17 Top Home Remedies for Yeast Infection


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Yeast Infection
ImageSource: medicalnewstoday.com

Any infection, particularly if it is associated with symptoms like burning or itching ruins the day-to-day activities. It is very much applicable for fungal infections like yeast infection as the symptoms are even more troublesome.

Especially, yeast infections may become highly bothersome when the symptoms like itching, burning sensation, inflammation, etc flare up. Hence, it becomes imperative to get rid of the yeast infection with timely and effective treatment. Read through this HealthSpectra post to get into details of treatment and home remedies for yeast infections.

What Is Yeast Infection or Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Yeast, a type of fungus, cause vaginal yeast infection. It causes itching, burning sensation, discharge, pain during intercourse and urination. Vaginal yeast infection can also be referred to as yeast vaginitis, Candidal vulvovaginitis, or Candidal vaginitis. Candida is the scientific name of the yeast that causes vaginitis.

  • Candida Albicans is the main cause for the most vaginal yeast infections.
  • Vaginal yeast infections are common and can affect up to 75% women at some time in life.
  • Although yeast infection cannot be categorized as a sexually-transmitted-disease, a woman can transmit a yeast infection to her male sex partner.
  • Treatment for yeast infection in both women and men involves antifungal medications.
  • To keep yeast infections at bay, women have to keep the vaginal area dry, besides avoiding chemicals. Probiotic consumption may also help.

Causes of Yeast Infection:

Candida Albicans is the cause for vaginal yeast infections in 90% cases. Remaining yeast infections are caused by other Candida species.

Women already have candida in the vagina, without symptoms. It develops into infection only when the balance of bacteria and yeast are disturbed, which leads to yeast overgrowth.

  • Yeast infections can also occur when there happens an injury to the inner vagina, after chemotherapy.
  • Women with suppressed immune systems can also develop yeast infections.
  • When new yeast is introduced into the vaginal area, chances are that yeast infections develop.
  • Even in the cases of pregnancy, diabetes, and usage of oral contraceptives, yeast infections develop.
  • Women with more risk of developing yeast infection are those receiving chemotherapy for cancer or those taking steroid medications.

To avoid the chances of vaginal yeast infections, wear cotton underwear or underwear with cotton crotch. Avoid tight-fitting pants, prolonged wearing of wet bathing suits

Symptoms of Yeast Infections Include:

Major symptoms of vaginal yeast infections include thick, odourless, white vaginal discharge. It looks in the cottage-cheese-like consistency. Other symptoms include:

  • Irritation
  • Burning
  • Itching in the genital area
  • Pain during urination and intercourse
  • Soreness
  • Redness
  • Swelling

How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection?

Accurate diagnosis is needed to treat the yeast infection as the discharge can be released in case of other infections too. The doctor may suggest a test in the laboratory like a culture test or microscopic examination under to identify the yeast organisms. Thus, the tests help rule out other causes for vaginal discharge like bacterial vaginosis or other sexually-transmitted diseases.

Get Rid of Yeast Infection-Yeast Infection
ImageSource: nexusnewsfeed.com

Treatment for Yeast Infection:

Treatment may not be required for a mild vaginal yeast infection and it may go away on its own. In case of the mild symptoms wait and see if they disappear soon. Or try treating them with an over-the-counter antifungal medicine if you are sure of a yeast infection to get itch relief for yeast infection.

Note: Remember that the yeast infections are complications that accompany other conditions too like pregnancy. Do not try OTCs if you are pregnant.

In case the symptoms of the yeast infection are not subsiding in a few days or getting even more severe, it needs immediate medical attention. Some yeast infections or a few candidiasis types may lead to complicated health problems, if left untreated. Most of the time, treatment involves oral or topical antifungal medications.

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Check Out These Effective Remedies For Yeast Infection That Work.

Home Remedies for Yeast Infection:

  1. Epsom Salt for Yeast Infection
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar for Yeast Infection
  3. Yogurt for Yeast Infection
  4. Baking Soda Bath for Yeast Infection
  5. Boric Acid for Yeast Infection
  6. Cranberry Juice for Yeast Infection
  7. Garlic for Yeast Infection
  8. Ginger for Yeast Infection
  9. Grapefruit Seed Extract for Yeast Infection
  10. Green Tea for Yeast Infection
  11. Lemon Juice for Yeast Infection
  12. Aloe for Yeast infection
  13. Coconut Oil for Yeast Infection
  14. Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infection
  15. Orengo Oil for Yeast Infection
  16. Castor Oil for Yeast Infection
  17. Calendula for Yeast Infection

1. Epsom Salt for Yeast Infection:

Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate that can treat yeast infection. Usually, Epsom salt bath is practiced to get rid of yeast infection.

How To Use: 

  • Add 2 cups of Epsom salt to the warm water in a tub and swirl.
  • Soak in water for 15 minutes. Repeat three times a week.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar for Yeast Infection:

The antifungal properties of apple cider vinegar makes it an incredible ingredient to get rid of stubborn yeast infection. All-day relief from that bothersome yeast itching could be achieved by a glass of warm water with apple cider vinegar.

How To Use: 

  • Mix 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and drink it.
  • Repeat three times a day.

3. Yogurt for Yeast Infection:

Yogurt comes in handy to get away with yeast infection. Lactobacillus, the good bacteria present in the yogurt, can be gulped or even applied topically on the affected site.

How To Use: 

  • Slip a little yogurt on the vaginal. Do not push further into it.
  • Leave for an hour and then wash off with lukewarm water.

4. Baking Soda Bath for Yeast Infection:

The anti-inflammatory and the anti-fungal properties of the baking soda helps cure yeast infection.

How To Use: 

  • Add some baking soda to the warm water bathtub and swirl.
  • Soak in water for 15 minutes. Repeat three times a week.

[Read More: Benefits and Warnings of Baking Soda Bath]

5. Boric Acid for Yeast Infection:

The antifungal and the antiviral properties of boric acid makes it a good home remedy to treat yeast infection.

How To Use: 

  • Fill some gelatin capsules with boric acid and close it.
  • Place these capsules in the vagina before going to bed.
  • Repeating for 10 to 12 days cures the yeast infection thoroughly.

6. Cranberry Juice for Yeast Infection:

Cranberry juice is known to eliminate urinary tract infections.

How To use: 

  • Drink 2oz yeast cranberry juice a day for thrice a week.

[Read More @ How to Cure Yeast infection with Cranberry]

7. Garlic for Yeast Infection:

Garlic is the best home remedy for yeast infection, particularly it shows strong antifungal activity against the Candida species.

How To use: 

  • Crush and grind 2 to 3 garlic cloves to make a paste.
  • Apply it on the affected area for 10 minutes and rinse away.

8. Ginger for Yeast Infection:

Ginger extract can help inhibit the growth of Candida Albicans. Ginger can indeed be used as an antifungal medication.

How To use: 

  • Grate ginger and chop it into fine slices.
  • Consume the pieces now and then.

9. Grapefruit Seed Extract for Yeast Infection:

An alternative treatment for the yeast infection is grapefruit seed extract, It is good for antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral property.

How To Use:

  • Apply 100 milligrams (capsule) or 5 to 10 drops if yeast extract thrice a day.

10. Green Tea For Yeast Infection:

Anti-oxidants in the green tea help strengthen the immune system of the body and fight yeast infection. Green tea quickly eliminates the yeast of the body.

How To Use:

  • Steep green tea for a few minutes in hot water, add honey and lemon.
  • Refrigerate the tea bag and place it on the affected area for 10 min.
  • Also, drink 2 to 3 cups of herbal tea.

11. Lemon Juice for Yeast Infection:

Water can flush out the unwanted substances out of the body. Lemon is effective against yeast.

How To Use:  

  • Add half juice of lemon, first thing in the morning.
  • Try it every day until the infection subsides.

12. Aloe for Yeast infection:

Coolness of aloe gel can ease inflammation, irritation affected area. Antiseptic agents like aloe gel inhibit the bacterial and fungal growth.

How To Use:

  • Extract aloe gel from a leaf.
  • Apply as a thin layer over the affected area. Let it dry and then rinse off.
Aloe for Yeast infection- Yeast Infection
ImageSource: naturalnews.com

Essential Oils for Yeast Infection

13. Coconut Oil for Yeast Infection:

Virgin coconut oil is the best to treat yeast infection. The medium-chain fatty acids of coconut oil have antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.

How To use: 

  • Wash and dry the affected area.
  • Apply a thin layer of coconut oil over the area and leave it. Repeat twice a day.

14. Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infection:

Soak an organic cotton tampon in 3 drops of tea tree oil diluted in warm water.

How To use: 

  • Mix tea tree oil with honey and apply the mixture on the affected area.
  • Leave it overnight. Rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat thrice a week.

15. Orengo Oil for Yeast Infection:

Oregano oil halts the progression of the yeast infection. The phenolic components present in the orengo oil exert fungicidal effects on the yeast.

How To use: 

  • Add 2 drops of orengo oil to the water and drink in some time.
  • You can increase the dose of oils to upto six drops per glass of water.

16. Castor Oil for Yeast Infection:

Consumption of castor oil offers cleansing effect to clear out semi-dead candida cells. This essential oil can be used for vaginal yeast infections.

How To Use:

  • Castor oil can be consumed when mixed with water.
  • Alternatively, castor oil can be applied as a thin area in the vaginal yeast infections.

17. Calendula for Yeast Infection:

Calendula officinalis can help soothe the affected skin areas due to yeast infections.

How To Use: 

  • Apply calendula lotion or cream over the infected area.
  • Leave for 10 minutes and then wash off.

Other essential oils like Doterra oil, lavender oil and olive oil all are effectively used to treat yeast infection. Like other essential oils, apply any of them over the infected area with yeast. Ensure to dilute the essential oils before applying as some may be too strong.

In conclusion, yeast infections can be effectively treated with several home remedies. It can affect both men and women. Infected females can transmit this fungal infection to their male sexual partners.


1. What Does a Yeast Infection Look Like?

A. Itching and vaginal irritation are the major signs of yeast infection that causes swelling, redness, or itching in the vulva. It may also release a thick, white discharge that is usually odorless and looks like cottage cheese. However, the discharge may also smell like yeast or bread.

2. How Long Does a Yeast infection last?

A. The treatment for yeast infection depends on its the extent of infection. Mild yeast infection does not require treatment but goes away on its own in some days, whereas severe infections requires effective treatment and longer time to get cured. However, in general, medication would be prescribed by the doctor that lasts for two weeks.

3. Is Yeast Infection Contagious? 

A. The yeast infections are not considered under the category of sexually transmitted diseases as they can occur even in sexually inactive women. However, they can be transmitted to the male partner from the female through the skin to skin contact.

4. Do Men Get Yeast Infection?

A. Yes, even men get the yeast infection.

5. Can Anyone Get Yeast Infection During Pregnancy?

A. Immunity levels during pregnancy are low and hence, the chances for the yeast infections to flare is high during this phase.

6. How Serious is Yeast Infection?

A. If the symptoms are severe like swelling, redness, and itching, it is a complicated yeast infection that can lead to cracks, sores and tears. In case, you have 4 or more yeast infections in a year, the causative agent is a type of Candida but not particularly Candida Albicans.