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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersCardio is considered as one of the best workouts to build body muscles. Although many people just avoid cardio these days and directly go forward to the proper gymming workout. In most of the health programs, cardio training is actually necessary. Cardio also very helpful in preventing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is important for you to make small goals for yourself before starting the cardio workout. It will not only help in doing the things in a proper manner, it also helps in providing larger benefits. You can do cardio workout the smart way by applying various new ways to get good benefits.
Cardio should be done in 20-30 minutes of time with moderate to high intensity exercises. Concentrating more on your cardio for its intensity as well as time, you can get even better cardio benefits and it will also allow to save time for your other workouts. Here is the list of ways through which you can make your cardio smarter and get fit in no time.
Ways To Make Your Cardio Smarter
1Focus on your heart rate

While doing cardio, it is highly required to focus more on your heart rate. Fitness experts also suggest that it is important to track your heart rate while doing your cardio workout. It is also required to measure the intensity as well. Experts say that even though you are working out hard in your cardio, you can get the exact numbering through tracking your heart rate in monitors. This can also help you in tracking various changes in your whole cardio workout, which you can change accordingly to get more benefits. Instead of workout out hard without any idea, you can have a better target while doing cardio if you start to track your heart rate during the workout as this monitor will be guiding you on the intensity as well as working out techniques.
2Keep an eye on heart rate recovery

The dropping of rate after an intense workout should also be analyzed quite carefully. Experts say that this drop in heart levels provides a more clear idea about your fitness level. To do this, experts suggest that you should check how quickly your heart rate goes down after doing a high-intensity workout for 2-3 minutes. People have the habit of checking how their body reacts to the high intensity workout, but they forget to check hear rate droppings. According to the expert, you should aim for dropping of 10 hear beats per minute after the workout.
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3Develop cardiac strength

It is again one of the important points. Cardiac strength, basically, is the capability of your body to endure high intensity workout for longer period of times. For doing this you can use your intervals between your workouts smartly. Run on a treadmill as fast as you can for every 20-30 seconds and then walk on the treadmill to drop down your increased heart rate. While running fast your heart rate will increase by 85-90 percent and while walking, it will decrease to around 60 percent. Continue doing this to build your cardiac strength as taking your heart rate up, will help you in getting high health benefits.
4Improve heart threshold

Your anaerobic heart threshold refers to the point when it gets nearly impossible for you to bring in more oxygen to support your high intensity workout. Improving this, will help in getting more health benefits. The point, on which you just cannot extend the period of high intensity workout, appears at around 85 percent of heart rate, according to the experts. To understand this well, taking a talk test will help you. You should be able to utter 2-4 words in one breath after a high intensity workout. If you can do that without any difficulties, provide your body more intense workout. Improve this capability if yours to improve your heart threshold level. This will help you in surviving the very hard workout.
5Give a try to slower cardio as well

While it is important to cardio in high-intensity level, you should also give a try to slower cardio as well, according to the experts. It can provide a better alternative in doing the workout. While it cannot provide you workout like other exercises such as running as well as biking, it can come handy while recovering and also in increasing your activity training without getting a high intensity workout. You can try this on an alternate day between two high intensity workout days. Doing slow cardio helps you in increasing 65-70 percent of blood flow to the working muscles. However, avoid adding it into your main cardio program for getting better health benefits.
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By Prajakt K.