8 Effective Natural Home Remedies For Asthma Relief


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control asthma
ImageSource: www.ebpcooh.org.uk

Asthma is a common disease that is seen in people of all age groups. It is a disease that affects the airways that carry air to and from the lungs. The inner walls of asthmatic airways are swollen or inflamed in the case of asthma. This swelling or inflammation makes the airways sensitive or irritated. Inflammation makes the airways narrower and less air passes through them, leading to the condition of breathing issue called asthma. Read on to learn the ways to deal with asthma and tips to follow when suffering with asthma.

What Is Asthma?

According to medical definition, asthma is a respiratory condition marked by attacks of spasm in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. It is usually connected to allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity. Major types of asthmas are listed below. Asthma is generally experienced during early morning time, evenings and night.

Types of Asthma Include:

Allergic asthma – It is the most common asthma type where an allergy sets off an asthma flare up. While the list of allergens is endless, some of them are mold, roaches, pollens and pet dander.

  1. Asthma Without Allergies – An upper respiratory infection (cold, flu, and rhinovirus) sets off asthma in some people (not due to allergies).
  2. Exercise Induced Asthma – Any physical exertion or sport can leads to coughing asthma. It may generally be observed during winters.
  3. Aspirin Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD) – Triggered by aspirin, AERD shows up symptoms like sneezing, stuffy nose, wheezing and difficulty breathing.
  4. Cough variant – Characterized by a dry hacking cough, cough variant can occur while asleep or asleep. It equally affects adults and children.
  5. Occupational Asthma – It occurs when some factor (like chemical irritant) at work is the leading cause of asthma.

Continue reading to know the reasons and symptoms linked to asthma.

Causes and Symptoms Of Asthma:

The most common cause for asthma include exposure to allergens or irritants like pollen, ragweed, animal danger or dust mites. Other irritants that can cause asthma are strong odors, chemical fumes, smoke.

Among other causes are exposure to respiratory illness or a lung infection; physical display of strong emotions with the potential to affect normal breathing patterns. Several studies have linked strong emotions with the constriction of the bronchial tubes, worsening the attack.

General Causes Of Asthma Are

  • Allergies
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Environmental factors
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Genes
  • Airway hyperactivity

Major triggers for asthma include:

  • Infections like cold, sinusitis, and flu
  • Allergens and irritants
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Heavy exercises
  • Whether conditions
  • Strong emotions
  • Some medications

Most common symptoms experienced by the patients suffering from asthma are

  • Breath difficulty
  • Coughing
  • Chest tightness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing (a whistling sound in the chest while breathing).

Apart from these symptoms, common cold settling in the chest can be observed in children with asthma. In short, the symptoms of pediatric asthma can range from nagging cough to scary breathing emergencies.

When Do These Symptoms Show Up In Asthma Patients?

Any of the asthma symptoms can appear at any time. However, mild episodes may last for just few minutes and could be quickly resolved with medication, but severe episodes can last from as long as a few hours to days.

People with asthma also experience significance stress as it is the major cause of absence to work and school. The medical condition can affect the personโ€™s livelihood, emotional well-being, education, etc. Some may also get into depression if they are unable to participate in the normal day-to-day activities due to the uncomfortable medical condition.

If left untreated, symptoms of asthma can become serious. Visit your doctor for diagnosis and timely treatment. It will help you develop an action plan to deal with the chronic respiratory disease.

Symptoms Show Up In Asthma Patients
ImageSource: www.inlifehealthcare.com

How to Get Rid Of Asthma?

Medication is required to keep asthma at bay. Necessary treatment include bronchodilators and corticosteroids. The best way is to find out the cause for the asthma trigger and to stay away from it like staying away from certain foods, cold climate etc.

Ways to Control Asthma Naturally

1. Yoga for Asthma

Yoga for AsthmaYoga considers the main cause for asthma as the digestive disorders and allergens. When the food we eat doesnโ€™t get digested properly, toxic juices are produced in the system, which can cause an obstruction in the respiratory tract that results in the state of breathlessness. Yoga can help prevent such issues without the use of drugs.

For example, with sirasasana, lungs can gain the power to resist such attacks. Sarvangasana can help improve respiration and treat bronchial problems. Thus with regular practice, different asanas can help deal better with asthma.

Different asanas can help you do better with asthma when done regularly.

2. Ayurveda for Asthma

Ayurveda for AsthmaAllergies and bronchial asthma have become common among adults, children and aged people. Unhealthy lifestyle, uncontrolled pollution, and rapid industrialization are all the causes. Ayurvedic herbal supplements and natural remedies and dietary treatments work well in dealing with this condition. During asthma the patient may slip into extreme agony, perceives darkness, feels thirst and becomes motionless. To treat asthma ayurvedic tips to follow, are:

  • Panchakarma may be useful for asthmatics.
  • Chewing the fruit chebulic myroblan at night may be good for asthma.
  • Arjuna bark may be helpful in treating it.
  • Euphorbia may be good for easing breathing.
  • Aniseed may be very helpful.
  • Garlic may reduce asthmatic severity.
  • Ginger may also be useful for asthma.

3. Homeopathy For Asthma

Homeopathy For AsthmaHomeopathy can show a positive impact on asthma. It is also safe for children with this respiratory condition as it can help avoid medications like steroids. The medicines help fight allergens like pollen grains, dust, and other pollutants. Some homeopathy remedies are:

  • Phosphorous may be good for breathlessness.
  • Pulsetila may help breathing and helpful in preventing suffocation and asthma attack.
  • Carbo vegitable may relieve chest congestion and spasmodic asthma.
  • Natrum Mur may treat aggravated problems.
  • Spongia tosta is prescribed for rattling asthma.
  • Nux vomica is for chest congestion.
  • The most common medicines used for asthma are Lachesis, sulfur, ignatia, hepar-sulph, and tuberculinum.

4. Naturopathy for Asthma Control

Naturopathy for Asthma ControlAsthma is an allergic condition and the most troublesome respiratory disease. Patients suffering appear to be gasping for breath. Modern science has not been able to find medicine for this disease. The following cure and treatments are suggested to prevent, control and cure asthma, asthmatics and bronchitis.

  • The patient should be given enema for cleaning the colon and prevent auto- intoxication.
  • Wet pack on the chest may relieve congestion of the lungs.
  • Hip bath, hot foot bath, and chest pack all may relieve the congested lungs. Use warm drinking water before and after a meal.
  • 1\2 teaspoon bishopโ€™sweed + buttermilk twice day may be an effective remedy for asthma.
  • Gooseberry + honey may provide instant relief.
  • Early stages of asthma may be cured by giving boiled garlic with milk.
  • Ginger tea with garlic cloves may relieve from the symptoms.
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder with 1 glass of milk may be effective.

5. Diet for Asthma

Diet for AsthmaChew food slowly and keep calm while eating. Avoid fullness in the chest by eating little several times. Follow diet as per the COPD guidelines. Practice the below listed diet tips:

  • Include green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and herbs in the regular diet.
  • Add onions to food as they are rich in anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Pick citrus fruits with the power to fight asthma.
  • Vegetarian food may be always a good option.
  • Foods rich in vitamin-A and vitamin-E can help.
  • Flavonoids of apples may reduce inflammation.
  • Consume minimum amounts of carbohydrate protein and fat.

The more home remedies that might help control asthma. A few of them listed below may help prevent it too. Check below for more home remedies to cure asthma.The above suggestions may help you control asthma and may prevent it too. Taking a proper diet and practicing yoga and taking medication may help.

Home Remedies for Asthma:

Some effective home remedies can relieve asthma symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and breathlessness. To be safe, check with your doctor before practicing these natural remedies for asthma.

1. Garlic For Asthma:

As asthma is an inflammatory disease, garlic works well in relieving asthma symptoms.

How To Use:

The combination of garlic and milk is a good remedy. Or regularly include garlic in the foods you prepare and consume it in some way.

Garlic For Asthma
ImageSource: www.steptohealth.com

2. Honey For Asthma:

Honey helps heal the inner linings of the organs like stomach, pancreas and lungs by tonifying, soothing and nourishing them. Research suggest that consumption of 2 spoons honey before bed can help lubricate airways, besides easing cough.

How To Use:

Combination of bitter gourd, honey and basil leaves may bring a good result to patients. Honey can be taken mixed with warm water. Alternatively, consumes basil mixed with honey in the morning, for relief from the asthma symptoms.

3. Ginger For Asthma:

Ginger is known for its health benefits. As per a study presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference, ginger compounds when added to isoproterenol, forms a type of asthma medication called a beta-agonist. This helps enhance its bronchodilating effects.

How To Use:

Carrot and spinach juice to which a dash of ginger added, may provide relief. Alternatively, prefer ginger recipes for meal.

4. Turmeric For Asthma:

Turmeric For Asthma
ImageSource: www.naturallivingideas.com

Turmeric works in many ways to cure asthma. It helps dilate blood vessels, allows better air-flow, relaxes muscle spasms, restores breathing patterns, thins the blood, and relieves asthmatic inflammation.

How To Use:

Start with mixing 1/4 teaspoon turmeric in warm milk four times daily. Double the dosage when you donโ€™t see any improvement within 10 to 14 days.

5. Coffee for Asthma:

Caffeine present in coffee is similar to theophylline, a bronchodilator drug. The drug is ideally prescribed to open up the airways in the lungs, thus relieving the asthma symptoms.

6. Onions for Asthma:

Sulphur-rich onions helps decrease lung inflammation. Particularly, raw onions are the best to clear congested airways and improve breathing. Even other symptoms like wheezing can be improved with the consumption of onions.

7. Lemon For Asthma:

Lemon juice may be a good natural remedy for asthma. It considers anything that enters the lungs as an allergen that may provoke an asthma attack and fights with them. Always use fresh lemons to make lemonade.

8 Essential Oils for Asthma

8 (a). Eucalyptus Oil For Asthma:

Inhalation of eucalyptus oil and may other essential oils may open up airways. Even the lavender oil can bring relief through inhalation. These essential oils not just prevent asthma attack but help patients avoid side effects from allergy shots or other medications. Lavender is by far the most widely studied and used essential oil for asthma.

8 (b). Fish Oil For Asthma:

Fish oil consumption may help relieve mild asthma symptoms. But in patients who use high doses of oral steroids for severe asthma treatment, the omega-3 fatty acids are not very effective as the corticosteroids block the beneficial effects.

8 (c). Coconut Oil For Asthma:

Coconut Oil For Asthma
ImageSource: www.choice.com.au

Coconut oil is a natural anti-fungal and anti-viral agent. It can fight the candida asthmatics and is anti-inflammatory, reducing the GI tract inflammation. It can also reduce the chance of the inflammation of the lungs.

How To Use:

Use coconut oil in preparing dishes, regularly as a way to consume it.

8 (d). Black Seed Oil for Asthma:

The phytochemicals present in the black seed oil can produce the same result as modern synthetic anti-allergic drugs, according to the research. Especially, the anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects of the black seed oil help reduce the intensity of the asthma symptoms.

Similarly, other essential oils like the peppermint oil, tea tree oil, mustard oil, etc have several amazing properties and act as natural remedies to cure asthma.

Other measures or tips that can be taken to lessen the asthma attacks include:

  • Switching to a healthier diet as foods containing gluten, yeast, and sugar may be the culprits.
  • Trying certain herbal supplements or vitamins.
  • Go for the low glycemic index protein diet like fruits, vegetables, and nuts to see if this makes a difference.
  • Making necessary lifestyle changes like staying away from dust or smoke, quitting smoking and keeping away from passive smoking too.
  • In case of sensitivity to certain medicines like aspirin, avoid those.
  • Taking inhaled broncodilator medication to open airways at least fifteen minutes before exercise.
  • Increase exposure to morning sun and vitamin D levels.

To conclude, asthma can be managed effectively with proper lifestyle. Ensure to take necessary safety measures to treat, cure and even prevent the chance of developing asthma. Several simple, yet effective home remedies can help treat asthma and offer quick relief from the asthma symptoms. Stay informed and live Healthy!


1. What Helps Asthma Without An Inhaler?

A. Things to do when you have an asthma attack and do not have an inhaler with you.

  1. Sit upright.
  2. Take long, deep breaths.
  3. Stay calm.
  4. Get out of the area that has triggering agents.
  5. Consume hot caffeinated beverage.
  6. Seek immediate medical help.

2. What Not To Eat When You Have Asthma?

A. As your diet contributes to asthma symptoms, try no to include foods that stimulate asthma like fatty fish, berries, green vegetables, fast food, wine, instant soups, dried fruits, potatoes, mushrooms, and cheese.