10 Remedies To Stop Snoring Naturally At Home


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Remedies To Stop Snoring Naturally

Does your loud snoring force your partner to wake you up during the night? Or have you slept through the entire night and woken up feeling worn out? More than just a bothersome noise, snoring can cause sleep disturbances, strained relationships, and even indicate underlying health problems. Ignoring snoring, whether it’s a minor issue or a chronic one, can result in exhaustion, drowsiness during the day, and even a higher risk of heart disease.

The good news is that stopping snoring doesn’t require costly devices or medical procedures. Easy, natural solutions can facilitate better breathing, open airways, and encourage restful sleep.

This article will discuss 10 natural ways to reduce snoring that work well at home.

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What is Snoring?

Snoring occurs when improper air intake and outflow during sleep cause loud, noisy, and rattling breathing. Your throat narrows, your tongue slides back, and your throat muscles automatically relax as you go to sleep.

Your airway may narrow more severely if something blocks the free passage of air at the back of your mouth and nose, such as tonsillitis, sinus infections, or nasal polyps. Vibrations in the lax throat muscles produce the snoring sound.

While snoring does not always indicate a medical illness, it may indicate sleep apnea, a severe sleep disorder. Loud snoring followed by a brief silence due to a respiratory absence is a sign of sleep apnea. Another loud sound, like a snort, follows, and then the snoring starts up again.

Snoring is a regular occurrence. Up to 45% of adults snore occasionally, and 25% snore nearly constantly. Snoring is very common in men than in women.

What Causes Snoring?

What Causes Snoring

Snoring is a condition in which an individual makes hoarse sounds during sleep because the air flows past the relaxed tissues in the throat, causing vibrations while breathing. While this problem can affect individuals more or less throughout their lives, if it is chronic, you need to opt for some remedies or consult a doctor to trace the leading cause behind the problem.

Some of the common causes behind snoring include:

Poor Muscle Tone: When you sleep, your throat and tongue muscles may relax too much, narrowing your airway. Aging, alcohol consumption, sleep aid use, and certain medical disorders can all cause muscle weakness.

Sleep Aids and Alcohol: These drugs can disrupt the brain’s capacity to control respiration and sleep cycles. Drinking or using a sleeping aid can also relax the muscles in the throat.

Sleep Position: When you sleep on your back, the soft palate and base of your tongue may press against the back of your throat, obstructing ventilation.

Sleep Deprivation and Position: Lack of sleep and consistent fatigue also often contribute to snoring, mainly because they relax the throat muscles, preventing air obstruction and causing vibration that we hear as snores.

Nasal Problems: Conditions like deviated septum or even chronic nasal congestion end up causing you to snore loudly. There is not much to discuss; the difference in the shape and size of the nasal structure often contributes to snoring.

Obesity: Being overweight raises the risk of snoring because it narrows the airway and adds fat around the neck. Snoring results from vibrations caused by this limitation. The airway may eventually collapse entirely or partially, interfering with sleep and resulting in obstructive sleep apnea. Maintaining a healthy weight can naturally reduce snoring.

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Signs of Snoring

Snoring individuals produce a loud, rattling, vibrating sound when they breathe while they sleep. It might indicate sleep apnea. Additional signs of sleep apnea could be:

  • Excessive drowsiness during the day.
  • Headaches in the morning.
  • The recent increase in weight.
  • Not feeling well after waking up in the morning.
  • I woke up in the middle of the night with confusion.
  • A shift in your degree of focus, memory, or attention.

Home Remedies For Snoring

Home Remedies For Snoring

Snoring is an involuntary process that is quite hard to stop. While some preventive measures and lifestyle changes impact its course, there is still no guarantee of a 100% effect.

In this section, we will highlight some effective snoring remedies that you can try right in the comfort of your own home.

1. Maintain Good Sleep Hygiene

Establishing a nightly routine and maintaining a calm sleeping environment can lessen snoring and encourage restful sleep. Avoiding electronics and caffeine right before bed and making your sleeping space comfortable can also improve sleep quality.

2. Use a Nasal Dilator or Nasal Strips

Nasal Dilator or Nasal Strips

Stick-on nasal strips can be applied to the bridge of your nose to help widen the nasal airway. It can help you breathe more efficiently and lessen or stop snoring.

An external nasal dilator is an additional option. You attach this hardened adhesive strip over the nostrils on top of the nose. Reducing airflow resistance and facilitating easier breathing may help with snoring. Other types of nasal dilators can be inserted into your nose. 

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3. Sleep on Your Side

Lying on one’s back increases the likelihood of snoring because it might push the tongue to the back of the throat. It makes breathing more difficult and may result in snoring vibrations.

Sleeping on one side may reduce vibrations and facilitate smoother airflow, which could reduce or eliminate the sound of snoring.

4. Elevate Your Head

By raising your head by a few inches with a pillow or adjustable bed, you can avoid snoring and maintain open airways. You can also accomplish this by putting a wedge-shaped pillow underneath your mattress.

5. Avoid Sleep Aids

Profound sleep can result from sedative drugs, also known as sleeping pills. It could cause snoring by relaxing the muscles in the throat. A physician can suggest healthy strategies to guarantee a restful night’s sleep.

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6. Give Up Smoking

Smoking obstructs the airways by inflaming and swelling the tissues in the mouth and the nasal passages. Additionally, because smoking promotes the production of mucus, you may be more susceptible to nasal congestion.

Giving up smoking helps reduce nasal congestion, swelling, and inflammation, contributing to snoring. Although quitting smoking can be challenging, a healthcare professional can offer support.

7. Wear a Mandibular Advancement Device

Mandibular Advancement Device

Snoring may result from a person’s tongue partially obstructing the back of their throat while they sleep. A mandibular advancement device is worn in the mouth to push the tongue forward and potentially reduce snoring.

8. Cut Down on Nasal Congestion

Snoring may result from nasal congestion, which makes it more difficult to breathe normally. Using a humidifier at night can help clear your nasal passages if you have allergies or a cold. Another way to lessen nasal congestion is to use a decongestant or inhale steam.

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9. Use a Vestibular Shield

Vestibular Shield

A vestibular shield is worn in the mouth. This gadget helps a person breathe through their nose, which may help avoid snoring caused by the mouth opening while they sleep.

10. Get Adequate Rest

Aim for the 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night required. Lack of sleep may make snoring more likely. It is because it may relax the muscles in your throat, increasing your vulnerability to airway blockage. Because it can disrupt sleep, snoring can also raise your risk of sleep deprivation.

When to Seek Medical Help


Even though you cannot hear your snoring, there are several techniques to determine whether your snoring is severe enough to warrant a medical evaluation. First, discover if your partner notices you gasping for oxygen, choking, or stopping your breathing while asleep.

Additionally, you can monitor yourself throughout the day. Look for signs such as:

  • Mouth dryness or sore throat
  • Excessive drowsiness during the day
  • Agitation or abrupt mood swings
  • Issues with memory or concentration
  • Headaches in the morning

If your snoring is severe, particularly if you wake up frequently feeling tired or agitated, or if your breathing starts and stops during the night, it could be time to consult a doctor.


Snoring can affect relationships, sleep quality, and even general health. Thankfully, natural ways to effectively prevent snoring include shifting your sleeping position, maintaining a healthy weight, and drinking enough water. Simple lifestyle changes like using a humidifier or raising your head while sleeping can also significantly impact your sleep.

Consistency is the secret to success. Even if these therapies take some time to use consistently, your breathing and sleep habits will significantly improve. Don’t hesitate; put these natural remedies into practice right now to have a more peaceful, restful sleep.

Have you tried any of these treatments? Have you ever used a personal tip that was successful? Leave a comment below on your experience! Check out our related guides on how to deal with insomnia and improve your sleeping patterns.

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  • Sep 2018
    Written by Somapika D
  • March 2025
    Edited by Ankita