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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersHeart attacks and cardiac arrest account for majority of the deaths that we witness across the world. With the kind of lifestyle that we lead, it isn’t surprising that heart palpitations are a common factor in this. The home remedies for heart palpitations help in ensuring a better heart health and a properly managed string of symptoms that you can then manage along.
If you constantly feel your heart racing around even with the minimal task done, it is best suggested that you adhere to the ways to calm down racing heart.
In here, we are going to share some of the best natural remedies for heart palpitations that can prevent the risks and help you lead a healthy life.
What does it mean when your heart is racing?

The normal heart beat of a healthy heart is around 72 beats per minutes. Given that we always don’t lead the healthiest lifestyle, the same often skirts in between 70-80 beats per minute.
When the rate of the heart beat crosses the string of normal and is beating way faster than it should, that is what you often refer to as a racing heart or heart palpitations, as many often term it as in medical terms.
It is important that you do keep certain factors in mind when it comes to defining the same.
If you feel like your heart is beating way faster than what it normally does, that’s where the problem arises from. If the condition is persistent, it is best to consult a doctor for the same.
What to do when your heart is racing?

When you are suffering from heart palpitations, chances are that you are also going to hyperventilate through the condition.
If that is something you are struggling with, it is best suggested to just find some place to sit down and calm your mind and body.
This is what helps you bring down the excessively beating heart and help you collect yourself.
You can also place a hand over your heart to feel the excessive rate of heart beat and try to soothe it down to normal.
What are the possible causes behind heart palpitations?

You would be surprised to know that experts suggest that the condition of heart palpitations or racing heart is more common than what people think it as.
Just because you have a racing heartbeat doesn’t mean the end of the world for you. This is why it is best to know of the causes behind the condition to get a better idea on the ways to stop a racing heart.
Some of the common causes responsible for heart palpitations include:
- Excessive consumption of caffeine
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Insomnia or hampered sleeping cycles
- Medication side effects
- Sudden changes in diet
- Low glucose levels in the blood
- Thyroid problems
- Heart disease
- High cholesterol levels
- High electrolyte levels
How to stop heart palpitations at home?

The home remedies for heart palpitations are quite extensive. Maintaining your heart health is key for an overall healthier lifestyle.
This is the reason why it is important that you channel your focus on finding the natural cure for the fast racing heart that you have otherwise struggled with all along.
To help you recover from the same in a progressive way, we have accumulated in all the important ways on how to calm a racing heart.
Let us take a look at some of the best ways, shall we?
1.Breathing exercises
One of the best home remedies for heart palpitations is breathing exercises, hands down. Owing to the fact that the palpitations can range from anxiety or even from being out of breath, practicing some effective breathing exercises can effectively help manage the symptoms without much efforts involved.
Simple deep breathing exercises work amazing to calm down racing heart. Additionally, the 4-7-8 breathing technique has also been found to have proven benefits in keeping the problems of racing heart in check.
Before practicing the breathing exercise, you need to ensure that you find a stable place to sit on because that is what causes the primary impacts in helping out with the condition of the heart palpitations.
Read: Box Breathing Technique – A Beneficial Requisite For Stress Management
2.Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is yet another one of the important home remedies for heart palpitations that one can tend to.
It is very important to ensure that you do find better ways to cope up with the prospect of acid reflux. The excess acid reflux is often associated with heart conditions which can end up contributing to your heart problems, for the worse.
Even though there is a very less research present around the same, majority of the people have claimed that it works efficiently.
Often times, the lack of proper stomach acids have been found to have impacts on the heart functions and digestion process.
Consuming 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar can help in leveling out the acid amount in the stomach, thus further helping out with the cause behind the racing heart and helping calm it down.
Read: What Happens When You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar In The Morning Every Day?
3.Prevent and reduce the triggers
Yet another one of the beneficial ways to stop heart palpitations is to ensure that you do reduce the intake of the trigger substances.
It is important that you do keep the triggers in check. Heart is a very fragile organ which is something that you need to pay close attention to in order to keep it functioning in the best way.
If you have been struggling all along, it is best suggested to ensure that you do reduce the triggers around, be it with the passive smoking or even with the direct consumption of the foods and the tobacco that can worsen the condition.
Read: Want to Quit Smoking – Follow These Tips
4.Essential oils
Often times, stress and anxiety are two of the most common reasons behind the condition of heart palpitations and if that is something that has been causing you trouble as well, it is important that you find effective heart palpitations treatment.
Essential oils are considered as one of the best remedies for the condition of heart palpitations. It is why it is necessary that you do find ways to infuse the same into your routine to keep your health in check and not impose any negative impacts on your heart.
Some of the essential oils like lavender and peppermint oil has been found to have amazing impacts on your health altogether.
It is very important to ensure that you find better ways to handle this and the essential oils can help with that. They help in soothing the racing heart and prevents in making the situation worse than what you expect for it to become.
Read: 14 Beneficial Essential Oils For High Blood Pressure
You wouldn’t technically realize this but meditation is considered as one of the most important and effective natural remedies for heart palpitations. More than being an on-spot treatment, this has been found to be an effective preventive measure for your overall well being.
If you have been struggling to keep things aligned for you, it is important that you do indulge in meditation. This has been found to have amazing impacts in helping with the condition of heart palpitations as it helps keep your mental health stable and in good condition all through.
Spare a few moments from your fast paced life and the rest will gradually fall into place with respect to your cardiovascular health.
Read: 20 Health Benefits Of Meditation According To Science
Bran is yet another one of the best ways to combat the problems associated with heart palpitations. If an underlying heart condition is the reason behind the constant fatigue that the heart is experiencing, bran can actually help maintain that for good.
It is rich in fiber which has been found to have amazing impacts in helping boost the heart activity.
This might not necessarily have direct impacts right when you are suffering from a racing heart but the same has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping boost one’s overall heart health.
7.Stimulate the vagal nervous pathway
Yet another one of the best ways to stop racing heart is to ensure that you stimulate the vagus nerve.
The main reason why it proves beneficial is because of the fact that the vagus nerve has direct connections of the heart to the brain. It is very important to ensure that you do look out for the ways that can help in boosting the overall prospects of the vagal nervous pathway.
If you have been struggling to keep things in place for you, it is best suggested to ensure that you do look out for the possible ways that can help you with this altogether.
Some of the best ways that can help in stimulating the vagal nervous pathway include coughing, holding down the breath and then pushing it down, gagging, meditation with chants of Om, placing a ice cold compress on the back of the neck, to name a few.
8.Check the hydration
Often times, the lack of proper levels of hydration can end up causing the problem associated with heart palpitations.
If you have been on the lookout for the best home remedies for heart palpitations, it is best suggested that you drink enough water and keep your hydration in check.
The main reason why dehydration is often regarded as a possible cause is because of the fact that your blood composition includes water.
The best way to keep the same in check is to ensure that you do drink water every time you are thirsty to keep the problems of dehydration in check.
The thicker the blood is, the harder it becomes for your heart to pump the blood, which makes it hard for the heart to keep things aligned for you. It is important that you do keep this in mind and keep your body’s hydration in check.
Read: 17 Remedies For Dehydration For Immediate Relief
9.Maintain proper levels of electrolytes
When it comes to the levels of the electrolytes, it is important that you ensure to keep them in balance. Any kind of improper electrolyte balance is often considered as a possible reason behind the condition of the heart palpitations.
If you have been looking for ways to stop heart palpitations, the best way to keep the same in balance is to ensure that you consume enough electrolytes to keep your balance in check.
Some of the best and natural ways to keep the electrolytes in check is to ensure that you enhance the consumption of bananas, avocados, spinach and even potatoes.
Read: 23 Foods With Electrolytes You Must Include In Your Diet TODAY
10.Just catch a break
If you have been looking around for the remedies for heart palpitations, just getting some rest can help in providing with the best results.
When you feel the heart starting to beat faster accompanied with the heart palpitations, it is important that you just sit down and rest. It might not seem like a lot but it does have amazing impacts in helping out with the condition even more so.
Sit down somewhere and practice some deep breathing exercises because it can actually help with this condition.
How to prevent heart palpitations?

When it comes to the preventive measures to calm down racing heart, the possibilities are quite amazing.
In order to keep your heart palpitations in check or prevent them for good, follow through some of these steps:
- Know when your panic attacks creep in
- Keep your health conditions maintained and managed
- Keep your heart health in check. Go for regular check ups
How to prevent heart palpitations when drinking alcohol?
Studies have found to have direct connections between alcohol and heart palpitations. While the condition isn’t impactful in every single one of the people but does have varying impacts which is why it is best suggested to ensure that you do look out for the signs and symptoms around.
If you already suffer from atrial fibrillations or a condition that affects the heart, it is best to avoid alcohol because of the kind of impacts it has on one’s health.
How long do heart palpitations last?

When it comes to the duration of the heart palpitations, it does depend on the condition of your heart health. There are possibilities that your heart could either be weak or even suffer from the standard conditions that can end up making it hard for you to experience.
If you have already been suffering from this, the best way to cope with this is to ensure that you indulge in some of the home remedies for heart palpitations that you have been struggling with.
The best way to indulge in the same is to ensure that you keep an eye out on the possibilities involved.
It is important that you keep an eye out on the possible signs around you.
When should you be worried?

When it comes to the point that your heart palpitations being persistent and very hard to control, that is when you look out for medical help.
If even the slightest of work is making you out of breath, that is when you need to pay close attention.
It is necessary that you look out for the triggers and do the necessary to heal.
When it comes to the home remedies for heart palpitations, the options are extensive. If you have been struggling to keep things in check when it comes to your cardiovascular health, you are in luck. It is important that you do keep an eye out on the symptoms and do the needful before it gets worse.
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