ensure that you somehow numb the pain and mellow down the inflammation.

Application of the ice helps with both. It is suggested that the first line of first aid once you have experienced the black eye is to reach out for ice to help in bringing down the pain and the inflammation.

The compression with ice helps in bringing down the inflammation and pain by slowing down the blood flow around the area and even reduces the risks of further blood pooling around the affected area.

The only line of caution with this is to avoid using the raw meat and frozen foods because they have the tendency to enhance the risks of infection in the eye.

What to do?

  • Take a few pieces of ice cubes in a clean cloth
  • Fold and hold it in your grip
  • Use that as a compression on the affected area
  • Do this for 10-15 minutes to get relief

How often?

  • Multiple times throughout the day

3. Just get some rest

Just get some restOften times, one of the worst things that one does are overworking themselves when they clearly need the rest to ensure proper healing. If you have been struggling with the pain and the inflammation because of the black eye, the best way to cure it is by getting some rest.

Donโ€™t put excess strain on the eyes and the muscles around it. Instead, after applying some ice on the injury, simply sleep it off. The pain wonโ€™t magically vanish the next day just like that but it would gradually get better as you go about with it. Avoid rushing through with anything.

Read: What Happens If You Sleep 6 Hours A Day? Know The Side Effects!

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut OilCoconut oil, is more than just for your moisturisation needs. Studies have found that the coconut oil has the perfect balance of analgesic and anti-inflammatory(R) properties in it which helps in getting rid of the pain and the discomfort that you might have been struggling with.

Additionally, massaging the area of the black eye with some coconut oil also helps in promoting the blood circulation, thus further preventing the risks of excessive blood pooling that one struggles with. It is best suggested that you do avoid using the coconut oils with chemicals and just use the virgin one.

What to do?

  • Start by warming up some coconut oil for a few seconds
  • You want it to be warm not hot
  • Using your fingers, apply the coconut oil on the affected area
  • Gently use your fingers to further massage the area
  • Do this very carefully

How often?

  • Multiple times throughout the day

Read: 7 Ways To Heal Burns With Coconut Oil Easily

5. Warm compress

Warm compressMuch like the ice, even warm compress helps in healing the black eye and numbing the pain that many tend to struggle with. It helps in promoting the overall prospects of the blood circulation which is a necessity if one wants to keep their eyes in the best condition.

With the black eye, the risks of further pooling of the blood around the eyes can cause deterioration in the condition. This is the reason why it is important that you use warm compress to help improve the condition and cure the pain and the inflammation from within.

What to do?

  • Boil some water and pour it into a bowl
  • Using a clean compress, dip it into the bowl and wring the excess liquid
  • Use that to then apply on the black eye with some firm pressure on the area
  • Do this gently, ensuring that you donโ€™t hurt yourself even worse

How often?

  • Multiple times throughout the day

6. Toothpaste

ToothpasteAs weird as it might sound, when it comes to the home remedies for black eye, toothpaste accounts for one of the best options.

The reason why that is the case is because of the fact that the mint in the toothpaste helps provide with a cooling and soothing feeling altogether. It is perfect to even out the discoloration caused by the bruise on daily application. Just ensure that you donโ€™t go near the eyes because that can be fatal.

Additionally, some of the toothpastes even come with anti-inflammatory properties which further help in improving the overall condition and provide you with relief from the pain and the discomfort.

What to do?

  • Start by squeezing out some toothpaste
  • Using your fingers, apply a thick layer of it on the bruise
  • Leave it on for an hour or so
  • Rinse it off with some water ensuring there are no remnants left

How often?

  • Multiple times throughout the day

Read: Does Toothpaste For Acne Really Work? How Effectively it Removes Acne

7. Massage with some essential oils

Massage with some essential oilsAnother one of the amazing ways to cure a black eye is by using essential oils for the condition. It might sound a bit off but trust me, it works. There are several essential oils that can help manage pain as well as the inflammation that the black eye brings along.

This is the reason why it is important that you do make use of the natureโ€™s gift and get rid of the black eye for good in no time.

Some of the best anti-inflammatory essential oils include thyme, clove, eycalyptus, fennel etc. For using them, it is always best suggested that you dilute them out with some form of carrier oil and patch test it first before applying on the bruise.

What to do?

  • In a bowl, take 1 tbsp of coconut oil
  • To that, add a few drops of any of the essential oils
  • Using your fingers, massage the oil mixture on the affected area
  • Leave it on

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

Read: Massage For Weight Loss โ€“ 7 Benefits And 3 Types!

8. Cucumber

CucumberThe usage of cucumber for the black eye treatment isnโ€™t a very popular one but since it has so many water content in it, it helps in soothing the pain and the inflammation that many often tend to struggle with.

It also does help a lot with the swelling and the pain that you have been experiencing constantly. If possible, try and apply some chilled cucumber from the fridge because that coldness will further help numb the pain and relieve the discomfort.

What to do?

  • Keep some cucumber in the fridge for a few hours to cool
  • Once itโ€™s cold, you can slice them in circles
  • Apply it on the eyes and the area around the bruise
  • Leave it on till the cucumber is cold

How often?

  • 2-3 times daily

Read: Best Cucumber Water Benefits

9. Arnica


Arnica is yet another one of the best home remedies for black eye that you wouldnโ€™t necessarily regret having. This herb has amazing benefits for the inflammation and pain and is often used frequently in the homeopathy treatment options.

Application of arnica gels and ointments are very effective for the treatment, all because of the potent anti-inflammatory(R) properties that it possesses.

What to do?

  • Buy some over the counter arnica gel
  • Using your fingers, apply a small layer of the gel on the bruise
  • Leave it on and let it seep into the skin

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

Read: How to Get Rid of Bruises

10. Green tea bags

Green tea bagsIt doesnโ€™t really matter if you are using green tea bags or black tea because the impacts are equally amazing. The primary reason why this works is because of the fact that tea contains tannins (R) in them which help in reducing the pain and the inflammation.

In addition to that, the antioxidants that are found in the tea, especially the green tea, have amazing benefits in helping reducing the pain, inflammation and the constant discomfort that you might have been struggling with.

What to do?

  • Start by boiling some water and steeping the teabags in it
  • Set it aside to cool down for a bit
  • Once it is warm and bearable, apply the same on the bruised eye
  • Leave it on for a few minutes

How often?

  • Multiple times throughout the day

Read: What Is The Best Time To Drink Green Tea And Why โ€“ Know The Various Facts Associated

11. Comfrey


Next on the list of the best home remedies for black eye most definitely has to be comfrey which is yet another herb or natural remedy that helps heal the black eye.

It is a very conventional mode of treatment for the condition of bruises and sprains because of the impacts it has on the pain and how it helps in helping improve the overall appearance of the same as well.

What to do?

  • Get the ointments with comfrey
  • Before applying, it is important that you read through the precautions
  • Do a patch test
  • Avoid applying it very near to the eyes

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

Read: 25 Ways To Get Rid Of Bruises Naturally

12. Pineapple

PineappleThe reason why the application of pineapple works is all because of the active compound, Bromelain. Pineapple is also rich in Vitamin C which further kick-starts the bodyโ€™s immunity and promotes better skin healing as well.

While the Vitamin C promotes faster healing and prevents further discoloration, the bromelain helps out with the pain and the discomfort that you might be struggling with.

What to do?

  • Start including more pineapples in your diet
  • Get the ripe ones which have beneficial impacts for your body
  • Additionally, you can also cut a slice of pineapple and apply it topically

How often?

  • 3-4 times daily

Read: 7 Important Health Benefits Of Pineapple Juice

How to prevent black eyes?

How to prevent black eyes

In order to prevent black eye, it is important that one knows first what is causing it. This itself does solve more than half of the issues.

If there has been any kind of injury that has caused the bruising to happen, it is best that you do opt for ways to first attend to the bruise and then work on healing it.

It is best suggested that you do focus on the process more than what the outcomes has in store for you. If the condition is caused because of the surgery that you just had, it is best that you focus on consulting a doctor and see what the fuss is all about.

But, in order to prevent this from happening, get your eye surgery done from the best ophthalmologist around the area and donโ€™t settle for a cheaper package for the surgery. The repercussions arenโ€™t the best for that.

Black eyes tend to last for about a week or two when it starts mellowing down in terms of the bluish tinge of the colour and then the healing process fastens from there. Just make sure that you take the time out to assess what the problem is and avail the best treatment options if you donโ€™t want things to get worse.

The home remedies for black eye are abundant and quite effective if you come to see it. If you have been on the lookout for a good option for the same, it is best suggested that you opt for these cures the way they are supposed to be done. Just make sure that you consult a doctor if nothing seems to get better over time.