How To Treat A Jammed Finger? Everything You Need To Know


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How to treat a jammed finger

A jammed finger is no funny business. The excruciating pain along with the inflammation can be a matter of distress. If you have been suffering along and need to find how to treat a jammed finger, you have stumbled upon the best place.

Fixing a jammed finger can take some time but it is important to ensure that you do ensure to be patient with the process and not let anything jinx it along the way. Providing with the necessary insights, we are going to help you swerve through it for the relief that you do need.

By the end of this article, you will have a fair idea on how to heal a jammed finger and everything involved in the process altogether.

What is a Jammed Finger?

What is a Jammed Finger

Jammed finger is a very common phenomenon, which occurs majorly on accident. You wouldnโ€™t even realize it happening but the same does end up inflicting the pain altogether within the snap of the fingers (all pun intended).

In simpler terms, a jammed finger is a common injury that does end up causing pain, swelling or even imposes difficulty in the movement of the fingers.

Predominantly, the condition is caused because of the inflicted injury to the joint in the middle of the finger known as the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint.

This specific joint is supported with a number of small ligaments known as the collateral ligaments which when overstretched or strained end up causing issues with the condition of jammed finger.

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Causes Of A Jammed Finger

Causes Of A Jammed Finger

When it comes down to the causes behind a jammed finger, the possibilities are not quite extensive. Given the fact that the injury is inflicted by an accident, it is not surprising that the possibilities behind the condition are limited to the realms of a few happenstances.

One of the most common causes behind a jammed finger is when you end up smashing your finger against something and the force inflicted by the same end up forcing your finger towards your hand.

Sportsmen are often at a heightened risk of this condition, especially the ones in the sports indulging with a ball and such. Additionally, it is a possibility for you to end up jamming the fingers on your feet against the door and such, ending up causing a further problem altogether.

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Symptoms of a Jammed Finger

Symptoms of a Jammed Finger

The symptoms of a jammed finger are very evident. It is important to ensure that you do keep an eye out on the possible symptoms and get the necessary help to treat the condition for the better altogether.

It is very important to ensure that you do opt for better ways of treatment to fix a jammed finger instantly to not end up affecting the same for the worse.

Some of the symptoms of a Jammed Finger include:

  • Pain in the affected finger
  • Feeling of stiffness around the finger
  • Weakness in the finger
  • Redness and swelling

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What To Do For A Jammed Finger?

What To Do For A Jammed Finger

When it comes to the process of treatment to heal a jammed finger, the possibilities are actually quite extensive. There are a few ways in which one can extensively get rid of the pain as well as the accessory problems that one experience altogether.

Some of the effective treatment procedures that can help in getting over the condition altogether include:

1.Ice it up

Ice it up

The very first and the most beneficial form of treatment on how to treat a jammed finger is by putting ice on the affected finger.

The application of the ice does help in numbing the pain and getting rid of the inflammation to a certain extent as well.

It is very important to not just leave it on but gently press it on the injury so as to get the beneficial impacts on the healing process.

What to do?

  1. Immediately after the injury, try and source an ice pack and apply it directly on the jammed finger
  2. Leave the ice pack on the finger for 10-20 minutes
  3. Make sure to repeat this process multiple times throughout the day

How often?

  • Multiple times throughout the day

2.Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera GelYet another one of the amazing remedies to treat a jammed finger is with the usage of aloe vera gel.

Aloe Vera is known for its beneficial impacts because of the plethora of healing as well as anti-inflammatory (R) properties that it has. It is very important to ensure that you do opt for the natural aloe vera gel to get the maximum benefits out of it.

What to do?

  1. Cut open an aloe vera leaf and scoop the pulp out
  2. Once done, apply the same on the jammed finger
  3. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse off under running water

How often?

  • Multiple times throughout the day

Read: 35 Benefits of Aloe Vera Every Person Should Be Aware Of

3.Epsom Salt

Epsom SaltYet another one of the amazing ways to fix a jammer finger naturally is with the usage of Epsom salt.

You wouldnโ€™t know this but Epsom salt is quite effective in getting rid of not just the pain but also the inflammation that one experiences because of the condition of jammed finger.

The magnesium sulfate that is found in the Epsom salt is what imposes the beneficial anti-inflammatory properties in healing the condition from within.

What to do?

  1. Fill a large vesseled bowl with some warm water
  2. Once done, add 1-2 tbsp of the Epsom salt and let it dissolve completely
  3. Put your hand in the warm water and let it stay there for 15-20 minutes

How often?

  • Once or twice a day

Read: Important Tips to Use Epsom Salt for Boils

4.Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider VinegarApple Cider Vinegar is touted for the treatment of a number of conditions altogether. But, the same is believed to be quite beneficial in handling the condition associated with the problem of a jammed finger as well.

While the scientific evidence regarding this isnโ€™t the best of the best, the salient anti-inflammatory (R) properties of the apple cider vinegar has been found to have amazing impacts in hauling the problem caused because of the inflammation and such of the jammed finger. This also helps get rid of the pain altogether.

What to do?

  1. In a bowl, mix one tbsp of apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp of water
  2. Using a cotton pad, dab some of the solution on the affected finger
  3. Leave it on for 20 minutes or so and then rinse it off

How often?

  • Once or twice daily



Yet another one of the beneficial ways to heal a jammed finger is with the help of compression. Given the fact that the overstretch or such to the fingers and the ligaments ends up causing the inflammation and such, it is of no surprise that the condition does help in healing the problem from within altogether.

Splinting or even using bandages to wrap the finger up can help in getting rid of the inflammation and bring down the pain and the stiffness around in the fingers that you might be here complaining about.

What to do?

  1. Get a breathable material of bandage and wrap it around the injured finger
  2. Leave it on for hours at end
  3. This will help realign the finger and also get rid of the inflammation

How often?

  • Extended hours


TurmericTurmeric, as a potential treatment method, doesnโ€™t necessarily require any kind of explanation. The active compound in the turmeric, Curcumin, is what helps in alleviating the pain and the inflammation that majority of the people with a jammed finger experience.

Curcumin is loaded with beneficial anti-inflammatory (R) as well as healing properties which have been found to have beneficial impacts in getting rid of the pain and the swelling along with the stiffness too.

What to do?

  1. In a bowl, mix 1 tbsp of turmeric powder with some water to make a thick paste
  2. Apply the turmeric paste on the injured finger
  3. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes
  4. Rinse it off after that

How often?

  • Once or twice daily

Read: 25 Turmeric Golden Milk Benefits You Need To Know Of



Above all the remedies, the one that you most definitely need to pay close attention to is to ensure that you rest the finger with some elevation to ensure better blood circulation around.

This helps in keeping the injury to a bare minimum as well. Donโ€™t strain the fingers because the same does have the capability of ending up making the condition worse than you could possibly expect.

How To Prevent A Jammed Finger?

How To Prevent A Jammed Finger

While foreseeing the future isnโ€™t a near possibility, you can do things to prevent making the condition of the jammed finger even worse. If you have been suffering from the condition of jammed finger, there are some tips that you can keep in mind that can actually help prevent from making the condition worse.

Some of the preventive measures include:

  • Make sure that you do avoid using the jammed finger until and unless it has completely healed from the inside
  • Distance yourself from rigorous activities like sports and heavy lifting till the finger has completed healed
  • It is best suggested to keep the finger strapped and taped until it has healed and the swelling and pain has subsided completely
  • Once the pain and the inflammation has gone down, try and indulge in some exercises for the fingers to be able to get rid of the stiffness that often follows because of the inactivity of the finger

When it comes to how to treat a jammed finger, the process can be a bit prolonged but the end results are nothing short of amazing. It is best suggested to ensure that you do indulge in getting complete rest and avoid putting any kind of strain on the injured finger because that can end up making the situation worse.