17 Remedies For Dehydration For Immediate Relief


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remedies for dehydration
ImageSource: www.bouldercoloniccenter.com

Given the fact that our body is made of 60% water, it is not a shock that dehydration is a common phenomenon. While the condition mainly recurs from lack of hydration in the body, there can be other underlying reasons behind the same. Implementing remedies for dehydration is essentially important.

Whatever the cause be, it is quite important to ensure the condition is tended to without any kind of delay.

In this article, we are going to be discussing about the common home remedies for dehydration that actually does work wonders.

What Causes Dehydration?

What Causes Dehydration
ImageSource: www.opqcmpllc.com

Dehydration is the common phenomenon when the body fails to retain the necessary balance between the water and the electrolytes in the body. The drastic drop in the water and fluid levels in the body end up concentrating the presence of the electrolytes which is exactly what ends up causing the feeling of dehydration.

The causes behind dehydration can range from something mild to something that’s medically severe and needs immediate attention.

Some of the common causes of dehydration include:


ImageSource: www.arditor.com

One of the most common causes behind dehydration is when one is consistently suffering from diarrhea and vomiting. Both of these conditions end up being a taxing experience on the individual suffering from the condition. It ends up causing a lot of loss of water and fluids from the water along with the salient loss of essential nutrients which creates an imbalance in the water and electrolyte levels in the body.

Excessive urination

Excessive urination
ImageSource: www.belmarrahealth.com

Yet one of the common causes behind dehydration is when people end up frequently urination. While urination is quite important, doing so frequently and irregularly can actually insinuate a number of underlying health issues – diabetes being one of the main. If you have been consuming any medication with diuretic properties, which could very well also be a possibility behind the frequent urination.


ImageSource: www.newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org

This might not always seem like a likely option but having a high temperature can often be an underlying reason behind the cause of dehydration. Although there are not much reasons in light that state why the same is actually happening but it does.

Excessive sweating

Excessive sweating
ImageSource: www.chicagohealthonline.com

Sweating is a mode by which our body thermoregulates our inner temperature. It is necessary to ensure that you are sweating in regular intervals to keep your inner body temperature in check. That being said, sometimes excessive sweating ends up being the primary reason behind the dehydration. Because of the fact that the process ends up excreting the water and electrolytes from the body, the balance between them is disturbed which ends up causing the dehydration.


ImageSource: www.mypowellrivernow.com

Extremities in the weather often end up being the primary reason behind the dehydration. If the weather is extremely hot, you will end up being dehydrated because of the excess sweating while during extreme cold conditions, the body recuperates the body’s temperature to make up for the constant chills.


ImageSource: www.vox.com

Age is yet another reason that contributes to you feeling dehydrated. Often times, it is either the small children or the old people who are at more risks of being affected by this issue.

Chronic illness

Chronic illness
ImageSource: www.housecalldoctor.com.au

Chronic diseases like diabetes as well as kidney diseases often end up being one of the most common reasons behind the consistent condition of dehydration, could very well generate from the condition of several chronic diseases like the ones mentioned above. They tend to be at a higher risk of being dehydrated than normal people.

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration
ImageSource: www.healthy-magazine.co.uk

When it comes to dehydration, the signs and symptoms can actually be quite certain and visible. If you have been consistently mistaking the signs and symptoms of dehydration with something else, here are a few ones you need to absolutely look out for. Often times, the signs and symptoms of dehydration tend to vary between the adults and the children.

The severities can range from mild to serious. Whatever the reason be, some of the common symptoms of dehydration include:

In the adults

  1. Feeling thirsty excessively
  2. A dry and cracked mouth along with the feeling of stickiness inside
  3. Reduced urination
  4. Dizziness and visible black spots in the vision if the condition gets out of hand
  5. Concentrate urine that appears dark in colour
  6. Fatigue, shortness of breath and tiredness
  7. Cramps in the abdominal region

In the children

  1. Sunken eyes and cheek because of lack of fluids
  2. Consistent tiredness and induced laziness in the child
  3. Dry mouth
  4. Dry diapers in infants and toddlers because of reduced urination
  5. An absence of teardrops when the child is crying
  6. Lack of energy and enthusiasm

How To Treat Dehydration At Home?

How To Treat Dehydration At HomeGiven the fact that if the underlying reason behind the dehydration is nothing severe and drastic that doesn’t require medical attention, the treatment for dehydration at home is not something impossible and that is what majority of the people do, for the most part.

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Check Out These Effective Remedies For Dehydration.

In this section, we are going to be describing and talking about some of the effective home remedies to cure dehydration within a record time.

1. Buttermilk for Dehydration

Buttermilk for Dehydration
ImageSource: www.sailusfood.com

Buttermilk might seem like a traditional remedy for dehydration but the same works like magic. Because of the fact that it is a natural probiotic and is actually loaded with beneficial vitamins and minerals – magnesium and phosphorus being the pivotal ones.

Dehydration is not only caused because of the lack of water and fluids in the body, it also tediously affects the overall electrolyte balance in the body. The essential properties in the buttermilk (R) actually do positively influence the body and helps provide immediate relief from dehydration.

Buttermilk also cooling and soothing properties which further help with the condition.

What to do?

  1. Mix ½ teaspoon of ginger powder to your glass of buttermilk
  2. Drink this when you witness the signs and symptoms of dehydration

How often?

2-3 glasses every day

2. Lemon Water for Dehydration

Lemon Water for DehydrationLemon Water is yet another one of the amazing remedies for dehydration. Not just the water helps replenish the lost hydration (R) (R) from the body; the lemon in it actually does help to balance out the lost levels of electrolytes in the body.

The lemon consists of preferable levels of sodium, potassium as well as magnesium (R) which is actually quite beneficial for the overall body activities. It refreshes and rejuvenates the body and helps maintain the proper fluid balance in the body to prevent the signs and symptoms associated with dehydration.

What to do?

  1. To a glass of water, add the juice of one or half a lemon
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to the mix and stir everything together

How often?

Drink this 2-3 times in a day for beneficial results

3. Salt for Dehydration

Salt for DehydrationSalt is possibly the last thing you want to think of when you are dehydrated. And while the same might make sense, it is beneficial to understand that salt doesn’t have negative but positive impacts on the body in the treatment for dehydration.

When one is dehydrated, there are chances that there will be consistent disbalance in the electrolyte levels in the body, sodium and potassium (R) being the major ones. While the body has the natural capability of maintaining a proper balance of these electrolytes when the hydration levels are in check, the same is disturbed otherwise.

Consuming salt (R) is one of the best ways to combat dehydration and restore the disturbed levels of electrolytes in the body.

What to do?

  • Increase your salt intake via drinking a sports drink or even increasing the consumption of foods rich in sodium.

How often?

As per the requirement

4. Barley Water for Dehydration

Barley Water for Dehydration
ImageSource: www.eastcoastdaily.com

Barley Water is actually one of the most opted for home remedies for dehydration because of the kind of impacts it has on treating the condition. Because of the fact that it is loaded with beneficial antioxidants, vitamins as well as minerals (R), this is everything one needs when finding remedies on how to treat dehydration.

The nutrients and the water content (R) helps replenish the lost hydration as well as the electrolyte balance which is quite beneficial for the cure of the condition.

What to do?

  1. Add some water to a pan and put it overheat
  2. To that, add one cup of barley and bring everything to a boil
  3. Simmer everything for 30-40 minutes to let everything infuse properly
  4. Once done, keep it in the side to cool completely
  5. Strain the liquid and drink the same

How often?

2-3 times daily

5. Coconut Water for Dehydration

Coconut Water for DehydrationIf you have been wondering how to recover from dehydration, the best and the most common remedies for dehydration that even the doctors abide by is coconut water. Coconut water has a multifaceted approach to providing immediate relief from dehydration because of the kind of nutrients that are present in it.

Two of the most common electrolytes that are in unprecedented disturbed levels in the body of the people who are dehydrated are sodium and potassium. These two electrolytes, especially potassium is found in abundance in the coconut water (R) which helps replenish the lost levels of these electrolytes.

What to do?

  • Drink the fresh coconut water (not the prepackaged ones)

How often?

Once or twice throughout the day

6. Cranberry Juice for Dehydration

Cranberry Juice for DehydrationCranberry Juice is one of the most effective remedies for dehydration, given the fact that it is loaded with not just water content but essential nutrients (R) too. Cranberries are also loaded with beneficial nutrients and electrolytes including essential sugars as well as salts that help in coping with the reduced levels of electrolytes in the body.

Drinking this ensures to instil the necessary amount of lost hydration as well as nutrients from the body naturally.

What to do?

  • Drink freshly pressed cranberry juice

How often?

1-2 times every day

7. Apple Juice for Dehydration

Apple Juice for DehydrationApple Juice is considered as one of the most beneficial remedies for immediate relief from dehydration. This is mainly because apple juice is loaded with beneficial nutrients (R) which actually do come in handy for getting rid of the condition of dehydration.

Not just that, Apple is rich in magnesium and potassium which helps restore the balance of the electrolytes in the body which is often times the major cause behind the worsened condition of the dehydration. Even studies (R) have posed apple juice as a more potent drink in comparison to the other electrolyte drinks for a restoration of the balance.

What to do?

  • Drink freshly pressed apple juice

How often?

1-2 glasses of apple juice

8. Orange Juice for Dehydration

Orange Juice for DehydrationOrange Juice, much like the apple juice does have beneficial impacts in relation to treat the condition of dehydration. If you have been seeking immediate relief from the signs and symptoms associated with the condition, it is best to opt out for this juice. Not only is it actually quite beneficial for your overall health (R), it is quite readily available too.

Oranges are loaded with beneficial Vitamin C properties as well as essential antioxidants (R) which is exactly what you need to restore the lost nutrients, electrolytes as well as the hydration from the body.

What to do?

  • Drink the freshly pressed orange juice every once in a while

How often?

1-2 glasses every day

9. Chamomile for Dehydration

Chamomile for DehydrationIf you have been wondering how a flower would even help with the condition of dehydration, you are in for a ride. Chamomile (R) is not just known for its beneficial analgesic and relaxing properties, it is also quite essentially beneficial in aiding with the condition of dehydration, mainly because of the fact that it is an amazing rehydrating agent.

Chamomile tea is an amazing way to effectively restore the lost hydration as well as nutrients (R) in the body. The nutritional benefits of the same are just what you need to combat the signs and symptoms associated with dehydration.

What to do?

  1. Pour some hot water in a cup
  2. Add the chamomile tea bag in the water and let it steep
  3. Steep for 5-10 minutes
  4. Drink it warm

How often?

Drink 2-3 cups of the tea throughout the day

10. Elderflower for Dehydration

Elderflower for Dehydration
ImageSource: www.eattheroses.wordpress.com

Elderflower (R) is actually amazing thermoregulatory properties which help in maintaining the body temperature towards the cooler range to ensure that there is no subsequent need for expelling out more water and fluids out of the body.

Once you stop sweating and the process of evaporation is seized in the body, it actually contributes to aiding in getting rid of the problems associated with excess loss of water, fluids and electrolytes from the body.

What to do?

  1. Crush the elderflowers to make a fine powder
  2. Add 1-2 teaspoon of the powder to a glass of water
  3. Drink this solution for beneficial results

How often?

Once daily

11. Bananas for Dehydration

Bananas for DehydrationWhile water and fluid account for the main loss during dehydration, often times we end up not paying heed to the loss of electrolytes which does play an equally important role in the maintenance of equilibrium in the body.

One of the most important electrolytes that are lost because of the dehydration is potassium. If you want to naturally source immediate relief from dehydration, the best way to do so is by eating a banana. Bananas are loaded with potassium (R) which is quite beneficial for combating the loss of the electrolyte.

What to do?

  • Eat 1-2 bananas to replenish the levels of potassium

How often?

Anytime throughout the day

12. Soups for Dehydration

Soups for DehydrationSoups are a classic staple when it comes to the home remedies to cure dehydration. Because of the fact that they are loaded with beneficial nutrients and the essentially required fluids, it is futile to argue why soups are considered as one of the best for the treatment for dehydration.

The electrolytes help restore the lost levels of sodium, potassium and other forms of necessary nutrients while the water and fluid content make up for the lack of hydration in the body.

What to do?

  1. Prepare some soup from scratch
  2. Drink it in equal intervals throughout the day to cope with the signs and symptoms of dehydration

How often?

During each meal

13. Homemade Oral Rehydrating Solution

Homemade Oral Rehydrating Solution
ImageSource: www.vkool.com

Oral Rehydrating Solution (R) (ORS) is yet another one of the amazing remedies for dehydration. This is primarily because it takes care of every aspect of dehydration. Dehydration is not just about restoring the levels of fluids in the body; it also corresponds to the levels of electrolytes (R) in the body.

If you have been wondering how you can make the same at home, we have that sorted for you. Sipping on this on regular intervals throughout the day actually does help in getting rid of the signs and symptoms of dehydration and helps restore the lost hydration in the body.

What to do?

  1. Take a big bowl to stir everything
  2. To the bowl, add 4 glasses of water, ½ tablespoon of salt and 4-5 tablespoon of sugar
  3. Mix everything together to form a solution
  4. Make sure there are no lumps and everything is mixed properly

How often?

Sip on this drink throughout the day

14. Pickle Juice for Dehydration

Pickle Juice for DehydrationPickle is often times an acquired taste. Not many people like the taste of it and end up despising the pungency and concentrated flavour of it. While all of it is actually true, if you are consistently suffering from dehydration and the go-to home remedies for dehydration are not working for it, opting for pickle juice can actually be a good enough option.

The excess of sodium and potassium in pickle juice actually helps balance out the lost levels of electrolytes in the body which is lost because of the dehydration. Even study has been conducted that state that consumption of pickle juice can actually be quite beneficial to provide immediate relief from dehydration.

What to do?

  • Consume 1-2 tablespoon of pickle juice

How often?

1-2 times daily, especially before a strenuous workout session

15. Yoghurt for Dehydration

Yoghurt for DehydrationYoghurt is yet another naturally occurring probiotic which aids in being one of the best ways for the treatment for dehydration. Not just that, yoghurt is also loaded with naturally occurring electrolytes which further aid in being an answer to how to recover from dehydration.

If you want something substantial that provides with beneficial impacts throughout the day, the best way to do so is by consuming yoghurt mixed with some water, salt and sugar.

What to do?

  1. Add 2-3 tablespoon of yoghurt in a glass
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1/4th teaspoon of salt
  3. Mix everything together till everything dissolves completely
  4. Top everything up with water
  5. Drink this

How often?

1-2 times daily

16. Epsom Salt Bath for Dehydration

Salt for DehydrationOne of the least known about remedies for dehydration is Epsom salt bath which actually does aid in cutting off the signs and symptoms associated with dehydration. The magnesium sulfate in the salt actually does help balance out the levels of electrolytes in the body that is often lost.

A soak in the Epsom salt bath (R) is just what you need to restore the lost fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.

What to do?

  1. Fill your bathtub with some lukewarm water
  2. Add 3-4 tablespoons of Epsom salt in it and make sure it’s dissolved completely
  3. Soak yourself in it for 15-20 minutes

How often?

3-4 times a week

17. Fruits for Dehydration

Fruits for DehydrationAnd last but not least, the best way to combat the signs and symptoms associated with dehydration is to ensure that you supplement your diet with a good amount of fruits. Fruits, for the most part, are loaded with water and essential nutrients which help keep the signs and symptoms of dehydration at bay.

Fruits like watermelon, berries, kiwis etc are loaded with water and are quite beneficial for the overall maintenance of the fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.

What to do?

  • Snack on fruits and even vegetables that are made up of water

Side Effects of Dehydration

Side effects of Dehydration
ImageSource: www.fransizlape.com

When it comes to the side effects of dehydration, there are quite a few that we definitely need to ponder on. Some of the common side effects of dehydration include:

Bad breath

This is one of the most common side effects of dehydration is halitosis or bad breath. Because of the fact that dehydration ends up causing lack of fluid and hydration in the body, it causes dry mouth, which is often times, a very common reason behind the condition of bad breath because of the lack of saliva secretion.

Cravings for Something Sweet

While there is not a proper explanation as to why it happens, it is believed that because of the lack of proper levels of the electrolytes as well as the sugar content in the body which ends up making us crave more sweets. Because of the lack of energy, it is also often believed that there is a lingering affinity towards the sweets.

Dry skin

This doesn’t need any form of separate explanation because obviously, if the levels of fluids, water and necessary electrolytes are low in the body, it is inadvertently going to end up affecting the overall quality of the skin. The lack of hydration in the body is readily reflected on one’s skin which is why people who suffer from dehydration also suffer from dry skin.


The fluid balance in the body is very beneficial for maintaining the overall homeostasis of the body which is the primary reason why it is important to ensure that you actually keep that in check. One of the most common side effects of dehydration is headaches. Severe headaches occur because of the disbalance in the electrolyte levels, which end up affecting the brain function and in turn, cause headaches.

Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are quite common side effects of dehydration, primarily because of the fact that the lack of fluid end up causing friction and impacts the normal motility and function of the muscles. The pain is a subsiding factor which gets cured once the dehydration is coped with.

How Long Does Dehydration Last?

This is a question that is quite often asked and while there is not two fixed days or time interval to the same, for the most part, it depends on how fast the remedies for dehydration are administered. If the treatment is administered within a short period of time, the effects are quite literally instantaneous and recover the problems quite easily.

In general words, the effects of the dehydration normally last from mere hours to a few days.

Dehydration is a very common phenomenon that can be caused either because of one’s health condition, whether or even because of the overall any kind of strenuous physical activity. Whatever the reason behind the same be, it is quite necessary to ensure that you administer the necessary remedies for dehydration to help recover the condition without any kind of negative implications.