15 Home Remedies For Laryngitis – Get Rid Of Scratchy Throat


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home remedies for laryngitis

If your friends are saying that you sound like a broken record and that too for a few days, chances are that your voice box could be affected. For those wondering, the condition is known as laryngitis. It isn’t life threatening (generally) but if you want to opt for treatments, the home remedies for laryngitis do work fine.

The treatment for laryngitis is quite effective in helping with a speedy recovery. If you find that the condition persists, it is best suggested that you do focus on consulting a doctor.

To help you gauge a better cure, we have listed out some of the best natural remedies for laryngitis along with all the information that you need to know.

What is Laryngitis?

What is Laryngitis
src: www.mnn.com

Laryngitis is a condition which is characterized by the inflammation of the larynx or the voice box of an individual.

The condition can be perpetuated either because of an infection or even because of overusing or screaming or an underlying health condition that one isn’t aware of.

In this condition, it is primarily the vocal cords inside the larynx that get inflamed and cause pain and irritation. Not only is there hoarseness in the voice and the speech, the condition also does cause immense pain and a sore throat that further causes discomfort.

The condition of laryngitis can either be short termed or even long termed, as in acute or chronic, depending on the triggers behind the same.

Viral infection and vocal strain is often considered as the reasons behind this condition.

If you find that the hoarseness in your voice is very persistent and doesn’t go away even with the home remedies for laryngitis, there could be an underlying condition behind it which is why consulting a doctor is best.

What Causes Laryngitis?

What causes laryngitisWhen it comes round to the causes behind Laryngitis, the possibilities are extensive. If you attended a concert last night and screamed to your wit’s end, the impacts of the exertion will be evident in the individuals.

As we did mention before, the condition of laryngitis can either be acute or chronic, depending on the kind of causes behind the same.

If you find the symptoms lasting around for a specific time period and going away once you have administered the remedies, it is acute but several of the chronic reasons can leave behind deteriorating symptoms over the course of time.

Some of the causes behind laryngitis include:

Acute causes Chronic causes
Viral infection Smoking
Allergies Throat cancer
Bacterial infection Alcohol abuse
Thrush Acid reflux (GERD)
Inflicted injury on the throat
Sinus issues
Inhaling harsh chemicals

Symptoms of Laryngitis

Symptoms of laryngitis
src: drweil.com

With the causes covered, it is the symptoms that we need to focus on next.

The symptoms are going to help you get a better diagnosis and ensure that you don’t end up letting it stick around without any possible treatment as such.

It is very important that you emphasise your focus on through the recovery following detecting the symptoms.

Some of the common symptoms of laryngitis include:

  • Hoarseness in the voice
  • Cracked voice
  • Difficulty speaking (feeling pain and irritation)
  • Dry throat
  • Constant throat irritation
  • Sore throat
  • Dry cough

Home Remedies for Laryngitis

Home remedies laryngitisThe home remedies for laryngitis work amazingly to treat the symptoms. If you have been experiencing constant discomfort, opting for the natural cures can help with a speedy recovery.

It is very important to ensure that you do focus on opting for the right remedy for you to channel in better results.

Let us get this rolling, shall we? Scroll down.

1. Rest Your Voice First

Laryngitis - Rest your voice firstWhen it comes round to the effective cure for the condition of laryngitis, nothing works best that a good rest.

If overworking your voice is what is causing the problem, it is important that you take the time out to just step back and rest.

As we did mention, laryngitis causes inflammation to the vocal cords. So, one of the best cures is to simply just rest your voice above anything else.

It is necessary to let your vocal cords heal and resting them is one of the most common ways to do so.

Letting your voice rest eventually helps in bringing down the inflammation. This is enough to get your voice back to normal in no time if it an acute condition.

2. Keep your Throat Moistened

Laryngitis - Keep your throat moistenedDry throat can further make the condition worse when it comes around to the condition of laryngitis.

This is why one of the most common cures for laryngitis is to always keep your throat moistened and your overall body hydrated.

Hydration is key when it comes to the treatment of this condition.

Given that sore and a scratchy throat is one of the markers of this condition, the last thing you want is to make it even worse. It is important to ensure that you do focus on opting for ways to prevent the condition from seeming worse.

Chewing on gums and even sucking on a throat lozenge will keep the salivary secretions regulated, thus helping provide relief.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Laryngitis - Apple cider vinegarOwing to the fact that one of the most common causes behind laryngitis is because of the infections, apple cider vinegar can prove to be a beneficial remedy.

The potent antimicrobial (R) and the anti-inflammatory (R) properties present in the apple cider vinegar is what help in providing relief.

It helps get rid of the bacterial or the viral infections that could be causing the condition in the first place. Additionally, it also soothes the inflammation that could have been causing discomfort for you.

What to do?

  • Fill a glass with water
  • Add 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar to that
  • Add 1 tsp of honey and mix well
  • Drink this during the day

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

4. Cut Down on the Caffeine Intake

Laryngitis - Cut down on the caffeine intakeIf you tend to have the affinity of inclining towards caffeine consumption in high quantity, it is best suggested cutting it out. Excess caffeine consumption from the coffees and even the carbonated soda dehydrates the throat.

You might think it is counterintuitive to tell you to drink more herbal teas and cut out caffeine. But, the herbal teas have separate therapeutic benefits for the throat as well.

Drink more water and infused water instead of coffee till the condition is completely healed.

5. Gargle with Saltwater

Laryngitis - Gargle with salt waterYet another one of the effective home remedies for laryngitis is by gargling with warm saltwater.

This helps in soothing the throat and even brings forth better results in terms of antimicrobial (R) impacts. The salt helps in getting rid of the recurrence of the infection while keeping the throat moistened.

It is important that you keep the water lukewarm and not hot as that can cause adverse impacts.

What to do?

  • Add ½ tsp of salt to a glass of warm water
  • Mix till everything has dissolved well
  • Take a sip of the water from the glass and gargle with it
  • Do this till you run out of the glass of water

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

6. Use a Humidifier

Laryngitis - Use a humidifier
src: www.pigsback.com

Yet another one of the amazing remedies for laryngitis is by ensuring the you get rid of dry air around you.

It is important that you breathe in moistened air during the condition to help ensure the best impacts for your throat.

Humidifiers help with that by moistening the air surrounding you and better than what you realize. It is very important that you focus on getting one that covers your bedroom well.

Keep it switched on for the night and you can add in some essential oils for further help.

7. Ginger Tea

Laryngitis - Ginger teaGinger tea is yet another one of the best home remedies for laryngitis that work.

Given that your throat feels scratchy and painful as well as inflamed, the ginger tea can help provide with better relief.

It soothes the constant irritation that you have been experiencing because of the condition. Additionally, it helps to get rid of the spreading of the infection that could be further worsening the condition even more.

What to do?

  • Boil some water in a pot
  • Add a few slices of ginger to the water
  • Let it boil for 5 minutes
  • Once done, let it steep for another 5 minutes
  • Strain the liquid into a cup
  • Add 1 tsp of honey to it
  • Drink this warm

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

8. Limit your Conversation

Laryngitis - Limit your conversationLimiting your talking helps your vocal cords get the rest they need to heal properly.

If you are experiencing constant pain, just stop talking for a few hours or even a few days, if that helps. If you feel pain or discomfort while talking, don’t strain it even more.

Resting your voice and limiting conversation helps keep your voice in the best condition.

Carry around your phone and type things out, if required.

9. Drinking Tea with Lemon and Honey

Laryngitis - Drinking tea with lemon and honeyYet another one of the important natural remedies for laryngitis is by ensuring that you drink herbal teas integrated with lemon and honey.

This might not seem like much but it has amazing impacts in getting rid of the sore throat and the irritation. Additionally, it also helps ward off any signs of infection that you could be suffering with.

The lemon is loaded with beneficial antioxidant (R) properties which help boost the overall immunity of the body. The honey, on the other hand, is loaded with antimicrobial (R) properties which helps prevent the spreading of the infection.

The combination of the two with the soothing benefits of the tea is very amazing for the cure of the condition effectively.

What to do?

  • Boil some water in a pot
  • To that, add slices of lemon and boil for another 2-3 minutes
  • Once boiled, strain the liquid into a cup
  • Steep one herbal tea bag for 2-3 minutes
  • Remove the teabag and add 1 tsp of honey to it
  • Drink this warm

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

10. Honey with Holy Basil Leaves

Laryngitis - Honey with holy basil leavesHoney is yet another one of the cures for laryngitis that has beneficial impacts.

The combination of honey with the holy basil leaves have been in practice since way back in history because of the kind of beneficial impacts it has on the condition.

Manuka honey is especially recommended for the people who are suffering from sore and scratchy throat as it helps to soothe the condition.

The combination of the antimicrobial properties is what helps in better recovery of the condition.

What to do?

  • Take 1 tsp of honey and consume it
  • With that, chew on 1-2 leaves of holy basil

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

11. Stop Smoking

Laryngitis - Stop smokingSmoking can further make the condition of the laryngitis worse. If you have been looking into treatment for laryngitis, smoking is definitely something you need to step away from.

For the most part, the tobacco causes further discomfort and irritation that you don’t want to experience. If you have been looking into ways to cure the scratchy throat, the best way to do so is by avoiding smoking, if not for life, at least for the time that follows.

It is important to ensure that you do focus on abstaining from this till the throat gets better.

12. Slippery Elm Tea

Laryngitis - Slippery elm teaSlippery elm is yet another one of the natural remedies for laryngitis that work like wonders.

The slippery elm tea is made from the dried bark of the tree and has amazing benefits in helping round with the condition of the pain, irritation and the inflammation you have been experiencing.

Not only does it help with the inflammation and discomfort, it helps get rid of the infection, if that is what is causing the condition in the first place.

What to do?

  • Boil some water in a pot
  • Pour it out to a cup and then steep the slippery elm teabag
  • Let it steep for 2-3 mins
  • Add some lemon for better impacts

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

13. Eucalyptus Tea

Laryngitis - Eucalyptus tea
src: thebuddhateas.blogspot.com

Yet another one of the amazing home remedies for laryngitis that work is eucalyptus tea.

It is loaded with beneficial antioxidant (R) and anti-inflammatory (R) properties which help in getting rid of the irritation and the pain that comes along with this.

The only thing you need to ensure is to avoid consuming the same as an essential oil because that can be toxic for the body.

Given that there could be side effects, it is always best suggested to first consult a doctor and then proceed along with it.

What to do?

  • Boil some water in a pot
  • Pour some into a cup
  • Steep a eucalyptus teabag in it for 2-3 minutes
  • Add 1 tsp of honey to it if required
  • Drink this warm

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

14. Pineapple Juice

Laryngitis - Pineapple juicePineapple juice is yet another one of the effective cures for laryngitis that work. If you have been struggling to get rid of the scratchy feeling paired with the inflammation, it is best suggested that you do opt for pineapple juice.

The primary factors why this is a good option is because of the presence of the Vitamin C in it which helps boost the overall immunity.

Additionally, it is also loaded with the active compound, Bromelain, which imposes beneficial anti-inflammatory (R) properties, thus helping get down the inflammation effectively.

What to do?

  • Cut the pineapple into small pieces
  • Juice it using a juicer
  • Drink half a cup of the juice in the morning and half at night

How often?

  • Twice daily

15. Aloe Vera juice

Laryngitis - Aloe vera juiceAloe vera juice is yet another one of the amazing and effective remedy for the condition of laryngitis that works amazingly.

Apart from the fact that it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, the aloe vera juice also have beneficial impacts in helping boost the overall digestion.

The combination of the beneficial properties help get rid of the acid reflux or even the infection that could be causing the problem in the first place.

What to do?

  • Drink a tonic of the aloe vera juice
  • Do this once in the morning

How often?

  • 1-2 times daily

How to Prevent Laryngitis?

How to prevent laryngitis
src: www.health365.com.au

When it comes to the prevention methods, it is all on the kind lifestyle that you lead.

It is important that you focus on leading a healthy and active lifestyle to keep your immunity in check to prevent the problem in the first place.

  • Lead a healthy and active lifestyle
  • Rest your voice from time to time
  • Don’t overwork your voice and vocal cord

How Long Does Laryngitis Last?

How long does laryngitis last
src: www.chemist-4-u.com

Coming round to the duration of the disease, it can last for a few days or even weeks if the condition is caused because of something chronic.

For the best results, it is best suggested that you do focus on the prospects of the symptoms. If the symptoms are prevalent, you need to consult a doctor before it gets worse.

The longevity of the condition depends on the kind of impacts caused on the condition.

When To See A Doctor For Laryngitis?

When To See A Doctor For LaryngitisThe condition of acute laryngitis lasts for a few days and gets cured by its own.

It is when the symptoms are persistent that you need to worry about it. If you witness that none of the home remedies for laryngitis are working, that is when you need to opt for a doctor and get the symptoms checked out.

Chronic laryngitis can occur because of a number of reasons, smoking and alcohol consumption being the common ones.

If your symptoms get worse with the days, consult a doctor before it gets worse than before.

With all the home remedies for laryngitis, you are bound to get relief if everything is done the right way. For the most part, it is best suggested to start off the natural way and if the same doesn’t work, then consult a doctor. Be very vigil about the symptoms and if you find that they are getting worse, consult a doctor.

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The information provided on HealthSpectra.com is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on HealthSpectra.com. Read More..
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Somapika Dutta is a content developer who writes to express. She is an avid dog lover and an intrigued soul who likes to appreciate every minute existence. Touted as an introvert, she still prefers to explore things around and find inspiration in the simplest of occurrences that drive her to cultivate her capabilities further.