15 Home Remedies For Stomach Ulcers For Effective Relief


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Have you recently been feeling a burning sensation and pain through your stomach? Is the diet you are consuming a possible contributing factor to this condition altogether? Ulcers can very well be a possible reason and the home remedies for stomach ulcers have effective impacts in helping get rid of the pain and such.

There could very well be a number of reasons behind stomach ulcers, from excess food consumption to starvation as well at times. If you have been struggling with the condition all the more, it is always best suggested to find ways to relieve the condition.

By the end of this article, you will have a very clear perspective about the varying options for treatment for stomach ulcers.

What Is Stomach Ulcer?

Src: webmd.com

Often referred to as gastric ulcers as well, stomach ulcer is a condition in which there is a predominant induction of painful sores along the lining of the stomach.

It is a type of the peptic ulcer, the type in which the same affects both the stomach as well as the small intestine.

Often times, it is the depletion in the mucus layer in the stomach which causes the serosis and the possible ulcers in the stomach. When the mucus layer is depleted, it leaves the stomach lining bare and the interaction with the stomach acids have been found to have negative impacts on the stomach, causing the ulcers.

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The condition in itself is curable with the effective remedies but leaving it untreated can cause negative impacts altogether.

What Causes Stomach Ulcers?

Src: scientificanimations.com

Coming on to the causes of the stomach ulcers, the same is quite extensive. If you have been struggling to find the necessary facet that has been triggering the problem further, it is time that you do take some of them into consideration.

In here, we are going to be suggesting some of the main causes behind the condition of stomach ulcers that you possibly need to know of.

Some of them include:

  • Bacterial infection
  • Persistent and regular consumption of several of the non-steroidal medications like ibuprofen, aspirin etc.
  • Excessive smoking
  • Hyperacidity or excess secretion of stomach acids
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
  • Hypercalcemia
  • Excess alcohol consumption

What Are The Symptoms Of Stomach Ulcers?

Much like majority of the symptoms associated with the stomach conditions, even the symptoms with the stomach ulcer is more or less the same. If you have been suffering or complaining about the condition through and through, it is always best suggested to ensure that you do take the symptoms seriously and opt for the effective remedies to heal stomach ulcers.

Some of the common symptoms of stomach ulcers include:

Constant throbbing pain in the stomach

Lack of appetite because of the stomach ache

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach bloating
  • Weight loss
  • Constant burping
  • Acid reflux
  • Increasing intensity of the pain upon eating or consuming medications
  • Anemia
  • Darker colour of the stools

How To Test For Stomach Ulcers?

Src: suavv.com

While it is not possible to diagnose the condition of stomach ulcers just by yourself, it is quite possible to get the same checked out by the doctor. The only thing in your hand is to ensure that you take the time out to take the symptoms seriously instead of taking the same for granted, thinking it will go away in a few minutes or hours.

If the symptoms are persistent, it is important to consult a doctor without fail.

Barium enema

This is the most common type of diagnosis method, mainly because of the fact that it is completely a non-invasive procedure. In this procedure, the doctors suggest the patients to drink a thick white liquid which is barium.

The same does end up coating the upper section of the gastrointestinal tract along with the small intestine, providing them with a better outlook on checking the condition along. Predominantly, x-rays are done to get a better picture of the condition prevalent.


Yet another one of the most common forms of diagnosis for the condition of stomach ulcer is endoscopy. In this, a thin lighted tube is inserted through the oral opening into the stomach to get a better viewing of the condition inside. It also provides access to the first part of the small intestine as well.

This kind of test is predominantly conducted to help in the cure for stomach ulcers and also get a better look into the prospect of any kind of lesion, bleeding or any other abnormality in the stomach lining and the associated area around.

Additionally, along with this process, an endoscopic biopsy is also done in which a part of the stomach tissue is extracted for further lab testing.

How To Treat Stomach Ulcers Naturally?

When it comes to the ways to get rid of stomach ulcers, the possibilities are quite extensive and effective at the same time.

Given that our diet does play quite an important role in the prospect of the induction of this condition, it has been seen time and time that the remedies for the condition do pan out amazingly too.

If you have been looking around for the home remedies, we do have quite a vivid list for you to take a look through.

1. Bioflavonoids

Src: draxe.com

Our body does require all the necessary nutrients to have a streamlined functioning. If you have been struggling along finding effective sources of bioflavonoids, they are actually found in a number of food sources. It does go without saying that if you want to get pain relief from stomach ulcers, bioflavonoids is actually an amazing way to cure it.

If your stomach ulcers are predominantly caused by the bacterial infection inflicted by the H. pylori bacteria, the consumption of bioflavonoids (R) can actually come a lot in handy because it helps fight off the same.

They have been found to have beneficial impacts in protecting the inner lining if the stomach, thus helping the ulcers to effectively heal altogether. Just, ensure that you consume the same in consideration and not go ham with the same.

Some of the best sources include:

  • Soybeans
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Legumes
  • Green tea

2. Cabbage Juice

Src: organicfacts.net

Yet another one of the home remedies for stomach ulcers include the cabbage juice whose impacts date back to a long time ago.

The primary reason why it is a potent cure is mainly because of the fact that it is loaded with Vitamin C (R) which has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping warding off the impacts associated with the impacts of the bacterial infection that cause the condition of ulcers.

Not just that, even in some of the conducted animal studies (R), it has been found that the cabbage juice does have amazing and beneficial impacts in helping treat the condition of stomach ulcers effectively.

The only point of concern with all the conducted studies is the fact that there is no placebo with the studies, thus making it harder to deduce whether or not it was the cabbage juice that made the difference or it was something else.

3. Probiotics

Src: foodnetwork.com

The H. pylori bacteria which are often the primary causative agent behind the induction of the bacterial infection and the stomach ulcers can be effectively treated with probiotics.

Probiotics are the live organisms which help in boosting the overall gut health of an individual. It has also been found to help maintain the bacterial balance in the digestive tract as well. The consumption of the probiotics have been found to have better impacts in helping to heal stomach ulcers at a rapid pace.

It is always best to derive your probiotics from the natural food sources like that of yogurt and the other fermented foods like kimchi etc. If you can’t find them handy, the probiotic supplements work just fine as well.

4. Onions

Listen, onions might end up causing bloating and gas in your stomach but in the long run for relieving pain from stomach ulcers, they are actually quite a good enough option altogether that one can opt for.

It has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping reduce the risks associated with gastritis and cure the condition of the stomach ulcer, thus preventing the alarming risk associated with stomach cancer in the long run.

Be cautious of how you are eating your onions. It is best suggested to stick to the raw version of it and add it to salads and such because that is what helps in healing the condition from within.

5. Cut down on the spice

While the majority of the people before did think and blame the spicy food as a causative agent behind the condition of stomach ulcers, the studies have found that the same has got little to no doing in the condition.

If you have been suffering through and through with the condition of pain and burning feeling following consumption of a spicy meal, it is best that you cut down on that for the betterment of your own gut.

Try and ensure that you don’t impose any excess negative implications or make the condition of your stomach worse by consuming spicy food alongside.

6. Licorice roots

Src: zliving.com

The benefits and usage of licorice dates back way back in time and has been used in the field of alternative medicine time and time out. It has been touted to have beneficial ulcer preventing properties, making it one of the best home remedies for stomach ulcers.

The main reason why it is effective in mainly because of the fact that it has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping boost the intestine and stomach to increase their mucus production (R) that helps in lining the stomach to prevent any kind of issues with the acidic interactions altogether.

The mucus lining helps in protecting the stomach and at the same time helps in boosting the overall healing process further. The only thing to do is to ensure that you consult a doctor for the same before starting with this specific remedy.

7. Honey

You wouldn’t technically realize this but honey (R)  has actually been found to have beneficial impacts in helping ward off the problem associated with the treatment for stomach ulcers.

Not only does it have potent antibacterial properties (R) which help control the growth of the H. pylori growth, it has also been found to have beneficial impacts in having rich variants of polyphenols and antioxidants as well.

If you aren’t diabetic and have no complaints with the blood sugar levels as such, it is best suggested to ensure that you do opt-out for honey to keep the condition of stomach ulcers in check.

8. Garlic

The beneficial impacts of garlic don’t require a separate introduction. The combination of beneficial antibacterial and antioxidant properties have been found to have amazing impacts in helping recover from the condition of stomach ulcers caused because of the bacterial infections.

Not only are they effective in relieving pain from stomach ulcers, they have also been found to prevent the induction of the condition in the first place.

In a conducted study (R) With several participants, it was found that the consumption of 2 cloves of raw garlic for three days straight was found beneficial in maintaining the condition of the bacterial interaction inside the gut.

It also helps boost the overall immunity, thus preventing the condition even more so.

9. Plantain

You wouldn’t technically realize this but raw bananas or plantain, as it is often known as, has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping cure for stomach ulcers effectively.

The main reason behind the same is because of the presence of leucocyanidin (R) which is a type of flavonoid. This has been found to have better impacts in helping boost the secretion of mucus, which further builds a protective layer around, thus helping in boosting the overall prospect of stomach ulcers altogether.

Additionally, it has also been found to have beneficial impacts in helping reduce the acidity in the stomach, thus helping in boosting the recovery process even more so.

10. Aloe Vera

It is not unknown that aloe vera does have a plethora of beneficial impacts on the body. The juice of aloe vera has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping get rid of stomach ulcers and the pain that it brings along.

If you have an inflamed stomach lining or other issues that has been causing disruption to the inner lining of the stomach, aloe vera is actually an effective remedy for getting rid of the condition for good.

The consumption of the aloe vera juice helps in soothing the stomach and the anti-inflammatory properties further help in relieving the condition even more so.

11. Consume more fiber

If you have been suffering from constant complains of stomach pain and such, it is always best suggested to ensure that you take your time out to consume more fiber and add in more unrefined food sources to your diet.

Adding in more fiber and protein to the diet has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping the stomach lining from being eroded or attacked along by the stomach acid or any other factor, for that matter.

If you are planning on upping the fiber content in your diet, switch to food sources like spinach, cabbage, broccoli etc.

12. Cranberry

Cranberry has been found to have amazing impacts in helping treat not just the ulcers but the bout of urinary infections as well.

For stomach ulcers, cranberry has been found to have beneficial impacts in helping beat off any form of bacterial infection inflicted in this.

The main reason how it inflicts positive changes is because of the presence of the proanthocyanidins in them which are also a form of flavonoids.

13. Mastic

Mastic is nothing but the sap from the tree under the same name. It is predominantly found in the Mediterranean. It has potent antibacterial properties which is what is regarded as the primary remedy for this condition.

The reason (R) why it is considered as one of the best home remedies for stomach ulcers is mainly because of the fact that it helps ward off the growth and proliferation of the H. pylori bacteria.

There does need to be more studies conducted with this to find out the efficacy of this specific home remedy and see whether or not it actually is good enough.

14. Turmeric

The impact and the therapeutic benefits of the turmeric doesn’t require any kind of introduction. It has been used as a medicinal herb since way back in history mainly because of the kind of impacts it has.

The active compound in the turmeric, Curcumin, has been found to have beneficial anti-inflammatory as well as antibacterial properties which has been found to have amazing impacts in helping ward off the issues associated with the bacterial infection causing the condition of the stomach ulcer altogether.

Several studies conducted on the same have found the beneficial impacts of the turmeric in fighting off the H. pylori bacteria altogether.

15. Chamomile

Yet another one of the effective home remedies for stomach ulcers is that of the chamomile. It has anti-inflammatory properties which have been found to have beneficial impacts in helping ward off the condition all the more.

Even in a conducted review study, it was found that chamomile has beneficial anti-ulcer properties which help in warding off the risks associated with the condition of stomach ulcers.

There need to be more studies conducted around the same to help deduce a better outlook around the same even more so.

How To Prevent Stomach Ulcers?

There are a number of factors behind the reasons for stomach ulcers. If you have been struggling with the pain and the discomfort for a long period of time now, it is important for you to understand that the remedies need to be administered.

But, isn’t it always better to prevent the condition rather than waiting for it to occur and then find a possible cure?

Some of the best preventive measures for stomach ulcer include:

  • Be cautious of the foods you are consuming. If something is irritating your stomach, it is always best to not rely on it
  • Quit smoking
  • Cut down on the alcohol consumption
  • Rely on ways to manage your stress levels in the body

The home remedies for stomach ulcers are quite effective in curing the condition without much of repercussions. If you have been planning on doing the same, it is always best suggested to ensure that you do find effective ways to get the condition in control. If everything fails, it is always important to consult a doctor for the condition and get the signs and symptoms checked out.