How to Remove Fluids From Lungs


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The condition of fluids in lungs is medically known as pulmonary edema. Edema means swelling which is caused due to the leaking of the fluid from inner blood vessels into the organs surrounded by it. Edema mostly occurs due to two important reasons, which are too much pressure on the blood vessel as well as insufficient amount of protein, which is needed to hold on the fluid to the plasma.

In pulmonary edema, swelling occurs into lungs. In this condition the fluid starts to accumulate in the alveoli, a part of your lungs, which has thin walls so that the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen take place but the water cannot come into the alveoli.

Fluid in lungs can causes difficulty in breathing as well as poor oxygenation of the blood. This problem can also be called as water in lungs. It is important to treat the condition of pulmonary edema as soon as possible as it may result into heart failure and other diseases.

Even though are various medicinal treatments available to treat the problem of fluid in lungs, opting for natural treatments to remove the fluid from lungs is always recommended. Here, we have tried to provide information about some of the major causes and symptoms of fluid in lungs along with best options on how to remove fluids from lungs naturally.

Symptoms of Fluid In Lungs

Some of the major symptoms of fluid from lungs are listed below.

  • Breathlessness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Hypoxia or low level of oxygen in blood
  • Abnormal crackling sound from lungs

Causes of Fluid In Lungs

Common causes of fluids in lungs are as follows

  • Kidney failure
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome
  • Aspirin overdose
  • Heroin
  • Methadone

How to Clear Fluid From Lungs Naturally?

fluid from lungs naturally
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As mentioned earlier, the condition of fluid in lungs or pulmonary edema can be cured with the help of few natural remedies. These remedies does not contain any side effects if used properly. Some of the effective natural remedies to cure fluid from lungs are listed below.

1. Matchstick Therapy

Even though the matchstick therapy looks highly wierd in treating pulmonary edema, it is one of the effective treatment on clearing fluid from lungs.

To use this technique, simply light two matchsticks and put them in a bowl, filled with water. Put on the lid and shake the water properly. Then consume two tablespoons of this mixture regularly for at least thrice every day. This is helpful in providing essential sulfur to the body. Sulfur is required for healthy lungs.

2. Effective Exercises

Performing effective exercises can also be helpful in getting rid of all the water from the lungs. Exercising is important as it is helpful in strengthening the lung muscles. Along with this, exercising also helps in maintaining your weight, normal blood pressure as well as the flow of oxygen. Jogging, light cardio exercises, as well as light-weight workouts, can be good choices to maintain healthy lungs.

3. Breathing exercises

Deep breathing exercises can also be helpful for maintaining lung health. It not only makes the lung muscles healthy but it is also helpful in keeping the infections as well as pneumonia away. You can perform these breathing exercises on an hourly basis.

4. Blowing Bottles To Get Rid Of Fluids

Blowing bottles is also helpful in reducing the fluids in the lungs. This is more common in patients in the hospital after the finishing of the surgical procedures. This technique should be done for 30 minutes for few seconds.

5. Short Breathing

Focusing more on your breathing also plays a key role in getting rid of fluids from lungs. Proper short breathing helps in keeping your lungs supplied with oxygen and keeps the fluid away. Make sure that you are inhaling with the help of your mouth and then exhaling with the nose in quick succession. Repeat this process for at least five minutes.

6. Healthy Balanced Diet

Another important thing to treat the problem of fluid in lungs is the consumption of healthy balanced diet. It is recommended to avoid foods, which are rich in salt such as pickles, cottage cheese, potato chips, processed meat, pizza, and alcohol. You should also opt for consuming lot of vegetables as well as fruits along with lean meat, low fat milk, soybean. This is helpful in getting important nutrients such as vitamins, magnesium, fibers and potassium.

7. Herbal Solution

Herbs can also be used to treat this illness. Consumption of juices of garlic, rosemary, horsetail, ginger, astragalus is also useful in getting rid of water from lungs. For maintaining better oxygenated blood circulation you can use herbs such as hawthorn, ginkgo biloba.

8. Massage Therapy

Opting for some proper massage therapy is also recommended to get rid of water from lungs naturally. Getting massage therapy also helps in maintaining stable blood circulation. Opting for aromatic oils such as clove oil, mustard oil, eucalyptus oil as well as garlic oil is also highly beneficial.

9. Steam Inhalation

Inhalation therapy also works effectively on getting rid of fluid from the lungs. Just feel the large pan of boiling water and add some aromatic tea bags to it such as chamomile, peppermint. Make sure that you are keeping your head covered with the help of a towel while inhaling the vapors. Perform this therapy for at least two minutes to get the best results possible.

10. Cough Therapy

Following proper cough therapy helps in getting rid of all the fluid and mucus in the lungs. However, it should be kept in mind that excessive coughing may apply too much pressure on the walls of lungs. Just sit relaxed and breathe in normally. Then you should release some air with full force. Repeat the process for 3-4 times before starting it again.

This is will be helpful in releasing all the water and mucus from the lungs.

These are some of the best natural treatments on how to get rid of fluid in lungs naturally. Follow this technique to remove all the water from lungs and keep yourself away from numerous future complications.